Even if it suddenly becomes a holiday, Lindbergh's daily routine will not change.

It starts with what happens at the same time as usual.

I usually had time to go to the guildhome while I finished dressing and had breakfast.

"Speaking of which, it was a vacation from today." The master said to cultivate energy to challenge the A class dungeon... now, how do you spend your time? "

This holiday lasts until the end of the work of sealing the Class A dungeon.

If you were spending time without doing anything, it is possible that your body would become dull and inconvenienced by dungeon attacks.

You can't bother everyone, so you should sweat lightly.

Lindbergh leaves the house with a training sword and shield.

Heading toward the plaza on the outskirts of the city that I used to train in the past.

It was a place that I had been passing through many times, and although it was easy, I also made my own driving platform.

There weren't many people around, and I wouldn't be bothering anyone with a sword in this place.

Lindbergh saw the driving platform as a virtual monster and waved his sword.

”Phew, I think it's easier to imagine the movement of monsters than it used to be...”

Lindbergh, who had been sweating for two hours with his sword waving at him with all his might, finished his training.

In the past, all I had to do was continue driving toward the driving platform.

However, now, assuming that there are allies, I'm going to go around and punch them in, and use my skills to check the timing between attacks.

It was a training based on cooperation.

Lindbergh is aware that he is the least talented of the oratorios.

"I can't even pull my legs, so..."

Because Leon and Dan were older and more experienced, he was entrusted with the role of an eye-catcher for two young people, but Lindberg was definitely inferior to them in terms of fighting power.

If a boss is weaker than his or her subordinates, he or she may exaggerate with small mistakes.

It's a defensive instinct that comes from envy and fear.

I'm afraid of being overtaken by someone who is more capable than me, and the incompetent is only scratching his feet to kick down a talented newcomer.

Lindbergh can be said to be in the same position, but he has never been jealous of them or shouted out loud.

Lindbergh had a good reason for not rotting his heart.

"Someday, I will be just like the master."

Lindbergh owes Label a debt of gratitude for rescuing Hans from his rampage and his unexplained desperation.

The reason I joined the guild was to repay my debt.

But that's no reason not to be jealous when you see two promising young men in the future.

The reason is that when I was in Allgrand, I dived into the label and the dungeon several times.

When I heard the name of the label from Hans's mouth, I immediately noticed that the label belonged to the porter.

There is a reason for this, because most of the Allgrand rookies have once dived into the dungeon with their labels.

Back then, the label was diving into the dungeon every day, and on her day off, she was joining another party of her guild as a porter of support.

In Allgrand, as a porter with competent labels, there is nothing to refuse because the name was passed.

When Lindbergh was a newcomer, the label was doing exactly what it was supposed to do.

Besides, they told me what they were wrong.

I knew that Lindbergh was a new adventurer, and the opponent was a porter who was not an adventurer, but apart from that, he was a senior member of the guild.

Honestly accepting the label's opinions, Rikishi is the country's best all-grand.

I was impressed by the quality of the porters I was enrolled in, but now I think it was a mistake.

The fact that the label was placed in the biggest Allgrande place meant that the high strength of the label was not noticed.

I noticed this after joining the guild of labels.

I have to learn from the master and work harder and harder one by one.

Since Lindbergh was just a porter, he knows that labels are working hard on tunnels.

A benefactor who helped himself and a respected person who climbed from a lower place to a far higher place.

Lindbergh is aiming for a label, and it's dawning every day.

The effort was beginning to bear fruit little by little.

Continuing to dive into the dungeons with the Labels reduced the wasteful movement from the way Lindbergh fought.

Although the label didn't say it out loud, Lindbergh's strength had reached a level that could be fully utilized even in Class A dungeons.

"Lindbergh, it's been a long time. How are you?"

At that time, a group of people called out to Lindbergh appeared.

"Healis! And everyone else!?"

"Hey, just find a place where you're training by yourself." I waited until the training was over. "

"I wish you could have called out... but I'm fine." I've been worried a lot about you. "

"Never mind, you're one of us!" I can't say I left the party, but I've always cared about you. If you're doing well, that's fine. "

The man called Heuris and his allies are former party members in Lindbergh.

Since Hans pulled me out, I've been estranged, but I was close at the same party.

After Hans' rampage, I was surprised to hear you left the guild.

"I couldn't get in touch because I was bummed. I'm now in another guild and starting over.”

Lindbergh apologized on the spot for not contacting his people.

"Well, so why are you training alone today?"

"Do you know that a Class A dungeon has been found recently?" I took a break until the dungeon was lifted, so I didn't have anything to do, so I trained. "

"Are you going to challenge the A-class dungeon where Lindbergh was also found?" We're going to challenge that dungeon, so we're going to be rivals! "

Healis laughs and declares war.

"That's what I mean." Our party is full of talent, so we can't lose. ”

"Ahh, don't tell me."

“I'm not lying, and I'm the lowest person at the party.”

When Lindbergh was at Healis' party, his strength was almost equal to theirs.

It has been quite some time since we broke up with them, and there is no doubt that we have grown more than before.

"If you're serious, I don't think you're lying, but that depends on how strong you are right now." We're getting pretty strong, too. "

"That's right, there's a reason for Healis to say it."

"Isn't that right?" Then why don't you dive into the dungeon with me for the first time in a long time? "

Dive into the dungeon?

"That's right. If it's a C-class dungeon now, it's nearby, isn't it?" Challenge the C-Class for one day. We just want to know how strong you are now. "

It was not a bad idea, but a proposal to check each other's growth.

(I heard that the master used to dive into the dungeon during the holidays...... unless he got injured by the force......)

"Ok, you can go to the C-class dungeon." But I won't impose. If the Dungeon Master seems to be a strong opponent, he must say that he will retreat. ”

"We don't want to get hurt and get into trouble, either." On that condition. But there's no way you can beat the Dungeon Master in one day, is there? I can't believe you're joking. "

Healis was laughing at Lindbergh's conditions.

(How can you conquer a Class C dungeon in one day? Is that some kind of joke?)

Lindbergh, on the other hand, thinks that Herris is joking.

As a result, Lindbergh took on the C-class dungeon with an old friend.

But in a dungeon attack with an old friend, Lindbergh learns that what Herris is saying is not a lie.


The next morning, Lindberk joined the Healis Party and took on the C-Class Dungeon.

(Why didn't you come in at the right time!?)

(Wait, why are you there!? If we take that position, we won't be able to cover each other in time???)

An old friend who spoils all of Lindbergh's chances of finding out what's going on.

Since this is a one-time dungeon attack, I won't say it out loud, but Lindbergh's stress is accumulating down the hierarchy.

In the end, he opened his eyes to enlightenment and silently accepted everything.


In front of Lindbergh, old friends stood up to the lower monsters.

It was true that everyone was a Class B adventurer, and the monsters that appeared in the Class C dungeon would not fall behind.

However, if you fight without coordination, there will be more wasted moves, fatigue will accumulate easily, and the attack time will be longer.

(Maybe... this is what I used to be?)

"After all, a C-class dungeon is like this. It's easy to win!"

(If it's easy to win, look around you more! Sometimes the opponent gets stuck in the footsteps)

Lindbergh sighed heavily as he stared at his old friends as they jerked through the dungeon.

Even if I said that I was the same class B adventurer, I was reminded that there was a big difference in my strength.

After that, I continued my strategy with the Healis Party, and eight hours passed.

At that point, the strategy hierarchy was eighteen levels.

I could reach the lowest level where there were dungeon masters in the last two levels, but I had to turn back as I promised.

"Lindbergh, you're doing great, too!" I'm surprised you're so strong. "

Healis praises Lindbergh for his strength.

Herris and Lindbergh never noticed the difference in strength between them until the end.

"But we do it a lot, don't we?" Rivalry in the A-Class Dungeon! I'll never lose. "

"Healis! Can I have a word with you?" If you're going to dive into the Class A dungeon, don't push yourself. "

"Oh, my God!" Of course not! Then the next time we meet is in the Class A dungeon! "

While saying so, the heuristics broke up with Lindbergh.

Lindbergh was sorry for Healis, but he felt that the A-class dungeon was still heavily packed.

If I hadn't been pulled by Master Hans, would I have been destined for the same fate as Healis?

Imagining such a future, a chill ran down Lindbergh's back.

Then Hans pulled me out, and I felt like I was destined to meet the label.

Lindbergh began the rest of his holiday with self-education, accumulating the same effort as his self-respecting label.

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