Old-time musicians

Chapter 34 Another Door (4K 2-in-1)

On the other side of the bridge, the originally weak sirens became increasingly clear and audible.

"Sheeran, get these people away first."

This matter involved both his art museum and the Special Patrol Office. Entering the sight of the Police Security Bureau would also enter the sight of the Special Patrol Office. After thinking about it, Fan Ning decided to proceed with caution.

The headlights of six or seven motorcycles emerged from the slope. The police officer in charge saw the black figure standing in front of him and was about to fire a warning shot in the air, but found that he could not concentrate and his arms failed for several seconds. Didn't lift it up.

"Guide the school's actions." A soft and calm voice sounded, and the colorful rotating lights reflected the girl's delicate face.

"Anyone knows?..." The policeman was stunned. After thinking for a few seconds, he bowed slightly, then walked forward slowly and saw the ID the girl held out.

According to management regulations, when official organizations investigate mysterious incidents, they have no right to investigate unless they are ordered to assist.

The motorcycles turned around one after another. When Sheeran walked back to the car that had rushed halfway out of the bridge, he found that the scene in front of him was a bit strange.

The disconnected driver's door swayed twice before falling into the river. Benjamin sat sideways, with his feet stretched out of the car, half a cigar in his mouth, and looked at the black river flowing under his feet.

The car body is like a seesaw, in a delicate state of balance, swinging gently.

In the dark night, the other two people stood by the bridge, looking at each other from afar with the figure sitting in the air.

A scene of enthusiastic passers-by trying to persuade a man to commit suicide and jump into the river.

After a moment, Joan opened the trunk of the car, and five bundles of canvas scrolls came into view, but nothing else.

The quantity is small and the size is small. Compared with the spacious space of the trunk, it looks empty.

"I didn't expect that I guessed wrong." Fan Ning sneered, looking at the figure sitting in the suspended driving seat smoking, "Why, you still have a certain artistic taste, are you not the kind who accepts everyone? I originally Thought you'd fill it up..."

Sheeran's blood pressure was obviously rising along with Fanning, and his expression and tone were sarcastic: "The Turner Museum of Art has about 300 oil paintings in its collection. Judging from the proportion, Mr. Benjamin's taste is pretty good. Picky."

"Only these few paintings are readable and useful." Benjamin still had a strong nasal voice, "But my tolerance for garbage colors is gradually increasing. In order to save time, it is a pity that I did not burn the other paintings. The movement is still too slow. , it looks like I’m going to be broke.”

"Breaking money?" Fan Ning was a little annoyed by his wording at first, but then he became confused by what he said next.

He found that he couldn't seem to follow the logic of this crazy investigator.

"Who wants to spend more money if they can do it without spending money..." Benjamin took a few puffs of his cigar, his tone relaxed and helpless, "But I don't want to be forced to jump by you... Damn it, this ordinary person The Shoal River is full of oil, garbage and old excrement, so you’d better put a price on it.”

After speaking, he waved his right hand, and the cigarette butt fell into the river, and the trajectory of the sparks was swallowed up by darkness.

Obviously, he couldn't take anything with him in the current situation, and in this awkward position, he couldn't hope to move back to the bridge decently and slowly under the pistols and curse seals of the three people.

But he can jump.

As a knowledgeable person who has been promoted to the middle level and has studied the two phases of "candle" and "wild" at the same time, he always has his own means to avoid falling to death or drowning.

Fan Ning and his party could keep the painting, but they couldn't keep him.

"...Make a price?..." Fan Ning felt that this matter was getting more and more ridiculous. He couldn't understand this guy's behavior, but at this moment, his appeal was so reasonable.

Benjamin leaned forward and took out a wallet from the foot of the cab. He just sat in the air and began to count the bills seriously.

"Can 200 pounds allow me to slowly get back out of the car?"

"It seems you are not crazy?" Fan Ning retracted his pistol, holding the Sun Guide in his hand and playing with it from side to side. "It's interesting. The Harmony School tricked the Bologna School at the graduation concert. Investigators from the Special Inspection Department They also joined the Harmony School... I thought that was the case, but the 'phantom man' currently being taken into custody slipped away and returned. Who would have thought that this investigator had already joined the Harmony School..."

"Could the Harmony School be the biggest winner?" He joked, "You really acted like that back then - the Special Patrol Office always does the right thing?... But speaking of it, since you can be sent out by the Special Patrol Office Taking in the 'phantom people' shows that they were still holding this motive in the beginning to manipulate the qualifications for the premiere of the graduation concert. The teachers and students in the school are just pawns in the game between your two forces..."

"Mr. Fan Ning, I haven't found one sentence in your various judgments that is completely correct." Benjamin began to comment on Fan Ning's words one by one in order, as if talking to himself slowly, "First of all, I am now, In the eyes of you people, they are probably crazy. Of course, in fact, you are the ones who are really wrong with your brains... Then I joined the Harmony School a long time ago, and there is no such thing as joining the Harmony School...

"The last 'phantom man' didn't slip around and went back. The pipe ritual is not my personal property. It was sealed in the morning after being taken into custody. Now it is safely placed in the sealing room of the Special Inspectorate Building. …”

“…You have lost your ability to judge things, which fully shows that you have a problem with your brain now. You are in a very dangerous state and need some life-saving knowledge.” Benjamin took out a cigar again and put it in his mouth. He glanced at Fanning with concern, his eyes were compassionate and sincere, “Can you lend me a lighter? I just lit the lighter and my hand shook and it fell.”

…This guy’s words and behavior still feel a bit abnormal.

Fanning asked with interest: “Oh? You didn’t join the Harmony School? Then what have you been doing recently? Performing special performance art on behalf of the Special Patrol Office?”

While Fanning was asking questions, the cigarette butt in Benjamin’s hand ignited for no reason, and wisps of smoke floated out.

"Thank you... But I still want to say that it's really hard to communicate with you guys." Benjamin shook his head slowly, "The School of Harmony does not require that kind of old-fashioned joining process. As long as you truly understand the truth of the 'Fountain in the Painting' and are determined to be a pioneer or martyr who leads mankind to ascend, then you will naturally become one of us..."

"As for the 'phantom man'? It's none of my business. That thing is used by the Special Patrol Office to occupy the 'Gate of the Broken Key' ascent path that your Guidance School once used. We are not interested in it. Only the boring guys in the Special Patrol Office spend their days looking for the illusory things. The remains of the source god of Miao are just shouting to strengthen the control of those who know, who cares? ... If everyone learns to use "none of my business" and "none of your business" to solve problems, then the world will definitely be much cleaner..."

Benjamin said this, and two streams of smoke slowly blew out of his nostrils: "Since you borrowed the light, I casually shared some truths with you... Then, since I cured your brain, do you want to agree to my conditions? 200 pounds, let me climb out and go home from the bridge... Damn, this river is too stinky. "

Fanning stared at him, with a look of doubt and thinking on his face.

The former investigator seemed to speak in an orderly manner, but in fact, he was obviously mixed with crazy talk.

But there was a huge amount of information in it, which Fanning didn't know before!

From Benjamin's previous statement, he represented the Special Patrol Office to accommodate the "phantom" at the graduation concert, and rescued himself and the two principals, and then handed in the pipe ritual after completing the task... At this time, he should be a normal Special Patrol Office investigator.

But thinking further, Fanning's doubts emerged one after another.

Did he have a mental problem when he investigated the "Fountain in the Painting" of the Harmony School later?

The Special Patrol Office is looking for the remains of the illusory God of the Source of the Instrument... What is the God of the Source of the Instrument?

"The Broken Key Gate" is actually the core hidden knowledge mastered by the Guidance School? The Special Patrol Office wants to occupy this climbing path? What is the climbing path? How can it be occupied?

"The Phantom Man" is actually related to the "Broken Key Gate"? Is this a key? ... Then what about the spiritual state that Joan said about herself? Are these all keys to the "Broken Key Gate"?

If the main reason for the above doubts is mainly because Fanning's hidden knowledge is limited, then he can't figure out the next point:

Assuming that Benjamin did not lie, the Harmony School was not interested in the "Broken Key Gate" and "Phantom Man", then why did they perform evil rituals at the graduation concert? ——If this is explained as the leader of the underground party is Sylvia, Sylvia is from the Special Patrol Office, and the Special Patrol Office is interested in the "Gate of Broken Keys", it can be logically closed, but there is a threat from the Harmony School in Joan's memory, and they do have some plans for Joan, so it doesn't make sense.

"Mr. Fanning, if you want to increase the price, just say it directly. You have been thinking about the 200 pounds for five minutes."

Benjamin saw Fanning staring at him and thinking, and reminded him.

Fanning came back to his senses: "You are so long-winded, so why do you steal my paintings for no reason?"

"Mr. Fanning, you are very sick." Benjamin shrugged, causing the car body to shake more violently.

"Didn't I say it? First of all, those few paintings are useful and useful. Secondly, I resisted burning the rest because I am tolerant. Thirdly, why should I spend money if I can avoid it?"

"Oh? Oh..." Fanning has calmed down now.

Benjamin's remarks were arrogant, sinful, and shameless. In Fanning's opinion, they were even worse than those malicious art critics, but he was crazy after all.

Fanning smiled funny: "Okay, then tell me, why are the other three hundred paintings not good?"

"Color, mainly because of the color, don't you think those colors are rubbish and disgusting? Just like the paintings I burned at Prudence Auction House... Oh, God, just recalling it took me a lot of courage. The green leaves of Marley's still life seemed to have worms crawling on them, and the purple of the tablecloth was like a stinky rag stuffed into my mouth and nose; the blue sky of Cumier made me feel like someone was beating a gong in my ears, and I got goose bumps, and the sun painted by Claude, damn... the red color made me want to vomit, ah, I can't stand it anymore!!——"

Benjamin suddenly let go of the burning cigar, and his hands tightly pinched his chest and neck, and his whole body was tense like a bow.


The dirt gushed out of his mouth and nose in a jet-like manner.

"Wow——" "Wow——" "Wow——"

He was swaying back and forth in the driver's seat, shaking the car so much that it was about to fall. Fanning was so scared that he quickly took the canvas roll out of the trunk.

The three were stunned.

Who would have thought that what he said, "I feel sick after seeing it," was literal?

Benjamin vomited more dirt at first and less later, and vomited for a full minute. He felt that his stomach and intestines were almost pulled out. When he looked up again, his face was full of snot and tears, and he was gasping for air.

He cleared his throat and spat out a few mouthfuls of saliva: "For those who have seen the essence of beauty, this experience is worse than killing me... Fortunately, Vincent, the great artist... He finally painted a few works close to the truth, which must help me open the 'Seven Lights Gate'..."

...Another name of a door. Fanning asked tentatively: "...What does the Seven Lights Gate mean?"

In response to him, Benjamin retched again.

The former investigator became emotionally erratic, and roared at the three people standing by the bridge: "Carloen Fanning, I warn you, don't let me see those rubbish paintings in your art gallery again, otherwise I will burn them to ashes! You blind idiots!!"

"Who are you saying is blind? Who allowed you to go to the art gallery? Shame on you!"

Joan was implicated and scolded, with an angry expression on her face. She was about to step forward to argue with him, but Fanning grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Why bother with a madman?" Shiran whispered.

Fanning shook his head, looked down at the five paintings in his hand, untied the ropes, and slowly unfolded them one by one.

"Twilight and Wall on the Mountaintop", 40x50cm, oil on canvas, signed by Vincent Van Nin. The main color is golden yellow."

"The Perspective of Snakes and Scorpions", 40x50cm... The main color is purple."

"The Abyss Seen Under a Certain Emotion", 40x50cm, oil on canvas, signed by Vincent Van Nin. The main color is cyan."

"River of Silver Mirror", 40x50cm... The main color is silver."

"Creative Sketching on Extremely Asymmetrical Containers", 40x50cm... Sketches, black and gray. "

Joan looked at them in the sparse and weak gaslight on the bridge: "Carolan, are these all painted by your father? I think they are really beautiful, even the sketch is full of the temptation of light and shadow. "

Fanning narrowed his eyes. He really felt that the colors of these paintings were used to a certain degree of greatness. The pigments were blended just right like the stars returning to their positions. Any slight break in the balance would immediately make it dim. Those full or powerful brushstrokes were rolling, spinning, and singing.

None of these paintings have been publicly displayed in the gallery. One, three, and five of them have been kept in the storage room. The second and fourth are hung in his father's office. Fanning saw them when he first visited the art gallery last year, but the light was even darker than the night now. He did not master the spiritual perception at that time, and his attention was on deciphering the fragments of the sound series, so he did not discover this kind of rising beauty.

And at this moment, it seemed that colorful bubbles rose in his mind and then exploded like fireworks.

Joan asked again: "…But is there anything special about this painting compared to other paintings in the Turner Museum?"

"The main color of the phase?" Sheeran speculated.

"It's possible." Fanning tried to list them one by one, "Gold is candle, purple is key, blue is ember, silver is wild sketch? Black, white and gray, is this considered derivative?"


There are only five paintings here, and according to the corresponding relationship, "Cocoon" and "Pool" are missing.

"Did you burn "Green Night"? "Fanning's heart moved, and he tried to mention this painting that might also have problems by asking Benjamin a question to see how Benjamin would react.


Thanks to August 2, the runaway dragon god cannon, nmgsszl, keyeyes, Xingyun deacon, I am a rogue, book friend suffix 1270, ケ井中月ケ, book friend suffix 6652, who can remember your monthly ticket~Thanks to the reward from Yunshang Qingtai~

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