"Ah, I'm sorry—I said, we are professionals. Now, I have found out the real part of the enemy."

Hearing Lilia's whispers, Gao Qi immediately let go of her, looking polite, while Lilia immediately pretended to go to check the computer, and stayed away from Gao Qi.

Compared with those twisted and terrifying demons, she felt that Gao Qi's powerful arms and strong chest brought her more pressure.

How long had she not been hugged since her husband's history?

"The situation we are facing is very grim. The reliance we rely on to fight against demons lies in our world's rejection of them. If they have mastered the ability to forcibly materialize, then...after Simona returns , we must have a meeting."

The battle just now made Lilia realize how bad the current situation is. Although the stitched creations are not too powerful, there is no doubt that they have not received too much weakening from the material world.

In the past, demons would confuse people and control beasts to attack and harm the real world, but now, they seem to... have found a way to directly manufacture carriers.

"Also, they seem to have mentioned Chimera just now. I haven't heard of this term for a long time. The descendants of the combination of different races... Maybe it has a unique meaning for demons. Unfortunately, we don't have Chimera here. pull-"

At this moment, Lilia's computer has returned to normal, and the mobile hard disk has not moved. Lilia is determined to completely destroy it, but before that, she saw an open Notepad file.

Among the documents, half were garbled characters that could not be extracted from the lexicon, and the other part was recognizable Ursasi language—these demons obviously didn't learn how to keep it secret.

In the notebook, the special term "Chimera" appeared many times.

However, before Lilia finished speaking, Tallulah, who was still vigilant, immediately raised her hand.

"Well, if Drake and the dragons are not considered a race, I... probably are? Chimera? They wouldn't want to catch me because of this, would they?"

On the side, Gao Qi raised his eyebrows and suddenly thought of something.

The little rabbit he had saved in Kazdel before would become a Chimera in the future due to some position, but now, in front of him, a genuine Chimera was standing here.

Gao Qi seemed to have figured out a lot of things.


I have watched Douyu anchors play Blood Source these days. Although my blood pressure is full, but when I think about it when I played, my blood pressure was even fuller. .

I will be able to play meat pigeon tomorrow, happy, very happy! This time, let Rouge test the strength of my sow with a full box of krypton gold—30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, I am no longer the zero-krypton party back then!

40. Shadow of the Black Snake—Let’s attack Tallulah!

Whether there is reproductive isolation among the various races in the continent of Terra must be a question that every doctor of color batch has thought about.

Although they are all humans in name and have the appearance of humans, the differences between different races are really too great.

Disregarding Skadi, a deep-sea hunter who has been transformed by Agor's biotechnology and whose power is completely out of the ordinary, the power of various races is also very different.

Take the girls in Gao Qi’s family as an example, the three little birds Kafka, White-faced Owl and Hemer are the weakest ones, two of them are medical and one special, and the one with poor physical fitness, Kafka runs around all the year round He also developed dexterous body skills. Hemo and White-faced Owl, who have been squatting at home in the laboratory all year round, are super house girls who start to pant after running for two steps. Gao Qi can only be a little gentler, it is true I'm afraid it will melt in my mouth.

Although Hemer is an exceptionally strong character, unless Gao Qi agrees, the three little birds will never be able to forcefully sit on Gao Qi's upper position, and Gao Qi can pack them up and throw them on the bed with one hand.

Slightly stronger is Senomi who is Zarak. Although the little groundhog is the mistress who takes care of the housework at home, regardless of Originium skills and dagger combat skills, it is also better than ordinary operators in the Tower of Babel, but he alone People can't move the coffee table or push the sofa, they can only wait until Gao Qi comes back, or ask other girls.

Regardless of Liboli or Zarak, they are even a little weaker than humans on Earth in terms of strength, or in other words, this is the strength that normal people should have.

When it's the turn of W, Mudrock and Warfarin, their physical fitness style has changed.

As a Sarkaz, W and Muyan are almost unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

When the former was at the Dragon Gate, facing Tallulah who had turned into a black snake, in order to survive, he directly detonated the explosives buried in his body, and was already alive and kicking after falling from a tall building. Supported for several days.

Although their personalities are very different, the two of them are united enough at home, and every time they work together to push Gao Qi down on the bed—then they are easily subdued by Gao Qi, begging for mercy.

As for Warfarin, although the old Gorefiend has always acted out of touch and cowardly, Gao Qi and Kelsey knew that Warfarin was definitely not the weak Gorefiend she pretended to be.

Regardless of strength or regenerative ability, this blood demon who has lived for thousands of years is amazingly powerful. Although it is impossible to achieve instant regeneration like Gao Qi, she can still survive even if a big hole is opened in her body.

Except for Titi, she is the girl in the family who spends the longest time with Gao Qi every time. She has no problem getting out of bed for a few days. Even if she is too stimulated to faint, she will wake up in a few seconds. Riding on Gauchi refreshed.

As for Sereya, who is second only to Gao Qi and Titi in terms of strength in the family, let alone, the lines of her body can hardly feel the muscles, but with the strength of her hands, it is not a problem to overturn a small truck, Vai Fan's power is undoubtedly the number one race in this world.

This is the status quo of the Terra race. Although they all have human appearances, their physical fitness can be said to be very different. Have their own characteristics.

Among other things, regardless of W, Muyan, or Serena, the three girls with long tails behind their backs can be said to be Gao Qi's good partners for decompression. As long as he has free time with them, Gao Qi will lick his tail. Cool—after all, even if he can turn into a beast, he can't grow a tail.

Of course, Muyan will obediently be slapped every time, Serena will slap Gao Qi out of soft tissue contusion in a shy situation, and W will directly slap her with his tail.

Gao Qi has also been thinking that he has already enjoyed the bare tail and the scaly tail. It would be great if there was another furry in the family... I don’t know when Margaret, Maria and Zofia will come to Kaka Zdel, cough cough cough.

In short, even if there is reproductive isolation among the diverse races of Terra, it is understandable.

However, the answer is no, the different races of Terra are still human beings, even if the differences between them are vastly different, they can still give birth to offspring together.

In the past, this kind of cross-racial combination often appeared between various races.

Many countries such as Dayan, Sargon, and Lateran have inclusive multi-racial cultures. Even the Ursus people were not extremely racist countries before the little emperor came to power.

Although there are not many exchanges between countries, cross-racial unions are not uncommon. This phenomenon did not decrease until the emergence of modern racism and the increase in the internal centripetal force of each race.

After the marriage of couples of different races, there is a high probability that the child will only inherit the racial characteristics of one parent, but there is also a high probability that there will be a rabbit with scales, or a Li Boli with a tail.

What's more, there will be existences that inherit the racial advantages of both sides.

This kind of typical case is not uncommon. Dragons and Drake are not of the same race, but the red dragon girl next to Gao Qi who is full of fire in the battle is a combination of the two.

"Well... if you're looking for a Chimera, I'm probably?"

Looking at Gao Qi at the side, Tallulah took a deep breath, intending to hide the secret she had kept for many years and tell these friends she just met.

The pitch-black mist disappeared from the field of vision, and all the distorted monsters were killed. Their bodies quickly disappeared after breaking away from the black mist, like water vapor that was evaporated under the scorching sun.

The enemies just now were not strong. For Tallulah, it was easier to deal with them head-on than the Ursus regular army, but if they were matched, they would appear at any time, and the surprise effect was almost without warning, even if they were confident in their swordsmanship. Tallulah also felt a little strenuous.

What's more, Tallulah could feel that the black mist seemed to be connected to an unknown space, and the giant hand that was about to capture her sent a power that made her feel extremely palpitating.

Tallulah was terrified.

Since escaping from that dark prison, Tallulah thought she had overcome all her fears, but just now, she recalled the fear that she had forgotten for many years.

It's not the fear of your own possible death, but the sense of hopelessness that you can't save, that you can't overcome.

Just like when I was taken away from the dragon gate in that dark night, if this kind of twisted creation attacked the village of the integration movement, it would definitely be a terrifying massacre.

Whether it is the infected person that Tallulah wants to protect, the companion that Tallulah trusts, or even...Alina.

"This disaster is too terrible, Mr. Gao Qi, Miss Lilia, the Integrative Games will fully cooperate with you in the next work."

Realizing the fear of the distorted creation, Tallulah's expression became extremely serious. When Lilia mentioned the word "Chimera", she immediately raised her hand.

From now on, she might have to make good use of every minute and every second.

"Hey, Chimera? I remember that wasn't the baby born from the union of the two races. Lulu, no matter how you look at it, it's Vaifan... Doesn't it look very similar to Serena?"

On the side, Magellan, who was well protected by Skadi throughout the whole process, was happily sorting out the surveying instrument provided by the governor, which was specially used to observe the superiors. Hearing what Tallulah said, he immediately looked at it curiously. to her.

You must know that in the eyes of her and most members of the integration movement, their leader is a Vaivan who is rare in the Ursus Empire—most of these large lizards don't like cold places very much.

"Ah, this... My race is very special. In order to avoid trouble, I didn't say it all the time."

After hearing Magellan's question, Tallulah scratched the silver hair on top of her head in embarrassment, took a deep breath, and confessed her life experience.

"My father is a Drake from Victoria, and my mother is a dragon from the Yan Kingdom in Longmen... You should understand the particularity of my identity, right?"

Unbuttoning the neckline, Tallulah revealed a little fair skin, where there were a few ore crystals and a few scales like fish scales—they were different from her dragon horns and tails, which were more like Drake, and belonged to Dragon scales.

Tallulah is not very willing to tell others about her race and identity, because... her race is far from a leader of the integration movement fighting guerrillas on the Ursas snowfield.

Sure enough, as Tallula expected, upon hearing her words, Lilia and Magellan looked at her with unconscious awe.

"Draco and the dragon family, look carefully, you do have different characteristics of the two... It's surprising, the Victorian royal position has been vacant for many years, many people think that Drake has no successor, who would have thought that there would be Drake is combined with the royal family of the Yan Kingdom—if the teacher knows, I'm afraid I will sigh again."

Seriously looking at the leader of the "integration movement" in front of her, Lilia's expression was a little surprised.

"Miss Tallulah, you should be a born king and royal family, how come... maybe I shouldn't ask too much."

But soon, Lilia shook her head apologetically, knowing that this was not something she, a dying person, should investigate.

【Ha, this expression again...】

Seeing the scholar's expression, the long tail behind Tallulah flicked weakly twice, and sighed silently in her heart.

Drake, the dragon family, as Lilia said, is a born king and royal family.

Although both are dragons, they are surprised by each other. There is no doubt that the self born after their union is a Chimera.

Most of the people of these two races have a small population and strong natural strength, and are the ruling races of the two countries.

In Victoria, although there is a harmonious situation of three clans co-ruling on the surface, for a long time, the Drakes were the real kings. The banner of the red dragon dominated Victoria's external expansion and brought prosperity to the country of steam .

Only in the past few decades, the heir of the Drake royal family has disappeared inexplicably, and his life and death are uncertain, and Victoria's position as king has always been vacant.

And that descendant of the royal family was Tallulah's father, a fact that the **** Black Snake told him, and Tallulah herself couldn't even remember his face.

In Dayan in the east, since thousands of years ago, the real dragons have firmly ruled this huge country with the assistance of Qilin. Their strong power and solid clan connections have allowed them to exist as rulers in Dayan.

And Talula's mother is a dragon, and not an ordinary dragon, her brother...is the current Emperor Dayan!

In other words, if political discord is not taken into account, the power struggle of the Dukes of Victoria and the royal family of Dayan are fighting each other, but in terms of blood...Talulah's future is at least one of the princesses of Dayan , and even Victoria's—King!

It can even be said that according to the bet that her villainous adoptive father made with her, Tallulah will become the heir of the Duke of Ursas—this is almost the highest position in the three countries.

But now, she is leading a group of precarious infected people in the bitter cold northern snowfield of Ursas, fighting for an illusory future—to be honest, even Tallulah herself doesn't believe this kind of weird fact.

If her identity is exposed, except for a group of companions who trust her the most, I am afraid that everyone's trust in her will be greatly reduced.

And obviously, just like ordinary people like Lilia and Magellan, as long as Tallulah speaks out about her race and identity, even if most of them don't care about these, they will unconsciously show that kind of awe.

This made Tallulah... a little sad.

But, just when she was about to suppress that little disappointment and continue to discuss the matter of life and death for everyone, a big hand suddenly patted her shoulder lightly.

"Okay, Lilia, race and identity mean nothing to us anymore—there is no such thing as a born king. A person's success should have nothing to do with her race. If it does, then it must be from this world." problem."

Eyes widened in surprise, Tallulah raised her head and saw Gao Qi's smiling face with some deep meaning hidden.

There was no fear, flattery, alienation or awe in that expression. She had only seen that expression on a few of her childhood friends.

Behind him, Skadi was silently putting away his giant sword, filling the soil that had been lifted up in the battle just now into the marks cut by the giant sword, while Maria began to lightly touch her sword just now. The used props shake off the ashes of the thunder paper from Luoyang.

For the two hunters, it really doesn't make sense to be king or not.

"Talulah, there is an old saying in my hometown, princes and generals are better than each other, your blood and race have nothing to do with the great cause you are doing now - what the integration movement wants to do is to artificially draw these Sweep all the **** differences into the dustbin of history, and then integrate everyone into one?"

Keenly aware of Tallulah's little disappointment, Gao Qi, who knew her identity long ago and also knew why she wanted to hide her race, spoke out in time to explain.

"And, if you think about it, you at least have the right to claim the Yan Kingdom and Victoria, don't you? If the integration movement really finds a homeland as you wish in the future, maybe you can make a big fuss about it? "

As he said that, Gao Qi blinked at Tallulah, but the eyes of the integration movement leader completely brightened up after hearing these words.

"Yes, yes, you are right, Mr. Gauch, I shouldn't hesitate in this regard, yes... maybe I should find a chance to disclose all this-my race is just a choice of love between father and mother , there is no other meaning other than that, everyone is like this!"

As if she had figured something out, Tallulah took Gao Qi's hand, smiled happily, and shook it twice violently.

"Besides, I'm a Chimera. Although I don't know why, it's obvious that the weird arm just now was aimed at me. They wanted to catch me and use me to do something—I'm sure."

With a clear idea, Tallulah became the confident leader again. She felt that after returning to the integration movement today, there were many things she could do.

"...Yes, Chimera, Kelsey told me that this race has many wonderful characteristics, even if their parents are from completely different races, there seems to be some commonality between Chimera—"

Lilia narrowed her eyes, rubbed her flushed face, calmed down, and looked at Gao Qi.

She understood that this man recognized by Teacher Kelsey must know many things.

"Although there is no actual research data for verification, the research of Kelsey, Ursus Warlock and Sami Xuesi shows that the biggest obstacle for demons to invade the real world is the body without materialization. Now, those stitched Artificial life, evidence that they seem to be trying to create physical bodies, then..."

Immediately afterwards, Gao Qi took over her words.

"So, if we regard Chimera as a genetically 'stitched' race, maybe...they have a characteristic that makes it easier for demons to occupy and use them?"

As he said that, Gao Qi looked at Tallulah at the side, and found that her expression, which had finally pulled herself together, was once again full of gloom, and she wanted to say something, but she didn't speak after all.

Gao Qi knew what she wanted to say.

Black Snake, the dark and vicious **** that resides in the land of Ursus.

Now, this evil **** is residing in Tallulah's body, waiting for her moment of weakness, usurping her will and body—and then changing from a handsome girl in military uniform to a black snake girl who likes foreign skirts.

[Let pure will get something that can be carried, is it not only because of Tallulah's strength, but also because she is...Chimera? 】

Connecting the suture experiment used to bring the invisible **** down, and the behavior of the evil **** Black Snake who seized the house, Gao Qi suddenly remembered the things he encountered on the road before.

[The Black Snake once captured Amiya. She is just a Cates now, but in the future she will become a Chimera through an unknown means, and inherit... Sarkaz's crown! That is the embodiment of the will of the kings of Sarkaz, even Teresia! 】

The logic has completed the closed loop, and Gao Qi seems to have realized something, a fact that has not been revealed in the original work.

The race of Chimera, I am afraid, has such a stronger will-carrying capacity, it is a bridge connecting nothingness and reality, regardless of the Black Snake, Sarkaz's ancient origin stone skills, or these twisted demons, what they are doing is all one thing thing-

[The bad guess is, could the demon who obtained the knowledge of Mensis have any connection with this black snake...? 】

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