Old-time musicians

Sixth Movement Love Tells Me (5): Host and Guest (Two in One)

"Louis Vienne, a talented, devout and steadfast organist, was plagued by eye diseases all his life - congenital cataracts, which improved after surgery recommended by Master Tarakan, glaucoma after moving to the old site of the art museum, and improved again after traveling across the ocean for treatment, and finally contaminated and pierced by tableware when returning..."

"Eyes are spiritual windows, and the vision of the waking world will also affect the observation of dreams, so it's like someone wants Vienne to see the reality and dreams clearly, and someone doesn't want him to see clearly, so the game is always back and forth, and he can't get out of the vicious circle of eye disease..."

"Specifically in the year 871 of the new calendar, Vienne, who suffered from glaucoma, took a token and sailed south across the ocean, landed in the South from the Paradogos Islands, and received glaucoma treatment at the Sainte-Agenie Hospital. The method was the "folk custom" left by the Order of the Holy Wounded: skull drilling surgery..."

"The surgery not only changed The path of the token, the ‘positioning’, also changed Vien’s spiritual characteristics. During his convalescence in the hospital, he was promoted to at least a mid-level knower, and began to explore more about the ‘Illuminated Church’ he had always dreamed of. As a result, the ‘old’ wreckage was brought to the waking world by him...”

“In the spring of 875, a gentleman who called himself ‘Mr. F’ visited Vien and claimed that he could help him stimulate the power of the ‘baton’, so the ‘Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun’ was born. This work impressed Master Thorn, who was also convalescent in the hospital due to heart disease. He not only took the initiative to promote the premiere of the work, but also personally served as a harpist in the band...”

“The performance was a great success and achieved the ‘Awakening Chant’. After the curtain call, surrounded by enthusiastic fans, a lady with short red hair hugged Vien and congratulated him. The content of the exchange included ‘good luck’. This person is suspected to be related to ‘Miss Scarlet’...”

“In addition, if the ‘Poet of Fragrant Flowers’ has indeed fallen, The time of the incident may be around this time. "

"According to the etiquette of the South, the winner of the championship, Vien, was able to settle in the fox lily field, and Thorn also ended his recuperation at St. Agenius Hospital and returned to his own villa in the field. During this period, the two of them exchanged a lot of letters discussing their illnesses - they were suspected of being contaminated by the "old days", but the manifestations were completely different. Vien had severe headaches and delirium, while Thorn seemed to have his creative inspiration curbed..."

"Vian mentioned that Mr. F had suggested that he could go to a place to relieve the "side effects" in the future. Thorn had been strongly dissuading this idea, but in the end, Vien still went there because of the pain of living a life worse than death..."

"This specific location is the "honey-producing channel" of the nine gardens. The direction they extend to coincide with the end of the church's garden complex - under the grass wall is still the endless fox lily field..."

"Several pieces of evidence make people suspect that the vast There is something wrong with the vast and monotonous area——

First, from the relevant information brought by Luo Yin from the northern continent, the main activity of the secret organization "About Snakes" is to instigate others to go to the abnormal area;

Second, the secret history mentioned that "leaves and flowers" covered the wounds of Mathias after being skinned, which shows that the Fox Lily Field is just a kind of "bandage" in the sense of mysticism;

Third, the morphological characteristics of the "honey-producing channels" of the nine gardens are the same as wells, and according to the teachings of the Holy Wounds, the "child mother" is the embodiment of wounds and insight. The "well", "holes in the skull" and "holes in the musical instrument" are integrated to some extent. She is considered to have considerable authority to "guard the gate". The "cracking field" of the Migration Secret Realm related to her is also covered with plant-like vines and wells under the surface. This is simply like a "dream version" of the Fox Lily Field... Then, what kind of person can be "guarded" by a witness? This is very intriguing..."

"In short, Vien followed Mr. F's instructions and entered the garden as a VIP. At that time, the garden was in the early stage of abnormality. Before the "Puzzle Land" was formed, the church was just about to seal the site..."

"Although it is unknown what Vien saw after entering the abnormal area connected to the other end of the honey-producing channel, the fact is that he was copied in an incredible way, just like the copied everlasting nectar. The actions of the copies may have time differences, and they may have conflicts with each other. There was only one Vien who ran out at the first time, and no one knew which one it was..."

"Of course, this is all normal in the eyes of the church, because as long as the first Vien When they came out, the number of people in and out would be verified, so the church ordered the garden to be sealed, and the other replicas that were a beat slower were stranded here, and they dried up and died in the following years..."

"Before they died, they kept thinking, 'I don't know where I am', 'Don't believe anything I say', 'Including anything I do', which undoubtedly had an indelible subconscious impact on them. Therefore, Master Rückert recalled carefully that he always felt that he seemed to have seen Weien in the following years, and Weien was indeed still in the Fox Lily Field in the following years..."

"As for the specific content of these 'don't believe', including 'the poet is dead', including the conception description of famous works of Blue Star such as 'Beethoven's Ninth', and also including the record of the method of 'relieving pain'. The latter pain was described by Weien as 'the inspiration of the baton and the other part of the inspiration in the mind dissolved into each other, and the brain and spirituality were full of holes'..."

"Vien believes that the only way to alleviate the symptoms is to create "medieval style works" as much as possible, that is, similar to the "Baroque music" on Blue Star. This style seems to be able to relatively alleviate the conflict of "the other part of inspiration", but if you want to cure the root cause, you must find the secret related to the "God's theme" in that "abnormal area"..."

"After that, it returned to the normal facts known before: Master Thorn died, and the first Vien who came out of the "abnormal area" returned to the northern continent as scheduled..."

"The overall timeline may be roughly like this, but there are still a few details shrouded in mystery."

"Why did Mr. F instigate people to go to the abnormal area?"

"What is the purpose of Miss Scarlet appearing at Vien's premiere? ? "

"Why was Master Thorn's guitar 'Yin Lilian' buried under the bathtub of Wei'en's former residence? "

"Is there a deeper connection between 'Fox Lily Field', 'Cracking Field' and 'Abnormal Zone'? "

"Is the Wei'en who returned to China still Wei'en's original body? ——From a probability point of view, the possibility is already very small——then a series of processes related to him after returning to China, including his acquaintance with Teacher Anton, the circulation of gel fetal membranes, the re-sealing of 'Old Days', and even the record of the signpost of Qiming Church... Is it still his original self-will that is at work? "


The bathroom was filled with a faint wood fragrance. Fanning, who was lying in the red oak basin, raised a handful of water and poured it on his face.

The physical sensation between warm and cool cooled down his high-speed thoughts a little.

He spread his arms, tilted his head back and leaned down, and his chest rose and fell slightly with the water surface between his breaths.

So, now is the eve of the "Flower Ceremony", and I am in the bathroom of the conductor's lounge backstage at the Red Church.

After waking up from a nap just now, my mind was indeed a little fuzzy.

However, Fanning gradually determined that he should not have lost his memory. What he just recalled and sorted out was the timeline of Vien's trajectory that was currently pieced together based on the information in the garden.

Even further back, the various memories of the past five or six days are continuous.

This feeling is very strange.

If someone fainted a week ago, woke up a week later, and did not remember what happened during this period, this is called "amnesia".

If you fainted a week ago, woke up a week later, and can remember your various daily activities during this period, this is normal, and it cannot be considered the first "waking up", because you have woken up many times in the middle.

But Fanning felt that his current situation did not belong to any of the above.

Obviously, I can clearly recognize that I have been doing normal work and rest for five or six days with my own will, but I don't know why, just now I felt that I "jumped" to the time when I woke up from a nap in the rehearsal room.

If I have to describe it…

It seems that a certain "experience" in the process has been taken away and can't be found?

Why is this so?

But think about it carefully. After coming to the South, especially after the midsummer, this feeling of "experience" being taken away has been there and there, but it's not as strong and concentrated as this time.


Fan Ning broke through the water and sat up, raised his wet legs one after another, and stepped on slippers.

He rolled himself into a dry bath towel and began to wipe his body.

There was no amnesia, absolutely no amnesia. After he confirmed that the cigar was burned out, he was indeed dragged down by some dizziness when standing at the entrance of the passage, but soon woke up outside the mutated garden and saw Ni Ni and his two students again.

Then everything was normal.

It's just that the "road conditions" in my mind are now seriously congested, just at the first moment of "reopening to traffic". After leaving the garden and going forward, the memory nodes of what I saw and heard are still jumping out one by one.

What has happened in the entire southern continent in the past few days...

Fan Ning, who was wiping his hair with the front of a bath towel in front of the mirror, suddenly slowed down his movements and looked more serious.

"Very strange."

Wrapped in a bath towel, Fan Ning pushed open the bathroom door with a creak.

He first pushed open the window with the best view in the inner room.

The intensity of the sunlight at dusk remained undiminished. The golden primary color was scattered by the sea of ​​fox lilies, and a layer of scarlet appeared on the huge high walls, stone steps and columns of the church.

On the steps of the red church below the field of vision, the heads of guests were swarming like ants. They held invitations that were still full after seven days. After being checked and confirmed by the hosts, they could not wait to squeeze into the hall where the flower-viewing feast was held.

There were more people farther away. Those who did not get the admission qualification in the end were holding the withered invitations and beating their chests and stamping their feet. Some people were lingering anxiously or stretching their necks long out to the entrance of the church.

"Bang, bang, bang--"

The door outside the lounge was knocked.

Fanning closed the window and walked out slowly from the inner room.

"Mr. Scheele, do you need them to accompany you to take a bath?" The voice of Bishop Calestini came from outside the wall, "Let me count, Lady Vanessa, the daughter of Duke Faya, Miss Dora from the Duke of Acobi, Miss Bevny from the Count of Fast, and even Miss Renilla, the princess of the Eleanor royal family, and other guests are asking me to convey their wishes, hoping to accompany the people they admire to relax before the performance, hehe... They don't mind you doing a multiple-choice question..."

"I've finished taking a bath." Fanning put on a white shirt and responded calmly in the room, "Please ask the musicians to get ready, I'll have dinner first, and then go on stage."

"Okay." There was a pair of footsteps walking away from the door.

Within a few minutes, Fan Ning quickly changed into a tuxedo and trousers, and tied the rose bow tie on her chest.

He put his right hand on the baton and put his left hand on the door handle. He frowned slightly before twisting and pushing it away.

Then he made a slight sideways posture.

Several graceful figures came towards me with the scent of fragrance.

"Good evening, Mr. Scheele."

The beautiful young woman with a round face greeted her softly, her eyes seemed to be covered with tenderness.

"I don't mean to disturb you, I just want to take a closer look at you."

The lady with short ear-length hair, wearing a red off-shoulder collar dress, bowed Yingying. Her right hand was placed lower than her chest, which allowed a heavy snow-white scenery to be seen.

"Thank you for your hard work rehearsing." "Would you mind going to your room?"

"...Thank you for your love!"

When the girl wearing a pure white lace shawl and another blue-eyed girl with wavy blond hair saw Fan Ning walking away, they walked directly into his lounge with expressions of excitement and longing.

Then there was a burst of rapid and happy laughter and gasping.

"After they came out, they immediately cleaned up and returned to their original condition." Fan Ning turned around and said after walking six or seven meters.

"No problem, sir." The two fat staff squatting in the aisle immediately looked up.

They were devouring huge piles of seafood noodles, sausages and eggs with large bowls and spoons in hand.

"Let me go in!"

"I have letters! Mrs. Vanessa knows me!"

"Lady Renela still dotes on her loyal subjects!"

"I swear to the poet, I will only look at her once!"

“I’m just asking you to take my gift to Miss Bevney!


On the other side of the cast and crew passage, at the stairwell held by a red line, four "flower-touched people" and a group of security personnel were facing the crowds of guests below who were not high enough to enter the cast and crew backstage. .

The hoarse and earnest shouts were mixed together, hitting people's eardrums one after another.

"Da... da..."

The sound of leather shoes hitting the wooden floor echoed in the corridor.

Fan Ning did not look back and continued to move forward with a calm expression.

He knocked lightly on a door.

"Who?" A vigilant and soft girl's voice.

"It's me." Fan Ning said.

The door opened the next moment, and a rich fragrance of seafood mixed with the fragrance of pastries, fruits and vegetables wafted into the nose.

A bright, small restaurant with a dazzling array of steaming food and wine on the table.

Luna, who was wearing a small formal dress and an elegant silk scarf, had a piece of white bread in her mouth. After closing the door, Luna handed two more slices to Fan Ning.

Miss Nightingale was still wearing the blue evening dress, but the seat she was sitting on was not at the dining table, but on the sofa against the wall.

She stood up and poured Fan Ning a glass of cold water.

"Teacher, things have been getting weirder and weirder these days. Has Master Lucter not been looking for you again in the past two days?"

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