Old-time musicians

The Fifth Movement The Angel Told Me (5): Erlknig! (Two in One)

It was already past one in the morning, and this duel that lasted for more than five hours was caught in the greatest uncertainty and controversy.

"Poet Senesino, what do you think of the whole matter?" Archbishop Fields asked the teacher of one of the parties involved.

"Mr. Scheler is indeed the king of contemporary love songs in the South." Senesino laughed happily twice when he heard this.

"From "Rückert's Song" to "The Beautiful Miller Girl" and then to the last "Poet's Love", this person may have the appearance of a 'new moon'. Although I am also in the position of a 'forged lion', I am also convinced."

"So, haha, fortunately it is not Mr. Scheler and I who are competing tonight, fortunately the content of the competition is not composition but singing."

There is nothing wrong with his comments and feelings, which fully satisfied the audience's fanatical and high emotions about Scheler, and secretly completed the "distinction" and "prelude".

The next words finally got to the core of the contradiction, and they were flawless:

"As for the issue of determining the candidates, we 'athletes' are not suitable to express our opinions on behalf of 'referees'. If you must ask for opinions, I can only say that it is recommended that the organizers first clarify whether the rules are followed, and then clarify whether the facts are consistent."

Whether the rules are followed, whether the facts are consistent

The hall continued to make a low noise, the audience was watching, and there was another silence on the judges' seats.

Several famous singers looked at their teacher Rückert for a long time without speaking, and they knew that the matter was not as simple as the other party's superficial doubts.

Prince Eleanor was targeting Miss Nightingale's supporters on the surface, asking them to prove that "the vision of the rekindled bouquet was caused by "The Poet's Love", but in fact, the "main pit" he dug was not this layer!

Because the premise he said was "step back", it was "if the church does not recognize the first, then discuss the second."

The one who shines brighter wins the reputation of a famous singer, which is the clear and only rule of the South Country over the years.

Even if Rückert, the church, or Scheler himself really proved this difficult problem... it cannot be equated with Miss Nightingale's brilliance. If she is recognized as a famous singer because of "proving the correlation", it means that the church really does not recognize the traditions it has set over the years!

Just because a person achieves thing A, she cannot be recognized as the winner of the competition "based on thing B".

Moreover, after the bouquet gradually rekindled, many listeners tried to bend it again to see if they could send the light to Miss Nightingale who was singing again, but this rekindling was indeed different from the original state, and there was no reaction to the bending. Prince Eleanor had observed this before, so she was so sure to question her family's daughter.

He threw out a proposition that was not only difficult to prove, but also useless to prove.

Whether it is the "character" of Master Rückert, the position of chief judge, or the extraordinary strength, he can force things to be settled, and even continue his style of "drawing a gun to persuade" when he was young, but in that case, the value of the title of famous singer is "a matter of opinion". This is the more "pitfall". In the atmosphere of intermittent but fierce confrontation, An couldn't help but secretly glance at his teacher. "Teacher, don't you see what everyone is talking about..." Fanning neither looked at the audience nor the judges. At some point, he put his music book on the piano music stand and was writing something at a moderate speed, and stopped from time to time to think deeply. In fact, as early as "The Poet's Love" entered the "winter", his profound thoughts sank into the enlightenment of the entire competition process to himself. The wonderful piano accompaniment in the ears of others was just another part of the instinctive display of inspiration. "The essence of tonight's famous singer competition..."

"The essence is that Senesino and Renilla crushed the other contestants with their profound 'Dionysian art', even Walter, who came from a famous family, was inferior to them in 'Apollonian interpretation'..."

"And Miss Nightingale, who has both vocal charm and deep desire, won a considerable part of the glory, which prevented her from being immediately asked to leave the game like other contestants, but it was not until I personally accompanied "Poet's Love" that things really took a turn for the better..."

"The public and the judges only said that the profound 'Dionysian passion' was succumbed to the more profound 'Dionysian passion', but they did not know that I, who do not belong to the old industrial world, have never been bound by a certain school. What I seek is the harmony of reason and passion, the harmony of 'Apollonian art' and 'Dionysian art' ' fusion..."

"Fusion! ... By the way, people here don't know these two philosophical terms at all, but the nature of the two opposites is like this, why do I have to search hard in the poems of this life when choosing the vocal text for the subsequent movement of "Summer Noon Dream"? "

"When it comes to "Dionysus" and "Apollo", the first thing I should think of, and I should have thought of the first thing I should have thought of is-"



A few minutes ago, when Fanning played the last song "Elegy of the Past" with a wave-like ending solo, his thoughts finally opened up, and the portrait of the German philosopher in his previous life made him inspired-he felt the spiritual connection between the flames of the "everlasting nectar" in the audience and the two of them, and began to decide to search for the right text in the words left by Nietzsche.

"Does Mr. Scheler have anything to say?"

After a long silence, Fields' voice rose again, temporarily interrupting Fanning's thoughts.

The head of the organizer can only continue to see what the personal opinions of the other party are.

But it was with this question that the audience realized that Scheler's poet seemed to be immersed in his spiritual world throughout the whole process. Even after the performance of "The Poet's Love" just ended, he did not take a final call!

The performer did not stand up to salute after finishing the performance. This move was considered shocking, but when it happened to Scheler, everyone felt it was...a little strange, but not much.

"Huh?" Fan Ning finally raised his head and turned sideways to look at the girl who was immersed in the blue-purple light. "Miss Nightingale sings very well. I like it very much."

Uh... After being praised, An felt relaxed and happy, but on the other hand, black lines appeared on her forehead.

Aren't the judges looking to see if both parties have anything self-evident to say first?

Of course the teacher thinks his students sing well...

If you want to praise me, you can say it later...

Lucter, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but cough lightly and reminded:

"Mr. Scheler, regarding the final decision, the Archbishop wants you to make a statement of your opinion in front of a large audience, such as an argument for the vision or a suggestion for the evaluation method."

Fan Ning glanced at the seats to Lucter's right:

"How come the officers who came from afar have no guidance today?"

He Meng, who didn't show any sense of presence throughout tonight, heard Scheler's tone and thought he was taking the opportunity to tease the discussion group about the investigation of Walter. Thinking of his character, he ignored it and laughed softly. He opened his mouth and said:

"The discussion group respects musical talents and the laws of art. The 'Awakening Song' must be realistic, and the same is naturally true for the 'Famous Singers Competition.'"

...Strange, the people in the Special Patrol Office really don't care whether it is "Scheller" or "Senescino" who won the title of famous singer and hosted the "Flower Ceremony" music ceremony. possibility.

...Well, it's not that I don't care, but I just let it compete naturally, and it's better to harvest the people's admirers and win. Therefore, as the organizer, the church has become more liberal in its approach to disputes and allows parties concerned to make statements. Is this related to the attitude of the Special Patrol Office?

In fact, Fan Ning had already known about the spiritual connection of immortal nectar, and it was just a test of attitude.

After a brief exchange with the Special Patrol Office, he nodded to express his understanding, and then looked at his students:

"Are you tired?"

Miss Nightingale hesitated for a moment and said honestly:

"I'm a little tired from standing. I feel uncomfortable wearing high heels for a long time. I'm also a little thirsty. I've finished my cold drinks..."

Fan Ning said "Oh", turned back to face the piano, and continued to write in the music book:

"Then think about it for yourself. Protecting your voice is more important than winning a small prize. If you can sing, you can sing a few more lines."

A small prize... Hearing Scherer call this event that lasted until late at night and everyone debated endlessly, everyone present couldn't help but feel a sharp twitch in their hearts.

Renela on the side blinked and shook her head, making an "unreasonable" expression, while Miss Nightingale's face broke out with a clear smile from the bottom of her heart:

"Thank you teacher for your concern."

"You can still sing again, but is this..."

Unexpectedly, before she finished speaking, Fan Ning, who was halfway through, threw the pen to the side at will, opened the octave with his right hand, and struck the two G notes in the alto range repeatedly at high speed!

"Dang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!..."

The image of the elegant and frail poet before disappeared without a trace in an instant. Fan Ning now had an expression that was hard to distinguish between hot and cold. After-images flew between the keys with his palms, and the airtight and thunderous three consecutive tremolos were heard. , poured directly into the audience like a torrential flood!

This first shot, something went wrong!

It was like someone slapped the thin wooden board, shaking up the gravel on it - the entire bouquet of rekindled flowers in the opera hall was shaken by this octave G sound, causing spark particles to fly from the inside. stand up!

Seeing the pink dots of light flying in the sky like dust, the audience and judges were stunned for a moment.

"sol/la/xi/do/re/mi, re——xi——sol!——"

The left hand joins in the second measure of the tremolo, and the G minor scale rises rapidly by six degrees, and then jumps back down with a pause mark, and the motive repeats at intervals like this.

In the terrifying night, the cold wind rustled in the forest, the horse's hooves galloped, and frightened calls for help came from the depths of the darkness again and again!

The song that the teacher played at the train station when returning from the Islands... Miss Nightingale immediately understood the prelude when she heard it. She adjusted her emotions and breathing in an instant, put on a cold smile and sang away:

"Who is this running in the dark night and wind? It is the father with his child;

He held the child in his arms, holding him close and keeping him warm. "

What Fan Ning played this time was Schubert's most representative art song - "Erlkönig"!

This song uses Goethe's poem of the same name as the text. Schubert was only 18 years old when he completed it. It was ranked as the No. 1 of his own works. The whole song is completed in one go, grand and surprisingly difficult. The singer must complete it in a few minutes. Playing the four roles, using different tones and singing voices, the four characters of the narrator, father, child and devil are completely different artistic images!

In the first dozen or so bars, Miss Nightingale was still strolling around, describing the scene as a detached bystander, but in a blink of an eye, she began to look around, showing the dialogue between the cold and slow father and the panicked son in the escape.

"My son, why do you hide your face? Dad, you, don't you see the devil?

The devil wears a crown and a long skirt. My son, it's just a cloud of smoke."

In the second verse, Fanning's accompaniment becomes a fast three-beat alternating between the left and right hands, and every rest is squeezed.

"Come, follow me, my lovely child! I want to play interesting games with you;

There are many colorful flowers blooming on the seashore, and my mother has many golden clothes.

Dad, dad, didn't you hear the devil whispering a promise to me?

Shut up, child, you have to be quiet! That's just the sound of the wind blowing the dead leaves."

In the extremely tense musical atmosphere, Miss Nightingale used a dangerous and charming voice to play the devil's seductive whisper to the boy, but in a blink of an eye she returned to the tone of the conversation between father and son.

"What's going on?"

"It's turning, they're turning!"

"What a spectacle!"

For such a dramatic work, the audience had no time to appreciate the wonderful performance of the girl on the stage.

Because the light particles that were shaken off from the bouquet actually gathered and swirled over the entire opera house, like a large pink vortex that wanted to suck people into it!

"Smart child, do you want to go with me? My daughters will serve you very attentively;

They will dance round every night, dancing, singing, and rocking you to make you sleep sweetly.

Dad, dad, don't you see that place, where the daughters of the devil are standing in the dark?

My son, my son, I can see clearly, they are just a few gray old poplars."

The devil's whispering temptation destroys people's minds, but the slow-witted father is completely unaware of it, which undoubtedly makes people anxious.

In the third stanza, the accompaniment texture is changed to arpeggios that rise and fall in the bass percussion.

Fanning completely changed his previous melancholy and solemn temperament. Everyone only saw his long flowing hair swinging back and forth with the rebound of the keystrokes. The strong beat shock sound that came out was about to break the strings. Under the flying fingertips, the piano became an aggressive killing machine!

"I love you, I like your beauty. If you don't agree, I will use force."

Dad, dad, he's coming to catch me now! The devil caught me and it hurts so much!

The father was terrified and quickly galloped on his horse, holding the moaning child tightly in his arms.

He finally got home, but the child in his arms had died!"

In the last bar, the piano accompaniment texture turned into a more explosive double-handed synchronous tremolo!

Under Fanning's crazy and hysterical percussion, the pink vortex hovering over the opera hall was forced to succumb to the king's order, like a huge "vacuum pump" or "vacuum cleaner", and was "pulled" to Miss Nightingale's side!

In the third to last bar, Fanning played a Naples chord of the second-degree reduction, with a weak dynamic of pp, the only static moment of the piano in the whole piece.

Ann's singing continued to switch between roles smoothly, and finally returned to the low and cold narrator's tone.

"The child in his arms has died! ”

When the last syllable "war-tot!" (to die) was bitten out, Fanning's arms exerted force again, and two clean and neat final chords caused his long hair to tremble and flutter, and also directly declared the fact that a certain person failed or died!

The whole audience was silent without any sound.

The thousands of figures standing up in the back froze in place like dead wood.

Miss Nightingale smiled again, lifted her skirt and saluted the audience.

The millions of red dots that were originally shaken and hovered in the sky gathered behind her into a seven or eight meter long light "tail", and two dark red wings floating behind her shoulders that were as bright as flames!

Fanning still did not stand up to take a bow after playing the song "Erlkönig".

He picked up the pen again, thought for a while, and continued to write on the score as if no one was there, but he still uttered a sentence calmly:

"Master Rückert, why don't you ask again, who is in favor and who is against? ”

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