"Your Excellency, I am sorry that my inspiration is a little dull."

Priest Durk squeezed out one word after another through his teeth.

"In short, if we want to compare the murder of Priest Hester with the various elements in today's scene according to this 'Soul Crucible Ceremony'"

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝓉𝓌𝓀𝒶𝓃.𝒸ℴ𝓂]

"Aldan, the organist who also committed the crime, was the executioner;"

"Hester is a sacrifice that was made into the 'Truth Hypn' witness talisman;"

"And on the glass coffee table in his apartment, the piece of 'Hermiology Notes' that was cut out and taken away by the Special Patrol Office is the final completion of the ceremony, and it is also filled with the content of the coffin that has been screened out in front of us now. Are they the same kind of weird substance? They were actually people possessed by 'worms'?"

"Maybe." For a moment, Fan Ning didn't know what he was expressing just now.

If something looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and tastes like a duck, then maybe it is a duck.

If several things are like this, then maybe they are all ducks.

Otherwise, how to explain the common forms of these things?

How to explain that in the Hester incident, only the performer and the victim of the ritual were found, but not the object of the ritual, and the assistant who used to get along day and night has completely disappeared from the world and cannot be found no matter how hard he looks for it?

"Okay, I understand."

“But coming full circle, what exactly is the ‘worm’ itself?”

Priest Durk smiled bitterly.

However, Fan Ning felt that the vague transcripts about "worms" collected in the early days of coming to Biqi Town were a little easier to understand than before.

""Hermology" does not exist. Studying "helmology" is studying something that should not be studied."

——If we just understand it as "a subject" and "a type of knowledge" according to ordinary people's cognition as in the past, we will indeed come to such a conclusion.

"Something died in the innermost part. After it rotted, something else grew from above. It used to be only found in the abnormal area, but later it also appeared in the world."

——This kind of thing comes from the abnormal zone. Now that even people outside have been possessed, it is even more difficult to imagine what the situation is like inside. Therefore, if you go in later, it will definitely be a source of danger.

"You have misunderstood. That thing has no direct connection with our savior. We believers must be careful if we encounter it. It is difficult for people to see worms. People cannot forget that if worms have to be described, they are "snake that is not a snake."

——The "worm" does not represent the Divine Advent Society or the "Mantra Hidden Dragon" itself. In the same way, Mr. Wax has a bottle of "sneaky water" in his hand, which does not mean that the Special Inspectorate is colluding with the Divine Advent Society. .

"Sneaky water", or "helminthology", or "secret history version" radiant spirit fluid is just a type of substance.

A mysterious substance related to "worms" that has some special functions in the field of secret history or in abnormal areas.

The Divine Advent Society, the Special Patrol Agency, and perhaps other organizations are just trying to study, utilize, or fight against this force that has come out of nowhere.

Fan Ning sorted out his thoughts and said:

"If you have a cup for spiritual liquid, please give me one."

The bottle that Mr. Wax used at the beginning should also be made of a normal material for the radiant spirit liquid.

"Yes, I brought a small bottle with me when I came down."

Priest Durk quickly took it out from his body.

There is still one-third of the "candle" spirit liquid in it, about ten milliliters. At the moment, I don't care about transferring and storing it. I just sprinkle it around me and evaporate into radiant inspiration.

Fan Ning thanked him and held the black vial in his hand.

He controlled the thread of inspiration very carefully, reopened the coffin, and collected the "sneaky water" that had spread and soaked into the bottle drop by drop.

Like other phases of radiant spiritual liquid, its appearance in the world is unstable. The visual form that goes against cognition will evaporate, distorting the surrounding "pixels", and then spread, become thin, and leave some strange traces. Quality light and shadow

But as time passed, Fan Ning did not feel that this "sneaky water" had any unique, dangerous or sensitive mysterious properties.

The only difference from other phase spirit liquids is that the inspiration it brings to people when it evaporates is a kind of uncomfortable feeling of mental collapse - Fan Ning feels that it is just uncomfortable, not a strong spiritual threat, as long as it It's not harmful to be under this kind of package all day long.

Finally, all the "sneaky water" in the coffin was collected into the bottle.

It's close to what I poured out before, about ten milliliters.

Fan Ning thought for a moment and once again used the "Night Watchman's Lamp" to illuminate the locations of the other two coffins with abnormalities.

After collecting the "sneaky water" among them, the bottle was almost full.

About one thousandth of the coffins of 3,000 frontline soldiers are suspected to be inhabited by earthly "worms".

It sounds like the ratio is quite low.

But it seems that compared to the description of "rare", it is not particularly consistent, and it seems a bit high.

I don’t know if these esoteric cultists did anything extra on the front line.

Everyone left the morgue and climbed the steps back to the surface again.

Overall, things are going relatively smoothly.

Fan Ning, who had seen "Corpse Ring" and "Sneaky Water" before, did not encounter anything particularly scary that exceeded his expectations.

“Now I am sending you to the training hall, to be watchful with those foreign soldiers and false teachers, and to explain in detail the unrighteous deeds you know. In this way, will it be purification or forgiveness, redemption or atonement? I, the masters of the Diocese of Laubken, will decide according to the law.”

He not only awakened Lieutenant Andrew again, but also made arrangements for the clergy of the church.

"Follow the bishop's instructions and I will keep you informed of the progress of the trial."

"Thank you, Lord Bishop, for the rescue. Now besides going to the training hall, there is no other place for me to go to Janus." Andrew stood with his head bowed, his tone was low, but no longer wavering.

Fan Ning nodded in approval.

After the clergy left and Colonel Alpha took his leave first, he finally found a boulder to sit down in the messy auditorium and flipped through the bound booklet found in the "Soul Cauldron Ceremony" altar.

The Divine Advent Society is an extremely mysterious and weird organization, but my knowledge is still very limited.

"The savior of destiny, the guide of heaven. The embodiment of ancient truth, the pioneer of change."

This is the honorable description of the "Truthful Tiger" in their teachings.

"Too little."

"Same as before."

Fan Ning frowned after looking at it for a while.

In the four months before he went to Laibichi Parish to conduct "survivor reporting", he had investigated and intercepted some "promotional materials" produced by the Divine Advent Society to attract gatherings of acquaintances.

They are usually small cards, small fold-outs, or words written with a black fine-caliber marker, and are used to give "welfare" eggs and potatoes to acquaintances.

For Fan Ning, the information density of this kind of thing is very low, and there is not much occult content that can be effectively inferred.

He believes this is because the audience level of such "promotional materials" is relatively low.

Unexpectedly, the information density of this "doctrine" that was found in the altar and seemed to be compiled in a relatively systematic manner was still very low.

When Fan Ning was in the Northern Continent, he had read the common teachings of secret organizations such as the Harmony School, the Pleasure Listening Club, and the Transcendental Club. When he first came to the South, he also read the teachings of the Fanghui Temple. Later, when he arrived in the Western Continent, he read more comprehensively. Understand the teachings of the Holy Sun Church.

There are both good and evil gods.

The teachings of the evil god organization are also very systematic, otherwise there is no such thing as "brainwashing".

In comparison, the booklet in my hand now is as simple as a joke and has no system at all.

In fact, it doesn't look thin, but the narrative content is gone in the first three pages.

"Happy songs? Happy poems?"

Beginning on page four, there is a table of contents of poetry, titled "Songs of Joy."

"What are these poems that can be used as prayers for the Crucible of Souls ritual?"

"Could it be that the main part of their teachings, starting from the basic content, choose to present metaphors in the form of poetry?"

"But if the writing is obscure and difficult to understand, how can ordinary people with no foundation in mysticism read it?"

Fan Ning flicked the pages of the book with his fingers and jumped directly to the middle section, ready to read an article casually.


The booklet fell directly to the ground and spread out in half.

A thin layer of cold sweat spread all over Fan Ning's back in an instant.



The content of this poem turns out to be——

“Oh, little red rose!

The world is in great trouble!

People live in a lot of pain!

I would rather choose to live in heaven!

I walk to the broad path,

An angel came and tried to send me back.

No, I don’t want to be sent back to the human world!

I came from the glow and I will return to the glow,

Dear original light will open a ray of light to me,

Light up my life of eternal happiness! "

This "happy song"

This "joyful song" compiled into the teachings of the "Truth Mantra" by the Divine Advent Society is actually taken from the folk song collection "The Magic Horn of the Young Man" compiled by Janus poet Barentello!

It was the poem written on the title page of the medical work notes by the deceased old lady Hamilton!

It is also the text I chose in the fourth movement of "Resurrection" of "Symphony No. 2 in C minor" - "Initial Light"!


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