Old-time musicians

Chapter 127 In Ecstasy (4K 2-in-1)

The audience was silent for more than half a minute. Google Search Reading

The musicians holding small instruments quietly disappeared into the corners they had come out of; the large instruments were covered with black curtains and placed on various roller carts, and were pushed by students who had been prepared and disappeared into the end of the night; during this period, Fanning also walked down the steps and quietly left the scene in the bushes behind the bricks.

When the audience's cognition returned to reality and burst into excited shouts and applause, they found that everything in the square was normal, and the conductor and musicians they wanted to pay tribute to were all gone.

"Why do I feel like I'm dreaming? So, we finally heard the premiere of his "First Symphony"?

"What kind of immersive experience is this?"

"No, this is definitely not a superficial experience! We are participants, witnesses, and protagonists. We created history with our own hands and witnessed history in person!"

The audience clenched their fists and looked at each other, and their emotions and breathing could not calm down for a long time.

"Let's go back to the editorial office!" The person who said this was a senior reporter from the music magazine "Hoffmann Gramophone". He rushed over from the area outside the square after noticing the crowd. He didn't hear the beginning of the first movement, but listened to the whole song afterwards.

The assistants who were carrying large and small bags and various interview equipment beside him asked in confusion: "Sir, it's only 7:45 now, and the graduation concert we are going to interview hasn't started yet"

"What graduation concert are we still listening to!" This senior music reporter changed his usual elegant demeanor. Because of his overly excited expression, his saliva almost sprayed on the assistant's face, "Let's go! Get on the carriage! Let's go quickly!! We must be the first to write a report on Fanning's unprecedented debut!"

"Then the position of editor-in-chief newly promoted this year will be mine" He rushed to one side of the square in a hurry, and turned back to glare at the assistant carrying the equipment, meaning that they were too slow.

Fanning stood in a dark bush path in a corner of the square.

"This is a very different feeling brought to me by the ritual form that best matches the music."

The thousands of inspiration threads connected to him kept humming, and the strength of the spirit grew rapidly, at least exceeding the limit of the fifth-level knower.

Unlike previous expectations, Fan Ning originally thought that the sound effect would be more or less scattered in the open-air immersion performance, coupled with the limited skills of the students, but the baton in his hand, but faintly formed an echo field in the hemispherical space.

What is even more different from the past is that the previous spiritual resonance often faded quickly after the performance, but now it has been more than ten minutes since the end, and Fan Ning can still clearly perceive the vibration of the bundles of inspiration threads, including all the musicians and all the audience.

A kind of enlightenment came out of his star spirit body.

"'Endless Fugue' controls the phase of 'candle', is the Lord of inspiration, the god of polyphony, and controls the phase of 'key', so it is also the Lord of reason and the god of conductor. Through the polyphonic techniques revealed by Him before, I have observed my own 'first acquaintance' from the glow, and His revelation about conductor"

Fanning stared at the "Old Days" in his hand, and suddenly felt something in his heart. He focused his attention on a bunch of the clearest inspiration threads - that should be Joan, because she is currently close to him in a straight line, and her inspiration is far beyond that of ordinary people.

"What is conductor? The characteristics of any part of the orchestra are under his control. I can see, disassemble, call, and retract. I present to the audience, according to my own will, this is one of the mysteries of 'key' controlled by 'Endless Fugue'"

Thanks to the perfect premiere mystery form, at this moment, Fanning stepped into the door of studying the hidden knowledge of the "key".

"For example, according to Joan's 'light of first acquaintance', is this considered a wound?"

The baton gushed out a crimson-purple light, and he called up the connection of inspiration with Joan, raised his hand and tapped the front lightly.

In the low bushes, the lush branches and leaves intertwined and tangled. They originally blocked the way, but now they separated silently from both sides.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the St. Lenya Auditorium and the symphony hall were magnificent.

Warm applause rang out from the audience, and the musicians of the symphony orchestra who were waiting in full force all stood up and greeted the conductor with respectful eyes.

Cecil wore a pure black tuxedo, took the stage with a baton, and bowed elegantly to the two thousand or so audiences on the third floor.

Some of Fanning's supporters did leave after listening to the "First Symphony in D Major", but more people chose to continue to come here, after all, there was no conflict in time.

Even if they had no interest in Cecil, they were interested in the piano concerto of Master Gilles in the second half, which was the finale piece personally performed by the piano genius Murich of the Conservatory of Music.

Adding the other half of Cecil's original supporters, the attendance rate was close to 80%.

"It is true that there is a certain impact, but it is just that."

Cecil naturally heard about what happened on Meyer Avenue outside more than an hour ago, but he has been busy in the auditorium since this morning. He did not go out, did not hear it in person, and did not pay attention to the subsequent response.

Is there any more important moment in a person's life than now?

Cecil turned to face the stage, the musicians sat down in unison, the lights in the hall went out, and only the stage was bright.

The friction sound of the open strings of various violins sounded, mixed with the scale running of woodwinds and brass and the sound of timpani.

More than a dozen of the official members followed Fanning, but the backbone was still there, so it was no big deal. The only thing that annoyed Cecil was that the timpanist was replaced. For such an important position, the level of the others was not as good as that of Lou Adair.

During the pitch check, these thoughts made Cecil a little distracted, but as the hall became quiet again, he refocused his eyes, took a deep breath, and beat the baton.

The music started with a short slow prelude, full of peaceful emotions. The theme was the duet melody of flute and trumpet. On the extension and expansion, the light and transparent sound stream of string music gradually appeared.

The first movement was full of romantic characteristics. The audience tapped their heads to the beat and followed the rhythm. Several members of the Bologna School, who were sitting in the best seats in the 6th to 8th rows on the first floor, also showed approval in their eyes.

But starting from the interlude of the second movement, the French horn began to play an unsettling melody with blocked notes, which gradually broke apart. The woodwind group appeared mysterious chords of pure fourths and augmented fourths, which were empty and sour in color, but dense as pulp, forming a layer of misty veils.

If lawyer Monroe and pharmacist Cynthia were at the scene, they would find that the music flowing now was very close in material and style to the records played in the listening room of Red Agate Culture Media Company at that time.

Many listeners, including several members of the school, felt that the melody and sound effects at this time were a bit strange, but listening carefully, they could confirm many unspeakable emotions or pictures.

In the third movement, the scherzo, the tremolo brought out an intoxicated and excited mood, the violin, flute and clarinet played syncopated rhythms and stubborn homophonic repetitions, and a few beams of light suddenly shone down from a high place amid the rumbling sound of percussion instruments.

These are three kinds of light and shadows: pink, dark green, and gray and white. Their landing points intersect and rotate with each other, and like fireworks being ignited, they shoot heterogeneous sparks and beams around.

In the environment where the stage is bright and the seats are dark, this lighting effect seems a bit abrupt.

In the middle of the 8th row on the first floor, there is a middle-aged man with long hair and a slightly depressed face. He is President Stenike who has taken a break from the busy affairs of the imperial capital to attend the graduation concert.

At this moment, he and Vice President Huxley and Dean Gould, who are sitting on both sides of him, exchanged glances.

Is there something wrong with the lighting effect of the symphony hall? Or is it a special link to match the presentation of the music?

As these knowledgeable people thought about it, they suddenly felt that this inexplicable lighting effect was especially like the scene of some extremely rare and extraordinary item starting to sublimate.

The feeling of the spirit is also similar

Brilliant Essence! ?

Impossible! ? Who can get so much Brilliant Essence and use it as fireworks here? Judging from the amount used, the price wasted could exceed that of the giant organ installed on the building!

The three of them read some puzzled and instinctively alert expressions from the other two!

The third movement, the scherzo, was extremely short. After two or three minutes, the music was about to enter the finale.

At this time, Julius, the violin leader closest to the conductor, suddenly half stood up and smiled in a low voice that only the two of them could hear: "Leader Ram Cecil, although your Turangalian bloodline is not as compatible as Hiran Conar, it is almost the same. It is indeed a very suitable vessel. You see, I have also told you in advance."

In a short pause of the violin part, she inadvertently put on a pair of strangely shaped black gel earplugs!

Cecil closed his eyes tightly, as if intoxicated by this wonderful atmosphere. He didn't hear what she said. He stretched his hands forward and made a gesture of slowly pulling to the left and right.

In the strange light, the various instrument groups played different motives in rotation and interweaving. There seemed to be no tendency of melody flow, only layers of background sound, rhythmic patterns, and the overlap of strange harmonic colors.

The first person who felt something was wrong was the second violinist sitting next to Julius.

His bow and string flew in his hand, but he didn't know why his mind was distracted, and he remembered the curious report about the "Dream Man" incident he had read in the newspaper before.

In a passage where the dynamics changed a lot, he looked up at the conductor's gestures, but vaguely found that Cecil's face seemed to be somewhat similar to the "Dream Man". After a closer look, it returned to normal.

More and more musicians had similar distractions, and they recalled things that they shouldn't recall on this occasion uncontrollably.

They noticed similar phenomena. From their perspective, the man standing on the podium seemed to be getting taller and longer in the torso and limbs, his eyebrows and eye sockets on his face gradually became thicker, his nose sank, and the arc of his lips became longer and longer, and exaggeratedly raised upwards.

"Dong--" A female percussionist struck the gong. If you stand on the other side, you can see that the texture on the other side of the gong is like withered human skin, beating constantly everywhere, as if covered with densely packed hearts.

This is the ritual vessel "Pulsating Gourd" that changes its form after meeting special conditions-the final delivery of the commissioned work accepted by "Experience Officer" Erov!

In the buzzing, full of vitality, the audience's expressions became excited, their pupils began to dilate, and an ecstatic atmosphere appeared in the entire concert hall!

Somewhere on the second floor, two couples sat next to each other. The boy in a black dress suddenly turned his head and looked at his girlfriend: "Dear, this experience is so wonderful."

A dozen pairs of angry eyes suddenly looked over. It was too rude to speak so loudly at a concert!

"What do you think? I am very, very happy about it." The boy in the black suit took the hand of the girl in the white dress, and the eyeballs in his eye sockets dissolved into two lines of red and black sticky rot, flowing like winding snakes on his cheeks.

"Dream, come true" the girl in the white dress murmured intoxicatedly. Her two arms had been pulled down by the boy, and her entire lower body was constantly dwarfing, spreading out like ice cream melting, and finally only the chest and head above the sticky black liquid were left.

The anger in the eyes of the dozen or so audiences gradually dissipated, their expressions became relieved and happy, and the facial features on their faces began to blur, like a wax figure under high temperature.

Principal Stenike suddenly stood up from his seat, squinting his eyes and staring coldly at the stage.

Cecil on the podium turned around almost at the same time, and with a "swish", his muscles and blood vessels separated, just like an object stuck with glue being forcibly pulled off - his other half was still waving his baton at the orchestra, while the upper body with a creepy face grinned at the audience.

"Everyone, come together?"

The students in the front row seemed to be pulled and encouraged by some force. They stood up and moved out of their seats, shaking their bodies to the beat, slowly walked towards the stage, and scratched their skin with some excited and exaggerated postures, spilling one red and black rancid liquid after another.


The students on the second and third floors of the Symphony Hall also left their seats in the audience, one by one directly crossed the guardrail and jumped from the air.

Some people landed in the wrong posture and died on the spot, some people fainted and motionless, but more people only had broken torsos and limbs. They dragged their drooping limbs and tried to move towards the stage piece by piece, dragging black and smelly stains on the ground.

Not everyone was affected by this. In fact, some people were aware of it. When Cecil tore his body into a bloody mess and turned to face the audience with the face of a "dream man", more than 30% of the students had already screamed in fear.

These were the people who were distracted during the concert or who were drowsy before.

At this moment, they were crowding and pushing like crazy, trying to escape from the first floor door or the exit passages of each auditorium area. The scene was extremely chaotic, and serious trampling had already occurred.

But when the audience at the forefront of each passage was about to escape, they hit a layer of pale gelatinous light curtain at the door.

The latter was like an elastic net. People hit it one meter and bounced back four or five meters, like a cannonball, knocking more students behind to the ground.

The entire symphony hall seemed to be blocked by some unknown force! No one could leave!

Vice President Huxley looked back in shock and anger at this moment, because he recognized that this was the mysterious ability of his school members!

"Fabian, what are you doing!?"

------Off topic------

There are so many monthly tickets these days, I am stunned.

Thanks to Jiushan Xuanqing Xiangyou Jueze Taoist for three consecutive monthly tickets, and Xingtianyuan for the reward~Thanks to 2k, Jun Liyu, Xingtianzhidao Zongsi Everything, Qi__tou, Book Friend's Last Number 6232, Disc Paper, Death Angel SEED, Dream of Seeking Immortals, Guanzhi Sanren, everlox, Book Friend's Last Number 1650, Fallen Evil Soul, July Sunny Beginning, Book Friend's Last Number 3995, Killing Yesterday's Sorrow, Qinghe Xiucheng, Decadent Farewell, Exclusive Reading Notes, Book Friend's Last Number 8257, Mont Blanc Saigao, Piaomiao Apprentice 1, July Sunny Beginning, Ten Thousand Silences, Huan Jin, Book Friend's Last Number 1650, Shifang Yuanling Shi Lao Yiqi Tianjun, Wushang Yumo for the monthly tickets~

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