"Sure enough, it's a dream."

Her sanity recovered, Tallulah let out a long sigh of relief, looked around, and found that she was still lying on her warm and overcrowded little bed.

Then—memory flooded into Tallulah's mind like a tide, and it was so detailed that every hair could be seen clearly.

Soon, visible to the naked eye, Tallulah's fair skin instantly turned pale and rosy.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what did I do!!"

Covering her face with the quilt, Tallulah didn't dare to make a sound, so she could only roll back and forth in her quilt.

Something is wrong, something is wrong, every time after confronting Black Snake before, Tallulah would forget everything he remembered when she woke up again, but, but—why did she remember what happened in the dream so clearly!

Unable to fall asleep after tossing and turning, Tallulah finally turned over and faced Gao Qi who was lying flat on the bed.

The quilt on his body was obviously protruded by a bulge.

"Really... pervert."

Pouting her mouth, Tallulah let out a long sigh of relief, leaned over, and kissed Gao Qi's forehead lightly, with a faint smile on her face.

"I'm looking forward to being with you in reality, Mr. Gao Qi."

Looking at Gao Qi who was sleeping soundly, and Alina beside him, Gao Qi helped them cover the quilt tightly, pulled his arm to pillow on it, and lay down in Gao Qi's arms.

Although Mr. Gao Qi doesn't know anything, but...Talulah understands that the day when the two of them will really have close contact is not far away.

After a while, Tallulah fell into a deep sleep again, and beside Gao Qi, Alina quietly opened her eyes.

"What a strange dream again, it's so strange to be so active all of a sudden."

She looked at Tallulah in surprise, then looked at Gao Qi's raised quilt, Tallulah blushed shyly, thought twice, and pulled Gao Qi's other arm, and got into her in the arms.

And just like that, a peaceful, warm, but actually extraordinarily intense night—and it passed.

As for how Tallulah and Alina were shy and shy when they got up the next day, and their favorability increased dramatically—that’s another story.

Nothing happened in Beiyuan tonight.


A new event is open! I squeezed in for an hour in the afternoon, this broken server is really uncomfortable.

This time it was so miserable, 210 draws, 3 orders, 1 carp and 1 night, I was lucky that I didn’t eat Chengjing, but I also bought a few gift bags, miserable, miserable, miserable.

Sister Ling’s materials have been prepared long ago. The familiar feeling of Shaanxi dialect is really good. She is also handsome and has a free and easy personality—it’s decided. In the Yanguo chapter, none of the three sisters of Sui’s family can escape. Sister Ling is the first One!

I just read the first few chapters of the plot, and I will review it tomorrow, but is the little tiger really cute—or is it a kitten?

Recently, the number of standing pictures of supporting roles has increased significantly. It would be nice to have a few more operators as gifts. I also want to draw Miss Du!

60. Conquering the Black Snake, Conspiracy against Dayan.

In the early morning, a rare warm wind blew across the land of Beiyuan, and the stronghold of the integration movement became active again from the silence of the night.


Humming an Ursus nursery rhyme that no one could hear clearly, Frost Star walked quickly from the guerrilla camp to Gao Qi's residence.

Although her expression was still as cold as ice, only Yelena knew how happy she was now.

All night yesterday, the camp of the guerrillas was a bit noisy. The patriot announced his decision to all the guerrillas. The guerrillas will fully support the actions of the integration movement in the future and gradually integrate together. The guerrillas unconditionally approve The captain's decision, but it took a lot of time to relay the details.

The guerrillas are an army, but it takes more than a bunch of men who know how to fight to really make a difference in Ursus.

This will be a huge change, but everything has to be done step by step.

And these things... Shuangxing didn't bother to care about them.

As a student of primary school, she has no interest in understanding these twists and turns. Naturally, she is not needed to manage the team, and Shuang Xing is completely lazy to understand the complicated matters related to organizational reform—although Gao Qi always said that she needs more Learn more, but Yelena doesn't care much.

For this ice-cold rabbit, the only important thing to care about now is when the northern demons will come to attack, and... warm.

Rubbing his hands together, Frost Star continued to walk forward.

Frost Star sleeps alone at night. Although there are many girls in the snow monster team, Frost Star's cold air can turn the bedroom into an ice cellar at any time, giving people a feeling of winter in early spring, let alone other things. She was frozen into a grandson, and Frost Star's own sleep quality was also extremely poor—she just adapted to the cold, but she must sleep warmer.

"Really, it would be great if I could hug that guy Gao Qi when I slept... No, why not? Miss Skadi was away last night, if I went to sleep with Gao Qi—she shouldn't slap me Slap it flat, probably?"

Although Skadi was only in the Integrative Movement for a short time, her feat of folding and then reopening the Shield Guard's tower shield, smoothing out the folds with her hands, and even doubling the shield's strength by beating it, won She commanded the respect of all fighters—everyone said that Skadi could make a picture of a person with a slap, and even demons couldn't stop her punch.

Thinking in this way, Shuang Xing came to Gao Qi's room, took out the key, opened the door without any hesitation and walked in - the key Gao Qi gave her, so that it was convenient for visiting.

"Well, I'm not here. I guess I'm going to talk to Tallulah again. I'm really busy—go find him."

Seeing that there was no one in the room, Frost Star's big ears on the top of his head drooped, and then they stood up again. After closing the door, he walked towards Talula's residence.

It is a self-evident fact that Frost Star likes Gao Qi, but she not only likes Gao Qi's warm body and unafraid behavior, but also likes Gao Qi's gentleness, conversation and other things.

There is no way, Patriot is a boring gourd, even if he cares about her daughter, he rarely shows it.

But Gao Qi is different, he never hides his feelings, and never shy away from his concern and help for others, even the snow monsters under Frost Star, get along well with her, Petrova The first time I saw Gao Qi, he excitedly went up to say hello, even Frost Star could see the little thought.

Walking a few steps quickly, with bursts of ice crystals generated out of thin air by his side, Frost Star quickly walked near Tallulah's house.

Tallulah's bedroom door was never locked, and if there was an urgent matter, she could notify her immediately, so Shuang Xing opened the door and entered the room carelessly, and walked directly to the back room.




The bright moon is still hanging high, and in a trance dream, the black snake Tallulah is sitting on her office chair, lying in Gao Qi's arms at the same time, lying limply on Gao Qi's strong chest, her gray eyes Squinting, the sense of fullness and comfort is beyond words.

This is not a simple metaphor, the black snake has been filled at this moment.

"Huh... Black Snake's knowledge is passed on from generation to generation, and it is all taught from master to student. I never thought about giving birth to a real heir—it's not impossible to try."

Caressing the obvious bulge on the lower abdomen with both hands, the black snake Tallulah let out a long sigh, since Tallulah was not there, the black snake was a little less worried about his face, and let himself go completely.

"Okay, I admit that in the current situation, if I am against you, then all plans will definitely not go on - I surrendered, I surrendered, the battle of the superiors, after losing the battle, there will be no complaints."

As a high-ranking person, Black Snake has deceived many people, but she said this from the bottom of her heart.

This is not surprising, Mu Qiang is the instinct of a superior, and Gao Qi in front of him is several times stronger than the knowledgeable Black Snake.

In the face of powerful violence, you must fight against it instead of cooperating for a win-win situation. That's what a fool would do.

Of course, the reason why Black Snake surrendered was definitely not because Gao Qi's skills were too good, and she was too comfortable just now, I hope to come a few more times—absolutely not!

"Why, stop playing the clown, or do you think you can fool me with that stupid look just now?"

Playing with the softness of the black snake, Gao Qi yawned and said with a smile.

Because she is not yet her own girl, Gao Qi has less pity and more casualness.

The previous confrontation in front of Tallulah was just a semi-performative nature, in order to let Tallulah increase her self-confidence, so as to suppress the black snake psychologically in the future.

And it was Gao Qi who really contributed. He seemed to be holding Black Snake's hand, forcing her to sign a non-aggression agreement with a mortal by violence, forcing a truce.

And the reason for the change of Hei Snake's attitude is also very simple - she wants to hug his thigh. After all, although Gao Qi is not said to be comparable to a god, he is indeed infinitely stronger than Hei Snake.

The Black Snake itself has no distinction between good and evil, it is just the manifestation of the will of the country, and Gao Qi is a person who eats the soft but not the hard, if it makes him feel better, if he can help Tallulah create a new, more powerful Ursus, the black snake Talulah would be more than happy to see it.

This is the case with the black snake. If the theory does not work, then the accumulation of thousands of years is meaningless.

Facing Gao Qi, the black snake Talula had a new idea.

The two of them are not ordinary people, so naturally they cannot be called lovers, at most they can be regarded as X friends, but as long as they have some relationship with Gao Qi, Black Snake knows...she will always be at a profit.

A conservative old guy will always be abandoned by the times, and the person who fell from the sky is behind her, and she has a skin relationship with her. If the black snake serves him comfortably, her wish and mission may be more easily realized ?

In other words... the power displayed by Gao Qi conquered the black snake Talulah.

"If there is my wisdom and the power of the people who fell from the sky, the offspring born... must be amazing, isn't it?"

Patting his warm belly, the black snake Tallulah's smile suddenly became less vicious, and instead had a touch of tenderness.

It is not surprising for Gao Qi to see her like this. For these gods, reproduction is a big deal, and it is the most basic instinct. care about their offspring.

In the case of Black Snake, the purpose of reproduction is probably also to find a disseminator of knowledge and ideas—Gao Qi can be sure that although Black Snake is not a good person, he definitely values ​​​​heirs, and Kosiche raised Tallulah as an heir At that time, she was really sincere, and even felt gratified for her growth.

Of course, the direction of growth must be to become a tyrant.

"It's a good idea, Titi must have given birth to our first child—even if you were born, I will not allow you to teach her heresy."

Stretching out his hand, Gao Qi tugged at the cheek of the black snake Tallulah, and was swept down his chest by her dragon tail.

"Hmph, what is heresy? This is the truth that I have summed up in combination with social reality for thousands of years. I am too lazy to argue with you. After a year, Tallulah will be able to prove who is right and who is wrong."

With a soft snort, Black Snake twisted his waist and didn't argue much with Gao Qi. This young girl who has just learned about human affairs has learned to enjoy the process—life is like this, you have to accept it.

It's definitely not because of the high degree of compatibility between the two, absolutely not!

"Anyway, I'm just a little snake living in another person's body. Even if you control me, you still have to face the enemy you have to face—you know, Kosich's backhand, even I I don’t know everything, but I can only roughly understand what he wants to do.”

Rubbing Gao Qi with the dragon horn on top of his head, Black Snake suddenly smiled and looked back at Gao Qi.

"However, it's okay to give you a little hint-how do you want to listen?"

And Gao Qi raised his eyebrows.

"Well, hedge your bets. If I win, I will continue to accompany Tallulah with peace of mind. If Kosiche's backhand wins, I will continue to be your black snake—then let you be a spectator, as you like." Say."

The black snake Talula made no secret of her thoughts, and Gao Qi didn't have any objections either, anyway, a fight was a must.

"Oh, then you think highly of me. If you want to play chess with you, Kosiche is not qualified-he has already been defeated by a dragon at the Dragon Gate of the Yan Country, let alone you, an extraordinary person, who has been defeated by a dragon. You're too far away to worry about it."

Towards her predecessor, the tone of the black snake Tallulah was slightly contemptuous, which is not surprising. Which black snake in the past could look up to her predecessor? After all, if they really make Ursus great again, then the inheritance of the Black Snake will naturally stop.

Every black snake regards their ancestors as a loser and disdains them, and the black snake Tallulah naturally does the same—although she will not succeed thereafter.

"The only thing that can really threaten you is the evil spirit—this is a big battle, but Kosche wants to make a fortune out of it, and I don't know how he wants to achieve that goal. I can't control his 'snake scales' right now. ’, I can barely guess, okay, don’t move, I’m thinking about something, uh~~”

After confirming that he wanted to help Gao Qi, the black snake Talula held his chin, and began to think unconsciously from his perspective. Although he was being tossed by Gao Qi, he just pouted and didn't dare to complain.

"As for me, I don't know why that Agor girl named Skadi is so powerful, but the element of sea ancestry in her body is particularly obvious—in my knowledge, there are a lot of studies on sea ancestry and demons, but No individual is as powerful as she is."

The gray eyes became sharper, and the black snake began to analyze like a counselor.

"Let me guess, since you have the power of the gods, you probably have the ability to hunt the power of other gods, and the same is true for that Miss Skadi—it seems that you really have a fight with demons." .”

Smiling at Gao Qi, Black Snake looked out the window of the room at the bright moonlight.

"If you were Kosche, facing the demons, you wanted to fight for the prosperity of Ursus, but at the same time strive for the best interests possible, what would you do—since you guessed my plan, then Kosche's plan I can definitely think of it."


Gao Qi was taken aback for a moment, thinking that the black snake Tallulah should be Kosche's plan, but then he realized it.

Perhaps after the Black Snake seized Shetarulah, the plan for the integration movement would not change, but Kosiche obviously had more plans.

What's more, because of the arrival of Gao Qi's variable, the high-ranking people all over the world have become more active, and the large-scale invasion of demons this time is naturally different from the original work.

"The First and Second Army of Ursus have been guarding the northern border of Ursas all year round, and the Sunset Canyon is the most vulnerable place to break through, and there is no danger to defend. Since you said that part of the troops of the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Army have already sent troops to There, it means that a big invasion is about to begin—but even in the face of a catastrophe, how many people can be selfless and not make any small moves?"

Stretching out his hand to cover his chest, he held Gao Qi's big hand, and there was a little disdain in Hei Snake's tone.

"Of course, don't think that Kosiche will deliberately let demons into the country. We are not good people, but we can't do this kind of thing. Demons are uncontrollable things, and we hate being uncontrollable..."

Although the black snake is a villain, his heart and deeds are as clear as a mirror, and everything he does is an empire.

She can stir up disputes between Ursas and Yan Kingdom, let countless souls die in the flames of war, and then reunite Ursas, but in the face of demons, she absolutely dare not do this—as an inhuman being, Black Snake understands better The terror of demons.

"Yeah... But even so, you still dare to use this power to create your most elite troops. A loss of control of the inner guard is enough to engulf a town. You are really courageous."

Hearing what Black Snake said, Gao Qi fell into deep thought. Although Black Snake is undoubtedly not on the same road as Gao Qi and Tallulah, but from her standpoint, she is definitely mixed with the evil Hai Si. Not together.

In any case, no matter how many conflicts there are, the Black Snake is at least on the human side, and on the demons, they just want to gain the power of their "creative carrier" from the Mensis School.

"Hmph, it's a helpless move. The so-called emperor's internal guards are just mortals who have power. Being able to work with them instead of controlling them, I know you don't need to worry about that, but you have to protect the people around you."

Casually reminding Gao Qi, Black Snake continued to enjoy twisting his body.

On the other hand, she had to commit herself to Gao Qi because of the strong mentality of the superior and because she valued Gao Qi's ability in the future.

"If you're worried, let them go to Kazdel, the little devil named Theresia, and Kelsey—just don't let them know I'm here."

Hearing what Black Snake said, Gao Qi nodded. She is related to the birth of the inner guard, and may even provide some black technology to the royal family of Ursus. Ya, also frustrated the Black Snake, no wonder the Black Snake reacted so strongly to Amiya.

Finally, Gao Qi began to think about the problem of the black snake Tallulah—if he were Kosche, how to avoid damage to Ursus, make good use of this tide of demons, and seek benefits for the Ursus Empire .

As for seeking, according to Black Snake's thinking, I'm afraid...

"Da Yan? You mean, the black snake wants to divert the disaster to the east, and let the northern demons go west to attack Dayan?"

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