Old-time musicians

Chapter 173: Changes behind the secret door (4K 2-in-1)

"Shiran? What's wrong with you!?"

Soon, Joan's voice came from the door.

She came out after hearing the noise and saw her best friend squatting on the ground crying. An ominous premonition came over her like a tide.

"Six Flute and Piano Sonatas"?

Joan clenched her fists tightly. After reading the textbooks, music scores and letters on the desk, she suddenly remembered something and picked up the small porcelain cup at hand.

It was empty inside. Joan leaned in and sniffed it gently, and then her face changed drastically.


She pulled up Shiran who was squatting on the ground and ran quickly out of the corridor.

Two minutes later, in front of the wall of the souvenir sales room, she first stood with her nose close to it, then pressed her side face against it, and carefully felt something with the "key" spiritual sense.

The isolation secret ritual inside was still running, but there were very chaotic and mixed spiritual fluctuations, and there seemed to be a layer of cocoon-like things at the wellhead.

"He went into the secret door, and not only him, but also many others. It can only be the Special Patrol Office."

Joan gently held Xilan in her arms, patted her back, and then supported her shoulders and spoke decisively:

"Xilan, you should call Lu immediately and ask him to arrange for someone to allow me to take the earliest train to Santaranburg. The train was originally scheduled for 7:20, but it will start after I arrive."

"What are you going to do?" Xilan's cheeks were full of tears.

"Get off at Gogol Town Station. I'm going to try to save him. I remembered a lot of things. I asked him for leave yesterday for reasons related to this. Anyway, anyway, it's too late to talk about it now."

"Save him? Gogol Town?" Xilan was stunned. "I want to go too. I'll go with you."

"No, you can't help if you go. Then, you should contact Luo Yin urgently to deal with a series of changes related to the premiere. And whether the letter he left should be published, how to publish it, and whether she is more suitable to handle it. You and I are not sure... We must act separately. It's useless for me to accompany you to comfort you. There's no time to explain it. You believe me and do what I say. You are also needed here. I have to go now."

"Then, there is a letter under my pillow, which will be handed over to my parents later."

Joan's voice is as lively and cheerful as ever, but Xilan can see from her eyes and face that her personality and temperament seem to have changed slightly compared to the past.

The next moment, her small figure has already rushed out the door

Xilan stood there in a daze for a few seconds, then closed her eyes and stopped crying.

"He will be fine."

"But if he leaves, I will protect this spiritual garden for him."

She took out a handkerchief and wiped her face vigorously, then forced herself to stop sobbing, her eyes became firm and resolute, and her thin figure also ran upstairs.

"The 7:20 train? So urgent?" Lu's voice on the other end of the phone was very surprised, "It's not difficult to arrange, but will Miss Nisemi be back in time for the evening performance?"

"Some accidents." Xilan gritted her teeth, but tried to maintain a calm tone, "Anyway, I will tell you privately after the orchestra gathers in the afternoon."

"Accident?" Lu instinctively had a bad premonition.

"Okay." "Dududu"

Xilan turned the second set of number wheels again.

"Mr. Fanning? Good morning."

It was just seven o'clock at this moment, and Luo Yin was a little surprised to receive a call from the music director's office so early.

Hearing the gentle and intellectual voice, and seeing the suit jacket on the office chair, the bow tie and pocket watch next to the pen holder again, Xilan's suppressed emotions surged up again.

"Senior Luo Yin, he's not here anymore"

When the other party called her name, the faintly suppressed cry made Luo Yin's heart sink suddenly.

After learning the general basic situation and Qiong's arrangements, she was silent for more than a minute before speaking:

"I'll be there right away."

At 7:45, she appeared at the door of the office.

"Senior Luo Yin" Xilan saw the tall figure in the black dress in front of her, and felt that the sense of security she had lost after Qiong left just now was back.

Luo Yin's face was as pale as paper, but his tone and demeanor were very calm. He walked up to Xilan and gently touched her hair.

"It's okay, let me think about it first."

Then she took a deep breath and picked up the letter left by Fan Ning.

The content was known on the phone, but she still read it several times, then frowned and thought.

"Senior Luo Yin." Xilan said, "His tone is not a private message, but an announcement to the public. There will be the fourth round of additional seat sales later. There will be people, media and music industry people. Should we announce it? If it is delayed until the afternoon or even the evening, all the fans who rush to the venue will be disappointed."

"No, we can wait." Luo Yin raised his head.

"I guess, when he wrote this notice, he was not sure that such a thing would happen immediately, but he had a bad premonition. Look--"

Her finger gently stroked the signature of "Carlon Fan Ning".

"This signature has no date!"

"In the whole text, the only thing related to the time node is "from now on", but this is not a clear time, which means that he left some room or some hope."

"When it wasn't announced, it hadn't happened yet. The fact that the premiere was aborted hadn't happened yet. Mr. Fanning left part of the choice of the timing of the announcement in our hands, and didn't Miss Nehemiah also say she remembered it? What, and then tried to save him? She might have some effective method."

Luo Yin forced a smile when he said this: "Maybe, he will return to the command podium before 8 o'clock in the evening?"

"He will come back?" Sheeran's eyes lit up briefly, then dimmed again, "Those people are specially patrolling our band."

Although he was speechless, Luo Yin still understood what she meant.

She pondered for a while and then spoke:

"Mr. Fanning resigned as director of the orchestra and handed over Turner Art Hall to you, but you are also a member of the Guidance School. This is still a public art facility under the protection of the Guidance School, so all this is not enough. However, he immediately quit the Guidance School at the same time!"

"So the nature of the matter is not the so-called 'left hand for right hand'. Mr. Fanning's personal grudges with the Special Patrol Office are one thing, but everything in the Turner Art Hall has completely nothing to do with him anymore. "Second Symphony" "Music" will always be premiered. Even if it dies today, we will soon have a special tour of the hall. If we interfere in the operation of the old symphony orchestra without justifiable reasons, then unless we are preparing and guiding the school to break up with the art world and the The relationship between academics, aristocrats, factory owners and investors is at loggerheads, and they are preparing to gain notoriety in the extraordinary world."

"Imagine that the leader of the discussion group violates the basic principle of 'containing the spread of abnormal areas', deliberately destroys cultural venues, and hinders the development of human art?" Luo Yin analyzed the situation with a calm tone, "All of the above, the style of the Special Inspection Office is strong, but He is not a fool. Although Pogolelic is recognized as the strongest 'enforcer' today, he does not have enough interests, and there is no need to make unnecessary enemies in front of the 'saints' of the church and the 'advisors' of the school in the discussion group..."

"In other words, there are 'costs' or 'pressures' when they decide to kidnap someone with a dual identity like Mr. Fan Ning to go into dangerous places. Only the benefits of the wreckage of the Origin God or the secrets of the Abnormal Zone can offset the costs. , pure Turner Hall and the Old Symphony Orchestra do not have this benefit.”

She touched Sheeran's hair again, and then made a suggestion calmly: "Business as usual during the day, just tell Olga, Congreve and the two guest conductors about the 'possible cancellation', and ask Virgil from the orchestra Or Lausanne prepares a set of replacement repertoire. If the "Second Symphony" cannot be performed, Mr. Fanning's announcement will be announced in an "unexpected and temporary" tone, and aftermath arrangements will be made - the choice of four options will be given to Music fans: accept replacement tracks, wait for future make-up performances, refund tickets at the original price on the spot, or exchange ticket stubs for the same price for other performances...the above are preparations for the worst case scenario, and we may not be able to use them."

"Sister Luo Yin, I listen to you." Xilan sniffed, the violin sheet music was still tightly held in her arms: "But I am really worried that he can't come out, although Qiong said that he can I tried to save him, but I was still worried. I was afraid that neither of them would be able to get out. I always felt a little regretful that I was not with Qiong just now."

"He will come out, you have to believe him." Luo Yin seemed to smile confidently, "When has he ever let everyone down? I think what I am worried about now is mainly whether he can come out in time, or whether he can come out in time. Can he still return to the command post after he comes out, right? There is no doubt that there is a conflict between him and the authorities, but maybe it is not as bad and irreconcilable as we think?”

Xilan said "Yeah": "Then I'll go change first, and then make contact arrangements."

"Go on, it's okay, I'm here."

Luo Yin smiled and turned her head sideways, picking up the "Six Cello Unaccompanied Suites" that she had seen earlier.

As she read through it, her expression and breathing were no longer calm, and her shoulders were shaking uncontrollably.

You'd better tell me everything.

When you said goodbye that day at the Manor in the small town of Hivalre, when you stepped on the accelerator so deeply, I'm afraid it wasn't because you were angry before, or because you were having a little temper, but because you had made some kind of determination, right?

Did you look at me when I stood under the gaslight? With your character, you didn’t even look at it.

Her eyes finally started to turn red, and when she saw the familiar ornament hanging on the drawer handle, she slowly opened it with a blank mind.

A neat stack of envelopes.


"Tears burst from her face instantly.

"Sir, finally, there is a door in this wall."

After a long time in the well, Salman's echo came from below again.

"Be careful when you go in," Norma Gunn ordered.

When investigators stepped in one after another, Fan Ning was stunned for a moment in disbelief.

The end?

By the way, I have been making calculations just now, and I didn't notice that the time feels wrong. It seems to be longer than last time.

According to memories, this is a tower-shaped structure with a severely uneven height distribution, and the top should be a dim hall symbolizing the origin of the World Source God.

It's not too far from the wellhead. Last time, the three of us didn't take much time to reach this height.

Further down, there is a strange hall covered with question marks, which may contain the symbols of the Yiyuan God. The height difference is only less than ten meters lower.

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Further down, the third layer, the "Immortal God Layer", is deep enough.

The "Qiyuan Divine Level" is still far away from the underground river cave with the "Dome Door" pattern at the bottom.

Why is it so direct now?

He didn't think so many people could have missed anything before.

In extreme amazement, Fan Ning lined up to descend, his toes touched the stone bricks, and the "eyeball-style" door with a touch of bright red paint came into view.

This trace and style are unmistakable.

His spiritual sense even captured the ashes and base of the candle in the complicated hollow candlestick embedded next to the armrest.

At that time, the three of us from nearly a year ago had left behind.

But what about the two doors above? What about the underground river cave further down?

Why is there nothing?

Is there only one main part of the underground building, the "Qiyuan Shen layer"?

"It is indeed the style of the Tulungarian dynasty."

He Meng at the back stared at the door's bronze texture and eyeball-shaped opening.

"The deep well that is suspected of being an alchemist association, the candlesticks in the complicated style of the third history, and the ancient corridor are abruptly connected, which is in line with similar hybrid phenomena recorded in historical archives." Gang nodded.

Surrounded by seven investigators, Fan Ning followed the crowd in, followed by two Insighters, and fell into the strange and ancient dim corridor one by one.

Everyone was watching carefully, and Fan Ning was also looking around without saying a word.

He found that there were indeed some changes here, just like the well walls.

The soles of the feet were sticky, the wall tiles were cracked, and a vaguely unsettling dangerous smell was seeping out of the cracks.

Did it come after the "paint ball" passed by last time? Or is there some new unknown change later?

I was able to notice it because I had made comparisons, but the people in the Special Inspection Department probably didn't know.

While Fan Ning was on guard, he was also paying attention to the actions and reactions of these people.

While Fan Ning was thinking, everyone walked into the "gallery" from the corridor. Some of the abstract paintings composed of human body transmutation pigments on the wall had fallen off, and some were still arrogant.

Several investigators were carefully taking samples, and the two inspectors squinted their eyes carefully to observe.

His reaction with horror and uncertainty was similar to that of Fan Ning and his party.

But what happened next puzzled Fanning.

The two investigators took out a spray can-shaped silver metal device and sprayed it on the abstract painting.

"Chi—" "Chi—"

The contagious pure white mist spread, and everywhere it went was as silent as ice. Except for the two chief inspectors, everyone shuddered.

"The essence of the 'barren' phase?" Fan Ning noticed the heterogeneous colors that filled the gallery.

In addition to this rare and extraordinary material, there are many unidentified components.

The colorful paint on the abstract painting began to fade to a miserable white.

The investigators then aimed at each other's heads and pressed the spray can button.

Their hair and clothing also begin to fade.

Immediately afterwards, the two men, including the two chief inspectors, treated the hair and clothes of the team members one by one until they were pale white.

This behavior of inexplicably putting weird things on himself made Fan Ning secretly begin to wonder if this group of people had been contaminated by something.

Just when he was puzzled, with a "chi" sound, the watering can turned around and pointed directly at his face.

"What are you doing! Are you crazy!?" He took a step back in shock and anger.

In fact, the reaction was already very fast, and they distanced themselves instantly.

But the dispersion range of this white mist was too far, and he was still sprayed.

"Pay tribute to a certain existence." The gentleman opposite said emotionlessly and continued to move forward without even looking at him.

"Stop talking nonsense and follow up." Norma Gunn from behind said coldly.

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