Old-time musicians

Chapter 131 The second half of the sentence (4K 2-in-1)

You always do the right thing, why do you need to explain?

"Hehehe" Fan Ning finally sneered.

"I can't think of it, I really can't think of it. How could I have imagined this? That Sylvia at the underground party, the one who played obediently in the three secret organizations of the Harmony School, the Pleasure Listening Club, and the Transcendental Club , Sylvia, who is all acting according to her orders, is actually from your Special Patrol Office!? I'm still pretending to be against the Special Patrol Office at the underground party? Hahahaha, I'm afraid that's not the case. A fool"

When Benjamin heard this, he couldn't help but frown and asked: "Sylvia? I seem to have heard of this name. Which of your schools has reported it?"

Fan Ning smiled and shook his head: "You have done what you should do, so what's the point of pretending not to know about this matter? What can I do to you? No wonder you usually act like you know everything. No wonder you I was so punctual today when I stepped on everything I missed."

Benjamin's tone was still calm: "Think about why you didn't die just now, and why Fan Ning, the two people under the pit, are about to be rescued. For the sake of your bloodshed and hard work today, I'll wake you up more -"

"Question less and listen more to the arrangements. When I ask you to retreat, you retreat. When it's your turn to be a hero, you step up and be your hero, like now."

He waved his hand to a person who looked like a police officer and gave the order: "Except for a few here, those members of the Bologna School who have not participated in the war will be brought back to the Special Patrol Office later for a talk."

Then he ignored Fan Ning.

Under the leadership of Benjamin, other police officers, armed with professional rescue equipment, followed the ladder one by one into the deep pit of the stage.

Fan Ning looked at the students whose lives and deaths were unknown in the symphony hall. His father's work files flashed through his mind, and then the fragments of music from the Turner Art Museum and Teacher Anton's voice and smile flashed through his mind. He forced himself to suppress his emotions. He stopped questioning and slowly closed his eyes.

Let’s not talk about whether the father has any holiday with them.

There is no doubt that the Special Inspection Office is aware of the specific plan of the secret organization to cooperate in executing the "Illusion Man" secret ritual.

The Special Patrol Office needs to seal the "Illusion Man" for some purpose, which I don't know, but it is certain that they gave up the graduation concert to ensure that the secret ceremony can be carried out.

Regardless of whether one knowledgeable person or four knowledgeable people died in this incident, at least so many students died at the scene, and the result could not have been foreseen by the Special Inspection Office. This is confirmed without a doubt.

The key item that caused the death of Mr. Anton was the fragment of the sound series, which was taken away from the art museum by the Special Inspectorate and consigned to it, and the mysterious chords on it are also reflected in Cecil's music. This is undoubtedly confirmed.

Can these facts really be removed?

Fan Ning took a deep breath, turned around, and opened his eyes.

He stepped over the classmates who were lying scattered in the dark, and walked step by step towards the door of the symphony hall.

During the long process of climbing the steps, he suddenly recalled something and reached for the blood-stained trousers pocket.

They are the most expensive trousers in his formal inventory, and apart from tonight's premiere, the last time he wore them was late last year.

He felt the hard paper folded into a small square, took it out and unfolded it.

Gould's New Year 913 Piano Solo Tour·Ufranser New Year's Concert Stop, No. 15, Row 8, 8th Floor, Single Number Side, Ticket Price 12 Pounds.

The crouched playing posture of the old pianist came to mind, as well as the majestic sound building under his fingertips, and the scene of holding the piano and bowing deeply to the audience after the performance.

Finally, there was the scene of being in a pit on the stage just now, with broken limbs, unable to turn over, and repeatedly trying to escape.

"Keep playing your piano and writing your music."

Fan Ning took a deep breath and stepped out of the symphony hall. There were long-lost lights in the corridor, a few familiar and worried looks from the crowd, and countless photo stands outside the police cordon.

It's very noisy here.

Loud cries, wails of pain, heated arguments, meaningless screams.

Dozens of people who looked like reporters were shouting at them at the top of their lungs amidst the noise of the crowd. A large number of questions from all aspects were thrown at Fan Ning, including both irrelevant questions and the most pressing issues at the moment:

"You are Mr. Fanning, who just premiered the First Symphony outside the square, right?"

"Is there anyone you like among the participating musicians?"

"You killed the monster inside that attacked the students, right?"

"Mr. Fanning, did you become a composer first, or a knowledgeable person first?"

"Mr. Fan Ning, when you gave up the graduation concert before, did you already know that monsters would attack the concert hall?"

"Is there any hidden secret in this?"

"Are the principal and dean still inside?"

"If someone wants to collect your manuscript of the First Symphony, what is the lowest price in your mind?"

"Will you stay at school to teach after graduation? What position do you think you can get?"

"When is the next official performance of the First Symphony?"

Fan Ning slowly stepped out of the cordon, reached out to push away the crowd, and slowly uttered a few words with exhaustion:

"Say it again, I'm tired."

With his eyes drooping and dragging his steps like lead, he returned to the nearest Professor Anton's office.

He locked the door, washed the blood off his face, and fell asleep directly on the wooden floor.

It was a long, deep, dreamless sleep.

Fan Ning didn't open his eyes until around four o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

The westward sunlight shines through the window, leaving rows of grids on the ground.

I was extremely hungry and all my inspiration was restored.

A thick stack came out from under the telegraph machine in the office. He quickly brushed them off one by one and found reports on the incident.

The latest data released by the police put the confirmed death toll at 95.

It actually didn’t exceed a hundred, accounting for only one-twentieth of the total audience.

They mainly include the first group of people who directly collapsed mentally or physically before Principal Sternikai and the other three people took action, as well as people who jumped from the second and third floors and fell directly to death, as well as individual people who were trampled to death.

It stands to reason that nearly 70% of the affected audience at the scene should have gone crazy and died afterwards, but the other side of their inspiration had been influenced by the resonance of Fan Ning's "Symphony No. 1".

After the Special Inspection Office and the school used methods to stabilize their sanity, their mental pollution was easily eliminated.

A deep sleep, a recovery of inspiration, and lower-than-expected death and injury data. These factors made Fan Ning's mood change from simple heaviness to a complex state of heaviness and relief.

At least on the night of May 24, he had all the revelations he longed for, all he could do.

But there are some scenes that will replay in your mind as soon as you close your eyes.

The origin of the mysterious chords in the tone series fragments, the deaths of Teacher Anton and Dean Gould, and my father’s work files

He flipped through the manuscript of the "First Symphony" again, and the teacher's handwriting on the last movement was still there:

"As we come to the last point, the ending of the piece is only superficial and entirely false. My intention was to express the struggle in which victory is sometimes thought to be close at hand, but in fact it is not. Out of reach."

"The listening experience is indeed brilliant, but the giant's motivation for resistance actually disappeared in the end. Victory has nothing to do with him. His time has either passed or has not yet come."

False victory?

It's just over.

Reactions from the outside world came in like snowflakes, including the school's official accident report, the special inspection department's commendation notice within the organization of the knowledgeable, letters of thanks and praise from all walks of life, news text messages, media reviews, event invitations, and classmates. Fan Ning became the one who turned the tide in the graduation concert "Monster Attack Incident" and was officially recognized as a "Young Composer" by mainstream music critics.

Contrary to the more respectful or well-intentioned titles in society, when this word appears in written language, schools, art circles, news media, and music critics often use it with great caution and restraint.

The slight hierarchical gap between composers, young composers, famous composers, great composers, and great master composers is a difficult leap forward every time.

The "Journal of the University of St. Lenia" called the premiere organized by the young composer Fanning on Meyer Avenue a "tribute to the master" and a "feat that can shine through the annals of history", and called "Symphony No. 1 in D major" It has become "the comfort and light of hope" in unfortunate events, and the school has brought "luck in misfortune" to add such a large-scale orchestral work with "perfect classical techniques and humanistic heritage" to its school history this year. .

From the perspective of business and popularity, "Uflanser Art Review" predicted how many flowers and praise "First Symphony" will bring to the young composer Fan Ning, and also predicted the publication of him and his teacher Professor Anton Sheet music will experience a boom in sales.

"Hoffmann's Gramophone" believes that throughout the creative process of many composers, few have demonstrated a mature musical vocabulary with a strong personal style in their first symphony, "It has both flowers and fruits. and thorns, but also struggle, questioning and sublimation. In fact, when we appreciate the subsequent symphony works of the young composer Carolyn Van Ning in the future, we may find that as early as the "First Symphony", he has already begun to Developed all the personal qualities he should have developed.”

"Theoline Cultural Weekly" did not use much pen and ink to describe the symphony itself in detail, but called on the art world to re-examine the artistic personality and the value of the famous composer Anton Konard. The article listed the late medieval master Cassius Nitsch, the authentic master Tarakani, the contemporary romantic master Schillings and others all have historical stages in which their works have been neglected. The author believes that “the pioneers of art are pioneers because they throw the spear of music towards to the fertile soil far away.”

At least the changes have begun, right?

More than 20 days later, on the evening of June 17, in the Symphony Hall of the Conservatory of Music.

The damaged building of the auditorium has not yet been repaired, and a postponed graduation concert was hurriedly held again. The 1,400 seats have never been so crowded as they look now, and the corridors, steps, and aisles are filled with listeners.

The music moves from the silent awakening of nature to the spring fields and the fragrance of birds and flowers, from the simple and warm local dance to the meaningful forest funeral, from the hideous and terrifying fateful evil thoughts to the hero's struggle and death.

The seven horn players stood up at the end of the finale and played an elegy that symbolized divinity and purification. The band ended brilliantly with a strong hit, and the audience burst into overwhelming cheers.

The lights came on, and Fanning, who was wearing a tuxedo, waved his hands in an upward arc, signaling the band to stand up.

He turned around from the podium and saw that the students in the audience and the people in the corridor had all stood up. The momentum of more than 2,000 people was extremely huge, and the Hoffmann version of "Bravo" was heard one after another, and it was about to explode. Flip the roof.

Fan Ning first bowed to the audience, then walked down the podium and shook hands with concertmaster Sheeran. At this time, boys in black dresses or girls in various gorgeous dresses began to come on stage to lay flowers.

He thanked everyone and took five or six handfuls in an instant. When he couldn't hold any more, he gave them to Sheeran who was closest to him, then to Roy who was a little further away, and then to all the front row musicians of the string section. .

Later, more and more bouquets were received, and Fan Ning began to bow and send them to the wind section at the back. Boys and girls were still running to the stage, but the scene gradually became crowded, and many people gave them directly to their favorite musicians.

Fan Ning, who was a little overwhelmed, returned to the front of the stage for the curtain call, and then temporarily left the stage to tidy up his appearance in the dark aisle.

The scattered and noisy cheers outside gradually turned into uniform and rhythmic clapping.

Fan Ning returned to the hall for the second curtain call and saw that the stage had turned into a sea of ​​flowers, especially a hill had been piled up around the podium.

He stepped onto the stage, raised his baton, and reached out to flip the sheet of music. The symphony orchestra sat down again, and the hall returned to silence.

In the encore, Fan Ning first chose the orchestral overture from Professor Anton's "Mass in F minor" to commemorate Dean Gould and the deceased who died more than 20 days ago with sad and solemn music, and then performed Two waltzes in the style of the Western Continent’s Holy Kingdom of Janus were played to regain the students’ mood in the graduation atmosphere.

He left the stage, came out for the curtain call, left the stage again, and called the curtain call again. He repeated this process a dozen times before being let go.

At the door of the cast and crew lounge, he was once again surrounded by more than a dozen media, large and small, with photography equipment.

The editor-in-chief of the "Journal of the University of San Lenia", who occupies the home position, was the first to ask: "Mr. Fanning, in the music salon and chamber music creation, you have shown your preference for title music creation, so this is your pioneering work in the field of orchestral music. Does the "Symphony No. 1 in D Major" have a title that you personally directed?

Fan Ning nodded, smiled slightly, and uttered one word:


The night of the graduation concert is destined to be sleepless.

Lou booked an entire floor of the most expensive hotel in Uvranser for everyone as a celebration of the successful conclusion of the show.

Tonight belongs to flowers, courtesy, feasts, fine wines, and...the youthful pride, school time and youthful years that Fan Ning once thought about.

Then came another early morning.

To the west from the west gate of the University of San Lenia, deep in the oak street, there is the Lyuffenas Garden.

The sky is clear, the sun is bright, the birds are singing like a wash, the breeze blows on the face, mixed with the smell of earth and grass, and the colorful flowers on the roadside are hung with dew, shining with a clear and crystal light like gems.

Xilan, who was wearing a gauze white skirt, squatted on the grass, holding the hem of the skirt with one hand, and reaching for the stone slab in front of the tombstone with the other hand, carving out a small open space among the colorful bouquets.

The flowers are bright and delicate, and you can tell that the time for people to give flowers is very recent.

She placed a thick black book among the flowers. It was the score of the "Symphony No. 1 in D Major" published in hardcover.

The summer wind blew across her cheeks, causing her brown hair to fly back, and the score was blown around.

A young man in a black formal suit stood behind the little girl, slowly took off his hat, and stared ahead silently.

The words originally carved by plasterers on the tombstone have been filled in, and a new dark gold gilded bronze bust was cast on top of the black and white photo.

Behind the bronze statue is the "Unfallen Fire" symbol of the Holy Sun Church. In addition to the name and year of birth and death, the base also has a catalog index of works and an epitaph transferred from the original tombstone.

The last part of the text left by the young man was added by people:

"His time will come, and some people live after death."

(End of Volume 1)


Thanks to 2nd, Xingtianqiu, Guanzhi Sanren, Yingte, Yaoyan, Huhuhu Electronic Dragon, Xircle, and Xingyun Deacon for their monthly votes~Thanks to Meihua 1 and Aihua for their rewards~

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