Old-time musicians

Chapter 66 The Same Door (4K 2-in-1)

"You just turned on the light bulb symbolizing the 'barren' phase. Why?" Wasius asked.

"I guessed it." Fan Ning ignored him and walked straight to the lighting position on the 4F floor where he thought he should go.

It was the tonality, but what he had never been able to figure out before was, what was the relationship between the notes in music and the phase in mysticism? Or what is the common ground?

Now it seems that this relationship is very simple, both are seven——

The seven phases correspond to the seven note names or roll calls in order: Zhu-C-do, Key-D-re, Jin-E-mi, Huang-F-fa, Cocoon-G-sol, Chi-A-la , Yan-B-xi.

When Fan Ning figured this out, he was confused about why the light had three intensities of "weak, medium and strong", and he immediately had the answer: "medium" is the normal or restored state of the note, "weak" is falling, "Strong" means rising!

Key signature! The rising pattern of this weird art museum is the relationship between tonality and key signature behind the 11 tone series fragments!

The composition of mainstream serious music is based on a common system: 24 natural major and minor scales and harmonies under the twelve equal temperaments.

When a composer composes a certain piece of music, he needs to choose a tonal center, that is, choose one of the seven white keys and the five black keys on the piano as the main tone, and other notes in the scale will also appear accordingly. There are different key selection methods: the keys that are neither flat nor rising are still white keys, and the keys that are flat or rising are black keys. The combination of rising and falling notes of these different key selection methods will be marked at the far left end of the score, which becomes the symbol. Key signature of tonality.

The first one is Beethoven's "Tempest Sonata" in D minor. The key signature is a flat, xi flat, so the "Yan" light bulb should be dimmed.

The second picture, Beethoven's "Dawn Sonata", in the key of C major, has no sharpening or flatting in the key signature, so Sheeran left the 2F floor after restoring the modified lighting.

The third piece is Bach's "Goldberg Variations", in the key of G major. The key signature is a sharp, fa sharp, so Fan Ning turned on the "barren" light bulb!

And the 4th picture…

Fan Ning walked towards the silver and cyan areas in turn, and pulled the "Desolate" and "Ember" light bulbs twice to dim them.

Schubert's "Piano Sonata No. 21" is in the key of B flat major. The key signature is two flats, mi flat and xi flat.

As expected, all the lights went out, and after the high-rise building trembled, everyone arrived at the higher 5F floor.

Vasius showed an expression of admiration: "...Sure enough, Fan Ning, you did not disappoint me. You have cracked the secret behind the audio fragments. You are worthy of being Vincent's son."

He changed from his usual facial expression. Judging from his expression under the colorful lights, he was in a very good mood at the moment.

This also means that if everyone can get out of trouble

As soon as you go out, this matter will be known to the Special Patrol Office as quickly as possible!

"Oh? Which paintings of my father have you collected?" Fan Ning glanced at him.

"That's not true," Vasius said.

"Then you look very familiar." Fan Ning responded coldly and continued to walk quickly around the corridor on the 5th floor.

It's getting closer and closer to dawn, and I wasted a certain amount of time thinking just now. I'm afraid it's already past five in the morning.

Fan Ning seemed to have taken the topic in a strange direction in an understatement, but in fact he was highly suspicious. The Special Patrol Office knew Vincent's identity clearly - not only did they know that he was the investigator who had been among the middle and high-level, I'm afraid I also know that he once led a team into the Abnormal Zone.

The stone that had been hanging in my heart finally hit my feet.

Vasius followed Fan Ning closely, looking at the lights everywhere with his eyes: "I'm really curious about what is behind the fragments of the sound series that everyone has stopped studying. It's a certain artist. A secret biography? Is it a sister art related to music? Is it a record of unknown works? Or is it a hidden tonal pattern?

Although Fan Ning has continuously deciphered the codes and led everyone to 5F, and the hope of escape has also seen clear progress, there is deep melancholy in the eyes of Sheeran and Qiong, as those who accompanied Fan Ning to explore the secret door , they all vaguely knew that Fan Ning had many secrets that could bring danger.

Mr. Fan Ning had a deep entanglement with the Special Patrol Office? Roy also felt that something was not right.

Looking at it like this, it seemed that there was still some high-level secret involved. She suddenly understood why she had asked her father to investigate Mr. Fan Ning's background before, but no information other than his current identity was found. So that was it.

If a conflict breaks out, whose side should I take? The girl looked at the back of the black suit running in front, pursed her lips and was lost in thought. The relationship between the Bologna School and the Special Inspection Office is now very tense. This time, the Special Inspection Office promoted a "discussion group" in the imperial capital to clean up and reconcile those who had an affair with the school. They will inevitably use the topic to try to recover the relevant keys held by the Bologna School.

The Guidance School and even the Holy Sun Church may be affected, and clues to the whereabouts of the remains of the God of Origin will also be dug up. I am afraid that the ultimate goal of the Special Patrol Office this time is to find the "disaster" mentioned by Vasius. Thinking of this, Luo Yi's hand inadvertently touched the "Mirror of Transfiguration", a ritual weapon on her chest.

…In recent years, the Special Inspection Office has shown signs of polarization. Judging from the trend, Mr. Fan Ning and I may eventually stand together, but the conflicts have not intensified yet.

"Before taking action, it's best to think about what this means for your identity." Vasius' warning words were still in his ears.

…Can I ignore the interests and just follow my heart? She glanced at Fanning's side face, who was thinking, and at Hiran beside him.

Vassius looked at Fanning's movements and continued slowly: "You already know the prophecy that Vincent brought out from the Abnormal Zone, right? You go in and out of the Turner Art Museum quite frequently. Vincent must have hinted it in the museum in some way through the sound series fragments."

"After you get out, how about taking us to visit?"

The prophecy brought out from the Abnormal Zone?

Apart from this keyword that confused Fanning, those secret clues that once made him keep secret came out of Vassius' mouth one by one.


In silence, Fanning reached out and pulled down the pull ring of the silver-white light, making the light more dazzling, and then turned his head.

"What are you looking at?"

Roy saw that the boy was smiling at him.

…He hadn't smiled just now. But how could he smile in this situation?

Her eyes gently circled Fanning's body, and finally stopped at the object he had been playing with in his hand.

"When you hold the baton, I always look at you out of habit."

Fanning nodded and turned back to the next position.

"Bang." With a gentle pull, the green light symbolizing "cocoon" became stronger.

"So, either only the light needs to be turned up, or only the light needs to be turned down, and there is no situation where both appear at the same time?" Vassius spoke again. Obviously, he has been analyzing the characteristics of the code proposed by Fanning.

"You are so noisy." Facing this high-ranking knowledgeable person, Fanning blurted out impatiently.

"You said 'hurry up before dawn' yourself, can you say less now? I didn't think you were so noisy at first."

...This change in attitude. Roy next to him was secretly amazed. I don't know what the previous picture was compared to, and the shallow dimple on her cheek appeared briefly.

She suddenly felt that she had considered it too complicated before. If she really had to fight, people would always act impulsively at the moment of life and death, wouldn't they?

"Common artist temper." Vassius ignored Fanning's sarcasm, "I won't bother you anymore. Time is really running out."

"Bang." The golden light symbolizing "candle" became bright and dazzling.

The lights went out and the house shook.

The 5F floor corresponds to Mozart's "Clarinet Concerto" recorded in the sound series fragment, in A major, with three sharps, sharp do, sharp fa, and sharp sol.

In the dark, Joan whispered, "Too strong... How did Carloen find the pattern? I've heard some of the materials you played in the sound series fragment, but I didn't find any connection between this and the current control of the light bulbs?"

"The biggest problem at the moment is no longer this." Shiran looked stern, following Fanning closely.

After the seven-color light bulbs were lit again, Fanning began to calmly look at the changing corridors on the 6F.

Although Vassius made him feel a very serious threat, as the floors went up, Fanning became more and more confident.

If he was only 30% sure of leaving Vassius in this art gallery before...

Then after verifying that this place was indeed connected to the sound series fragment, his confidence was at least 70%.

Under the gaze of everyone, Fanning continued to walk forward.

6F, turn on the golden light of "Candle" and the silver-white light of "Desolation", corresponding to Liszt's "Sonata in B Minor", with two sharps, sharp do and sharp fa.

7F, turn off the three-color light of "Ember", "Pool" and "Yin", Shostakovich's "Ninth Symphony", E flat major, three flats, mi flat, xi flat, la flat.

8F, turn off the six-color light of "Candle", "Key", "Ember", "Cocoon", "Pool" and "Yin", Chopin's "Black Key Etude", G flat major, six flats, except fa, all the others are flat.

...What is the principle behind this? Seeing the most complicated operation on this floor, Roy was amazed. If there was plenty of time, it would be possible to enumerate violently along the way, but to complete it before dawn? If it weren't for him, everyone might have been forced to jump off the building.

Disassemble the most secret revelation from the most common musical inspiration? Mr. Fanning really... I'm afraid all the musicians I met in social occasions before couldn't do it.

9F, Fanning turned on the "wild" color light again, Mendelssohn's "Violin Concerto in E Minor", one sharp, fa, is the parallel minor of 3F "Goldberg Variations" in G major, with the same key signature.

10F, dim the four-color light bulbs of "Key", "Ember", "Pool" and "Yan", Tchaikovsky's "Fourth Symphony", in F minor, four flats, re flat, mi flat, la flat, xi flat.

11F, the same operation, Chopin's "Polonaise in A flat major", is a parallel major of F minor, with four flats in the key signature.

The lights went out again, but this time, the building did not shake as expected.

…11 rounds of operation, where could this high place be?

In the darkness, the few people who were familiar with the sound sequence fragments all had the same question in their hearts at this moment.

A gentle switch sound came from somewhere, and a dim light lit up above everyone's head.

Under the pale light, an ancient double door with a bronze texture appeared in front of everyone, and the surroundings were still almost black.

Severely eroded complex lines, almost falling door hinges, and... an eyeball-shaped bulge on each of the two doors.

Fanning, Sheeran and Joan's eyes suddenly shrank.

They saw a dried liquid-like mark on the eyeball, the only difference was that it had no color, and would not remind people of blood, but rather something like tears.

How could it be such a door?

Behind the secret door of the Turner Art Museum, on the third floor under the deep well, leading to the Alchemist Association's laboratory and the remains of the "Grand Court School"?

"Why, have you seen this type of door?" Vasius's faint voice came from behind.

Obviously, he keenly captured the instantaneous emotional changes of these people.

Fanning turned around and glanced at him calmly.

"The design style is a bit creepy, isn't it?"

"I agree." Vassius nodded, "Then, open the door."

"Mr. Vassius, are you really going to watch the show from beginning to end?" Fanning smiled and shook his head, "I dare not open the door. Who knows what's inside this damn place? You used me all the way here, and I have spent the energy I should have spent. I am not good at what comes next."

Joan was also very dissatisfied with this guy: "Yes, didn't you say you were here to do business? Go ahead and do it."

"You are an interesting girl." Vassius looked at Joan with interest. "I called to inform you of the news of your inclusion in the Bologna School... Well, that's good. You may play a bigger role in the future."

Hearing this, Fanning's vigilance was raised to the extreme.

Sure enough, everyone found that the art gallery related to the Yinlie Fragment was just an accident later, and the first person involved in the whole town of Vatsnai was still Joan.

Going back further, why did the Special Patrol Office decide to refer Joan to the Bologna School to obtain official status while asking him to give up his qualification for the first performance of the graduation concert? With their strength, there is no need to "exchange for equal value" with him.

Now it seems that this may be related to some internal purpose of Vasius behind this mysterious incident?

Or does the achievement of this incident itself require the entanglement of two or more secret history factors?

He felt the girl's nervousness, reached out and grabbed her sleeve, and symbolically pulled her closer to him to comfort her.

Although he was sure that Vasius had the potential to become a "ticket", he had not figured out how to find some triggering conditions.

For the safety of his companions, there was very little time left for him.

After Vasius finished speaking, he stopped looking at Joan, took a step forward, held the spheres on both sides with both hands, and slowly pushed the door open.

"Mr. Fanning, please."

The two stepped into the door first, and after a few breaths, the rest of the people followed.

There was a corridor inside. Although there was an obvious light source, it seemed to maintain a dim and pale low visibility. There seemed to be something on the walls on both sides. Just as Fanning was about to take a closer look, something strange happened.

In addition, the six strange and silent residents of the town suddenly made strange sounds.

The sound was not like talking, but close to mumbling, with disordered and confused emotions, intermittent and vague, and occasionally a few syllables similar to Hoffman's language could be heard, but the content could not be recognized at all.

"Everyone be careful." Fanning hurriedly whispered to remind several companions.

In these chaotic and terrifying mumblings, the residents' limbs trembled, their eyes rolled up, and part of their bodies became transparent.

Afterwards, Fanning watched these people "sink" into the floor tiles, walls, and even the ceiling at some impossible angles and postures, just like the "penetration" phenomenon in the 3D games in his previous life!

Thanks to September 3rd, the monthly tickets from the warm man Dabaojian, a cat eating dried fish, the book friend tail number yearx, the illusionist ∩r, and the unicorn looking up at the stars~

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