Old-time musicians

Chapter 33 Weighing Test

Directly in front of Fanning was the back of Bishop Tucqueville's head.

This church leader who was very concerned about Lavoisier's "survivor background investigation" seemed to have completely ignored Mr. Wax's call from behind. He did not turn around, nor did he use his spiritual sense to investigate.

Occasionally, someone passed by the wheelchair on the aisle, without turning his head to look.

The conversations of the people in the square seemed to be getting smaller and farther away.

Fanning knew that he might have entered a dream at this moment. Facing the chief secret historian of the Special Patrol Office whose details were hard to figure out, he smiled and said:

"This brother is also here to be consecrated.".

The man in the wheelchair did not answer, his hat brim was still drooping, and he reached into his pocket and slowly groped.

Seeing that his clothes were thin and messy, and his movements were weak, Fanning said calmly and without any expression:

"At that time, Saint Lenya, the Illuminated One, preached to the Hoffmans, saying that the poor and the sick, who had no money to buy new clothes and were not in high spirits, should not be ashamed and dare not go to receive the Eucharist. You must know that our Lord has always loved the poor. As long as you wash your clothes, dress neatly, and give thanks without looking sideways, you can go to eat bread and wine with peace of mind."

Mr. Wax slowly took out two things.

A feather pen and loose-leaf paper that looked ordinary.

"The priest is enlightening. Please sign for me."

"Oh, you are the one Owen invited to come here a few days ago to explain justice for me. I am happy to see this happen."

Fanning's vigilance increased greatly, but he took it as if he was surprised.

Considering that the messenger Owen sent to Mr. Wax that day said it in front of everyone, he did not show any hesitation, nor did he pretend to be stupid.

Fanning recalled the meaning of names in mysticism, which is a kind of "subjective inheritance", that is, to establish a corresponding connection between an abstract symbol and a specific appearance and deeds in the repeated reinforcement of people's cognition.

Although Fanning did not know the specific means of this wax man, he must be using the reference behind the name as an entry point to deduce other things related to it.

This mystery is generally related to "derivation", and sometimes also involves "candle".

Did he bring the remains of the "disaster"?

Fanning began to sign the name "Antoine Lavoisier".

The handwriting is exactly the same as the previous character, upright and restrained, with less tilt and very few connected strokes.

The square in the dream is crowded with people, but it is silent.

When he wrote, he tried his best to recall Lavoisier's past experiences in the materials, as well as his thoughts and actions in the past four months when he played a new identity.

Personality and psychological state further promote the direction of writing.

Theoretically, even if the names of others are written uniformly by the deducer, the purpose may still be effective, but the main writer is undoubtedly a means of "strengthening the corresponding relationship" - Fanning is trying to use this in turn to strengthen and deepen the corresponding relationship between the name and the event of "Lavoisier".

"Neat and beautiful handwriting."

The head in the front row turned around and stretched out his hand to Fanning.

But it was no longer Tucville, but Chief Inspector Owen.

He was sitting a little further away in the first row.

Fanning loosened his hand holding the paper and let Owen take it away and bind it back into a loose-leaf notebook.

In a breath, Fanning saw other handwriting when Owen turned the loose-leaf.

His eyes shrank slightly, but his eyes stayed on the notebook without moving away.

"Mr. Lavoisier seems to know many of them." Owen smiled.

"I see Miss Luo Yin's name is also on the list. What kind of remembrance method do you foreigners use?" Fanning asked.

In fact, the handwriting was not just Luo Yin's signature. He also saw a lot of names of people he knew or didn't know in the loose-leaf pages.

The original sources of the paper were also varied, including white paper, letterhead, signature, and bills. Judging from the specificity of the handwriting, most of them were handwritten, such as: Hiran Conner. And: Carloen Fan Ning.

Fan Ning stared at Owen's face and smiled very friendly and politely when asking questions.

It seems that Gang was not seriously injured when he entered the ruins of the "Grand Palace School" last time.

I hope that during the "exorcism test" later, this inspector can come on stage and be his examiner.

He actually knew that if Owen wanted to get the signatures of these people, he didn't need to use drastic means, such as Hiran or his own handwriting. As the head of the Turner Art Hall, he produced quite a lot of signatures every day.

But the "attention" of this inspector was so high that it touched the red line. When he was far away overseas, the people on the northern continent were under such intense visual surveillance. The risk was beyond the range that Fan Ning could accept.

As a "high-ranking" survivor, he actually called Mr. Wax to review the report in person. This was obviously an "overweight" move by Owen.

Such a person is in charge of the review work of the cinema chain?

Let him recover for a few years and let the discussion group change.

Owen handed the autograph loose-leaf book to Mr. Wax. During this process, Fanning kept smiling and staring at his movements.

After Mr. Wax took it, he took out a strange and turbid gray-white balance.

He melted a "red pool" witness symbol on the base, and Lavoisier's signature and the signatures of others were drawn out one by one, and placed at the left and right ends.

No matter how the signatures on the tray on the right rotated, Lavoisier's signature on the left always sank to the bottom.

"This priest has a close connection with the Red Pond." Mr. Wax smiled lazily.

This is also the usual style of the Special Patrol Office: no matter what the matter is, you open and close your mouth to "examine", and then confirm "you have a problem" first, pretending that you have mastered everything, but don't explain much, and wait for you to consciously "admit it" Or "explain" attitude, and even if you explain a few words, they will not express how well you explain it.

Fanning had already experienced it before he graduated from San Diego University.

Finally, Mr. Wax threw in the name "Schele".

The balance swayed left and right a few times, and this time the tilt shifted to Scheele's side.

In relation to the Red Pool, Lavoisier ranks second in the pile, after Scheler.

"Mr. Lavoisier had quite a few adventures in the Southern Continent." Owen said with a smile.

"Don't condemn someone who has seen their filthy appearance." Fan Ning responded gently, "The sins that caused all kinds of filthiness are all their sins. By performing the atonement ceremony in the holy place like this, I The Lord will sympathize with ignorance and confusion.”

It sounds like it is explaining that because I saw the shape of the "Red Pond" in the nightmare, there will be a strong entangled connection. In fact, it always gives people a feeling of "the focus is later" - prompting the "Red Pond" The one who descended is the culprit?


Hearing this, Owen felt that his old illness had relapsed again.

Feeling that there was no point in meeting him at the moment, he sneered and continued to remove the signature from the loose-leaf book and handed it over.

"Waiting for the 'exorcism test' session, let's see what the use of your mouth is? Can you rely on sophistry to get off the stage in front of tens of thousands of people?"

"Mr. Wax, please continue."

The man in the wheelchair changed the base to "Old Days", and then to "Hidden Lamp" and "Fountain in the Painting". In addition to the witness talisman, he also changed it to Xilan, Luo Yin, Fan Ning and others. name.

In Owen's narrowed eyes, the balance began to shake.

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