From her point of view, the current situation is obviously another conspiracy created by the black snake.

【Really... Mr. Gao Qi shouldn't be called to sleep together, no, I have to protect him! 】

In Tallulah's eyes, the current Mr. Gao Qi obviously has no self-awareness, as if he is sleepwalking, he regards Black Snake as Skadi and herself as 'Senomi'.

Although she is not very familiar with it, Talula heard Mr. Gao Qi introduce the members of the family. Miss Senomi is naturally one of them. She is a gentle and generous Zarak girl. She is not only versatile in housework, but also very caring. Talu Ra has seen her photos, and her appearance of cooking in an apron is indeed enviable.

However, Talula thinks that she is definitely not as good as Miss Senomi, her cooking level is only at the level of starvation, housewives and so on... are too far away from her.

But now, Mr. Gao Qi mistook her for someone else, so there is only one explanation—Mr. Gao Qi is still asleep, and the him in front of him may just be in a sleepwalking state!

Now he should be happily getting along with his lovers in his sleep, which is really enviable.

Mr. Gao Qi reminded Tallulah that his "prey" has varying degrees of ability to control dreams, so since the black snake has this ability, it means...

[Sure enough, I have guessed before, it seems that he, like the northern demon, is an evil existence that can affect people's thinking and dreams... Kosche, like me, is nothing but the prey and victim of the black snake. 】

Thinking of this, Tallulah raised her head and looked at the extremely weak Black Snake lying limp in Gao Qi's arms. Her whole body was covered only by the back and cuffs of the black dress.

[This guy, Black Snake, must have some kind of conspiracy, the current appearance is all a disguise! 】

Thinking of this, Tallulah nodded, held Gao Qi's hand, and stared at this "Talulah" who looked exactly like her - although her pair of beautiful eyes had turned white, but Tallulah could For sure, Black Snake is definitely faking it.

Talula thought, Black Snake must be trying to use Mr. Gao Qi to threaten herself, she will never compromise because of this, but she will never allow Black Snake to do anything to Gao Qi.

"Titi is so light today, let's go, Senomi, go over there"

Accepting the invitation, Tallulah saw Mr. Gao Qi with blank eyes in front of her, and with a wave of her hand, the furnishings in the room became a spacious, tidy and warm bedroom, a soft bed that could sleep six or seven people. The big bed appeared in the room.

Through a lot of family photos that Gao Qixian showed him, Talula deduced that this should be Gao Qi’s bedroom. There are not many girls who have time to spend time with Gao Qi.

"Okay, come on."

As for Gao Qi, he took Tallulah's hand, hugged the dizzy black snake, and pulled her towards the dream bed.

How should I put it, Gao Qi felt that his ability to develop wits in a hurry was really outrageous.

With the firmness of his mind, even if he is not a superior now, even if the Blood Moon Princess comes in person, his firm will will not be affected in any way, but...Talulah never knew this!

In the eyes of Tallulah and a few insiders, whether it is the enemy she has to face, or the hunter Gauchy, although they are all powerful and abnormal, they will not be too outrageous. Only Lilia, Kelsey's A good student, only then did she realize that if there was any carelessness in this war, the entire human world would face the danger of collapse, and the man trusted by her teacher was absolutely outrageously strong.

Therefore, Gao Qi resolutely chose to tell lies, pretending that his sleepwalking consciousness was controlled by the black snake, and became the "hostage" she used to hold Tallulah hostage.

However, Gao Qi was a little surprised that Tallulah didn't continue to clarify the fact that she was not "Senomi" when faced with his invitation, but nodded directly, as if hoping that the misunderstanding would continue.

【No, is it possible that this little dragon likes me so much? I'm really too dull, forget it, it's better to be dull than mistakenly think that others like me. 】

As a man who is always passively confessed, Gao Qi is often criticized by the girls at home for being too slow.

Among them, Senomi is the main one. After all, if she doesn't say anything, Gao Qi might really let her stay at Linguang's house and continue to be her little knight. own.

Seeing Tallulah's shy look and not refusing her invitation at all, Gao Qi understood what the little dragon girl was thinking.

[Then... how about giving it a try? 】

Saying that, Gao Qi mercilessly smashed the soft black snake in his arms onto the bed, turned his head, looked at Tallulah with a smile, and lowered his head slowly.

"Well, hey, Mr. Gao Qi, no, no, no, this won't work, this will definitely not work!"

As if aware of Gao Qi's intentions, Tallulah covered her mouth in panic when she saw Gao Qi's approaching face, and the dragon tail behind her turned the hot wheel excitedly.

But in the next second, her forehead was gently kissed.

"Come on, let's bully Titi together."

Gao Qi just kissed Tallulah's forehead. After all, although the two like each other, this place is a dream after all. The important first kiss and further affection must be saved for later, to be done in reality.

Today, he doesn't want to do anything to Tallulah, but wants to help her, bully Black Snake well, at least teach her how to suppress this future who has thousands of years of knowledge and thoughts, but whose mentality may not be more mature than Tallulah douchebag.

"Uh... oh."

Touching her forehead, Tallulah breathed a sigh of relief, but then unexpectedly felt a little lost, and her tail drooped behind her buttocks—she always felt that she was a bit cheap?

However, the loss only lasted for a short while, as soon as Tallulah raised her head, she immediately covered her eyes.

"Ah, that-that-Mr. Gauchi?!"

Gao Qi in front of him has already taken off his hunter windbreaker with all kinds of resistance, revealing the firm and tight muscles on his body. There are obviously no obvious muscles, and he looks thin overall, but the lines are clear and he looks extraordinarily Powerful, Tallulah couldn't help swallowing.

However, what made him shy was Gao Qi—thumping, flinging!

The conscience of heaven and earth, Talula has lived for more than 20 years, and has seen everything, including mountains of corpses, seas of blood and dead heads, but this thing—it is definitely the first time I have seen it! Why did Mr. Gao Qi take it out so naturally!

Although Tallulah was shy, her tail twirled again. She even unconsciously took off the Ursus military uniform on her body, and followed Gao carefully in only the shirt that Alina had just washed. Qi, consciously climbed onto the bed.

But at this time, the black snake, who had been completely lost just now, woke up slowly, and just as soon as he regained his senses, he saw Gao Qi coming to him, and naturally, there was also Xiao Gaoqi.

"Hey, hey hey—this is, what's going on, it shouldn't be like this... Take it away, take it away, what the **** are you trying to do!"

The black snake is Tallulah, something that Tallulah has never seen before, so she can only find relevant information from her thousands of years of memory, her face that is exactly the same as Tallulah's blushes immediately, and she tries to look forward to the bed side crawl.

"Talulah, this, this is not some kind of conspiracy, Gao Qi is not sleeping at all, he is pretending-grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rr

But the next second, she was speechless.

"Okay, Titi, you talk a lot today, concentrate on it, otherwise - there will be more powerful ones~~"

And Gao Qi still had a bright smile on his face, as if he was really facing his lover, but only Hei Snake knew that there was something in his words, and he was obviously threatening him.

What can the black snake do? In the dream, Tallulah's corona can't be ignited, so she naturally can't have any ability to fight back.

If it is used to influence Tallulah's will, it can be done with words, but in front of Gao Qi, she is just a weak girl.

[...I'm going to suffocate to death! No, how can human beings use their mouths for reproduction, and the knowledge of black snakes in the past will not record such useless gestures—]

"Wow... eh? Then... you can... you won't suffocate, right? Damn Black Snake, I knew you were thinking about this kind of thing every day!"

On the side, looking at the black snake with the same appearance as her, being bullied by Gao Qi without hindrance, as if she was enjoying her eyes, Tallulah couldn't help but bring herself in, not only His face was flushed, and he didn't know where his hands were.

Just like that, after watching awkwardly and shyly for a few minutes, Tallulah suddenly saw Gao Qi turn his face to her, and said slowly.

"Come on, bully and bully Titi, she usually causes you a lot of trouble, right, why don't you find a chance to teach her a little here?"

Gao Qi's words are of course a pun, Titi is actually quite well-behaved at home, the most naughty and most troublesome, of course, is W and Warfarin, they usually make a lot of trouble at home.

While on the bed, Senomi would naturally bully her back, relying on her proficient skills to fight and cooperate with Gao Qi every time, bullying the little Sarkaz girl and the old Sarkaz girl with snot and tears. Honestly begging for mercy.

Of course, after that, mistakes should be made or mistakes must be made.

"Bullying, bullying...Yeah, she has caused me a lot of trouble."

Tallulah was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, a smile mixed with displeasure and resentment emerged from her face.

What the black snake did was not just to cause trouble. She ruined Tallulah's family and changed her life, even though it was what Kosche did, and it had nothing to do with the newborn black snake. There is no mercy in wanting to take away his own bastard.

Thinking of this, Talula got angry, grabbed the black snake's tail, and kneaded it vigorously back and forth.

Every time she holds it by herself, she also feels a little strange. Although it doesn't affect the battle, she always wants to squeeze more when she sleeps.

For Dragon Clan and Drake, the nerves at the tail are sensitive enough.

"Hmm! Cough, cough, cough cough—ah!"

As for Tallulah's pinch, Black Snake straightened up immediately, coughed a few times, but swallowed it accidentally, choking on snot and tears.

Gao Qi let go of his hand in a timely manner, and the black snake immediately broke free with the last bit of strength, and looked at her in surprise and fear.

"Ahem, you two, you bastard—"

But at this time, she suddenly saw that Tallulah, who was usually serious and serious, and always showed her a firm and resentful expression, which made her very happy, turned around and looked at herself with a smile.

Tallulah's eyes were wide open, and the smile on her face was extraordinarily bright, as if she had discovered something interesting.

She knew that the Black Snake's plot might have gone awry, and she...should seize this opportunity!

No matter what the method is, her fight with the Black Snake is a battle of will, a battle of soul, and a battle of beliefs—rather than making herself stronger, it seems more convenient to directly break down the undeveloped Black Snake ?

Thinking of this, Tallulah flicked the long tail behind her, and a red flame seemed to ignite in her gray eyes.

"Then, let's continue—Sister Skadi?"

Seeing Gao Qi who was still pretending to be sleepwalking, and Tallulah who was gradually approaching him, Black Snake finally became afraid.

"You, you, don't come near me!"


The New Year's party is really beautiful, it's so beautiful! I really envy this group of creators. Although I am also a text creator, there are still not as many people who can see my works as there are videos!

Alas, when I am free, I also hope to engage in secondary creation to generate electricity for love, but it can’t be regarded as generating electricity for love. YJ still attaches great importance to secondary creation. The amount of rewards is really quite a lot. The official celebration can't be overstated!

By the way, there are redemption codes that can be exchanged for supplies, everyone remember to exchange them early—.

58. The happy Tallulah and the "assassinated" black snake!

Tallulah admitted that the path she used to take was a little off.

The Integration Movement is not a clear organization that fights for the infected. In fact, Tallulah thought about integrating all the oppressed, not just the infected, long before Mr. Gao Qi came to the Integration Movement.

But in the barren northern plains, the identities of the oppressed and those infected with ore disease slightly overlapped. During the long-term battle, Tallulah gradually forgot her original idea, and the integration movement became an organization of purely infected people. She also didn't notice that the infected had begun to collectively reject healthy people.

If this tendency is allowed to develop to the point where it cannot be changed, it will definitely lead to catastrophe. If Tallulah is taken away by the black snake at the same time, she thinks, I am afraid that the integration movement will slide all the way towards a purely infected terrorist organization , even Mr. Patriot could not stop the black snake.

However, she just discovered that there seemed to be some kind of misunderstanding in the way she fought against the black snake.

Since her uncle Wei Yanwu was defeated and she chose the safety of the people between the lives of half of the city's people and Tallulah, in Tallulah's heart, the strength of the black snake Kosiche was hard to resist.

For more than ten years, she has seen all the tricks and conspiracies of Black Snake, and also saw how he snatched benefits bit by bit from the competing dukes and grand dukes, defeating challengers one after another.

Even if she disagrees with the theory of the black snake and makes plans, Tallulah has to admit that the black snake entrenched in Ursus does have its own advantages, and its grasp of people's hearts and tricks is almost unmatched.

Therefore, even if he didn't want to admit it to the Black Snake, Tallulah subconsciously recognized his strength.

Even though the Black Snake had been killed more than three years ago, and Kosche's death was completely confirmed, Tallulah still had a heart for what he said that night and the bet he made with herself, and she was always vigilant, for fear that when , the Black Snake's backhand will suddenly appear and take everything away from him again.

And when facing the newborn black snake—Black Snake Tallulah, every night destined to be forgotten, Tallulah thought of the same way, and regarded her as an opponent like Kosiche.

But...with Gao Qi's help, Talula suddenly realized that she might be wrong.

This black snake is not that black snake. The Duke of Snakeheart of Ursus has completely died, and died under his own corona sword. Even if his power is still affecting Ursus, that is nothing more than It's just the echo of a dead man.

The current black snake is the black snake conceived from Tallulah, her shadow, her evil thoughts, an existence that is opposite to her, a twisted and unreasonable existence.

However, no matter how much knowledge Black Snake has and how impeccable her ideas are, she is still Tallulah, the little girl in her early twenties—Talulah's weakness, I'm afraid, Black Snake also has it! What she is afraid of, Black Snake must also be afraid of!

Then, as the person who knows her own weaknesses best, Tallulah, what reason does she have to be afraid of herself as a black snake?

She doesn't need to be afraid of "herself" at all, but uses what she knows about herself, and in turn—makes herself afraid!

At this moment, Tallulah was kneeling and sitting on the bed, looking at the girl in front of her who was exactly the same as her in appearance, but her whole body was extremely messy, as if she had been spoiled by someone, the smile on her face grew stronger.

Although the scene just now made her face blush instinctively, Tallulah felt that, compared to these embarrassing things, the situation displayed by the black snake seemed more... pleasant?

Thinking of this, she silently leaned towards this girl who was exactly like herself, and the feeling of resentment, repulsion and disgust before was diluted by another inexplicable emotion.

"Cough, cough, it's so bitter...Gao Qi, you-ah, don't, don't dangle in front of me!"

Hei Snake supported the bed with his hands in front of him, coughed vigorously, and wiped his mouth while sticking out his tongue. He raised his head, his gray eyes looked in horror at the man in front of him, and the man who was almost half the size of her face. bad stuff.

"Damn, you're right, what did you do to me!"

Before today, Black Snake has never experienced such a thing, and it is impossible to experience such a thing.

The inheritance of the Black Snake began thousands of years ago. The Ursus Empire had not yet been established. Under the rule of the Khan, countless tribes were still submitting to Kexue's iron hooves on this snowy field.

Today, the life of Black Snake has gone through forty or fifty generations. Those who become Black Snake are all young talents and heroes. Their knowledge and research have become a powerful nutrient for Black Snake, and they are also secretly helping Black Snake. The growth of Sass.

The Battle of the Four Emperors alone took three generations of Black Snake's planning.

Although history believes that this battle originated from the Corsica emperor of the Gallic Empire, he was blindly arrogant to Ursus and asked the other party to become a vassal letter.

But only Black Snake knows why the several warnings and clarifications at the diplomatic level failed to arrive, and why there was a huge ambiguity in the translation of each other's ultimatum, and it even involved Letania and Victoria in the end. In fact, only a small operation is required.

The Black Snake has never been involved in Ursus's highest authority, but Ursas's future is under his control—he is Ursus himself.

The War of the Four Emperors made Ursas re-prosperous for decades, and the whole country was thriving, like a beast thirsty for blood after being hunted, full of new vitality.

Decades later, when Ursus was once again in chaos and decline, Black Snake started planning again—Talulah was her new successor, whether it was her mixed blood power of Drake and the dragon, or the power of the dragon. The identities of Victoria and the successor of the Yan royal family can give Black Snake a lot of room to operate.

The next war to make Ursus rise again can go east or west.

Thousands of years of wisdom allow Black Snake to control everything, understand everything, and easily eliminate opponents in the shadows.

However, although he can use the vast knowledge to control the future of a country and provoke wars between countries, but...

The knowledge passed down by dozens of geniuses and heroes—it has not been recorded at all. What happened to the Black Snake today! It's outrageous, Black Snake doesn't know what to do in order to escape from the pair of dogs and men in front of and behind him!

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