"That's what I said, besides, Sun Shangxiang is probably not as tiger as you."

"What Mr. said is, how dare I compare with Miss Sun, Xiaoxiao is a bitter person."

In order not to be exposed, Sun Shangxiang can only cooperate with the acting.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Sun Shangxiang's argument, and he had already concluded in his heart that this guy was Sun Shangxiang.

See how long you can fit it.

Alas, it's time to accompany you to act, life is like a play, all rely on acting skills.

Zhuge Qiu and Sun Shangxiang are acting at each other here.

On the other side, Liu Bei's side was not idle, to be precise, the entire Jiangdong was not idle.

Sun Shangxiang is gone, and this matter will definitely not be hidden for long.

But fortunately, when Sun Shangxiang went to find Liu Bei to blend into the barracks, in order not to be discovered, it was all covered up and went alone.

Sun Quan checked and checked. It was also found out that Liu Bei had gone to find Sun Shangxiang.

But during this time, Liu Bei went to pursue Sun Shangxiang every day, and almost everyone in Jiangdong knew about it.

"The lord's intention is to suspect that Liu Bei hid the young lady?"

In Sun Quan's study, at this time, Lu Su and they all gathered together, and asked after understanding what Sun Quan meant.

"But this Liu Bei pursues Miss, everyone knows, I think he will not be so bold." Zhuge Jin replied at this time.

"What Ziyu said is reasonable, this Liu Bei pursues the young lady with great fanfare, it is nothing more than wanting to use this to become the son-in-law of Jiangdong Chenglong Express, turning over in one fell swoop, if it is to murder the young lady, there is no point."

Lu Su and Zhuge Liang have a good relationship, and naturally they are slightly inclined, and the analysis is also reasonable.

"Liu Bei, what changes have they made recently?"

Sun Quan couldn't be sure, so he could only ask again.

"After the failure of the strategy of burning Ulin, Liu Bei sent people to Ulin many times to explore, seemingly looking for an opportunity to send troops again."

Zhang Zhao also spoke at this time, and Liu Bei's action was not abnormal in his opinion.

After listening to it, others also did not feel anything abnormal.

"Lord, now that the Cao thief is still looking at the tiger, and our army has lost one after another, we should still pay attention to the overall situation and focus on the war."

Zhou Yu never spoke, and at this time he also stepped forward.

"But... But

the old lady's side..." Sun Quan naturally knew that the war was important, but the old lady's side was urgent, and Sun Shangxiang was his own sister, so he couldn't ignore it.

"Don't worry, Gong Jin will do his best to track it down."

Zhou Yu also understood Sun Quan's difficulties, and he could only bear it first.

"That's all there is to it." Sun Quan could only sigh helplessly in the end.

"Now that our tactics have been repeatedly seen through, is it really God who wants to help Cao Thief."

"Lord, think about it a lot, this defeat may not be because Cao Cao saw through the strategy, Guandu battle, Cao Cao burned the black nest, knowing the importance of grain and grass, it is me who underestimated the enemy."

Zhou Yu explained, true or false, now to stabilize people's hearts, it can only be said.

"This plan doesn't work, I must make a good strategy early, I'm tired, let's go down."

After Sun Quan listened to Zhou Yu's words, he waved his hand, the war was unfavorable, his sister disappeared again, and he was also tired.

"We retreat."

After leaving Sun Quan, everyone went back to the mansion.

Lu Su went towards where Liu Bei lived.

In the mansion, Liu Bei was also unhappy at this time.

"It's been so long, and there is no news yet?"

"Yun Chang, let you protect people well, how can you lose it."

Seeing that there was still no news, Liu Bei couldn't help but complain again.

I thought that after this incident, I would be able to hold the beauty back, but now everyone is gone.

"Big brother, you can't blame the second brother for this, you haven't made it clear."

Zhang Fei said for Guan Yu at this time.

"I don't blame who he blames, I haven't said anything about you, Ulin hasn't been burned, and the people are lost."

"Now I have lost my wife and broken the army, and I have no money or money."

Liu Bei looked at Zhang Fei angrily and also replied.

"If you want to blame, you blame Zhuge Liang, if it weren't for his bad idea, we wouldn't have to send troops to Ulin."

Zhuge Liang originally didn't say a word, but at this time, Zhang Fei directly threw the pot to him.

He secretly cried in his heart, you ring-eyed thief, you are useless, and you still dumped the pot for me.

If it weren't for you angry with Zhao Yun, the three of you would have led the army together, and you would have been able to do so.

"Report, Lord Lu Su is coming to visit."

When Zhuge Liang was thinking about whether to say something, fortunately, Lu Su's arrival relieved him.

"Quick, please come in."

As soon as Liu Bei heard this, he immediately spoke, but he knew that Sun Quan had summoned the ministers today.

"I've seen Duke Xuande."

"Adults are more polite, now I am also engaged in Jiangdong, do not dare to take this gift."

"I heard that Miss Sun is missing, I wonder if there are any clues now?"

Liu Bei saluted back, and then immediately looked at Lu Su and asked.

After all, if it was found out, he secretly inserted Sun Shangxiang into the barracks, and the accident disappeared, then it would be troublesome.

"Temporarily cordless." Lu Su also shook his head.

After Liu Bei heard this, he was also relieved in his heart, in this way, he was still safe in Jiangdong.

"Zijing rest assured, I will definitely send more people to explore the news of the young lady, and I will definitely not let the young lady have an accident, my heart for the young lady, heaven and earth can be learned."

Liu Bei naturally did not show the thoughts in his heart, but looked at Lu Su and solemnly promised.

Lu Su was originally an honest person, and after hearing Liu Bei's words, he was also very moved, after all, during this time, Liu Bei desperately pursued Sun Shangxiang.

"Duke Xuande is really infatuated, but it's a pity that the young lady doesn't know how to cherish it, and before the young lady also asked my lord to send an errand to avoid Xuandegong, and the lord finally refused."

Lu Su looked at Liu Bei and said with great emotion.

Liu Bei was stunned on the spot, "What did Zijing say?" She

took the trouble to arrange for Sun Shangxiang to participate in this operation, but she turned out to avoid herself.

So what did he do, didn't he push Sun Shangxiang out?

"I mean Duke Xuande, don't worry, I think the young lady may simply not want to see you this time, so she left."

Where did Lu Su know what Liu Bei was thinking, so he explained further.

In this way, Liu Bei could also worry less and focus more on dealing with Cao Cao.

As everyone knows, these words gave Liu Bei another critical blow.

After a busy circle, the person is lost, forget it, and the last clown turned out to be himself.

Seeing that Lu Su seemed to have something to say, Liu Bei quickly stopped him, and then took Lu Su away with a painful face.

He was really afraid, and Lu Su said something.

Seeing Liu Bei like this, Lu Su was even more moved, "Duke Xuande, it's really infatuation."

"Duke Xuan De rest assured, even if you only have one ear, the young lady can't see you, and she will speak for you in the next."

"Thank you Zijing, Zijing better go quickly." Liu Bei felt that if it weren't for Jiangdong, he would have to do it.

Zhuge Liang also turned his head on the side, and couldn't bear to look directly, Zi Jing really didn't open which pot.

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