"Ziyu, your younger brother Zhuge Kong clearly has great talent."

Sun Quan looked at Zhuge Jin and said with a smile after Zhuge Liang left.

"The Lord is too prestigious, Kong Ming's talent is indeed above me."

When Zhuge Jin saw this time, Sun Quan and Zhuge appeared to talk very happily, and he was also happy for Zhuge Liang.

"You said that this Zhuge Kongming, with such talent, why did he repeatedly lose to the hands of Cao thieves?"

Sun Quan felt that this was still very strange, he would talk to Zhuge Liang every day these days, and his insights were unique, and it should not be so.

"This... The minister did not know. Zhuge Jin was also a little confused when he was asked like this.

This question was not without asking Zhuge Liang, but Zhuge Liang himself did not know.

Every time I have confidence, I lose inexplicably.

"Maybe Liu Bei's strength is too low, and the gap in strength between the two sides is too big."

Zhuge Jin could only guess one in the end, which was also the most suitable explanation in his opinion.

"If I have Kong Ming's help, I will definitely be like a tiger."

"Did the Lord really say that?"

Zhou Yu looked at the person in front of him, his face was a little unpleasant.

"These words were said by the close attendants around the lord, and the lord also talked with Kong Ming every day these days."

"This Zhuge Kongming is just a general of the defeated army, dare to mislead the people here?"

"Dadu Governor, this Zhuge Kongming is so demagogic that sooner or later he will alienate me and wait, and Dadu Governor must guard against it."

Before Zhou Yu could speak, the Jiangdong generals under Zhou Yu were already unhappy at this time.

"Yes, Metropolitan Governor, they are just bereaved dogs who have come to join the lord, how can they let them steal your limelight like this?"

"What is it to grab the limelight, and where is he qualified to compare with most of us?"

For a time, Zhou Yu was also talking about it, but it was all for Zhou Yu.

"Enough, I have my own ideas on this matter, now that the big war is imminent, you should still be strictly prepared."

Zhou Yu glanced at them and waited until they were quiet before speaking.

Under Zhou Yu's words, everyone left Zhou Yu's capital governor's mansion.

After everyone left, Zhou Yu's face became even more gloomy.

It's a good Zhuge Kongming, but this Jiangdong land is not a place where you are a defeated general.

"Prepare the carriage, I will go to see the Lord."

When Zhou Yu came to Sun Quan's mansion, as soon as the carriage stopped, he saw Zhuge Liang and Lu Su coming out of the mansion together.

"The Metropolitan Governor is here, I wonder what happened to the Metropolitan Governor?"

After Lu Su saw Zhou Yu coming, he immediately asked.

"Now that the war is imminent, I have something to see the lord, why, can't I see the lord?"

"Most of them are bad at this." Lu Su was a little puzzled, why was Zhou Yu so angry today.

"In that case, then we won't disturb Dadudu."

Zhuge Liang also opened his mouth to take his leave at this time.

"Kong Ming, what's wrong with the Metropolitan Governor today?"

After Zhou Yu entered, Lu Su asked Zhuge Liang on the side puzzled.

"It seems that Ryo inadvertently offended the Metropolitan Governor."

Zhuge Liang obviously felt Zhou Yu's hostility towards him.

In Sun Quan's mansion, Zhou Yu went straight to see Sun Quan after entering.


"Gong Jin is here, please get up, now that the big war is imminent, I don't know why Gong Jin suddenly came?"

Sun Quan immediately helped Zhou Yu up and asked.

Zhou Yu was the governor of Jiangdong, and assisted Sun Ce in laying the foundation of Jiangdong, which was the pillar of Jiangdong.

"Lord, now that the great war is imminent, Cao Cao is fighting with armaments, on the waterway, the army is at war, bows and arrows are the first, and now our army is short of arrows, which is really not conducive to war."

"In that case, it should be to ask someone to supervise the construction as soon as possible, so as not to miss the fighter at that time."

Sun Quan also frowned after hearing this, this is indeed a problem, so it is no wonder that Zhou Yu will come today.

"Now all the generals have important tasks in hand, and the ministers cannot find a reliable person to supervise this thing for a while."

Zhou Yu looked at Sun Quan and explained again.

"If that's the case, Gong Jin, who do you think is competent, I will assign someone to you."

"If so, Gong Jin thanks the lord, the minister heard that Zhuge Kongming, who is brilliant and proficient in KitKat, and this matter is entrusted to him, and the minister thinks it is most appropriate."

"Moreover, now that Liu Bei has turned to the lord, this Zhuge Liang should also make a contribution."

Zhou Yu used the words he had thought of long ago to deal with Sun Quan.

Sun Quan already appreciated Zhuge Liang very much, and his eyes lit up after hearing Zhou Yu's words, "It's so good, just to see his ability."

"Okay, let Zhuge Kongming handle this matter, and you go to pass on the order."

"Yes, Master." After Zhou Yu received Sun Quan's affirmation, he immediately left Sun Quan.

Zhou Yu left Sun Quan and went directly to Zhuge Liang without hesitation.

When Zhou Yu found Zhuge Liang, he was still with Lu Su.

Zhou Yu was even more displeased when he saw it.

This Lu Su is a person from Jiangdong, and he is so close to Zhuge Liang.


The two got up and saluted Zhou Yu.

"No need to be polite, I came here today, I also brought the warrant of the lord, and there is something that needs to be handed over to Kong Ming."

Zhou Yu looked at the two and said with a smile, signaling that they didn't have to be polite.

"The two of you also know that when fighting on the river, this bow and arrow comes first, and now our army lacks arrows, and the Lord has an order, let Mr. Zhu be responsible for supervising the construction of arrows to replenish military supplies."

"Then I wonder how many arrows the Metropolitan Governor needs and how long will it take to complete?"

After Zhuge Liang listened to Zhou Yu's intentions, he immediately asked.

"Not much, 100,000 arrows is enough, as for time, naturally the sooner the better, so how about I give Mr. ten days?"

"Ten days?" After Lu Su listened, he couldn't help frowning, "Ten days, this is too difficult for a strong person, why didn't Gong Jin directly say five days?"

"Well, since Zijing spoke, then in just five days, I have long heard that Mr. is proficient in KitKat, and it is not difficult to think about it."

Zhou Yu glanced at Lu Su, and then immediately settled.


After Zhou Yu finished speaking, he directly got up and left.

"This... Kong Ming, this Gongjin is clearly aimed at you, it is I who lost my words and hurt you.

Lu Su looked at Zhuge Liang and became a little embarrassed.

Zhuge Liang really wanted to say, you didn't pit me, but at this point, he wouldn't say such a face-turning thing.

"Zi Jing rest assured, a hundred thousand arrows, it is difficult for me, but this matter still needs Zi Jing's help."

Zhuge Liang shook the feather fan in his hand lightly, looking at Lu Su and said very confidently.

"Zijing is relieved, 100,000 arrows, bright and easy to get."

Seeing that Lu Su still didn't believe it, Zhuge Liang emphasized it again.

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