Where did Zhuge Qiu know about things outside the tent, and the drunk Sun Shangxiang did not talk about wine morality, tossed for half the night, and finally died drunk.

The next day, when Zhuge Qiu got up later than usual, Sun Shangxiang was not to mention, and now he was still drunk on the bed.

Zhuge Qiu thought that he would go to discuss military affairs with Cao Cao today, and it was too late to wash up in a hurry, so he passed.

This old Cao is also, in general, if he wakes up late, won't he call someone to find him?

When Zhuge Qiu came to the big tent, Cao Cao and Yigan Wen Wu had already arrived.

I don't know if it's his own illusion, he thinks it's a little weird for everyone to look at him today.

"Shou... Shouyi is coming. Cao Cao was the first to speak.

"Shouyi, did you rest last night?"

"Don't mention it, toss until midnight." Zhuge Qiu subconsciously replied.

A drunken woman is not terrible, but a martial artist is miserable.

"Shouyi should pay attention to the body." Cheng Yu persuaded with a serious face.

"Shouyi, without filial piety, I am already very distressed, you have to cherish your body."

Cao Cao also hurriedly persuaded.

"Why are you guys saying this all of a sudden?"

"How do you feel weird?"

The more Zhuge Qiu said, the more confused he felt, how can this group of people have a conscience today.

In the past, when they drank and, they didn't let themselves go.

"Report, Prime Minister, enemy troops have been found on the water village on the river."

At this moment, the soldier hurriedly came in and reported.

"Is there movement in Koto?"

Zhuge Qiu was a little surprised, this Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang had been planning for so long, and finally started.

Cao Cao, they don't think so.

Zhuge Qiu: This is a topic change.

But think about it, Longyang's fetish is difficult to talk about.

Sure enough, the geniuses are all some quirks.

Bonghyo was addicted to wine and hollowed out his body.

Five stones scattered and did not leave the body.

Compared with them, their hobbies are really not geniuses.

It's so ordinary.

"Go check it out." After sighing, Cao Cao immediately ordered.

A group of people came to the front of Dazhai.

The south of the Cao Jun Water Village is divided into 24 gates, all of which have warships, listed as cities and rivers, small boats in China and Tibet, with alleys and alleys, undulating and orderly, at

this time the warships of Jiangdong on the river surface appeared on the surface of the river.

Above the Jiangdong warship, the big banner with black characters on a white background is very eye-catching.

"Metropolitan Governor, now that the Cao army has discovered us, when will we attack?"

Ding Feng and Xu Sheng looked at Zhou Yu and asked puzzled.

"The two of us are willing to be ashamed of the pioneer again."

"Okay, the two generals have this intention, but the attack is not urgent."

Zhou Yu looked at the proactive Ding Feng and Xu Sheng, and he was also very approving.

"But if the Cao army is prepared, I am afraid that our army will not be able to invade."

Han Dang also spoke on the side at this time.

"You don't need to be anxious, everything that is subject to the orders of the governor of this capital is, today's battle, our battlefield is not here."

When the others saw Zhou Yu's calm face, they were also puzzled.

"Did the Metropolitan Governor think of a clever plan?" Some young Confucian generals on the side looked at Zhou Yu with an adoring look and asked.

"Bo Yan, today you can study hard with the Metropolitan Governor again."

The general on the side, who was four or five years older, immediately said with a smile.

Zhou Yu listened to Lu Xun and Lu Meng, one by one, and his heart was also indescribably cool, but he still had to be humble in his mouth.

"Ziming's words, I don't dare to behave, you two are both young talents in Jiangdong, and Jiangdong will still rely on you in the future."

Above the water village, although Zhuge Qiu and they couldn't hear what Zhou Yu was saying.

However, they had no intention of attacking at all, but it made Cao Cao and them feel puzzled.

"Prime Minister, this Zhou Yu's army suddenly appeared on the river, but there was no intention of attacking, I was afraid that there was fraud in it."

Xun Yu reminded on the side.

"Hmm." Cao Cao also nodded in agreement, everyone knew that Zhou Yu could not pull forty or fifty thousand people out for a walk for no reason.

"At this time, the movement of the Jiangdong army is unknown, pass the order down, the whole army is on alert, pay attention to the enemy's movement."

Cao Cao immediately ordered, and at this time, he could only respond to all changes with no change.

Zhuge Qiu looked at the Jiangdong warship in the distance, and also fell into deep thought.

Cao Cao's arrangement must be no problem, Zhou Yu's intentions are not clear, and if he rashly attacked, he must have suffered a loss, and the water army was not Cao Jun's strong point in the first place.

However, if you keep shrinking here, then it is very likely that you will fall for Zhou Yu's scheme.

No, something must have been overlooked.

In history, Zhou Yu's army used a plan to burn a series of links, defeating Cao Cao's army in one fell swoop, and in history, Zhou Yu's fire attack plan.

The biggest credit is still Huang Gai's bitter meat plan, if it were not for Huang Gai's trick, so that Cao Cao relaxed his guard, and when Huang Gai's fireship approached, he found that it was too late.

In the end, he encountered an epidemic, which made Cao Cao's army completely defeated and unable to march south.

Now that Huang Gai has been pitted by himself, will Zhou Yu still attack with fire?

This is possible because fire attack is the most effective means of destroying Cao Cao's warships on a large scale.


By the way, it is the warship, although the fire attack is not impossible, but no matter what means, Zhou Yu will not give up destroying the Cao Jun warship.

And in this way, Zhou Yu's biggest goal is the serial ship that he specially prepared for him.

Zhuge Qiu quickly told Cao Cao about his thoughts.

"Shouyi means that Zhou Yu's army will still use fire attacks?"

Jia Xu asked with a frown.

"In addition to fire attacks, he also has a plan to destroy warships."

After Zhuge Qiu figured it out, he immediately said with a smile.

"Shouyi, don't sell it." After Cao Cao listened, he urged.

"Chiseled the ship."

Zhuge Qiu lightly spit out two words.

"My big village, there are so many warships, even if there are good water, I am afraid that they will not be able to gouge them one by one."

Cao Cao felt that this was outrageous.

"What the Prime Minister said is that no matter how good he is, he will never be able to do so."

Xun Yu and they all echoed and said, this is more outrageous than fire attack.

"Why do you have to gouge all the warships, don't you forget that the last warships that General Yu Ban went out on last time were connected with iron cables."

"You only need to gouge one ship, and naturally the other ships will be buried together."

Zhuge Qiu was also speechless in their minds.

When they said this, they also reacted.

"Dadu Governor, if it is really a brilliant plan, in this way, the Cao thief's warship will be destroyed, and then it will be time for us to attack in a big way."

On the other side, Zhou Yu also told everyone about the strategy.

"In today's battle, the Metropolitan Governor will be able to be humiliated, and the land of Jiangdong will once again spread the legend of the Metropolitan Governor."

Lu Xun looked at Zhou Yu with adoration.

No, why should I say again?

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