Old-time musicians

Chapter 120 Candlelight Dinner (4K 2-in-1)

When Luo Yin walked over, Fan Ning diverted some attention from the inspiration of the scherzo. He looked at her rolled up hair, the silk ribbon tied around her waist, the shiny skirt and the visible veins on the instep. I recalled the subsequent scene on the subway for a few seconds.


Then I realized that I was also wearing a clean set of pajamas and pajamas, and the previous blood stains and dirt were long gone.

"Don't get me wrong, I asked a few servants to help you clean it." Luo Yin quickly explained when he saw Fan Ning, who was leaning on the bed and holding a pen, gradually showing an expression of "what did you do to me?"

"Thank you." Fan Ning said the first word after waking up.

Then his eyes continued to fall back to the music paper, and all his attention was withdrawn.

In the shortened piano introduction and theme of the third movement, some of the orchestrations with clear ideas have been annotated with abbreviations: after the two timpani hammers sounded, the woodwinds and double bass presented repeated ornamental patterns, and then the string group slowly unfolded a flowing pattern. Sexual scenes.

At first, the music is not very urgent, and seems to have a certain sense of leisure and life. But if you feel the details of the music carefully, you can predictably see the endless chaos and danger behind it.

Fan Ning only wrote the first 20 or so sections and then continued writing in sequence.

"Crashing - crashing -"

He flipped the music paper backwards, roughly reserved the positions of the bars, and then grasped the inspiration flowing in his mind, and quickly wrote down many key fragments scattered in the back.

It is the sound of some uneasy anxiety, a dramatic musical thought with ridicule, irony and questioning. It is also an important feature that will distinguish this scherzo from other similar genre works after it is completed.

Sometimes they are neurotic repetitions or staccato, sometimes they are accents that shake people out of numbness, sometimes parallel thirds or parallel triads suddenly superimpose and then leave suddenly, like ghostly things wandering in the crowd. Some melodies follow The expected direction flows, but there is no warning and unexpected reversal.

Especially in the clip reserved near the end, Fan Ning recorded a completely different, sinister and evil sound field, with dissonant strong playing and dense sound waves symbolizing the scream of "wanting to drive away death". Just like before, when I faced the chaotic crowd, I screamed out in my heart.

It took a long time, after writing the beginning and recording these special moments, before Fanning looked up.

Luo Yin sat with his legs crossed at the end of the bed, looking at him intently, their eyes intertwined.

"Sorry, I couldn't tell the difference just now. Is this your home?"

"My home?" Luo Yin stood up and thought for a moment, "Do you think it counts? This is the St. Euverney Hunting Ground on the northeastern outskirts of St. Taranburg. In addition to the small manor of the McAdam family, there are also other places in the nearby forest area. There are also three earls' mansions and properties, but they rarely visit them at this time, and the best hunting season may have to wait two months. "

I'm interrupting this question. Fan Ning shook his head helplessly. In a luxurious bedroom that he had never been to before, his subconscious mind was still thinking in his previous life.

"Looks like you pulled out."

Luo Yin said "Yeah".

Otherwise, based on what happens next, I won't be able to stay here quietly in the evening.

Six maids walked into the bedroom one after another. The candlesticks on the dining table next to the floor-to-ceiling windows were lit, and soon they were filled with exquisite and varied dinners. The last person who came in was a middle-aged man in chef's clothes. He saluted gracefully to the two of them. If you have any dissatisfaction or suggestions, you can call us at any time.

"Mr. Fan Ning and I can use it ourselves." Luo Yin motioned to the maids to wait outside.

Fan Ning stretched his body, jumped off the bed, and looked at the luxurious environment around him again: "Faced with the president's invitation, I walked away and then the treatment conditions were upgraded?"

Luo Yin turned off the crystal chandelier, allowing the room to be invaded by twilight again, and then she blinked: "If you spend two-thirds or more of the income from Mr. Fan Ning's record, you can buy it in the suburbs of Santa Ramburg." If you want to find a small manor or a luxury mansion of similar specifications, you will have more options if you are considering Ufranser.”

Obviously, she did not include the employment costs of more than 40 servants, cooks, gardeners, coachmen, cleaners and housekeepers, the daily expenses of food, drinks and clothing, as well as the costs of facility repairs, garden maintenance, furniture maintenance, art decoration, or Expenses for regular social activities that match the specifications are included.

The hungry state, coupled with the color and fragrance of the dinner, seemed to dispel the gloomy mood, and Fan Ning ate more food than originally expected.

"Where are they?" Fan Ning held up a large spoonful of mutton soup that was stewed until it was crispy and fell off the bones.

"Who exactly?"

"Sheeran, there are others."

"Of course she didn't know that you could fall off the stone slab later." A smile appeared on Luo Yin's face under the candlelight.

"I brought you here after coma, and then informed the School of Guidance of your address and that you were replenishing your sleep. However, since I could not predict the time you would wake up, I said that you would continue to discuss with me the selection of poetry texts for choral writing. , Sir Viadrin’s tone is quite supportive, indicating that he has no intention of urging you to go back. This shows that your companions and superiors are relieved, right?”

Of course, I will never tell you how you lay down in the back seat of the car. After Luo Yin explained the ins and outs, he picked up a roll of baked cabbage with white eyebrow sauce, put it into his mouth to chew, and quietly looked at Fan Ning's expression.

"What was the result?" Fan Ning didn't say much about her description of what happened.

"The Special Inspection Department successfully contained the 'Disaster'." Luo Yin said, "The price was the death of a senior investigator. He was not very lucky. On the way back, he suffered a rare myocardial infarction. The other personnel included two Those who understand the dawn will not have extraordinary abilities for at least half a year, and there may be potential high-risk contamination that has not been exposed."

Fan Ning nodded slightly when he heard this.

Although he was in an extremely depressed mood at the time, he had already had a clear understanding. Even if the choice he made was to lead the "disaster" towards the altar of the Bologna School, the people in the Special Patrol Office would not be able to stand aside and watch dumbly. .

That will only make the conflict more chaotic at the scene. With so many enlightened people and high-ranking knowledgeable people, once a melee begins, the life safety of myself and several companions in this narrow tunnel will be seriously threatened, and the result will most likely be the same. The Special Inspection Department got the "disaster".

As expected.

Unless the "door of coincidence" is not opened, once it reaches that point, there will be no choice.

The follow-up was as he expected. The intervention of something of this nature would be costly. Their combat power would be wasted for a long period of time. Most of the "disasters" would be dragged into the "Chaotic Heavenly Stage" of the secret realm of migration. The subsequent control and application may also be a troublesome problem for Pogolic.

Therefore, after the Special Inspection Office obtains the "disaster", the threat of searching itself will not be so urgent.

Moreover, I had some preliminary coping ideas before.

"You may be criticized later." Luo Yin poured elderflower dew for Fan Ning, and squeezed in honey and lemon juice. "A kind of subtle accusation coming from the middle and high-level officials of the Special Inspection Department, which is not small and difficult to explain. On the one hand, you will still receive commendations and rewards from the Special Patrol Office.”

Fan Ning naturally understood what Luo Yin meant.

His performance of duties is impeccable, and there are no "black spots" in the notarization of the four major organizations of the empire. Moreover, he is still a great artist of the "Lion Forging" level, a potential scholar, or in the eyes of people with higher expectations. In the "New Moon" more than ten years later, but after being questioned in public and leaving, the Special Inspection Office paid a price that could have been lower, even though this was not Fan Ning's obligation.

"If you ask someone for 100 pounds and they are turned down, normally you should not think that person owes you 100 pounds as long as you are in your right mind."

Fan Ning washed the drink in the cup that was full of charming fragrance and summer flavor, and shook his head calmly, saying that he didn't care.

If you can be promoted to the Insightful One and become one of the more than 20 people in the empire, you don't have to worry. Compared with achieving the "New Moon" status of an art master, this is a more realistic goal for the next stage.

"But it's true that you are famous." Under the candlelight, the girl's cheeks were slightly red and she was smiling. "I mean the extraordinary circle, not the already famous art circle."

"Generally speaking, 'Zhu' has a powerful spiritual sense that resists illusions and mental attacks, and 'Key' has relatively stronger resistance to hidden pollution. These two qualities are both protective means. However, your frontal attack and mobile pursuit The killing ability is even stronger. After evaluating your promotion profile, inspiration intensity, invisible power characteristics, actual combat performance, etc., insiders have ranked you in the most difficult level among high-level knowledgeable people."

"But, can you stop doing that in the future?" Luo Yin said, his tone gradually took on a hint of blame, "Why do you have to overdraw yourself every time? You should know that it is easy for knowledgeable people to become spiritually weak when they are weak. Let the hidden knowledge pollution in the consciousness that was originally suppressed change?"

"Okay." Fan Ning responded.

Looking at the face of the young man opposite who lowered his head to move the tableware, Luo Yin's mind flashed back to Marquis MacAdam's previous words, and some warm and beautiful emotions temporarily drove away the depression of the day's disaster.

"Are you feeling better? You slept for about nine hours."

"Still very drowsy, maybe I still need a nap." Fan Ning answered truthfully, "The fact that I just woke up was a process that was interrupted midway. The reason may be that the subconscious warning about the loss of inspiration is urging me to hold on temporarily. To get started, first write down the fragments of the scherzo.”

He held his forehead: "I just finished the most dramatic and forgettable musical ideas, and now I still need to insist on finishing the rest of the piano abbreviation before going to sleep."

"So, you are about to complete the third movement." The girl's blue eyes lit up, "Then we can really get into the discussion of chorus writing in the last movement."

Her barefoot steps on the velvet carpet were light and pleasant, and she picked out several poetry collections, art song collections and famous opera scores by different artists from the bookcases nearby: "When I think about what we are about to do, it is a A feat similar to that of the great Gilles’ Ninth Symphony, I always feel an unreal sense of excitement.”

There was no response. When the girl holding the book turned around, she saw Fan Ning standing in front of the French window, staring at the dark and quiet gravel road outside the glass.

She put the book and music scores on the grand piano, then stood up on tiptoes and walked gently to his side.

"Am I acting cold?" Fan Ning suddenly asked after a long time.

"Ah" Luo Yin exhaled softly, "You mean? Now, no, you mean how could it be possible?"

Fan Ning was silent for a long time again.

The light in Luo Yin's eyes dimmed little by little: "I saw Mr. Sternikai's death with my own eyes. I know that you solved Mr. Graham's aberration, and I also know that Uncle Huxley's You fired that shot, but you can’t blame it.”

"But I didn't say anything." Fan Ning suddenly took over her words.

"Mark is dead. The Mark you befriended through your connections is dead. He died miserably. I didn't say anything before he died, and so did Vice Principal Huxley. I didn't even say a word of comfort before I shot him. Beaten to death, I remember I didn’t even have an expression.”

Fan Ning turned around, facing away from the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window, and slowly sat down on the floor of the bedroom.

His voice was soft and low, without expressing any opinions. He seemed to recall purely: "Mark is a person who is focused on performance and money, but this does not hinder his dedication and happy cooperation with me later. Moreover, for the first time, he did not The reason for signing me is really normal. I just thought it was funny when I saw this guy's slumped expression. Huxley may not be a very close friend to me, and he had a slight unpleasantness over the Lorraine incident, but this is also not true. It hinders him from performing his duties as vice-chancellor, but it does not hinder him from being an excellent official and knowledgeable person."

"I also think of Dean Gould, who passed away more than two months ago. I have only spoken to a handful of him during my four years at the school. The only relatively profound connection I have with him, except for the last symphony hall, is that I listened to him. During the piano recital, I also thought of Bassani, whom I had never befriended, but who had read his poems and attended his condolences. I also thought of the old organist Vienne, who was completely different from me."

"Compared to my teacher Professor Anton, they are both interesting people but have relatively little contact with me in life. You have shared more things with me about the two principals. You said Mr. Sternikai His wife died of illness at an early age, and he was depressed throughout his life and never remarried. You talked about Uncle Huxley’s experience of taking you to play when you were a child, about his sculpture art, and that he was always disgraceful at the wine table at family gatherings. , comical performance”

"These have nothing to do with me, but they are dead, and these two principals recognize my artistic personality and trust me in leading the orchestra and making decisions about the arts festival. We just clinked glasses to celebrate the night before, the Santa Lenia Symphony Orchestra The honor of rising to the top will still take some time to come true, and they will never have the chance to see it again. In fact, as long as we are not enemies, as long as we have interacted with each other, I always don't want to see death, but in fact I can't say anything."

Warmth came from Fan Ning's right arm, only the thickness of two thin pajamas made it delicate and real. Luo Yin sat next to him on the velvet blanket on the ground.

"Mr. Fanning." She also leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window, curled up her knees, and put her feet together, "Maybe Miss Sheeran will always know your life-saving means or enemy-defeating ability in advance, but I really don't know, I don't even know. Knowing that you have been promoted to a high level, do you know how I felt when I learned that you were at the front end of the collision between two subway trains this morning? "

The scent of the girl's shampoo after bathing was very close. Fan Ning turned his head and met her eyes: "I know."

"When my father and I arrived, we heard you fighting against so many dangerous enemies, and then saw you standing in the dreamland, I felt that I was about to cry with joy. However, looking at your exhaustion after your inspiration ran out, , and trying to maintain a calm expression, I still have some "

"Well, I originally expected you to wake up tomorrow, so I am planning to take a rest tonight, and then discuss those things with you from tomorrow on, and then face the numbers and people's names related to death."

"And since you're awake tonight, just have a candlelight dinner in a corner of this quiet manor and talk about your favorite music."

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

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