Old-time musicians

Chapter 95 Joint commemorative record (4K two-in-one)

The popular theme and powerful rhythm of the "Radetzky March" instantly captured the emotions of all the audience.

When the first four rhythms of the main part of the music were finished, Fanning made a surprising move.

He put away his baton and walked down from the podium.

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"What's going on? The baton was put away?"

"Why didn't he wave it?"

Seeing the conductor come down, his bare-handed gestures were almost invisible, about four-fifths of the fans were at a loss for a few seconds.

In Kaplun, Fanning had given him a task that seemed a bit strange to him.

- When Fanning got off the podium and the music finished eight bars during the encore, if the audience was still relatively quiet, he would lead the other ten students in charge of administration to clap their hands together.

So when the music started, he was very nervous and tense, just like a percussionist waiting to enter the venue, counting the beats tremblingly.

But as he counted, he found that his nervousness was totally unnecessary.

Fanning left the stage after the fourth measure, and then in the sixth measure, a small number of the audience members' "DNA" that belongs to the essence of human beings moved.

They couldn't help but clap their hands to the beat of the music itself!

The majestic march marched forward with its head held high, and more and more audience members were infected and inspired, and joined the clapping.

"I take back what I said just now." McAdam also clapped his hands, but smiled and shook his head.

The Marquise sighed and said, "It is impossible to guess the inspiration of this young composer with common sense. We didn't guess it right at the memorial service for the poet Bassani before. This is purely a historical reappearance."

Fanning gradually left the state of conducting and clapped like an ordinary audience. At the same time, he kept changing sides at the front of the stage, communicating with the audience with a smile, encouraging them to participate. He only gave necessary voice entry prompts at the places where a few music sections were connected and the rhythm of the middle section changed slightly.

"This sense of participation is really deeply rooted in people's hearts! I guess I can't forget it for a whole year!"

"How can I share today's joy with others in the future? It's too difficult. It's too difficult to tell people who haven't experienced it live about this feeling."

Everyone clapped their hands to celebrate the finale of the concert, and more and more emotions about the music itself emerged from their hearts.

"It's over. What on earth is in Mr. Fanning's head? I think I've been brainwashed by the melody of this song." Someone not only clapped his hands, but also hummed along when the theme material was repeated for the second time.

"I want to know if the encore will be recorded on the record?" Someone asked his companion next to him.

"It will cost extra." The companion kept the beat and spoke without thinking, "I guess it will cost extra. It's really not easy to hear it live. I have never been so grateful for the invention of recording technology as today."

The interaction of "Radetzky March" finally brought tonight's concert to a perfect end. The applause was still warm and continuous, but it seemed to have something else at this time-the fans not only gave their applause to the musicians, but also to themselves who participated, and to all the music lovers present.

The students on the stage finally breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at each other, and their eyes were full of smiles of praise for each other.

The nearly two-hour battle finally ended. Everyone performed very well. This is undoubtedly an unforgettable experience in the artistic career. Moreover, the task was completed. Before school starts, it is time to enjoy the joy and distribute the "trophies".

But not everyone's task was successfully completed. For example, Fanning and Sheeran are destined to have another fierce battle tonight.

That is the pre-sale of the record.

Although Fanning created this concert with the principle of "full sincerity", since this is a commercial performance, his motive is definitely not to give benefits or do charity.

First, this violin concerto was brought out, and then three "explosive" works from Vienna in the previous life were arranged in succession. The purpose is for the highlight later.

Maybe it will be better to wait until the New Year's Concert or a more important occasion, but it is unrealistic to wait later, and it is relatively easy to arrange the works of Strauss and his sons. The fame will be spread first.

"I hope this wave can make back the orchestra's expenses in the first one or two months, otherwise I really have to go to the pillars."

The high salary conditions of his future symphony orchestra, the expensive instrument purchase costs, and the black hole-like Turner Hall operating expenses are still unknown.

He believes that after these rounds of operations, the market value and popularity of the record should be raised again.

The money sold can always be a little more than expected, right?

Although Fanning was thinking about making money, he still had an elegant smile on his face. While his last round of curtain calls had not ended and the audience had not left, Kaplun ran onto the stage according to the pre-arranged arrangement.

He was also wearing a black tuxedo, but at this moment he waved his arms, with a hint of hospitality in his elegant smile, and shouted in a raised voice: "Ladies and gentlemen, I am Mr. Fanning's conductor assistant Kaplun. According to the previously announced arrangement, the next step is the pre-sale of the live recording record of this concert. Everyone will leave normally. You can see the service desk in the guided tour hall where you came in before."

With his movements and voice, the originally boiling sound in the symphony hall gradually calmed down to the state close to the performance. Everyone's eyes were also focused on Kaplan. At this time, he emphasized: "Friends present should Most of them have heard of the radio station, and yes, we will fulfill the promised preferential policies. You can enjoy a 20% discount with the premium ticket stub, and it will also come with the autographs of the composer and the violinist on the album cover.”

“Conductor Fan Ning’s operational ideas are as unpredictable as his compositional inspiration.”

Several officials from the cultural department in the audience, including Minister Noel, knew about Fan Ning's action on the radio before, but now that it was announced from Kaplan's mouth, they still looked at each other with weird meanings. See.

For people in the old industrial era, although capital has entered various major market areas, and commercial activities such as GG, endorsements, and promotions have also appeared, this level of gameplay in the cultural and art industry still touches their cognitive blind spots.

The request for instructions was sent from the National Concert Hall to the Arts Festival Committee, and they naturally agreed to the relevant arrangements. This was not a question of whether the rules and policies allowed it, but that the relevant keywords could not be found in the relevant regulations of the empire. It can only be considered that in the commercial performance contract, "Party A has the obligation to cooperate with Party B in publicity and arrangements related to the performance." Faced with this box office explosion, no one would object to the proposal of the orchestra conductor.

For other music fans, hearing these words is a completely different feeling.

Although they had listened to the radio announcement, they only now noticed its special details:


Miss Sheeran's signature!

Still co-signed with the conductor and composer!


Originally, things like idol autographs, even in the modern society of Fan Ning's previous life, were something that countless fans chased after. But the more critical thing in this old industrial era is: there are no network resources!

Regardless of whether you like the market or the serious style, if you can't listen to music for a long time, people will really wither. But being able to listen to music is a luxury thing. It cannot be done anywhere or at any time. Professional-level concerts must be in relatively large venues. Cities can only be enjoyed at a high price.

Sociologists or historians in various periods of the world have different visions for the future ideal country, but they all have a common characteristic of happiness: as long as they are willing and pick up a certain tool, people can listen to music anytime and anywhere. A musician or a group of musicians perform for themselves the masterpieces of the masters.

The sprouting of the record industry in recent years has given everyone a glimmer of hope. However, both the high price of the gramophone and the expense of the records themselves have determined that this is at least a purchase that the middle class can consider. It can only be said that it changes listening to music from " "Luxury" has become "light luxury".

The high price of purchase and maintenance, the large and bulky appearance, and the sophisticated mechanical structure still make listening to music strongly branded as "physical support". In this case, music fans are very concerned about the "performer's signature" on the record. One type of thing has a more indescribable urge to chase it.

The artists on the stage retreated to the acting aisle, the staff went up to clean the music stands and large musical instruments, and the fans in the audience also began to leave one after another.

But it was obvious that Kaplan's reminder made the music fans lining up to go out have different thoughts.

The ones with the simplest thoughts were the more than 200 audience members who held the ticket stubs. They were originally planning to buy the record. The savings on the discounted price was secondary, and signing autographs was the most important thing.

Records have been sold for a round today, and they will continue to sell in the future. As a historical record of tonight's performance, there will definitely be more and more records circulating around the world.

However, the number of signed records in circulation is determined by the stub of the VIP ticket. As expected, it is already determined, and there are only so many.

It’s a good deal, with exclusive tickets for rows 6-12, with 40 seats in each row, which is 280 copies! This is the first recording and release of these two talented conductors and violinists. It is of great commemorative significance and its future collection value is hard to say!

The most common scene is a social gathering or music salon held at home. When the gramophone is turned on, the red wine is poured, and the records are opened, they point to the signature on the cover and brag to the guests: "I was sitting in front of the concert at that time. , my own applause was recorded." The right to speak in the guide was obtained at once.

So for them, just buy it and that’s it!

The ones with slightly more complicated thoughts are those who bought the cheapest seats, such as 3 pounds and 6 pounds. Although they feel very itchy at the moment, they can consider "whether to buy" as an independent event. As for things like autographs and collection value, I didn't have such a high budget initially, and there was nothing I could do about it. The record itself was the most important thing when I could take it back and play it back.

Those who have the most complicated feelings are definitely those who bought the mid-price range, especially the 12-pound range.

9 pounds and 12 pounds are the two seats with the largest ticket price.

If I had known better, I would still have thought of buying a record later, and I would have bought a piece of shit from the second-rate area! Those who sat in the distinguished seats and enjoyed the best sound effects not only saved the price difference, but also earned an autograph for free. This is really fucking stupid!

Should I buy it or not?

"Sorry ladies and gentlemen, there is one more thing I forgot to mention."

Just as some of the audience members were having a fierce battle in their hearts, Kaplan trotted out of the passage again.

He said breathlessly: "The three encore tracks have also been recorded. Please feel free to buy the record."

And he repeated it three times in a row at the top of his lungs.

The sound echoed throughout the symphony hall, so the audience who had not yet left the house in line turned around, and those who had already come out but had not gone far also turned around when they heard the sound.

Their reactions were obviously polarized:

"...the record has three encores! That's great!"

"...Damn it, there are actually three encore tracks on the record!?"

Some people cheered inwardly, but some people were devastated.

I want to order this record, okay? But I really want to get a co-signed one too!

"Excuse me, friend, do you still need your distinguished guest ticket stub? If you do, I can reimburse you the original price of the ticket. How about listening to a concert for free?" Among the people who were heading to the guide hall one after another, a man with a wallet under his arm The young man wearing a top hat asked the middle-aged gentleman next to him.

The latter didn't stop and looked at him with an expression that looked like a fool.

The crystal chandeliers in the spacious guidance hall are fully turned on. The staff have surrounded several functional areas with a pile of long tables, and used warning pillars to pull up ribbons to separate the audience's movement.

According to the preliminary plan, a total of four queuing gates were set up. The person in charge of reception at the front was Kaplan, three salesmen sent by the Hoffman Record Publishing Company, and a group of auxiliary staff at the back.

The audience who came forward can leave from the other end of the moving line after paying, invoicing, registering personal information, receiving packaging covers and delivery receipts, and the signature position is also placed at the last step of the moving line.

The first audience to come out had already reached the guide hall, four lines began to line up, and the pre-sale information was also passed on.

Priced at 30 pounds per piece before discount, it is actually close to the average price of today's well-known professional symphony orchestra records. However, because the repertoire is so good and the conductor and violin are so popular, most people feel that this price is sincere.

Even some fans who thought it was 5 or 10 pounds more expensive than expected were immediately relieved when they thought that three new encore tracks were also included.

"I'll pre-order one." A lady in a gorgeous dress stepped forward.

"Wait a moment." The staff of the record company registered the basic information, tore off the copy of the copy paper and handed it over. "Please move back and pay and invoice there. She will give you a delivery receipt and record cover."

"The receipt card states how to collect it. It is expected to take half a month. You can choose the sales point of Hoffman Records or the National Concert Hall cooperation point across the country." The cashier put the card into a delicately packaged plastic box and handed it over. In her hands.

"This packaging design is so popular with me." The lady's eyes lit up as soon as she got it.

The cover material was shot live by the record company in the rehearsal hall of the University of St. Lenia, and the timing of the capture happened to be the solo cadenza of the opening section of the "Violin Concerto in E minor".

Sheeran, in a white dress, was dancing with her bow and strings. Fan Ning on the podium was watching her with a smile, but the baton in his hand had already given instructions in another direction - the band, which had been silent for a long time, was about to reappear the theme and perform " Looking forward to the long-awaited reunion.”

On the cover, only the upper bodies of the two people are cut off, and the background is mocked up. The figures of the musicians, music stands and musical instruments can be vaguely seen in the background. Coupled with the artistic poster-style large and small fonts and frames, everything is just right and beautiful. and moved.

With a slight excitement, this lady walked to the last area of ​​the moving line. There were more than ten staff members standing there. In front of them were young men and women wearing black tuxedos and pure white evening dresses sitting side by side on the benches. .

"Please sit down." Fan Ning's voice was gentle and smiling.

"Good evening, Mr. Conductor, Miss Violin." This fan was so excited before, but when he actually arrived, he was too nervous and said an inappropriate greeting.

The cover in her hand was taken, and there was a scratching sound. The two of them signed their names under their respective heads in the photo, and the scrawled and elegant handwriting were intertwined: "Carolne Van Ning" Ciaran Conor".

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