Old-time musicians

Chapter 93: Sheeran's famous debut (4K 2-in-1)

The first movement, passionate allegro, 2/2 time, sonata form.

Fanning's conducting movements were extremely simple, just maintaining the natural rhythm of the music.

When the elegant and sad E minor theme reached the second sentence and the material was repeated, he just raised his left hand and gently gave the woodwind group a hint of superimposed ethereal sound. It was not until the violin climbed to the emotional high point of la that it finally opened its body slightly, relying on the beat line stretched up and down, to bring out the strong performance of several column chords of the orchestra.

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In the intervals between the solemn column chords of the orchestra, Sheeran played a series of powerful and detour descending triplets, and finally turned into a tense diminished seventh chord progression in the middle range.

The decomposed octave bowing starts from the tip of the bow, and gradually moves down and widens as the force increases, and the emotions become more and more intense. At the moment of rushing to the apex, she raised the bow to end the phrase, watching Fanning instruct the orchestra to burst out a small summary theme chorus.

"It's so beautiful. The extremely casual but extremely precise control and restrained conducting method not only shows the reserved and noble characteristics of the music, but also leaves Miss Sheeran with a high degree of freedom in interpretation." Master Niemann has such a sharp eye that he discovered Fanning's intention of conducting just after the short 24 bars of the presentation theme.

"This is the core purpose and essence of conducting. It is a good criticism of the current tendency to emphasize superficial enthusiasm and passion. No style period means that rationality can be abandoned." Master Sweelinck nodded secretly.

"The simple orchestration creates an extremely strong and full effect of emotion. When writing a concerto, it is naturally good to be able to write such an easy-to-control orchestra part, but the difficulty lies in not being able to write it. Subtraction is not an easy thing." Many composers who are conceiving similar genres have also begun to think about it.

There are so many experienced musicians here, and they can see a lot of things just from this opening.

The connection section appears, a melody that listeners have never heard on the radio. It follows the tonality and intervals of the theme material, but is presented in a chromatic way, giving the musical character a hint of tenacity and resistance in the sadness.

Next is the secondary theme in G major, played by the flute and the single yellow pipe. Sheeran and Fanning look at each other with breath, and the two clarify the delicate color and emotional changes through eye contact.

The sentimentality here is temporarily gone, replaced by a sweet pastoral poem. Sheeran begins with repeated notes, first painting a quiet and tranquil lyrical picture, and gradually turns into the passionate up and down sixteenth notes of the development section, leading to the alternating forte of the orchestra with tremolo.

At a certain moment, the sound of the orchestra suddenly dissipated, and the violin quietly entered the solo cadenza. Here the stage belongs to the soloist alone. Fanning stopped moving, turned slightly, and admired the flying bowstring in the girl's hand.

"The extraordinary skills of this Miss Sheeran are like a miracle!"

"It is so moving that I feel I am impressed"

Most of the fans were immersed in the beauty of the music itself before, and when the solo cadenza came out, they realized that this 17-year-old violin soloist was simply a talented girl with natural skills.

Sometimes she poured out sparkling broken chords, and sometimes played deep and powerful tremolos and arpeggios, which made people dazzled. However, there was no trace of reluctance in her bowing and pitch. Each group of changes of position and string was extremely precise and clean. The audience breathed carefully, but it landed perfectly without any danger every time. This feeling was really refreshing.

At the end of the cadenza, Sheeran began to move back and forth on the four strings to play broken chords and jump bows.

This is a highly expressive violin technique favored by composers. The whirlwind sound effect slowly stretches the emotions and colors to a tense state, as if something that the audience longs for will emerge in the next moment.

Fanning, who has been staring at her, smiled again, raised the baton in his hand again, and the musicians who were at ease raised their instruments and returned to the state of performance preparation.

The most touching moment of the first movement may be the transition from the solo cadenza to the recapitulation.

Fanning instructed the long-silent orchestra with a deep and warm expression, "This is the reunion we have been waiting for."

Under Sheeran's flying up and down broken jumping bow cadenza, the sad and elegant theme at the beginning of the music reappeared in the orchestra, and the flute and double yellow pipe played like moonlight through the clouds, and once again fell in the quiet and fragrant rose garden.

"I can't bear it. How can there be such a sad and gentle recapitulation?"

"Fortunately, this clip can be played back. I must play it back 20 times when I get the record."

"It meets my expectations. This theme that is hard to find in an ordinary composer's life, combined with such a clever way of reappearance, simply meets all my expectations!"

The audience was like being fed a delicate and sweet snack. While tasting it, they couldn't help wanting to cry. There was no other reason, just a simple human instinctive reaction.

After the theme reappeared, the orchestra and the soloist used a question-and-answer method to once again introduce the semitone-like, weak but tough connecting part material. After several brewings, the intensity and emotion were gradually pushed to a fierce level. A series of rapid passing phrases and climbing double tones brought the first movement to a glorious ending.

Interestingly, the music here never ends. In the last chord at the end, the low B note played by the bassoon is directly connected to the elegant and gentle new beginning, and climbs up a half step to become the beginning of C major.

The second movement, Andante, is in 6/8 time. After the quiet and soothing prelude of the woodwind and string sections, a clear and transparent violin melody slowly flows out under Sheeran's bow.

In order to express her unique singing voice, she has obviously thought about the pronunciation of every note of the theme. The bowing movement of her right arm is smooth and continuous, without any pauses or stresses, and without any pressure on the strings. The effect is to make those beautiful melodies flow from your fingertips as much as possible. ξ—’

"Hiran should have entered the public eye after this battle. If Anton knew that this student, this daughter, could achieve such an achievement today, I don't know how happy he would be." Listening to the soothing Andante, the audience Viadlin at the table shook his head happily.

The two extremely outstanding young members who have appeared in the Guidance School in the past year have undoubtedly made him feel much better, which was previously complicated by old events.

"Among all the violin concertos, there is no slow movement that can perfectly match the pure and noble temperament of the little girl. Fan Ning really put a lot of thought into the creation dedicated to her."

Elsewhere, Marquis MacAdam, watching the two masters of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Ascher and Mayella, stretching out their right hands and swaying to the rhythm of the Andante, could not help but sigh and think deeply in his heart.

The first part of the Andante ends with vibrato. At this time, the undercurrent of the timpani appears, and the horns and trumpets seem to break the previous tranquility, presenting a different atmosphere with firm and solemn sounds. Then the band's double brass, violin and double bass played the second theme.

Sheeran paused briefly here for 5 bars. She held the piano between her neck and adjusted the elastic knob of the bow with both hands, while quietly brewing the delicate changes in emotion.

Fan Ning felt the gaze she was looking at, and then she remembered that during the ensemble that night, she had said that this was her favorite part besides the theme of the first movement.

So when he motioned for the girl to take the photo, he didn't forget to blink, as if to say, "I feel it too."

With a smile on her face, Sheeran plays the notes of the answering orchestra. Here is the two-part texture of the violin. The bass part is composed of flowing thirty-second notes, like dead leaves swirling and falling in the air. Above It is this poignant and solemn second theme, just like "gazing at the autumn scenery in the back garden of a gorgeous palace on a gloomy afternoon."

After a slight downturn in mood, the music returns to the first part of the Andante, but this is a reduced reproduction. What is presented to the audience is only the section with more changes in intensity and the highest range, which is like recalling and recounting the most precious memories.

At the end of the Andante, Sheeran's bow pulled out several meandering legatoes, and then the intensity gradually weakened.

At this time, Fan Ning gave instructions to the woodwind section, the brass section, and the percussionists in the rear to take a break. Then his eyes scanned the two sides nearby, and he started to beat one after another without stopping.

The third movement, marked "Very Vibrant Allegro", is in rondo sonata form.

However, what was played by the string section was a sound group with a slow speed, tranquility and elegance, and a broad and vast artistic conception.

"This should be the finale. I didn't expect that the first, second and third movements of this work would be played continuously. This is really an innovative design." Nyman thought to himself.

The other two masters beside him were a little confused for a moment: "Why is it in E minor again? And it's still at this slow speed?"

Logically speaking, the three movements should follow the contrast of fast-slow-fast, right?

When the music progressed leisurely to the 14th measure, Fan Ning finally signaled the wind players behind to lift their instruments, and the timpanists also raised their drumsticks, bowed and waited with bated breath.

Fan Ning's facial expression became slightly excited. With the rapid swing of the baton, the band's intensity suddenly went from pp to ff without any crescendo, and the gloomy E minor also instantly changed to the bright E major.

The timpanist began to roll happily, and then stroked the drum surface continuously and pressed the stop button. The wind section also issued a passionate and loud horn sound, and Sheeran responded with a playful and rising sound pattern, and several rounds of energetic repartee , finally leads to the theme of the final movement presentation.

"I didn't expect that he actually wrote such a long introduction in the finale, and it was in a minor key first." The musicians and music critics who had been a little confused in the audience were now laughing.

But then they suddenly realized: Mr. Fanning used the B and C notes of the bassoon to connect the first and second movements very casually, and in the second and third movements, he designed another strictly logical movement. way to make a seamless transition.

β€”β€”The slow tempo is introduced to connect with the second movement, and the key of E minor is a review of the first movement. With the arrival of the sunny key of E major, the finale must be filled with joy and wild dancing.

The three movements each have their own character but are integrated into one. This is truly a genius-like ingenuity that no one has ever thought of!

Sheeran used the up and down flying bow to fully reveal the cheerful and jumping musical character of the third movement. The fast sixteenth notes throughout the piece gave her hands no chance to rest, but every set of her bow skips was extremely rich. Flexible, the left hand always maintains accurate and clear granularity, and the right hand changes bows and strings cleanly and without any noise.

At this time, Fan Ning's state also became "busier". While maintaining the rhythm and prompting expression terms, he continued to use subtle gestures, body movements and eyes to guide, so that the short motivations appearing in the main part of the presentation were constantly reflected. The various parts are transferred and developed until the music is pushed into a more enthusiastic atmosphere.

"The brilliant tone, high enthusiasm, and perfect balance are great!" Kaplan clenched his fists excitedly at the bottom of the stage.

If the performance of the first and second movements can be achieved mostly by the skill of the solo violinist, then the third movement undoubtedly requires the close cooperation between the orchestra and the soloist.

Kaplan knew very well that the pace here was too fast and the texture was more complex. A little carelessness would break the balance and cause chaos. And he saw that after more than a month of polishing efforts, he finally achieved the most perfect effect.

At this time, under the control of Fan Ning, Sheeran and the band's concertos were completely integrated, while maintaining a relatively independent sense of momentum. In an unobtrusive atmosphere, the band played a vigorous and energetic sub-theme , the key also changes from E major to B major.

Both the intensity and the musical image here are in contrast to the playful and lively musical image before. The melody played by Sheeran is slightly slower, with rests and syncopated rhythms, giving it a touch of weirdness. .

"She's so cute, I feel like I'm hopeless."

"Originally, her temperament in performing the first and second movements was too elegant and melancholy. I always felt that while being noble and pure, she exuded an aura that people were afraid to approach. But the final chapter let me know that although she is very strong, she is also a cute little girl. Girl"

As the performance progressed, more and more people in the audience felt that they had fallen.

The arrival of the expansion part allowed a large section of intense sixteenth notes to reappear from Sheeran's hands, and the band has been using the motif of the secondary part to provide endless motion.

Her condition has not declined at all, and her voice still has extremely clear texture and penetration. The familiar main theme like an elf dance flashes by, and the music gradually transitions to the recapitulation.

This initially imitates the form of a development, with Sheeran rapidly playing a passing phrase while the band reviews the motivation for the subtitle, also foreshadowing the fiery ending. The most exciting moment was about to come. Fan Ning broke through the previous restrained command posture, opened and closed his arms widely, and almost jumped off the ground.

Sheeran played the broken main chord of E major with a firm long vibrato, jumping all the way from the B sound of the minor group to the E sound of the minor group 3, and then stood firmly on the higher C sharp of the minor group 4. , and then slides down like a roller coaster, bringing out a group of fun and dripping tremolo sounds.

The band then broke out into an overwhelming force, and ended neatly in the most enthusiastic and uplifting musical atmosphere, bringing the piece to a successful conclusion.

"Bravo!" "Bravo!"

The audience burst into applause, accompanied by loud cheers in Hoffmann's language.

Including the rows in the middle of the distinguished guest seats, the audience stood up one after another, clapping vigorously with their hands.

Fan Ning raised his arms and all the musicians stood up. At this time, he stepped down from the podium and gently hugged Sheeran with the standard movements and strength of gentlemanly etiquette.

"Yeah." Fan Ning, who rested his head on the girl's shoulder, heard her childish cry of triumph as the faint fragrance lingered.

The next moment, Fan Ning smiled and opened his arms, took her hand and raised it together, walked to the front of the stage, and led all the musicians to salute the audience.

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