Old-time musicians

Chapter 19: A Place That Doesn't Exist (4K 2-in-1)

As rehearsals continued, musicians who had not followed Fanning in his debut gradually became aware of his unique style.

Unlike previous conductors, he did not attribute problematic passages to "something that didn't feel right" or make some overly mysterious requirements.

"This is a little sadder here", "This needs a little warm breath", "This chord is a little cleaner" and then try it over and over again.

"Inspiration is not everything. Many times we need rational analysis." Fan Ning said.

The problems he pointed out always come with specific solutions, or can guide the musicians to share their own ideas. As long as the corresponding problems are overcome, the sound will become as expected.

An unprecedented efficient experience.

After all the problem points were initially sorted out, the orchestra performed a complete performance. Everyone felt indescribably comfortable physically and mentally. They just felt that this feeling of being surrounded by controllable sound effects was great.

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"What's going on? Julius's inspiration?..." But this complete performance made Fan Ning perceive unusual information.

Under the conductor, he could clearly feel the spiritual resonance of each musician, and at this moment he discovered that the person with the highest inspiration, except Joan, was the violinist.

Roy should be about to reach the tenfold limit, but her strength Fan Ning feels weaker than Julius, ranking only in third place.

When did Julius become a wise person! ?

"It's almost one o'clock in the afternoon, so I won't delay everyone's meal."

With doubts in his heart, Fan Ning nonchalantly marked the score and explained the follow-up tasks:

"Next time we have class to check the performance of "Summer Nights in Lebich" and rehearse Giles' "Symphony No. 3", which is also a work you have performed before. I hope that all the vocal principals can combine the score and think carefully about it after returning home. How to perform, I will continue to let you speak at any time based on the problems encountered. "

Then he announced that the rehearsal class was over for today.

Most of the chiefs stopped the team members who were about to leave, and gathered in circles to discuss the next training plan.

The management of the students is sometimes very simple. Fan Ning sincerely fought for their benefits and seriously agreed on the assessment mechanism. Coupled with the level he showed in the rehearsal, the symphony orchestra became a success after the first meeting. There is a trend on the right track.

Among the crowd, Roy deliberately walked up to him to say goodbye, his eyes filled with smiles, and he almost had "Am I great" written on his face.

"See you tomorrow." Fan Ning made a complimentary gesture towards her.

The girl smiled even sweeter, waved vigorously towards herself, and the goose-yellow figure disappeared at the door.

"Kapulun, I will write you the answers to several sets of questions now. Before the end of today, you will mark the results of the sight-singing and ear-training papers." He then told the conductor's assistant.

"Professor Fan Ning, can you change what I did first?"

This financial practitioner and enthusiast continued to smile enthusiastically, with large beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Oh? Show me."

Fan Ning had long noticed that during the few hours of rehearsal, he took notes very diligently, and this guy even brought a conductor's baton. When the orchestra was playing, he would silently hide behind the piano and gesture whenever he had free time.

"Why are there three?" Fan Ning asked doubtfully after taking it.

Kaplan explained: "When you gave Miss Roy the test, I was also trying to answer the questions. Later, when you played the other two sets of questions for the vocal principal and ordinary musicians, I was also answering the questions."

"Okay, let me take a look."

Kaplan stood waiting with expectant eyes.

"You actually heard a lot of it?" Fan Ning looked and checked, only to feel that the accuracy rate gradually exceeded his expectations.

Take Roy's set of questions as an example. The Kaplan interval dictation was correct in 5 of 6 groups, the chord dictation was dictation in 10 groups and 5 were correct, which is worth 5 points. The single melody dictation was mainly due to rhythm problems, which was worth 3 points.

In the four-part harmony dictation, although the alto and tenor parts were a mess, he found the bass and melody quite correctly, which is worth 5 points.

For the most difficult two-part dictation, this guy is clearly not up to par, but his notes on the downbeat are written in a decent way, and he treats this question completely as an interval question, which is worth 5 points.

"Miss Roy, your score is 10 points for this set of difficult questions." Fan Ning raised his head and said.

He is a talented person who takes exams, and he also knows how to follow the steps to gain points.

Next, he scored 5 points for the same-difficulty chief question that was given in advance, and his score for the simple set of ordinary musician questions was 16 points.

"I didn't expect that your music foundation has been pretty good in the past few years." Fan Ning's praise was filled with surprise.

"After learning basic music theory and harmony knowledge, I practiced sight-singing and ear training every night for the past few months until 2 in the morning." A shy smile appeared on Kaplan's face with a high hairline, " …I invited several teachers with good reputations in the Imperial City to practice until 10 o’clock, and then I played various chords by myself repeatedly to feel the interval relationship among them.”

After hearing this, Fan Ning glanced at the notebook that he remembered so densely, and suddenly felt that his previous perception had changed.

He initially complained that this guy was "addicted to food", not because he was an amateur. He was also an audiophile in his previous life, and he has always had a friendly communication attitude towards music lovers. The reason for his dissatisfaction was that this guy was hired as a command assistant!

Assistant conductor, assistant conductor... This position also requires conducting! The core job responsibility is to be familiar with and implement the music concept of the permanent conductor, rehearse a large number of repertoires to the state of "semi-finished products" in advance, so that the permanent conductor can optimize and improve them as soon as he comes, so as to ensure that the orchestra can complete a large number of performance tasks efficiently.

This position is very important and has very high professional requirements! As a result, such a "rich and related household" who plays with his life came, so Fanning even thought of changing people at the beginning.

Now Fanning thinks that his enthusiasm and diligence for music are very respectable, very similar to his previous life.

Many non-professional enthusiasts are attracted by a few specific works or specific instruments, and then immersed in them, but there are very few people like Kaplun who start to study systematically in a down-to-earth manner-it’s not that you have to give up your career like this, but many people use their extra energy to express opinions or express superiority after a little understanding of this field.

"Professor Fanning, if you think my score can still be saved...would you like to teach me some more sight-singing and ear-training practice experience?"

Seeing Fanning still staring at his several answer papers, Kaplun spoke carefully.

"Listen to music, listen to music with the score, listen to music with the score that has been analyzed...each interval or chord color, each specific rhythm pattern, use your favorite piece of work to correspond and memorize, first one-to-one, then one-to-many, over time, those listening feelings will leave an impression in your instinct."

Fanning casually gave a practical suggestion from an angle.

Kaplun adjusted his black-framed glasses and began to write down Fanning's words in his notebook.

"How is your piano? Play a song for me to listen to?" Fanning asked suddenly.

"I dare not, not yet."

"Then I will play an orchestral piano abridged score, and you will conduct me to see?"

"Or let me study it again..." Kaplun shook his head like a rattle.

"…How did you get teachers to teach you?" Fanning looked at him puzzled.

"It took me a lot of courage to show myself in front of them so that I could teach them..."

Kaplan said slowly: "When I was doing finance, I envied those people with great mathematical talents, or those who were extremely sharp in sociological analysis, or those who had particularly high emotional intelligence when interacting with employers... I was always too aware of my own shortcomings, and then when facing experts, I retreated to the back... Fortunately, I knew that I had good talents in written consulting and actuarial science, and I made a career with confidence, which made me earn some money..."

"A kind of contradiction of inferiority or self-confidence based on rational cognition?" Fanning tried to summarize.

"You're right." Kapurun nodded. "When I first started to study music, I learned a few piano pieces, and then I couldn't wait to show them to my family and friends. They were amazed and praised me, and I felt satisfied and happy..."

"...But as I gradually deepened my understanding of this field, I began to realize that my touch was so ridiculous, the rhythm was so loose, the expression was so lacking, my understanding of the pedal was so superficial, and the phrases I produced were so lifeless...Although this aroused my desire to further study, I gradually lost the courage to put my hands on the keyboard in front of the audience..."

"...Compared to finance, I may be more inferior to art. Please give me some more time to study. I will make myself dare to rehearse in non-performance occasions as soon as possible. Classmates, I know that this is my job responsibility."

...Strange guy. Fanning muttered in his heart, and remembered the scene when he was rehearsing just now, holding his own baton and hiding behind the piano to secretly gesture.

"Professor Fanning, that... the score on your podium, can I look through it?" Kaplun smiled attentively again.

"You go ahead."

So the guy hurried forward a few steps and took the thick book back to the desk.

While flipping through Fanning's scribbles on it, he wrote in his notebook very seriously.

Seeing his expression, Fanning couldn't help asking: "I'm actually quite curious, what have you been through in the past few years?"

The assistant conductor raised his head: "On the one hand... a few years ago when I was on a business trip in Ufransell, I heard Anton Koner's Symphony No. 8 in C Minor..."

"Well, on the night of a financial meeting, I made a trip on a whim... That day I was shocked by the violent power in it. It was compassionate, deep, warm, and open. It is difficult to find an entity that can correspond to it in the world. I shed a lot of tears."

... On the other hand? Fanning waited for him to continue.

Kaplun took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his head, and moved his lips twice, seeming a little hesitant.

When he spoke again, his words jumped directly to the result: "... The people around me open their eyes every morning, and the first thing they say is, how much can I make today? And before going to bed at night, how much did I make today? That is their only motivation... I used to be like this, but after certain things, my motivation became something other than making money."

"Professor Fanning, you may be born like this, but some people, like me, have spent half of their lives to find the ultimate goal... But at least I have found it. Now I am similar to you in this regard, right?"

Fanning nodded: "Please put my things away later, and then correct the test paper."

"Okay, okay."

Fanning walked towards the musicians' seats. After rehearsal, he chatted for more than ten minutes. A small number of students here had not left yet, and they were discussing in groups of two or three.

In the woodwind group at the back, several boys were chatting with the new flute student. It was unclear whether they were asking music questions or just chatting up. Her petite and cute appearance and soft and lively voice were indeed very popular.

Joan was responding to them one by one with a polite smile. When she saw Fanning coming over, she finally stood up.

"Miss Nissimmee, you go ahead and see you tomorrow." "See you tomorrow." "Professor Fanning, see you tomorrow."

Seeing that Fanning seemed to have something to do with her, the musicians said goodbye and left.

"What happened to you today?" Fanning's tone was a little worried and puzzled.

"I'll tell you in the carriage." Joan bit her lips lightly and lowered her head to collect her flute and music score.

The two walked out of the music school.

"Going home, Miss Nisemi?" The private driver asked after the two got on the car.

"Uncle Gordon, let's go to Woodpecker Consulting Office first." Joan said.

"What's going on?" After sitting opposite her, Fanning asked her again.

"Carlon, thank you for trying to help me collect the Brilliant Spiritual Liquid for more than half a year." The girl said this first.

"... You're welcome... Why did you mention this?" Fanning was confused.

"My memory recovery of 'Purple Bean Cake' is going smoothly. Although the details are still missing, there may be key gains soon."

"Good news? Why do you look like this?" Fanning looked at her lips without a trace of blood, and couldn't help but be more confused, "What bad information did you recall?"

The girl shook her head: "Carlon, do you remember our conversation after the distortion incident that day when you came out of Prudence Auction House?"

"I remember, about your past promotion to a knowledgeable person, right?"

Fanning recalled: "...You said that you would go to a small town called something on the outskirts of the city for vacation every holiday in the past few years. It is your family's ancestral manor. You like to practice the flute in the attic, which always gives you inspiration. Later, you accidentally glimpsed the secret entrance in the dream..."

"...Yes." The girl curled her lips, "I talked about this topic with my father last night. He said I was making fun of him..."

"What do you mean?" Fanning touched his hair.

Joan's face became uglier: "He said that our family moved to the current address in the Uvransel city area nearly 70 years ago, and the place we live now is our ancestral home."

"As for the Vatnay town manor I mentioned, there is no such place at all!"

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