"Kong Ming, this Cao Jun has not moved, will there be something wrong?"

After Lu Su drank two glasses of wine, he saw that the soldiers outside were scolding more and more, and the drums were getting louder and louder, and his heart became even more uneasy.

"Cao Thief is suspicious, why is it wrong, I think Zijing has never had such a stimulating experience."

Zhuge Liang looked at Lu Su with a smile and persuaded.

"Come on, then beat the drums and shout." Zhuge Liang looked at the sergeant outside and ordered.

"Since Kong Ming has a good heart, Na Zijing can only wait and see what happens."

Lu Su looked at Zhuge Liang, and it was not good to say anything more, he had already boarded this boat, and he couldn't run.

"Zijing is optimistic that the gift from Cao Thief is about to arrive."

Above the Cao Jun Water Village camp, the archers at this time were all ready.

"Ignite, all fire, the people on the ship are waiting for our gifts."

Zhuge Qiu personally looked at those soldiers and ordered.

Mad, Zhuge Liang, whether you came to borrow arrows or not, you dared to come in the middle of the night to scare me into going to the toilet.

"Drop the arrows."

After Gan Ning saw that the fire had already been lit, he immediately ordered.

Suddenly, the fog filled the sky, and thousands of rockets and arrows fired in unison, shooting towards the place where the drum sounded.

The original fog was also dispelled a lot.

Zhuge Liang had already calculated and put all his ships within the range of Cao Jun.

"Arrow, arrow is coming."

When the sergeant at the bow saw the rockets being fired, he was also startled, all the boats were within range, and it was difficult for them to run.

"Kong Ming, the pawn outside?" When Lu Su heard this, he was immediately a little puzzled.

"It's okay, the one who sent the arrow came, and the gift that Cao Cao sent us arrived."

Zhuge Liang was very indifferent, and his smile became even more confident.

"Rockets, rockets, all rockets."

As soon as Zhuge Liang's words fell, the soldiers outside became even more flustered, and the grass men on the ship were quickly burned.

Only then did Zhuge Liang realize that something was wrong and hurriedly rushed out.

I saw that the end facing Cao Cao's village was already burning, and countless rockets lit up the surface of the river.

"Go, go."

Zhuge Liang was no longer calm at this time.

In fact, Zhuge Liang did not say, those soldiers also knew that they were going to run at this time.

If you don't run again, isn't it waiting for death?

Lu Su also came out of the bow of the boat at this time, and he was also shocked to see such a spectacular scene.

"Kong Ming, is this the stimulation you want?"

Irritate a fart.

Zhuge Liang wanted to say something back to Lu Su, but he thought that he had said it himself before.

In the future, he still needs Lu Su's help, and he can only endure it.

"Shouyi really has a clever calculation, this Sun Quan Xiaoer, wants to take advantage of this fog to trick me into waiting for the arrow feather."

The rocket and the fire on Zhuge Liang's ship had already illuminated the river, and twenty boats could see it clearly.

"Shouyi, thanks to you, otherwise, you would have to be successful."

Zhuge Qiu smiled and did not speak, in fact, he did not expect it.

I thought that Liu Bei had turned to Sun Quan, and there should be no grass boats to borrow arrows.

As a result, he encountered this incident when he entered the water village for the first time today.

So many rockets, this is the anchor of the future generation does not have this treatment.

Looking at Zhuge Liang's twenty small boats, like torches disappearing into the night, Zhuge Qiu's heart was also much refreshed.

"Remember, next time someone will take advantage of the fog to call for battle, just deal with it."

After Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, then Cao Cao ordered the troops to be collected.

"Dadu Governor, this Zhuge Liang asked us to come to the river to receive arrows, what is he going to do, is it true that he really has the ability to conjure up 100,000 arrows?"

On the other side, Zhou Yu and Huang Gai had already led people to the shore to meet them.

Yesterday, Zhuge Liang had already sent someone to tell them that the arrows could arrive today.

"I think he's just pretending to be a ghost." Someone does not believe.

Zhou Yu did not answer, he was also a little unsure, after all, Zhuge Liang's reputation, he had also heard of it.

"Here, there is movement, everyone look at it."

"There is a boat, and the stern is on fire."

"What kind of novel cruise ship is this?"

When Zhuge Liang's ship appeared, it immediately attracted an exclamation.

"Help, most of them help."

On the other side, Lu Su's voice was already ringing.

To be able to come back was already unbelievable that he felt dead.

Although Zhou Yu is not cold to them in the past two days, in his opinion, Zhou Yu is now a savior.

"Mostly Governor help."

The sergeant in the bow also shouted desperately.

Zhuge Liang couldn't cry out bitterly, originally he wanted Zhou Yu to see how he borrowed arrows.

The result was such a embarrassing scene to be seen.

He couldn't figure out why he couldn't please every time he used his plan.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and Zhuge Liang didn't have time to figure it out, at this time, Lu Su had already directly pulled him to jump.

With a pop, the others also quickly jumped down.

Now Zhou Yu's people are on the shore, not far from them.

"Much... Thank you to Metropolitan Governor for saving us. When

Zhuge Liang woke up, he was already rescued by Zhou Yu to the shore.

"Kong Ming, you won't specifically let Pontus bring so many people here, just to save you."

When Zhou Yu saw the scene in front of him, he already thought of Zhuge Liang's strategy, and also saw that Zhuge Liang had failed his strategy, so he was embarrassed.

However, he naturally will not let go of such an opportunity.

"Kong Ming is shameful, he has betrayed the trust of the Metropolitan Governor."

At this point, Zhuge Liang could only bite the bullet and admit it.

"No harm, no harm, Kong Ming's move will definitely be passed down to future generations."

"Future generations will surely remember the story of Kong Mingcao's borrowing of rockets."

Zhou Yu looked at Zhuge Liang and comforted with a smile, but everyone was not stupid, and the meaning of ridicule in his words was self-evident.

For a time, the story of Zhuge Liang's grass boat borrowing arrows quickly spread in Jiangdong.

"Big brother, take a look, this is the military master you invited, and now we are all about to become the laughing stock of Jiangdong."

Zhang Fei was the first to stand up and said in front of Zhuge Liang.

"Kong Ming, can you do it?"

Zhuge Liang was bitter in his heart, but there was nothing he could do, and he was actually reduced to being made fun of by a butcher.

"Big brother, in this way, I'm afraid it will be more difficult for us to gain a foothold in Jiangdong."

Guan Yu also frowned, and now the entire Jiangdong was discussing this matter.

"I have already inquired clearly, this Sun Quan has a sister who has not yet come out of the cabinet, not only has an extraordinary appearance, but also is deeply loved by Wu Guotai."

"If you can win her favor, you don't have to worry about it at that time."

Liu Bei glanced at a few people and said, then fixed his gaze on Zhuge Liang's body.

"Kong Ming, you always have a way to do this, right?"

"Big brother, you don't have a fever, Kong Ming and his own wife have run away, you let him give you ideas?"

Liu Bei was stunned, as if there was really such a thing, he was still present at that time.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that this matter really can't be handed over to Zhuge Liang.

"Report, lord, there is an ugly-looking man outside, and he wants to see the military master."

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