Old-time musicians

Chapter 81: The Poet's Funeral (4K 2-in-1)

The condolence event began. Bishop Mill, the director of St. James the Sun Church and dressed simply and solemnly, came to the stage to deliver a speech.

He expressed that he was honored to be the host and presided over the condolence event, and welcomed the arrival of the seven members of the "Boethius Artist" nomination delegation.

In his brief speech, he particularly emphasized that today's event was something Bassani was happy to see. This great poet hoped to finish his last journey in the collision and comfort of artistic inspiration.

This was not a funeral filled with monotonous mourning like ordinary people.

The second item on the agenda of the condolence event was to present the creative themes used in today’s preparation for the nomination of “Boethius Artist”.

Bishop Mill's solemn and old voice echoed in the church: "The initial scope of the creative theme was delineated by the discussion group, but after the final selection, the discussion group entrusted Bassani to select a 'Boethius artist' from 11 themes. 'After passing away, a new nomination is born, starting from the path that the former thought of. This is the inheritance of art and civilization by future generations."

It seems that Vasius was right. He really used the fragmentary material of the music series as the theme of his creation? Fan Ning thought to himself.

The Special Patrol Agency is really still working tirelessly to find artists who can interpret the fragments of the sound series, or who can have stronger inspiration and resonance with the fragments of the sound series.

After participating in the Lianmeng meeting in the Special Patrol Hall, Fan Ning also learned about some of Pogolic's attitudes towards "Boethius artists" or people with high-level "characters".

The use of materials to create works does not reveal the mysterious side of the secret. On the contrary, if I want to enter the world's top art circle, or find out about the Harvest Art Festival, I must take this path - since time travel The initial guidance received on "reproducing classical music" is also in line with the current direction.

There are several acquaintances sitting below, which is good for reputation, right?

Fan Ning, who was sitting in the back row of the reception hall, couldn't help but wonder which fragment Bassani had chosen.

With my current inspiration and improvisational abilities, even if I randomly designate a series of four harmony progressions, I can still improvise something meaningful. However, no matter how much I improvise with the title of the fragments of sound series, it will naturally not be as good as the original works they point to.

You're not going to wait until you get up there and play the piano abbreviation of the "Violin Concerto in E minor" again in advance, right?

It’s not that the whole song cannot be played before the audience has heard it. Orchestral works can also be played on the piano by themselves, but it will inevitably be accompanied by the breaking of the parts into parts, especially the hasty momentary adjustment is not as good as a carefully designed adaptation, no matter it is Neither the exquisite polyphonic texture nor the composer's ingenious orchestration can be reflected, and the effect will be compromised.

“That person will hesitate, tremble, be frightened, shrink back, and eventually faint.” Bishop Mir, the host of the survey, took a few steps back and stood at the edge of the altar. “But Saint Sebastian will support him. He and the sixty-three archbishops will support him and all the light-dwellers will support him and sing his praises in unison."

Bishop Mill raised his hand toward the back of the coffin flower bush, where there were long steps for the choir to stand, and beyond that were the stone walls carved with serial reliefs that separated the corridors of different heights.

In the low but strange rhythm of secret chanting, Fan Ning felt the inspiration of "Candle" coming like a tide. The light projected from the church dome changed, and the interweaving of light and dark began to be broken up and reorganized.

"Therefore there should be no doubt, no fear. He is the favored one, the baptized one, and the secret is in him. He should enter to see the king who dwells in his splendor and splendor. He has not been Destroyed and not burned.”

On the stone wall row reliefs, a large number of bright lines dimmed, and details that were originally in shadow began to be visible. After several changes, the originally delicate and complicated patterns turned into a row of concise symbols.

Bass clef, five horizontal lines, the notes start from the G sound in the fourth small group, first the descending progression of F sharp, E, D, then the ascending progression of B, C, D, and finally drop to the low eighth The capital letter of degree has a G sound.

"There are at least two times in a person's life that he is closer to the radiance." When everyone's eyes were focused on these eight notes, a look of reminiscence appeared on Bishop Mir's old face, "This sequence of notes is Bassani's dying breath. The transcendental revelation that the poet was born in this situation is undoubtedly the closest to the truth among the eleven themes.

Fragment No. 3, the first eight bass bars of the theme of Bach's "Goldberg Variations" (Opus No. 988)? Fan Ning thought to himself. If we want to say that it is closest to "divinity", Bach's works are really the closest.

When the theme was announced, Luo Yin, who was sitting behind Marquis MacAdam in the second row, turned his head.

Her eyes passed through more than ten rows of mourners, briefly intertwined with Fan Ning, and smiled and blinked, as if asking herself if she had any good ideas.

The girl's touching glance back made many mourners around her look at her. Fan Ning responded with a helpless look, then lowered his head and closed his eyes.

It's a good thing that Bassani chose the material for a piano piece, but what Fanning originally hoped for most was that he could choose the two Beethoven sonatas - for many reasons: moderate length, rich stage experience in his previous life, and outstanding dramatic expression. , I also practiced alone after time travel...

"Gothenburg Variations"... If you can play it well, you can definitely kill the whole audience, but the problem lies in "if you can play it well"... This piece is really too difficult, and I have been neglecting it for a while.

It is a keyboard work of Bach's late period. It was not taken seriously for a long time, but hundreds of years later, it was regarded by later generations as one of Bach's most important keyboard works, and it is recognized as the largest, most magnificent, most noble and greatest variation in the history of music.

It consists of a beautiful aria theme at the beginning and the end, plus thirty superb variations in the middle. The huge volume almost covers all the difficult polyphonic performance techniques.

Fanning has practiced it, but he never played it in its entirety when there were admirers in his previous life - from the perspective of psychological pressure, he would rather play more than a dozen Chopin or Liszt etudes in a row.

In some private music gatherings, Fanning would only pick a few variations he liked to play for his friends when he was in the mood.

This is not like those virtuosic works. When encountering any flaws, you can get over it by moving your fingers faster, or stepping on the pedal, or hitting it a little louder.

When playing Bach's music, if you play one or two wrong notes, or even just a long note with a different holding time, or a fingering error when changing fingers of the same note, the muscle memory of the counterpoint relationship of the parts will completely collapse, and then the brain will also be damaged.

What's more terrifying is that even if you make a mistake when playing Liszt, people who know a little about piano may not be able to hear it, but there are mistakes when playing Bach? ... Sorry, there is no such thing as mistakes when playing Bach. It either ends smoothly or has a major accident. If there is a problem, even laymen can hear it.

In his previous life, a student that Fanning had taught, when playing a certain Well-Tempered Clavier on stage, made a mistake in a note and stopped playing directly at the same place. He had to start over. Who knew that he would stop at the same place again because of psychological suggestion, and the audience was stunned... Fanning spent a year to heal the psychological shadow caused by it.

For such a grand polyphonic work, if you want to maintain the state of full performance on the stage, it is a dangerous challenge to the mental, physical and psychological quality of the pianist, and even requires a bit of luck.

Now that he was here, Fanning placed his hands on his knees, flicked his fingers gently, and began to recall the sound effects of the "Goldberg Variations".

If he really couldn't do it, he could just play some of the variations.

In the process of recalling, Fanning gradually discovered the magic.

Although he always felt that the muscle memory of a certain measure would be broken soon, when the fingertips really moved there, he could always continue naturally.

The revelation of the "Endless Fugue" in spirituality is like a searchlight, constantly illuminating the missing dead corners in memory, allowing all the dim polyphonic textures to reappear in his mind.

Fanning, who had a little idea in his mind, finally took a few leisurely glances around. He was also curious about how these famous musicians present would interpret these eight notes to different effects.

Similar to Fanning's expression and movements, many musicians present also showed expressions of conception, and many of them began to move their fingers or sing quietly.

After the presentation of the creative theme, the condolence activity entered the third agenda, where the church's narrator narrated the life of the poet Basani, and then some representatives present read the eulogy.

The time of the third agenda also played a role in facilitating the presenter's conception.

Although everyone is a musician with rich inspiration and profound skills, it is definitely better to give some time than to improvise directly. Everyone has more room to plan the overall structure of their next music to ensure logic and thought.

However, the attention of most people is now immersed in the narrator's narration and the subsequent eulogies.

People in this world attach great importance to death, their own or others'.

People have an almost instinctive listening and respect for the narration of the life of the deceased at the funeral, even if it is a funeral of a homeless person. Life is short, but why not spend more time to understand the past of each deceased person's life? When you lie in the coffin and flowers, don't you hope that more people can remember you, or just a moment of recollection?

The narrative perspectives of different mourners are combined with each other. At this point, some glimpses of Bassani's life gradually become clear in Fanning's mind, and he also knows more old stories that he has never known.

This great mystic, poet, and cellist was born in 825 in the new calendar, one year earlier than the old organist Vien. The reason for this comparison is that they knew each other.

- They had worked together before. In the last few years when Vien was a full-time organist at the Royal Academy of Music, Bassani worked as the choir conductor of the academy for a period of time to explore the connection between poetry creation and vocal interpretation. When Vien resigned and settled in Uvransel, the two rarely met until Vien died.

But two of Bassani's students, Viadrin and Marquise McAdam, mentioned the letters of artistic discussion between Bassani and Vien in their speeches.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Fanning to understand why Viadrin and Teacher Anton are old friends, because one is a student of the poet Bassani and the other is a student of the organist Vien. The two predecessors must have made some introductions.

Bassani was not a knower at first, but he was a talented poet. At the age of 16, he openly declared that "poetry is a rebellion against language". This sentence runs through his life and has become an epitaph until today.

His early works have a strong romantic style and are good at creating a dreamy and blurred atmosphere. However, he was gradually influenced by mysticism and symbolism in his middle age. After being promoted to a knower at the age of 40, it took only nine months to break through the realm of the profound knower. When he was promoted, his 41st birthday had not yet arrived.

This shocked Fanning, as it seemed to violate his previous understanding of the promotion rules of the mysterious side.

And he gradually understood why the discussion group mourned Basani so solemnly this time.

When the Special Patrol Office began to recover the keys, the mysterious interests involved in "Boethius Artist" became more direct. Today's activities were indeed an experimental change made by the discussion group to coordinate the conflicts between the Special Patrol Office and the other three forces in Theolian. If the conflict is not cooled down now, when the scope of key recovery is further expanded in the future, the forces of the Western Continent and the Southern Continent will also be involved, and the situation will only become more and more difficult to handle.

—— Basani is undoubtedly a suitable person who can ease the conflicts between the parties.

He was born in a traditional small noble family in Saint Taranburg. His ancestors believed in "the unfading fire". Due to the business acumen of several generations of family members, they happened to catch up with the industrialization trend of the empire, completed the accumulation of wealth and the transformation of subdivided classes, and he also had a wide reputation in the art and literary circles and taught a group of younger generations.

So first of all, he believes in religion.

Secondly, he has a noble bloodline in the traditional sense, so the size of the title is not a problem.

Thirdly, his family descendants are industrial aristocrats with the same interests as the authorities.

Finally, he is the teacher of two senior members of the Bologna School and the Guidance School.

When his official title of "Boethius Artist" was vacant, the discussion group added three nominations for musicians in an approximate proportion, and invited various forces to form an inspection team to jointly select those with potential...

Although today is only the first stop of the inspection activity, and the results cannot be determined immediately, it undoubtedly conveys a signal that "the various official organizations are still in a stage of relationship where there are things to discuss."

The third agenda took a long time, and after it ended, the most critical link of the day came.

The four masters of understanding and the three music masters sitting in the first row of the ceremonial seats have been introduced, and now the host, Bishop Mir, read out a list of famous artists present and their corresponding titles.

Although no further explanation was given, the mourners present were either knowledgeable or upper-class people who had close ties with extraordinary organizations. Everyone understood that these were the people who would soon start the first round of competition in the nomination examination.

There were ten people in total, including the three music directors (chief conductors) of the "Big Three" music academy symphony orchestras that were about to perform - "Royal Academy of Music", "National Conservatory of Music of Theolian", and "Santa Rambha University", as well as the seven soloists who performed concertos with several symphony orchestras.

The support behind them must include the four knowledgeable organizations present.

Fanning was not included, because Fanning was in the category of "young musicians" in both the art world and the public's cognition, and "famous musicians".

The proposal that Marquis McAdam promised to express his gratitude to Fanning for the previous things had to wait until the end.

After reading the list of candidates, Bishop Mill smiled calmly: "Before the famous artists present their works, we are honored to invite two of the seven delegations to present their works on this theme."

The audience was amazed.

Will any of these masters present their works first? It is undoubtedly rare in such a public occasion, which is very helpful for inspiring one's own inspiration.

"They are -"

"'Boethius Nominee Artist', the great pianist Lee Viadrin."

"'Boethius Artist', the great composer and conductor Colin Nyman."

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