Old-time musicians

Chapter 26 Convinced (4K 2-in-1)

After the fainted people had their fingerprints pressed on the list one by one, they were thrown out of the window by Fanning like scarecrows.

Then, they were thrown upwards against gravity and landed on a roof with a thick layer of snow.

The rest of the gathering and the familiar people dispersed like birds and beasts.

"Boss, what should we do?" At the original street, a fat officer named Wharton supported Sidney who fainted on the ground and asked the people standing around him.

"Your own father, you ask me what to do? I'm not your father." Brigadier General Boles was not in a good mood.

What happened tonight?

During the night patrol, he met a priest and asked him to check the list. When he checked, he found that it was his own people, and his own people found that the one caught was his father.

Wharton didn't know what to do even though the hand was on him.

Send him to the church? That's a brain disease.

Run away? First of all, it's a question whether he can run away under that person's means. Secondly, if Sidney runs away, where can he run to when he is serving in the army? What should he do with the pile of stalls left in the end?

"I'll go find Mrs. Insabel?" Wharton made a negotiating tone with his superior.

In this situation, he could only try to ask for help from this "envoy". She was not afraid of even Priest Hester. Even if the new priest was stronger, she would definitely have a plan to deal with it.

Brigadier General Boles frowned and waved his hand, which meant "whatever you want".

He and Sidney and his son had some "business in the army" superior-subordinate relationship, but making money was just making money.

No matter how big the scale was, he had no interest in participating in that kind of secret gathering. He only vaguely knew about Sidney's "circle of acquaintances" and never asked about it.

Smuggling was exposed, and as a senior officer, he might be able to clear himself from the relationship, but if he was implicated in this "acquaintance gathering", those secret believers would not let him clear himself completely.

If he had known that there was such a rotten thing, he would not have approached and asked when he saw the night patrol making any movement today.

Boles expressed his position, and other soldiers naturally would not help. They just waited for the so-called "holy fire floating in the air" in other places.

Wharton silently carried Sidney onto a motorcycle, tied a few ties in a hurry, and then ignited the fire and drove away.

The car drove to Mrs. Yin Shabel's private library. He carried Sidney to the third floor panting, and then turned around panting and pushed the door of the corridor open with his back.

The air was filled with a mixed smell of gunpowder and blood.

"Oh, you are Sidney's son, you are here too." Mrs. Yin Shabel stood by the candle and looked at him.

This lady is the actual controller of the high-end daily necessities and luxury goods business in the Laibiqi area. In the more basic and more "branching" agricultural product smuggling chain such as grain, oil, meat and vegetables, the way of proportional profit transfer with the army, factory owners and noble gentry is adopted.

The ground was littered with blood, snow bells and book pages. There was a body that had been beaten into a sieve by the window at the end of the corridor. This was somewhat frightening for Wharton, who was not as familiar with the "circle of acquaintances" as his father.

But the only thing that made people feel a little relieved was that the candle at Insabel's feet seemed to be extremely bright, so that her face and blonde hair looked a little holy.

"Name, Wharton Arcadio?" the other party asked to confirm.

"It's me." Wharton nodded breathlessly. For some reason, he felt uneasy when he heard someone calling his full name today.

He naturally didn't notice that the real Mrs. Insabel was actually lying straight in the shadow behind the bookshelf.

"Where is this? Ah, Madam Messenger, you just led me here?" At this time, Sidney woke up.

After being hit and fainted, there might still be a kind of anxiety of "being attacked" in the potential fragmented consciousness, but at this moment, recalling the messenger with a fluid face and physical features that he could not remember clearly who came to his office to ask questions, he gradually relaxed a little.

"Dear lady, we ran into a priest on the street, a newcomer, holding a book in his hand. Later, he probably sent someone to raid my tavern." At this time, Wharton asked for help.

"What do you mean raided? Isn't Mrs. Yin Shabel visiting?" Sidney was confused when he heard his son speak.

"I saw you just now, and what the priest did was right." Fanning's tone was filled with a trace of regret, "It's just right that you come here to confess your sins, I will take you to the sermon hall to be rescued."

"?" The two people's minds, which had just been cleared up a little, felt confused again. Under the influence of the invisible spiritual perception, some subconscious memories that even they doubted were integrated into it.

The next moment, a striped spiritual belt directly wrapped around the heads of the two people and collided heavily.

was also thrown to the roof.

After Fanning changed the appearance of the unclear messenger, Sidney and Insabel, he turned into Oliver who smuggled the vehicle.

"Glory appears."

Guanus uttered, and a beam of light shot up from the roof. He moved to the next place again.

"Lord Bors, look there!?" A soldier suddenly exclaimed on the street a little further away.

"That place, that's not Viscount Rosk's." Someone said in a doubtful tone.

"It's his wife's private library, which is good." Bors was confused.

Didn't this Wharton under him take his father to seek help from the messenger of the secret organization, Ms. Insabel?

Why did he light the "holy fire" on the spot?

Boles was not sure for a moment whether Wharton was a "rebel" or if someone else at the scene had secretly converted to the church.

It couldn't be that Sidney suddenly "enlightened" after waking up, right?

It's even less likely to be Ms. Yin Sabel herself, right?

Things were so fucking weird tonight.

Just as I was wondering, flames appeared in a third place.

"Let's go and take a look first." Boles ordered.

"Boss, what are we doing after we get there?" a soldier asked midway.

What to do? When Boles hesitated, flames appeared in a fourth place.

"Of course we will arrest people and send those who should be sent to the training hall." Boles, who was completely confused about the situation, decided to do what the priest said for the time being and try to keep it as clean as possible.

Coming to Beech Church, the deacons and civil servants who were on duty in the discipline hall tonight and also responsible for Aldan's interrogation were stunned.

The military is cooperative and has a good attitude, and they come to your door one after another.

Fortunately, Mr. Lavoisier had told us in advance to make room and arrange for a few more people on duty tonight. Under the guidance of the deacons, there would be no rush.

The training rooms are separated one by one, and the rooms that need to hold knowledgeable people have undergone more special preprocessing: sacred fire chains, isolation rituals, emergency curse seals, and dream-disturbing secret atmospheres.

At 2:40 in the middle of the night, 12 people were locked up in 30 positions, and then Mr. Lavoisier came back by himself.

He took a brief look around the room where the knowledgeable people were held, then closed his eyes and took a nap on the couch in the underground duty hall.

Well, I just arrived at Laibiqi yesterday. I encountered an accident during the day, went to a banquet in the evening, and caught a fake master in the middle of the night. I must be a little tired.

There should be no more troops arresting people and sending them to their homes. Several priests thought so.

Then they realize they were wrong.

In an abandoned factory two kilometers away, several people were sitting on the floor in the shadow of the wall. There were officials from the municipal department, local gangsters from the river terminal, secret cultists from the small town auction house, and factory owners responsible for the rough processing of agricultural products.

Their expressions were a little dull and unfocused, not like normal people.

But suddenly, the faint blood-colored light flashed away, and as several special and invisible threads of inspiration emerged from the void, the city official stood up with his briefcase, dusted off the dust on his body, and quickly Walk out of the factory.

It was Fan Ning who used the birth power of the remains of the "Red Pond" and combined it with the camouflage ability of the "Fountain in the Painting" to project a clone that could retain at most half of his own strength.

Currently, Fan Ning can only independently control his clone while performing normal activities if he is very familiar with the spiritual qualities and the distance does not exceed a radius of five kilometers.

And only "Scheleer" can do it, not even "Lavoisier".

Therefore, the current manipulation is of another nature: "prefabricating" the clone in advance, and realizing it through dreaming - he is taking a nap on the recliner and cannot act at the same time.

Although this kind of dream manipulation cannot "single yellow", it does have its advantage, that is, it is not limited by the distance of the waking world. As long as there is enough "space difference", even if the time is slightly staggered, it is a perfect alibi action, and others It's hard to doubt yourself.

The municipal official walked out of the abandoned factory and did not come back. After a relatively long period of time, the lanky man with a scar on his face got up and went out again.

These people went to various secret places one after another, pretending to be inspired by Father Lavoisier, came to "rescue" their acquaintances and associates, and then projected the holy fire of illumination into the night sky.

There seem to be some contradictions between each other from different people's perspectives, which makes people's minds, which are already shocked, unable to turn around for a while.

In the duty hall underground of the Ordination Hall, the clergy and Mr. Lavoisier, who had his eyes closed and meditated, occasionally chatted for a few words. During this period, he got up several times, ate two slices of cheese bread, drank some water, and went to the bathroom. room

There was also a cordial handshake with Brigadier General Boles who came to see someone off.

At around six o'clock in the morning, Bishop Tukweil came and walked to the lower level of the basement. He was suddenly stunned.

The thirty detention rooms are fully used and neatly arranged.

"Mr. Lavoisier, what's going on with these people?" Tucville's impression still lingered on when Lavoisier jumped off the carriage.

And in just a short time, one high-ranking person, one middle-ranking person, and five low-ranking people were locked up here. The lady Yin Sabel, who had come into the church's sight, but had never found a chance to deal with it because of her too cunning abilities, was among them. , and then there are actually people from the army, city officials, well-known local nobles, factory owners, and local gangsters in the chaotic area of ​​the river terminal.

"They are all sincerely convinced after explaining justice." Fan Ning smiled happily while holding a boiled kettle. "The private path followed by fools is seen as upright in their own eyes. Those who seek wealth with deceitful tongues will quickly commit suicide." The false teachers will sweep them away because they do not act righteously, and peace will come to those who will listen to the Lord’s counsel.”

While Fan Ning was explaining slowly, the sound of admonishment was still coming from the depths of the passage on the other side. The words sounded a bit special. Tukweil was convinced that he had never seen it before. Which clergy would still interrogate like this?

“Will you speak unrighteously for the Lord and speak deceitfully for her sake?

Do you want to show favoritism to the Lord? Do you want to argue for her?

Wouldn't it be nice if she found out about you?

People deceive others, will you deceive her in the same way?

If you secretly show favoritism, she will rebuke you.

The proverbs you consider memorable are proverbs of ashes, and the strongholds you consider reliable are strongholds of mire.

Does not her honor terrify you, and does not her terror overtake you?"

This is definitely taught by Mr. Lavoisier, and the effect is indeed quite surprising. Bishop Tukville took a deep breath at this time, thinking of what he said about "being sincerely convinced", and nodded in agreement for a moment:

"The 'Gate of Lamps and Shadows' teaches us that gnosis can only be seen by staring into the light, and kindness can only be found in the shadows."

The group of people who were arrested were first come, first served, and were interrogated as soon as they came. By daybreak, many preliminary confessions and transcripts had been made. But what made the clergy amused and surprised was that there were quite a few people. Open your eyes and identify someone else as "rebellious water"——

For example, Mrs. Yin Sabel insisted that Sidney and his son had "surrendered" to Father Lavoisier and deliberately framed their normal reading meeting as a secret gathering. However, Sidney and his son also cursed that the emissary was originally arranged by the church to "fish" Lynch and Yaroslav, who were also present, denied that it was Sidney and his son who took the lead in taking orders from the military, but then a corrupt city official said that it was Lynch who asked him out in the middle of the night in the name of "good things." On the other hand, Oliver pledged his life. It was this official who revealed the secret account of his vehicle dispatching, but his words soon contradicted the next door. The esoteric cultist in the small town auction house said that if not Hearing Oliver's snow bells and blessings, I will definitely pretend that no one is in the venue tonight.

There are also different and contradictory descriptions of the ways in which people around you turn against others. A few people say that some people are obviously ignorant and will suddenly burn people after believing in Father Lavoisier. There are also many more people. Said that the person who rebelled was definitely the promoted believer himself, and the heterogeneous light, shadow and color were clearly "derived"

These guys are originally bound by interests to each other. Faced with scattered interrogations, it is normal for them to turn against each other and bite each other.

But adding up the confessions of these people, it turns out that those who were suspected of "surrendering" to Father Lavoisier in advance accounted for more than one-third. This made the clergy somewhat confused as to how it was done.

Mr. Lavoisier just came last night. Although he did go out to give lectures and sermons tonight, it was only for a while. More importantly, he came back to rest after two o'clock in the middle of the night?

"If word of this incident comes to Biqi tonight, I'm afraid that these secretive organizations and smugglers in the nearby area will all be in danger. They are afraid that the partners around them will betray them. The level of distrust will be greatly increased, and the loopholes in their actions will also be increased." show up"

"Who better to commend him? Mr. Lavoisier is expected to take over the priest's position. I'm afraid it is not the most ideal choice for the church to commend itself."

Bishop Tukville is a hardliner and has always hated these behaviors. He has done a lot of work in his jurisdiction. Unfortunately, with the current environment of speculation and corruption in the entire Western Continent, the atmosphere in his jurisdiction is still going downhill month by month.

At this moment, he has already begun to consider the issue of publicity work.

Fan Ning took another sip of boiled water and made a suggestion in a leisurely manner, which immediately made Tukweil's eyes light up:

"Brigadier General Boles's contribution must be considerable. He must have relied on the sun in his heart when he rebuked evildoers."

The news took shape within three minutes.

In the fifth minute, the advance notice was sent to the military camp from the civilian personnel on the ground.

Brigadier General Boles, who had finished shooting another telegram at the camp, was completely dumbfounded.

He had just used a "confidant" tone to tactfully remind his boss, General Lannut, that it is best for everyone to moderate their "business" recently, not only to express loyalty, but also to protect themselves.

Now when you come to Beech Parish, you will be given a commendation letter to thank you for your contribution in the seizure of eucalyptus smuggling tonight! ?

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