Old-time musicians

Chapter 40: The Serpent of Truth (4K 2-in-1)

It's over, something might go wrong. Seeing Joan's reaction, Fanning and Sheeran's initial reaction was that their hearts tightened.

But in the open terrain and strong light, it seemed difficult to control themselves from looking at something for a moment, so, like Joan, they saw a giant snake made of concave abstract lines, coiled in a vortex-like posture, and in a trance, it was wriggling to devour its own tail.

Fanning felt that a protective placenta that he had once worn was uncovered, and an indescribable sense of insecurity spread throughout his body in an instant - this experience was similar to the "fear of ghosts" when he was a child. He relied on the feeling of being wrapped in the quilt when he slept, but the quilt was pulled away by an unknown force in the middle of the night!

A certain "trigger" inside was triggered, and the scene in front of them seemed to be split apart layer by layer, first the outer shell of the hall, then the soil and rocks, and finally the air, clouds and the shell of the world. When the thin film of appearance was broken, everyone felt that in the depths of the sky or above the dome beyond the concept of experience, there was an ancient existence like a giant celestial body that was slowly turning with an oppressive feeling, and glanced at their position casually.

He had no form or emotions at all, or even if there was an image and thought, it was not something that ordinary people could observe. Any attempt to describe His body, color, sound or smell was just a distorted silhouette of the tip of the iceberg. Fanning's only feeling was that his soul was wrapped by a collection of some kind of true knowledge itself. They grew tangled gray and white branches, strangled the vortex-like scene in front of him, and turned into a huge geometric pattern to grind and crush his cognition repeatedly.

But this feeling only lasted for a short moment.

In less than a breathing cycle, before Fanning exhaled the breath he had inhaled into his lungs, this transcendental landscape and feeling collapsed completely.

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Qiong pointed the flashlight vertically at the ground, and the pattern on the wall had fallen into darkness.

In the strange and empty hall, the faces of the three people at the junction of light and darkness looked at each other in horror.

The atmosphere here became unsettling at some point. The faces of people stacked and nested by lines on the wall, as well as the invisible corners in the dark, all seemed to have invisible things that would pop out in the next moment.

"The Lord of Witnesses "The Serpent of Truth"."

They all knew the name of this ancient and great existence in their hearts, as well as some shallow and subtle hidden knowledge, such as the phase He controls is "Yan", but no one dared to read out his name at this time, nor did they dare to think about it carefully. Because the dizziness and premonition of uneasiness were about to overwhelm people, everyone only read a hint of the impulse of "running away" in each other's body movements!

This silent terror was more devastating than the direct threat of death. It formed a delicate and fragile balance with the quietness in the air, which made Fan Ning suddenly recall the scene of exploring "abandoned buildings in the community" with several friends when he was young - in the dark, as long as one of the calm walking people started running, the scene would become extremely terrifying. Even if it was clear that there was nothing nearby, let alone death, the genes engraved in the bones would only urge him to run away quickly.

He didn't know why he inexplicably remembered this scene. Of course, the three people in front of him would not do such a thing. After exchanging glances with each other, they pretended to be calm and took steps, and retreated side by side at a moderate speed.

After retreating back to the corridor, the first thing the three did was to press their backs firmly against the wall, and then slide down with their whole bodies.

Just now, the feeling of leaving the strange hall with his back to the darkness was so terrifying that Fan Ning didn't dare to close the bronze door leading to the hall. He always felt that if there was no vision, he would be worried about something rushing out at any time, so it would be better to leave it open.

In contrast, he felt so at ease now.

"Is there anything wrong with your current state?" Fan Ning asked after his emotions eased a little.

This experience of being accidentally glimpsed by the Lord of Unknown Witness was the second time Fan Ning had experienced it. Before, he accidentally observed the hidden knowledge carrier that carried "watching death" and "heart flow", and he felt the same way - a mixture of greatness and terror, enjoyment and collapse.

But this time it was just a witness symbol. He didn't use it as the basis of the secret ceremony, nor did he recite or pray for anything...

When you first come into contact with a new divine name hidden knowledge, there will be some shock, but it is usually within the tolerance of the knowledgeable. He didn't expect such a reaction this time.

"It seems... not... but I can't say where it's weird." The two girls' panting has not subsided.

"I think so too." Fan Ning frowned.

His body and spirit were slightly frightened, but now they were returning to normal. His thoughts and actions were still under control, but he always felt that after being accidentally glanced at by the "Snake of Truth", some abstract level of things had changed, either inside himself, or outside the environment, or the outside involved in the inside, or the inside contained by the outside.

Is it like touching a certain "trigger"?

Although he didn't know what it was, Fanning now chose to follow the basic law of mysticism: in the same situation, don't think about it, the risk is the lowest.

He began to think about another question: "Shiran, can you roughly judge what period this underground building is from?"

Shiran said: "It's not the new calendar, it should be the late 3rd Sturrangalia Dynasty."

"So sure?... It's strange. Could it be that there is a well built in the third period of history on the address of the art museum? I wonder if the incident that happened in the hospital is related to the things underground."

"No, it's not that well. The masonry of that well is not that old, only about three hundred years at best."

"What you mean is that the deep well and corridor, as well as the buildings connected to them, are indeed pieced together by the products of two different historical periods..." Fan Ning crossed his arms and thought, "Well, this is not difficult to understand. Ancient people It is entirely possible that this shaft was built next to it in order to explore more ancient ruins... But why are you so sure about this underground structure, and it is so accurate to the late period? "

Xilan slowly explained, "Judging from the style of the door on the well wall and the architectural style seen along the way...the bronze material favored by the Tulungalia dynasty is not actually a real bronze. It is a kind of mercury gold with special proportions and composition. Under bright natural light, you can see that their color is slightly golden... As for the heptagonal layout, it appears in many of their palace architectural remains. It’s what they consider a dislocation art.”

"And the later this dynasty went, the more often there was an aesthetic tendency to 'anthropomorphize' everyday utensils. That is, the design of decorative patterns is always easy to associate with the combination of facial features."

"This is an unpopular academic point of view with few samples, because the existing historical materials of the Tulungalia Dynasty show a distribution of 'relatively missing at both ends and relatively complete in the middle'... I just saw the style of the door on the wall of the well. At the time, I didn’t realize it, but as soon as Joan said that the walls of the hall also looked like faces, I gradually remembered it.”

"You have learned a lesson. You are indeed very knowledgeable about history and ancient languages." Fan Ning listened carefully, but after thinking for a while, he raised some questions, "However, from this point of view...then outside the door The candlestick opposite should also be an antiquity from the Tulungarian period, but... it is located next to the escalator on the well wall. "

"It's just that the people who built the candlestick built an extra candlestick outside." Qiong took over the words, "Although they are two buildings from different historical periods, they are next to each other after all, so the builders just built another one outside. The entrance is used for lighting..."

"No, the time is wrong." Xilan realized the problem at this time, "The underground construction time is in the front, and this shaft is in the back... Just imagine, if we are in the corridor at this moment, we see objects that are more recent. This is normal. …But on the other hand, what if something in the underground architectural style grows on that shaft? …”

"...Don't you think there's a weird sense of dislocation here?"

After listening to Sheeran's analysis, Joan finally came to her senses.

Consider two explanations for this phenomenon:

The underground building of the Tulungarian dynasty had an extra candlestick extending out of the discontinuous boundary, and was then built together by the people who built the deep well?

Or maybe the person who built the deep well originally renovated it in an underground building, but happened to not destroy the candlestick and still left it embedded in the well wall? …It’s all too far-fetched.

Sheeran is right, it is indeed a weird feeling of dislocation...most likely caused by some unknown occult factors.

Fan Ning turned on the flashlight again, stood on the edge of the corridor, and shined into the hall.

Joan asked doubtfully: "Caron, what are you doing? Aren't you afraid of seeing the image symbol of the Lord of Witness again?"

"The wall on our side has a blind spot," Fan Ning said. "I suddenly thought of an explanation for the meaning of these combined geometric shapes on the wall of the hall, and wanted to confirm it again."

He looked at it a few more times, then turned off the flashlight: "Do you think this looks like the four elements the alchemist said?"

"Alchemist?" Qiong asked in surprise: "You mean, the Harmony School?"

"No...earlier, maybe even earlier than the Continental Alchemist Association, the predecessor of the Harmony School." Fan Ning shook his head, "Nearly two thousand years ago, when this profession was just emerging, the earliest group of ancient alchemists had already proposed four Elemental Doctrine.”

Sheeran felt that he couldn't keep up with Fan Ning's thinking: "The theory of four elements? I have heard of this. One embodies the wisdom of ancient scholars, but today it is far from the achievements of human chemistry, and it is not as good as the occult theory of contemporary knowledgeable people. A theory with such a complete system... The main point is that the world at the beginning was composed of the four basic elements of fire, water, air, and earth. Well, the world here mainly refers to the appearance of the world...

"However, I remember that the symbols of the four elements in ancient mystical theory are tokens, cups, swords and gold coins. Compared with these straight lines on the walls of the hall, are they too far behind?"

Fan Ning said: "Because of my previous investigation of the Harmony School, I learned about the theoretical development history of alchemists. The symbols you mentioned are correct, but mysticism has developed from ancient times to the present, and alchemists in different periods have also used other symbols. Symbols symbolize the four elements, such as fire. There are not only tokens, but also scepters... For example, there is a set of flat symbols that are composed of upper and lower triangles and horizontal lines. Another example is that there is another set of three-dimensional symbols that are symbolized by regular geometry... "

"There are only five kinds of regular geometry in the world. The first is the symbol of fire. They chose the regular tetrahedron with the sharpest corners. Fire drives the gas up and down, so the gas has two sharp corners pointing upward and downward. The regular octahedron; soil is something that can be stacked and built, so it is the most square hexahedron; water has an irregular and flowing shape, so it is the icosahedron with the most faces and the slipperiest appearance...

"In the end, the dodecahedron is left without corresponding elements. The ancients believed that this was the 'ether' dispersed around stars, minerals and living things - this is the same as the first layer of 'ether' outside human skin in modern mystical theory. The body' is very close, so the theoretical completeness of this set of three-dimensional symbols is stronger than that of the flat symbols, and it is also more widely used in the practice of ancient alchemists..."

"Four, six, eight, twenty..." Sheeran recalled the most basic units of the complex patterns in the hall that he had just seen. "So, do you think that the number of plane sides of these wall patterns corresponds to the number of three-dimensional faces of regular geometry? ? In other words, the entire hall is filled with four elements...and then, in some spaces with sparse lines, there are some images of the Lord of Witness? How do you understand this?..."

Fan Ning slowly analyzed: "The seven phases are refracted from the radiance, dispersed in the world's will to form a surge, and then drift downwards to condense into the shell of representation, which is the residence where ordinary people live... because representation and will jointly constitute In the real world, many mysteries handed down from ancient times require the performers to use symbols of the four elements when building altars as a miniature of the initial world, and then fill in the phases on this basis to metaphorically transform from transcendence. The mapping of the world to the waking world…”

"...So, these patterns piled on the walls of the hall should symbolize the initial world, and several Lords of Witnesses appeared in it. Could it be..." Fan Ning analyzed this by himself, and suddenly remembered what the secret organization "Transcendental Club" claimed That theory of origin classification of the Lord of Witness.

"Could this mean the unfallen fire, the Tower Builder, the winter wind, and that existence..." Fan Ning still jumped over the name of the "Truth Serpent" with fear, "... among these witnesses Does the Lord have the same personality as the original world? Or in other words, are they ancient beings who were born at the same time as this world?”

Of course, it is very likely that there are more than just the symbols of these four Lords of Witness in the hall, because many places have been weathered and eroded, and a few people have not found all of them.

Fan Ning's guess was recognized by the other two people, but everyone was still confused about the significance of the existence of this hall. It had nothing but hanging candlesticks, a few windows, and patterns on the walls. It was not like ancient times. The scholar's mausoleum does not look like a place where sacrificial activities were held.

The three of them returned the same way.

This corridor started out as a gentle straight line, then turned uphill and curved. Now going back, it starts with a downhill curve and a reverse curve.

During this period, Fan Ning asked the two girls for their opinions, and they all decided to continue exploring down the shaft after leaving the corridor.

But not even ten seconds after this decision was made, Fan Ning suddenly stopped while walking.


"What's wrong, Carol?" Sheeran turned his head.

Fan Ning stared at the darkness ahead with suspicion.

"This road...when you came here...did you think it had such a big bend?"

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