Old-time musicians

The Fifth Movement: The Angel Told Me (7): The Morning Bell Rings (Two in One)

The piano and the gauze of the dress collided, and the black and cold texture penetrated through the back muscles. An and Luna, who were waiting with their knees hugged, sometimes closed their eyes slightly, and sometimes looked up at the ceiling of the hall.

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This waiting was very special, aimless, unrelated to emotions, and without asking. They just wanted to stay here, even though they knew it would take a long time, and there was no impatience.

But in contrast to the long and quiet night, there was always a trace of confusion about the future for unknown reasons.

An watched the ice-blue stars fall from the holes in the ceiling of the hall, interweaving with the faint orange light in the light box to form a slow and flowing shape.

She felt that she was using appreciation to relieve something.

Not appreciating the dancer's lifelike body, but appreciating the fantasy phantom from her own body, just like longing for a heartbeat and longing that she had never seen but was beating endlessly.

Fanning, who was one meter away, recalled the "sluggish and painful lowing of cattle from the countryside night" recalled by Miss Nightingale on the deck of the Paragodos Line.

At that time, she was recalling animals.

So, what about people?

Restlessness will eventually generate fear.

If one day, in a dream, humans are awakened by mysterious and strange sounds, and find that everything is silent around them, the world is as dark as ink and the night is as cold as water, or the world is already in a time when people can't fall asleep, then how should the deepest restlessness and fear in the heart be expressed?

Fanning felt that the fragrance of a girl, which was close yet distant and strange, was floating around him.


His thoughts rose to a pure height, and he sniffed a wisp of it generously, without any unspeakable thoughts.

"Perhaps, I still need a soprano with a clear and loud texture, but she must sing a melody close to that of a contralto in this movement."

"Let a soprano sing a contralto song with repression, so that it fits the artistic conception I want to present."

"I need this kind of longing voice with deep thinking." Fanning defined the range of the human voice and confirmed that the previously determined D major key range was generally suitable.

"Thus Spoke Zarathustra" is Nietzsche's milestone poetry collection, a work that culminates all his philosophical thoughts. "Zarathustra" uses the Greek pronunciation and can be translated as "Zoroaster", a historical figure in the previous life, that is, the founder of Zoroastrianism or Zoroastrianism.

In this work, Nietzsche preached the revelation of the future world through the mouth of "superman" Zarathustra. The whole book is written in a vast and unrestrained poetic style, melting the sobriety of the sun god and the drunkenness of the god of wine into one furnace, and it occupies a unique and immortal position in the history of philosophy and poetry in the previous life.

The text Fanning finally selected was very late, ranking second to last, which was the 12th section of the 79th "Drunken Song" in Part 4, which expresses Zarathustra's impromptu round singing after being drunk.

Since it is a "drunken song", it means that it is similar to "The Poet's Love". It is also not a "plot-oriented" narrative vocabulary, but through the superposition and progression of a few images and adjectives, it conveys the strong emotions and philosophical thoughts behind it.

Fanning followed the past reading experience in his mind, recalled and translated, and wrote it down in ancient Janus on another blank page:

"Oh, man! You must listen carefully!

What is the deep midnight saying?

I slept, I slept--

I woke up from a deep dream;

This world is deep,

Deeper than what I thought during the day.

Deep is the pain of the world;

Pleasure is deeper and deeper than pain;

Pain is saying: "Let's go! "

Unfortunately, pleasure requires eternity -

Deep, deep eternity."

Considering that the translation of poetry in different languages ​​must at least ensure the uniformity of rhyme and the approximate correspondence of syllable length, this process took Fanning a considerable amount of time, and it was based on the fact that he was a knowledgeable person in this life and had a solid foundation in language.

The original poem has a total of 11 lines. After considering the requirements of "singing", he tried to recite some verses repeatedly, and then divided them into two parts after amplification, forming a parallel symmetrical structure of 7 lines each.

"So, the corresponding form structure is a two-part form." Fanning extended his pen to circle, add, delete or shift marks in the translated poem, "but in music, it is not necessary to split it into two completely independent parts in the traditional sense for comparison, but the contradictions can be juxtaposed and wrapped in each other to form a unity of opposites..."

"So, through my correction, the meaning of the poem also tilted, the two ends of the poem mainly describe the degree of pain, and the middle focuses on expressing the "spiritual transformation"..."

"So, from sleep to awakening, from restlessness to fear, from pain to pleasure, and then to an attempt to leap towards divinity, the result is still unknown, but each process is a victory of the great transformation in the consciousness of the "superman"..."

At this point, Fanning felt that this "Third Symphony" finally began to jump out of the "Dionysian" violence and indulgence defined in "Poem of Awakening", and began to bring "Apollonian" restraint, depth and self-reflection, and also realized the metaphor of the beginning of the fourth door of divinity.

This does not mean that the "Apollo spirit" is necessarily superior to the "Dionysus spirit". Perhaps people in the Western Continent and the Southern Continent will argue over this, but for Fanning, they are just materials or techniques, and their arrangement in order serves the theme of the work.

Since the source of inspiration is located in the south, and because it involves fighting against the pollution of the "red pool", the program is "Dionysus starts first, and Sun God wins later", that's all.

As the night passed, in the rustling sound of writing and the intermittent sound of the piano, the two little girls leaning on the piano yawned and their eyelids began to fight.

I don't know how long it took, at a trance moment, Luna suddenly felt that she "saw" a facility not far away, as if the shadow was swaying slightly in the firelight.

She opened her eyes suddenly.

It was the front row corner seat where the teacher sat as an audience member before.

"Is there a fire there?"

After the sleepiness disappeared, she stood up, and An also stood up and followed after a few seconds.

"Bouquets of fragrant flowers" were scattered everywhere on the ground and underground of the audience seats.

The immortal nectar they originally contained was bent and offered, and the light that was rekindled again condensed and dissipated under Fanning's command. At this time, they were naturally in a state of extinguishing. Since everyone went to the parade to celebrate, no staff came to clean it up for the time being.

"Is this... is this the one that the teacher used?" Luna picked up the strange object in the small wooden tube in the corner seat.

"It's the seat he sat in, but why did it become like this?" An was still rubbing her eyes gently. She had consumed too much energy today and fell asleep earlier than Luna, but now she was no longer sleepy.

Overall, it was still a bunch of narrow and slender flowers, and the size had not changed significantly, but it was no longer the shape of the "most ordinary flower" with no characteristics before...

The petals rolled back and the petal edges opened in waves, and the shape was like a burning flame.

This is a bunch of fox lilies!

Moreover, it was still emitting light. Although the brightness was not strong, the translucent texture was extremely strange. The outer petals were as red as blood, and the inside was as red as red jade. Just by gently touching it, you can feel the infinite vitality and sweetness contained in it.

The two girls were stunned for a few seconds, and then An called out again:

"Hey, Luna, what happened to your bracelet..."

Luna stretched out her arm when she heard it, and with the red light, she saw that her blood-colored jade bracelet seemed to have faded!

She stretched out her other arm, and considering that it might be due to the interference of the red light, she ran to the bottom of a light orange wall lamp near the sound-absorbing wall.

Confirmed that they all turned milky white.

"Strange..." The little girl muttered softly.

"Is there any connection between them?" Miss Nightingale was also very puzzled. "By the way, after I finished performing "The Devil" with the teacher and bowed, did you feel anything strange happened?"

"Yes, after your tail and wings disappeared, I felt that the whole world was spinning..." Luna recalled, "No, it's not that serious. It feels like I stepped on a board on the water or mud, and then I slipped and almost fell..."

"I saw you looked at me, but there was no more expression, and the audience didn't seem to have anything happened, so I thought it was just my problem. After all, my eyes and brain are really tired. It's been too long, and I'm afraid of turning the wrong score..."

"Did sister feel it too? I think that although it didn't last long and the degree was not serious, it was really quite frightening. The whole person was in a tense state and suddenly came for a while. I felt that my memory and thinking were blank for a few seconds..."

The two returned to the stage and An frowned and took the bunch of fox lilies, nodding and shaking his head.

"I think the teacher must know, ask him." Luna tried to suggest.

"Shh, no hurry, don't disturb him." An saw Scheller still sitting in front of the piano to compose, and hurriedly raised her index finger to make a gesture.

They sat back next to the piano, and soon, sleepiness swept over again.

The two of them slowly fell to one side, and finally fell into a side-sleeping position with legs curled up.

The starlight and mystery of the night were passing, and Fanning's thoughts and spirit flowed in the rich and deep river of time.

When he put the free extension symbol to end the fourth movement, the first ray of morning light passed through the gap above the open-air opera hall, and sprinkled evenly distributed circular light spots on the stage and piano.

When the world is clean, it brings dawn.

"Bing-bang-" "Bing-bang-"

The morning bell of the opera house rang.

Fanning grabbed the music book in front of him and stood up suddenly from the piano stool.

He walked quickly to the front of the stage, with his hands behind his back, looking up at the golden dawn coming from above, which was washing away the dimness inch by inch.

"This is the sound I want next!"

He turned the page again and wrote down the title of the fifth movement - "The Angel Told Me".

And following the pitch of the morning bell just heard, "fa-sol-fa-re...", the key was directly set to a flat F major!

After clarifying that the will of "superman" is the process of constantly moving from low-level things to high-level things, it is easy to think of the symbol of the fifth door.

-The fifth form, which is one level higher than chaos, plants, animals, and humans, has a considerable part of the divine creatures: angels!

-Or it corresponds to the existence that has risen from humans but is close to the migration creatures, strictly speaking, it is no longer considered human: the orderer.

The direction of the fifth movement to describe "angels" has actually been there for a long time.

But now, its musical concrete form and text are also clearly visible in Fanning's mind.

What the angel told him was about the sound of the morning bell.

Violence is opposed to the pastoral Dionysian "pool" and will be further dismantled and eliminated at this height.

"The Skeleton Song and the Delightful Sacrament, narrated by Senesino and Renilla, deal with 'twenty-six delightful fruits, seven punishments, nine gardens, and four penances,'" It is both pleasure and indulgence, pain and sin..."

"And in this interlude movement of just a few minutes, there are morning bells with clear and ethereal tones, children and girls singing in unison, and sinful creatures who are receiving the forgiveness of the light..."

"The lyrics continue to be selected from "The Devil's Horn of Youth". In front of the old lady's hospital bed in Hamilton at the beginning of the year, I became attached to the 12th song "Initial Light". This time I chose the 11th song "Three Angels Sing" which is equally fascinating. "Sweet Song", just follow your heart, and it just reflects some factors related to southern folk customs."

After experiencing the painful search to create the "Resurrection" symphony, Fan Ning no longer has the mental baggage of "adding chorus to the symphony". The so-called "road to the sublimation of the human voice" has been assimilated into the ordinary among numerous composition techniques. A sort of.

He only needs to immerse himself in solitude and find his favorite exit in a number of sublime hallucinations, like sparks and smoke rising from burning thorns.

"There should be an additional children's choir here. As soon as the music begins, the children imitate the bells and repeatedly sing the sound of 'Bing - Bang -'. Then the female chorus and female solo take turns, and the band plays like a ribbon. The sound flow rises like a pull, and briefly dims when it reaches the highest point. This is 'punishment and regret', which contrasts with the innocent joy. Of course, the end shows that the initial light is still hanging high, gradually moving away. The disappearing bell wants to guide people to unknown higher realms."

The light spot area of ​​the stage is expanding, Fan Ning's brush strokes are flying, and the whole song is completed in one go!

The excitement and restlessness in hallucinations, the confusion of blind grasping, and the dream of attentive listening are all introduced into the song of the morning bell.

He felt that at the height he was currently at, he was just one final leap away from reaching the metaphor of the climbing structure and joining the Hui Tower to be promoted to the Knower.

"But in the unknown higher realm, what should this sixth final chapter be like?"

There was no wind in the opera hall. Fan Ning looked at the clear sky, his clothes fluttering.

"Good morning, teacher."

Miss Nightingale's voice came from behind.

"Teacher, didn't you have a rest all night? By the way, teacher -"

After the two stood up, Luna picked up the fox lily and was about to ask the teacher what it was when a voice came from behind. She immediately cleverly hid the bouquet in her sleeve.

"Mr. Scheele, I'm sorry for interrupting my thoughts, but I'm just here to send you an invitation to the Flower Festival."

It was the voice of Archbishop Fields of Fanghui Temple.

"Oh, you're welcome." Fan Ning reached out and took it.

At that moment, he noticed that the face of this Insighter, whose strength should not be underestimated, seemed to be a little solemn, and his eyes briefly glanced at Luna's wrist.

Of course, Fan Ning himself also discovered the change. Since the other party did not hide his expression, he said calmly:

"Luna, why did your blood-colored bracelet fade?"

"I, I don't know, maybe the quality of the jewelry is not very good." The little girl shook her head blankly.

"The price of this bracelet should be three to five times more expensive than ordinary jewelry." Fields asked.

"How do you know?" Luna nodded and admitted, "This was a birthday gift from my brother when I was ten years old. It cost Trova 240 pounds, but this crystal necklace I bought when I was 9 years old only cost 45 pounds."

"It's mixed with a tiny amount of evergreen nectar," Fields said.

"What the archbishop means," Fan Ning frowned, "is that because the immortal nectar in my student Luna's bracelet disappeared last night, its blood-colored texture faded to milky white?"

"Is it because of the influence of the famous singer's arena altar? After all, you set up this secret ritual for flowing unfading nectar."

"Didn't my Miss Nightingale's tail and wings disappear after the game?"

"No, this time things are very strange." Fields had a gloomy look on his face and shook his head. "Mr. Scheler, you haven't gone out yet. You may not know what happened in the middle of last night until this morning."

"It seems that the entire city of Tiya and even the entire Southern Kingdom's immortal nectar has disappeared."

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