Old-time musicians

Chapter 63 Card No. 2 (4K 2-in-1)

In fact, that feeling was not unique to Fanning. Everyone in the audience, including Vasius, also felt the invisible feeling of being scanned.

"The number plates are on the table. Distribute them yourself. Don't lose them when you visit the exhibition, and don't take the wrong ones."

Mr. F reminded again in a clear and official Hoffman accent.

"Please, Mr. Fanning." Vasius on the side did not reach out to take it.

...Does this investigator really want to push himself to the front? Fanning thought about Vasius's intentions in his heart quickly, and looked down at the table at the same time.

When he saw the numbers 1-12 on the hard cards that looked like a bunch of playing cards sliding open, his mind seemed to connect them with some of his previous conjectures.

So he took two steps forward and picked up the cards at random.

"If it has to be this way, I'll just do it casually." Fanning smiled easily, "There's nothing to choose. Let's take it first, and then let the people behind take it. Since you want me to go first, then--"

He directly put the card numbered 1 in his pocket according to the order, and handed 2 to Vasius.

Vasius stretched out two fingers to hold it, and then stopped his hand in mid-air, examining Fanning's movements.

Then Fanning continued to follow the order, without picking anyone, disrupting it, and pausing and hesitating, and directly handed numbers 3-12 to the people behind him.

Vasius, who witnessed Fanning do all this, finally put the cards in his pocket.

"Mr. Vasius, are you sure you want me to be in charge of the investigation of this mysterious incident?" Fanning finally spoke calmly, "I am willing to contribute my own insights to help get out of trouble, but if you let me take the lead, to be honest, I am worried that I will lead everyone into a ditch."

"I said before, you will soon find that you know more than me." Vasius responded indifferently, "For this reason, I shared some information with you before coming in. This is a sure win, right?"

Fanning smelled the potential conflict. For a moment, he tried to estimate the chances of his side winning if he fought with Vasius, but the uncertainty in his heart and the uncertainty of the objective environment made him suppress this impulse.

He didn't stop thinking in his heart, and walked towards the stairwell deep in the hall. The people who received the number cards followed behind.

This investigator definitely knows something about himself. Even if it is not "confirmed", he is "preparing to verify" under suspicion.

What is it? The secret of the Turner Museum? The identity of my father? The fragment of the sound series? The mysterious chord? The mobile phone that traveled through time? There were too many uncertain factors in himself, so many that Fan Ning couldn't judge what the Special Patrol Office had in its hands.

He enumerated and thought about it. After taking a dozen steps, he suddenly thought of something, stretched out his hand, and inadvertently pressed his chest.

There was no familiar feeling of being hit by a hard object in the place where objects were usually hung.

Fan Ning was shocked and almost broke out in a cold sweat until he suddenly remembered something.

The last time he visited Yiyong was in a dream two days ago. He took the art gallery key back and forth in the Qiming Church and the ordinary star world and tried some things. In the end, he forgot it next to the organ keyboard above the church and didn't take it out.

It was a strange forgetting, but that day he confirmed that the art gallery key was also a Yiyong substance. His previous so-called "concrete" was actually bringing it into the dream, and the precipitation of the spiritual fluid seemed to occur with the return of the spirit body.

... Just bring it back to the waking world next time. So Fanning finally breathed a sigh of relief, and just as he was about to take the first step up the stairs——

"Sir, your things are here with me."

In the dim hall, Fanning and Vassius suddenly turned around and found that Mr. F had stood in front of the long line of 12 people, on the side of the two of them, and was holding six flashlights in his arms.

Just this sight made Fanning's heart skip a beat!

It was not because of the flashlights, but because among the piled flashlights, there was an object that was as black as ebony and decorated with light golden spiral patterns.

My baton "Old Days" was actually in his hands without knowing when!

What made Fanning's scalp tingle was that after the second eye contact, he seemed to have found the source of the familiarity after being scanned before.

Has this person studied the hidden knowledge of the Lord of Witness "True Word Viper"?

This ghost-like gentleman bent down, squatted, and gently placed the six flashlights on the ground, so that he could free his hands to pick up "Old Days".

"Your thing? It seems to be a baton?" He stood up again.

"I'm used to carrying it with me. I'm a musician." Fanning stared at his face and spoke calmly.

"I'm also a musician, especially interested in expanding sound effects and harmony systems. Now I'm studying the connection between holistic art and mysticism." Mr. F said.

"..." If it were an ordinary occasion, Fanning would most likely chat with him after hearing this, but now he was in doubt and didn't speak.

"Can't remember?" Mr. F suddenly raised his beard and smiled, "Actually, this group of people today is quite interesting. At least three of you have heard my music."

The next moment, the other party held the top and tail of "Old Days" with his white-gloved hands and handed it to Fanning.

"Lights are not allowed in the art gallery." Mr. F said, "When collecting flashlights, I accidentally brought it out. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Thank you, you're welcome." Fanning also stretched out his hands to take it.

Expanding sound effects and harmony systems? Holistic art and mysticism? …It seems that there is no such person. Fanning has not heard of any contemporary musician who calls himself "Mr. F" in several countries. Why did Mr. F say that three people have heard his music?

However, when he held the wooden handle of the baton again, Fanning breathed a sigh of relief. At least, the thing was back.

At the same time, he became more and more puzzled about Mr. F's origins. This person's good intentions or bad intentions may be more difficult to distinguish than the Special Patrol Office, which has already shown signs.

"The baton is made of good materials." Investigator Vasius, who witnessed the whole process, commented.

"The effect is more ideal in practice." Fanning smiled and responded, "If you can perform on time at the summer art festival later, you can come and experience it yourself."

"I hope so." Vasius said, "You borrowed from No. 9, right?"

"...What No. 9?" Fanning asked subconsciously.

"There are no animals among the visitors, right?" Mr. F spoke again, interrupting his thinking.

This strange question made Hiran and the others behind him look at each other in bewilderment, and then shook their heads blankly.

"Then... I wish you all a happy exhibition, and remember to come out before dawn." Mr. F returned to the guide desk and sat down, "Finally, jumping off the building is prohibited."

"Mr. Fanning, please." Vasius made a gesture of extending his hand.

Fanning took a deep breath and stepped onto the stairwell.

He wanted to see what Vasius had in mind.

After two turns, Fanning led everyone to the upper floor. This should be the second floor of the art museum, but the door of the stairwell was marked with the first floor doorplate "F1" in Hoffman's language.

As soon as the door was opened, everyone was blinded by the inexplicable red light in front of them.

This floor was just like what they had seen outside the building before. The distance between the buildings was very low, and the corridor less than two meters high made people feel depressed. The red light came from the strange rectangular light bulbs on the ceiling. At a glance, they were attached to people's hair.

As Fanning walked forward slowly, it took him nearly a minute to adjust his vision. With the help of the strange colors, he finally saw several paintings clearly - these works were also poor, even if the colors were distorted, it could be seen from the line composition that they were at the same "artistic level" as the performances he had heard at the concert before.

"Carlon..." Shiran stepped to Fanning's side and tugged at his clothes, "The door... is gone."

Fanning turned around and found that the wall in the corridor had become smooth and flat.

"It doesn't matter. Even if there is really no way back, there are still windows." Fanning pointed to the fork at the far end of the corridor, "I estimate that the distance from here to the ground is less than three meters..."

He was used to big scenes, but now he was calm.

"But didn't Mr. F say that jumping off the building is prohibited?" Roy asked.

"It doesn't seem to be a problem." Fanning walked quickly to the window, frowning and looking at the night below, "But since this matter is not urgent, don't try it."

Everyone still walked around the second floor of the entire art gallery. Although there are several forks, the area is too small, so they quickly visited most of it.

There is not only a red light area here, but seven kinds of lights.

Yellow, purple, cyan, white, green, red, and flickering black and white flashes. These lights divide the entire second floor into seven irregular and large areas.

"Mr. Fanning, do you see anything or think of anything?" Vassius suddenly asked.

"Seven phases of color." Fanning glanced at the investigator, "Any knowledgeable person who is not crazy can see it, Mr. Vassius, don't you need to test me?"

"Very good, then you continue to think about whether you can think of anything." Vassius smiled and stood back beside the weird residents.

...What is this guy sure of? Fanning was puzzled at first, then he had the idea of ​​analyzing and taking action, but in the end he suppressed it because there were too many variables and the interest point was not the primary reason.

The second floor of the art gallery fell into silence for a while. When he was thinking, there was a crisp sound of "bang", and the yellow light above his head suddenly became stronger. Except for the six dull residents, several people including Vassius subconsciously covered their eyes.

The next moment Fanning saw the situation and asked: "Joan, what are you doing?"

Joan stood against the wall, with a pull ring hanging with a black wire on her head, which was swaying gently. She explained: "I saw that the line of this pull ring seemed to be connected to the yellow light bulb above my head, so I tried to pull it down, and it seemed to be a light bulb switch."

"Turn it back." Fanning said helplessly, "Everyone is almost blinded by you."

"Okay." Joan tiptoed and pulled it again, and the yellow light became weaker.

But the place where everyone was standing suddenly became extremely dim, forming a sharp contrast with the bright color area a few meters away.

"Why is it weaker than before?" Joan muttered to herself in confusion, and stretched out her hand to pull it again with a crisp "bang".

This time the yellow light finally returned to its original state.

"There are three levels." Xilan said, "Switch in order of weak, medium and strong, and at the beginning it is all medium..."

Joan walked quickly to the area five or six meters away, where the area was shrouded in an uncomfortable purple light. She searched around and found a pull ring somewhere after a while.

"Bang, bang, bang" several times in a row, the purple light switched back and forth between three intensities, Joan nodded and said seriously: "Indeed."

Shilan curled his lips: "After the invention of the electric light, the Empire had such a regulating device a few years later. Seeing your fuss, what's so strange about it? If I have to say the only difference is that there is no "off" gear. Maybe the main switch is in Mr. F in the hall..."

"Okay, stop playing, what's the fun of light bulbs." Fanning said, "The most urgent thing is to find an exit, whether it's up or down All is fine. "

Roy also nodded and said, "That's right, let's look carefully and check the wall several times. Maybe it's because the door is too tightly closed, and the colorful strange lights caused our eyes to be a little off... Since Mr. F emphasized that "jumping off the building is prohibited", we should not do such things that violate the rules unless it is absolutely necessary."

So everyone spent about 20 minutes searching the second floor of the small art gallery several times, but strangely, no one found the stairs back to the first floor, nor did they find the door to continue going upstairs.

The entire second floor is like a closed flat house.

Fanning couldn't help but lean against the wall and think.

This is strange. What is this art gallery built so high?

Maybe you need to get some tools to go upstairs, open the window and climb to the window on the upper floor?

Fanning paced back and forth in front of the window on the side of the corridor to think.

There was another "bang", and the black and white alternating lights that were originally dizzy became even more intense.

"Shilan, why are you playing with it yourself?" Joan stared at her bestie in surprise, then staggered several times while holding her head, "No, this ghost light is the most outrageous, I'm really going to be blinded by you..."

"Sorry..." Shilan said softly, "Aren't you looking for special clues... I'm just suddenly curious, compared to the other six kinds of 'weak, medium and strong' continuous color lights, how will this 'derivative' phase bulb be adjusted."

"So that's it, I'll adjust it back now." Shilan pulled the pull ring, and the contrast between the bright and dark flashes was weak to a barely acceptable level.

Just as she was considering whether to pull it again to restore the default medium level, or just make her eyes more comfortable, there were suddenly several loud "booms", the lights went out, and the entire art gallery building suddenly shook violently!

"Be careful." Fanning exclaimed, but the shaking was too intense, perhaps even a magnitude 9 earthquake was not so strong, including Vassius, everyone was thrown to the ground, and Shilan rolled on the ground for more than a dozen circles.

The shaking came and went quickly. Fan Ning followed his memory before the darkness and quickly got up. He ran to Xilan and took her hand: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Xilan patted her chest, "I was just scared. I don't know if I touched something. Let's look for any changes."

Although the F1 floor was pitch black at this time and almost nothing could be seen clearly, everyone's eyes were much more comfortable than before.

"It's strange that the building didn't fall down even though it was shaking so much." Fan Ning turned his head and looked out the window, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Why do we seem to be higher from the ground than before?"

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