Old-time musicians

Chapter 38 The world is full of glory! (4K 2-in-1)

Until this moment, Luo Yin had a real understanding of a problem.

In this art world where the foundation of "focusing on inspiration and neglecting theory" has lasted for thousands of years, I, who have systematically mastered the analysis techniques of polyphonic music and medieval works, may have achieved the same enlightenment effect as those priests with faith!

I really took advantage of this mass ceremony.

It feels like I am fleecing the Orthodox Church

But she still didn't think far enough.

Fanning, who was explaining it at the time, had already mastered the style of Bach's works very thoroughly, and religious masterpieces such as "Mass in B Minor" are undoubtedly the "textbook-like" masterpieces among them!

If we use "exams" to describe the live analysis of the premiere of this mass, Luo Yin can be said to be the only one who directly encountered the original questions in the whole audience, and he has memorized the "full set of official answers".

In addition, Fanning is still on a path of "artistic enlightenment" that is different from "religious enlightenment"

Luo Yin feels that his inspiration is still expanding and sublimating, and there is no sign of exhaustion and cessation.

It turns out that "Levels 1 to 9" are really for research, not for climbing step by step!

If those knowledgeable people who can't jump over the middle or high levels knew that she agreed with Fanning's words, they would probably be so angry that they would lose their minds.

"Sure enough"

Yaningge 19th, who stood quietly and solemnly at the side, was also paying attention to the reactions of the people in the square while listening.

These people's expressions and spiritual states satisfied him very much.

Especially after the second half of the "Glory Sutra" just now, he was very satisfied.

Let these guys open their eyes and improve their hearing.

Let's see what the legacy of the ancient monks is? It's not just saying that doctrine is the legacy of the ancient monks over and over again!

All of these are refined, all are exquisite counterpoints, and all are theological metaphors!

They all have sources, and all have doctrine classics as evidence!


It is also sacred, grand, beautiful, and touching. The expression of all emotions is in accordance with the ritual law as if it is God's will. Any melody, even the minor part, is of the quality of being handed down from generation to generation.

In fact, from the perspective of "possibility", the emergence of such a mass work is more likely to be "discovering a dusty legacy" than to be created by a new generation of composers!

The former is a small probability, while the latter is a miracle!

The expressions of the congregation are the expressions of witnessing a "miracle" with their own eyes.

They are impressed, and have already begun to admire.

With the step-by-step percussion of the basso continuo and the delicate assistance of the first and second violins, the mass ceremony enters the third part, the Creed.

"I believe in one God!"

The Creed was the latest to be included in the five-part regular mass. At first, it was a short oath recited during worship or initiation ceremonies.

For a festival with the theme of "baptism", it is obviously the core part of the mass ceremony, declaring one's conversion to faith, and is very authoritative.

"Father Lavoisier actually used the 'Nice Creed' for the core part of this oath?"

"Great composers basically use the 'Apostles' Creed', while masters of small churches prefer the 'Athanasian Creed'. Is this the more recognized strategy to maximize the worship of the 'Unfading Fire'?"

"The Nicene Creed is not easy to write."

Many church leaders and well-known artists were communicating with their eyes, but the masters who had talked in secret were resting their eyes peacefully.

When the former looked at the Pope standing on the altar, the other's eyes also had a meaningful and unfathomable smile.

They were even more puzzled.

The Holy Sun Church has been passed down for thousands of years, and naturally there are many sub-factions, and the "versions" of the creed are also numerous. The most important ancient creeds are the "Apostles' Creed", "Athanasian Creed" and "Nicene Creed".

The "Apostles' Creed" comes directly from the sermons of the Light-Bearers. It is straightforward, detailed and authoritative. Therefore, the composers of the influential mass works in the world all use it to compose the "Creed" section.

The "Athanasian Creed" is a bit close to the meaning of "popular reading material". The content is more friendly and can be understood by believers with low cultural level. Therefore, priests and organists in small churches and villages like to use it for impromptu sermons.

As for the "Nicene Creed", it has the most complete text, beautiful words, clear paragraphs, and prominent dramatic elements. It can be said to be the "most artistic" version. In theory, using it for mass will have a good effect.

In fact, because it is too long, like the "Gloria", it is written in full, and the composer needs to use too many new inspirational materials to carry the lyrics. In practice, it is easy to have structural imbalance problems.

But Bach obviously will not have a headache because of this problem, because he has divided each link into songs. No matter how large the volume is, the structure will not collapse. No matter how much material is needed, the artistic theory is enough to support it!

These artists in the old industrial world may not be able to imagine that the "Nicene Creed" is the mainstream of the mass ceremony on the blue planet!

That's why it causes such surprise.

However, with the amazing performance of the first two prayers, their surprise is more of "wait and see".

If it can still maintain this level and still have a basis and a classic to follow, it would be too

At this time, in the 13th part, with a large number of blank long notes and a chant-like melody line, the choir presents a pious melody in the mixed Lydian mode - the seventh tone of the natural minor - with a five-part texture, creating the style of the psalm in the classical church (Renaissance) period.

It also makes the musical atmosphere turn into a sincere and true state.

Moreover, the intensive and exquisite counterpoint technique in this song ranks first in the entire work.

"I believe in the Almighty Holy Father!"

The chorus transitions to the 14th part, the trumpet and drum sound again, and the double yellow pipe starts a continuous imitation.

In contrast to the distinctive church style of the previous song, this song embodies the secular style and symbolizes the realization of faith in the world.

"All things in the world, invisible and visible, will and representation, are of the same origin and origin as her!"

Strings and double yellow pipes are often used to repeat the vocal part, but the trumpet is very independent, appearing at the end of each presentation of the choral fugue, pushing the music to a climax.

The complete "Nicene Creed" has 18 prayers, divided into three parts: "Enlightenment of Creation" 1-2, "Redemption" 3-12, and "Faith in the Holy Spirit" 13-18.

From the content of the prayers, they can also be divided into "two categories": one starts with "I believe" and "How I am", and the other starts with "She is" and "How she is".

The 15th part, the duet of soprano and alto, and the soft accompaniment of two double yellow pipes bring a pleasant mood.

"I believe in the only Lord."

"I believe in the only Lord, the 'unfading fire'."

"She began at the source of the world, before all generations, and is the same age as the world."

"She is the Lord of the Lord, the light of the light, the true God of the true God."

Then, the descending pattern is continued by the 16th part "Given Form".

But the tonality changed from G major to B minor, and the four beats became three beats, becoming a bridge between the joyful and happy previous song and the painful and sighing next song.

"Her skirts were engraved with the words 'Lord, Lord' inside and outside, no flesh and blood could approach, no living creature could look directly at her."

"She is the truest silhouette of the glory, the truth overflows from the house, gives form, penetrates the material, and adds light to it."

The audience gradually appreciated the unique power brought by the "Nicene Creed".

Indeed, compared with the serious and restrained "Apostles' Creed", its expression is very poetic and is an outstanding example of religious literature.

Under the unique inspiration of Father Lavoisier, the "disadvantages" of its creation that are usually considered to be all gone, and the sacred appeal was fully released.

What "disadvantages" are there? It was just that the attainments were not enough before.

The rhythm slowed down further, from 3/4 to 3/2, and the tonality changed from the gloomy B minor to the darker E minor, the only one in the whole piece.

The continuously beating basso continuo descended in semitones, like the heavy steps of a mourner, and was stated 13 times in total, forming a typical sad style "Passacaglia" variation:

"When she walked in the age of Noah, she fell into the abyss for us, extinguished, cooled, suffered and buried in the night"

The 17th part "Sunset Ceremony".

In order to express the intense feelings of the tragic events in this doctrine, the music is extremely descriptive and constructs this piece of music in the richest and most diverse ways.

The vocal melody is composed of chanting and descending appoggiatura, and the "crying" tone is imitated and continuous between each voice.

The Creed is the stage where the baptized believers recite the oath, and this link begins to be laid out in the music of the "Sunset Ceremony".

The deacons gave holy water to the leaders of each group in an orderly manner according to the division of labor in each area, and then distributed it to the cups carried by the people for wiping and purification.

Fanning also chanted prayers with the audience, but for the first time he thought about a certain issue in a progressive manner.

Yes, when he reproduced Bach's "Mass in B Minor", he did, as usual, fine-tune some of the lyrics of the "Holy Cross Church" on the previous blue planet to adapt to the doctrines of this old industrial world.

"But why is the overall framework of the Mass still so similar? Several core doctrines or events are similar to the "Holy Cross" of the Western Church in the past? For example, the "Trinity", the "giving form" compared to the "conception of the Holy Spirit", the "sunset ceremony" compared to the "crucifixion", and the following "second dawn" compared to the "three-day resurrection""

In his reverie, the last chord ended in G major, and the band burst into a jubilant five-part chorus in D major with a dance-like 3/4 beat.

"She rose under prophecy as the secret tradition says."

"She rose under prophecy and brought the second dawn!"

The 18th part "The Second Dawn" interweaves the phrases with a balanced and powerful trend, and the rhythm is strong and resilient, presenting a festive atmosphere of "resurrection". Then the bass aria appears, and the sentences of the "Creed" also transition from the "Redemption" part to the 19th part "Faith in the Holy Spirit" -

"I believe in the Holy Spirit."

"I believe in the only one, she is the Lord and the Giver of Life."

"She has spoken through the prophets, and is worshipped and glorified with the Father and the Son."

The melody presents a pastoral hymn with harmonious parallel thirds and sixths and gently swaying triplets, which transitions to the double fugue of the five-part chorus:

"I acknowledge that there is only one baptism for the forgiveness of sins."

"I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and life in the afterlife."

First, the 20th part "I Confess the Only Baptism", which is in a symmetrical position with the opening of the Creed, has an ancient style, and then the 21st part "I look forward to the resurrection of the dead". At this moment, Vivace's energetic speed reappears, and Xiao Horns and drums frequently feature horn-like cadenza themes.

"I want to bask in the light."

"I want to bask in the light."

The cheering sounds came and went at the end, making the "Creed" session end in an atmosphere of light and confidence.

The equally crucial "Eucharist" segment begins.

Representatives of the believers began to give thanks and receive bread and wine at the offering place.

At this moment, the six wings of the "Glow Wheel" stretched out again in mid-air and ignited a blazing fire. In the choir stalls directly behind the podium, the choir members quickly split to both sides to gather!

The voice has an extra layer again!

Together with the original four areas extending to the sides and sides and rear, six chorus parts were formed. First, they shouted blessings amidst the loud sounds of drums and horns:

“Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord of Witnesses!


The fourth link, "Holy Sutra", the 22nd part of the song "Holy"!

In the previous life, the source of this verse came from the Latin chant name. The history of this life is also quite ancient. It entered the Eucharist liturgy as early as the Noah Dynasty, but it appeared as a variable link of "specific masses" until the New Era. , was completely defined as a fixed part of the "regular mass".

Of course, the time to celebrate the Eucharist today is still when the Holy Eucharist is played and sung.

Several bishop representatives blessed the bread, wine and utensils, and then sang the prelude in a more rhythmic and beautiful tone. They cheered non-stop at the last line of the preface, leading to an unprecedented six-part chorus in the entire mass! ——

"Lord of all"

"Lord of all"

“Lord of all, you fill heaven and earth with glory!

! "

This is also a fugue, with a rich rhetorical depiction of the theme, ending in free imitation in each paragraph.

Under the control of the conductor Galinitz, the performance of the trumpet is even more dazzling, playing the third praise tune at extremely high frequency, or creating a golden stone-like sound on the downbeat, just like Like brilliant fireworks exploding in the sky!

"This is?"

"The spiritual liquid given by the Lord? Is it in this form?"

Sitting in squares, main avenues, front streets and back alleys, rooftops and pavilions, with the "Glory Wheel" as the center, in an urban area with a radius of more than five kilometers, a small number of people are standing, sitting or kneeling. Holding the cup in hand high.

It was the most expensive vessel they took out from home, cleaned and worshiped many times in advance, and used to receive holy water during the Mass ceremony on the "Baptismal Feast".

Holy water has been given and washed in batches in the "Creed" stage, and believers know that in this large-scale annual ceremony, they can not only enjoy varying degrees of "protection from cold, exorcism, physical strength, prosperity" and other blessings blessing

For a small number of believers who are more pious and have stronger resonance, the "Unfallen Fire" will pay more attention to them and give them a small amount of "spiritual liquid" - a bright, warm, and spiritual liquid in their cups. The sacred and strange light liquid will evaporate and dissipate quickly after the mass ceremony is over, but the clergy will gather them together before the end.

In fact, it is "Zhu" Xiangyao Spiritual Liquid (not 100% pure), and the price set by the church is 10 pounds per milliliter!

For the church, the purpose is to recover part of the consumed extraordinary resources, and more importantly, it is a way to help the people, which can be said to be quite powerful.

In previous years, there were cases where more than ten or twenty milliliters of "spiritual liquid" appeared in the cup of a devout person at one time. It can be said that the "fire that does not fall" gave him food and clothing for the next whole year!

But this time, many believers looked a little confused.

What appeared in their cups were some translucent golden flake crystals the size of fingernails stuck to the wall.

"Do you know what this is?"

"I haven't seen it." "I haven't seen it."

"I have one here too, I don't know what it is."

Although it is only a very small number, due to the huge base, more and more people have such crystals in their cups, gradually spreading throughout the streets and alleys.

Until an aide and deacon who was responsible for patrolling the outer streets exclaimed:

"The essence of radiance?"

A cubic unit of radiant essence worth about 2,000 pounds? The deacon was completely dumbfounded. The cheers of "Holy!" and the loud trumpet sound of the choir beside his ears had become unreal.

No, it should be said that this year's "Heaven and Earth are filled with glory" in the Holy Scriptures is too "real", right? ?

After the first clergyman’s exclamation, there was a second and third one——

"What's going on? How could something like this happen?"

"I have it here too!"

"Why are all the radiant essences appearing this year!?"

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