Cao Cao called Xun Yu and Cheng Yu into his big tent, and only then called Pang Tong in.

After Pang Tong came in, their first impression was that it was ugly.

"Pang Tong has seen Prime Minister Cheng."

Pang Tong didn't know if he had long been accustomed to this kind of gaze, so he didn't care at all, but looked at Cao Cao and saluted.

"You are the phoenix chick?" After Cao Cao came back to his senses, he looked at Pang Tong and asked, as if to confirm.

"Exactly." Pang Tong replied.

"I wonder what Sir means by this?" Cao Cao looked at Pang Tong and continued to ask.

"As I have already said below, come to relieve the prime minister's difficulties and help Cao Gong achieve unified hegemony."

"Joke, my army is ready to go, what is the dilemma, you are a phoenix chick, didn't Zhuge Kongming tell you the power of our army?"

Cao Cao looked at Pang Tong and said with a smile, this Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang are the same name, called Lying Dragon and Phoenix Hatchling, at this time, stepping on Zhuge Liang's foot is naturally equivalent to stepping on Pang Tong.

"The power of the prime minister, Pang Tong naturally knows everything, but Pang Tong does not know anything, and he also asks the prime minister to teach him."

Pang Tong was also not angry with Cao Cao's attitude.

"Let's hear it."

Cao Cao was also a little more interested when he saw Pang Tong like this.

This man is so ordinary, yet so confident.

"Pang Tong dares to ask, Cao Gong, there are good doctors in the army?"

Pang Tong's question, others were also a little unresponsive, a little did not follow.

Good, suddenly asked the doctor something.

"How do you know, two divine doctors were specially invited in the army."

Instead, Xu Chu thought of Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo, who Zhuge Qiu specially invited, and subconsciously replied.

Pang Tong glanced at Xu Chu, and he was almost choked, this answer seems to be a little wrong, but fortunately the problem is not big.

"The Northern Army does not know the nature of water, and the water army has many diseases, if there is no good doctor, why should the prime minister train the water army."

As soon as these words came out, Cao Cao and Xun Yu's faces finally changed.

It seems that this person really has some skills, and he can even see this.

But soon, they thought of what Zhuge Qiu had explained when he left.

"You're here to offer?" Xun Yu asked first.

"Naturally, I have a plan, but I can make the army of the prime minister run rampant above the great river, as if walking on the ground, and let him go up and down the wind and waves, and he will not be afraid."

Pang Tong glanced at Xun Yu, as if to say, isn't that nonsense what you said?

But he held back and replied confidently.

"Your strategy won't be to let the prime minister connect the warship with iron locks, right?" Cheng Yu also asked at this time.

"Yes, it is so, if the prime minister is equipped with a large ship and a small boat, or thirty in a row, or fifty in a row, with iron rings at the end and an iron ring at the end, and a broad plank on the top, the man can cross and the horse can walk. By taking advantage of this, we will be able to solve the dilemma of the prime minister.

Pang Tong subconsciously answered and said, very confident, but after speaking, he was stunned.

No, I haven't said a strategy, how do you know it's a chain of chains.

"How do you know?"

Pang Tong also looked like a ghost, and more importantly, he found that the eyes of others looking at him had also changed.

"Do you still want to wait for our army to chain with iron cables, and you are burning us all in one fire?"

Cao Cao did not answer, but looked at Pang Tong with a meaningful expression.

"That's right... Not... No..." Pang Tong was suddenly startled.

He had never told anyone about this plan, and how Cao Jun already knew about it.

"Prime Minister, Prime Minister Don't listen to the villain."

At this time, Pang Tong was no longer calm, and immediately looked at Cao Cao and explained.

"Sir, do you mean that I am a villain?" Xun Yu looked at Pang Tong and asked with a smile.

"Gongda said this, it is clear that I debunked his strategy, it seems that I am the villain." Cheng Yu was also busier to answer.

"In the next gaffe, in the next gaffe."

Pang Tong listened and knew that he had said the wrong thing.

"Prime Minister, I am making a good intention, and I also ask Prime Minister to check it out."

Cao Cao was actually not really angry with Pang Tong, because Zhuge Qiu had already told him.

Instead, it was funny, this feeling of being in control and not knowing the prophet.

"Well, since you mean well, then I won't embarrass you much, after all, Mr. Phoenix, who is famous all over the world, how dare he snub."

"Xu Chu, you take him down, give him thirty small boats, and let him personally connect them."

Don't you like the chain chain, then I'll let you have a hard time.

"Prime Minister I..."

Pang Tong was just about to refuse, but seeing Cao Cao's eyes, he immediately provoked.

"Xie Chengxiang."

Pang Tong cried and was taken out directly, thinking of the scene that had just happened, it felt like a dream.

After Pang Tong left, Cao Cao and the others laughed directly.

"Lord, I look at this Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chiling, I'm afraid it will be folded in Shouyi's hands."

Xun Yu also seemed to be unable to close his mouth.

"Xu Chu, you have to send someone to take care of it, don't let the Pang Tong people run away."

Cao Cao ordered with a smile.

The news that Pang Tong had been captured to personally cast iron cables quickly spread.

The villain Pang Tong is also a phoenix chick, and under the spread of Cao Jun's intention, soon Jiang Dong also knew the news.

Zhou Yu directly sprayed out a sip of tea. "Seriously?"

"Dadu Governor, this matter is really true, it has spread throughout Jiangdong, and now the whole Jiangdong is spreading, the name of the Lying Dragon and Phoenix Hatchling."

Huang Gai said with great certainty.

"Dadudu, since this Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick entered Jiangdong, the wind has overshadowed you, I see you..."

Zhou Yu quickly waved his hand to interrupt Huang Gai's words.

He now wondered if this Crouching Dragon Phoenix was not in his brain.

One ran to be burned, and the other was sent to the door to do coolies.

"By the way, how did Zhuge Kongming react after knowing this news?"

As if thinking of something again, Zhou Yu asked.

"Back to the Metropolitan Governor, according to our people, he seems to laugh."

"The plan to resist Cao Cao has to be considered in the long run." In the end, Zhou Yu felt that he still had to rely on himself for this matter.


The news reached Jiangdong, let alone Zhuge Qiu in the dry village.

Before he had time to mourn for Pang Tong, he and Zhang Zhongjing had already begun to investigate for schistosis.

"Little God Doctor, could it be that you are too cautious?"

After a few days of not finding out, Zhang Zhongjing felt that it could be that Zhuge Qiu had misjudged it.

"Sir, the Prime Minister is here."

As soon as Zhuge Qiu was about to speak, a voice sounded outside, and Cao Cao was already laughing and walking in.

"I've seen Prime Minister Cheng, I've seen Duke Cao." The two hurried to greet each other.

"Old Cao, why are you here, something happened again?"

"No, the big war is imminent, I am preparing a big banquet for the three armies to motivate the three armies, and I personally come to invite Shouyi to the banquet."

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