We're heading to an area with a mine that Master Brocken will rule.

Actually, there was another incident after that.

That's because the assailant I captured as a prisoner of war disappeared sometime.

You escaped on your own?Someone else was hiding to help you?Or....

Various speculations overwhelm my head.

At that time, it was a waste of a minute and a second, so I held him captive and left him there.

I'm convinced of that.

However, to be honest, it hurts to lose the source.

At that time, I first went down to the first floor and asked Mr. Brocken if he had noticed anything, but he only said he had not seen anything.

Alice and the others said Brocken was suspicious, but they couldn't find conclusive evidence, so they couldn't pursue it any further.

So next time, I swear to God, I'll get the evidence.

◇ ◇ ◇

I am traveling slowly because I am escorting Michelle and the wagon.

Describing the current queue, a box-shaped carriage with fine ornaments leading the way had Michelle, Maid Mary, and Brocken on board, and Dan sat next to the carriage operator and watched the front and surroundings.

Alice and I are riding side-by-side on the carriage.

Behind it was a wagon with rain screens loaded with a lot of luggage.

Leon is riding beside the man in charge of the wagon.

And it feels like Lindbergh, the last horseback rider, is on the rear guard.

Dan and Leon are sitting next to each other this time because they can't ride a horse, but we should train them to ride when this mission is over.

"Mr. Label"

As she was moving peacefully without incident, Alice, who was supposed to be on the other side, suddenly approached me and called out.

"What's wrong? Something wrong?

I looked around worried about what had happened, but there seemed to be no particular problem.

"You don't have to worry about being attacked right now because you have a good view around here, right?

This place was a meadow area with spacious flats.

Sure, the prospects are good, and the enemy is nowhere to hide.

I see. So, what's going on?

"I thought I'd check what's going to happen in the meantime."

"Oh, that's what I'm saying.The situation may change if we get there, but I'm going to leave everything to Dan this time. "

"Yeah, but are you okay?If they push you by the number, Dan, you're not gonna like it.

"I can understand what Alice is saying, but you'll have to stand around and do whatever you can to make sure it doesn't happen."

"Dan, if you're going to escort Michelle, we're going to rescue the Count."

"Ah, if Master Brocken really intends to rescue the Count, we will cooperate, but otherwise we will pretend to cooperate and move on our own.But if we act against Brocken's will, Michelle is more likely to be in danger.That's why we need to act calmly. "

"That's right.First, we need to gather information and find out what happened to the Count. "

"I haven't told Alice and the others yet, but I'm asking Marcel to deliver a letter somewhere."


"Ah, I'm actually going to call for a helper, but let's be clear and bet we can make it.But if we make it, it will definitely help. "

"Helper? Who's that?"

"Alice is someone she doesn't know because she hasn't met.He's got that attitude... but he's got his arms up.I'll introduce you when I get here. "

"Mr. Label can be trusted by someone who speaks out loud."

After that, we resumed our guard and arrived at Broken's mansion the following day at noon.

◇ ◇ ◇

There were many people gathered in the mansion.

From the adventurous to the non-adventurous, there are many but inconsistent.

But everyone had weapons and created an atmosphere in which they were used to fighting.

We will be guided into the Mansion and Michelle will be given a room in the main building.

I told Dan to check the room and check the escape route thoroughly.

Afterwards, an adventurer approaches us as we all work together to carry our luggage from the wagon.

"Hey, can I have a minute?

It was a strange face, so I'll handle it for now.

What can I do for you?

"I'm sorry I stopped.I'm Sodom, and I'm on Master Brocken's escort duty now.This time, I came to convey a message from Mr. Brocken.There will be a rescue meeting in an hour, Countess, so you can join us. "

"Got it. So, where is it?

"We have a temporary meeting room on the ground floor of the Mansion, so it opens there.I told you to join me!

Saying so, Sodom tried to leave.

"Hold on a second.Can I take a look around the Mansion while the meeting is in progress?

"No problem. You can do whatever you want.Half of the people on the premises are gathered quickly, and they're moving around as they please. "

I see. After that, I'll say the label, thank you. "

Oh, nice to meet you.

After we finished transporting the luggage, we split up and talked to the gathered adventurers around the Mansion and decided to gather information.

We'll split this time between me and Lindbergh's men's team and Alice and Leon's women's team.

The reason for this is simple: men are vulnerable to women.

Women are less alert and easier to extract information.

So I thought that if they looked beautiful, they would have a good chance of getting useful information.

And even if they get on their feet and get their hands on it, they'll turn back lightly.

I am worried because it may be the case with one person, but if you two are together, there is no problem with the same number of Class A adventurers.

"Leon will be difficult because he's a stranger, but Alice, you'll be all right.It would be helpful if we had useful information. "

"Leave it to me! I'm not new to intelligence, so I'm perfectly fine.You just have to laugh next to me, Leon. "


Alice beats her chest hard after winking cutely.

Afterwards, they waited for me to leave, but just walking side by side, as I expected, attracted by their beauty, all the different men looked back.

"They'll be fine."

"That's right. But when I say what I saw, it feels like I said," It's like throwing sheep into a pack of wolves. "

I see. But how many people would realize that the sheep were a [wolf in sheep's skin]... no, a beast?

"I would never have noticed it in person.Those two look exactly like fraud. "

Lindbergh and I worked hand in hand with the sad one, hoping that there was no foolish adventurer who could reach out to them without realizing that they were being fooled.

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