Old-time musicians

Chapter 77 Farewell (4K 2-in-1)

"Betrayal to investigate the whereabouts of the 'God's Theme'?"

"Bishop, is it me?"

"Am I infested with worms?"

Everyone was very sad and asked Fan Ning one by one.

Roy looked at Fan Ning in surprise, wondering if Father Lavoisier had deduced some secret. Ms. Hermosa beside him said nothing, scooping out the vegetable soup in the bowl with a wooden spoon. , put it to your mouth and blow gently.

The presiding judge Melaltin and Cardinal Richelieu were also puzzled.

Although, after entering the abnormal area, no one can guarantee when the "worm" will take over the body, but at least for now, these submitted lists and these selected personnel have been checked by existing means.

Could it be someone other than the investigation team present?

"What you eat and drink is the blood and fire of the Holy Lord's covenant." Fan Ning added.

“But when I enter that land, I will no longer drink the juice of the grapes, for it is written, Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered; and you will all fall for my sake, until I am in his kingdom. Come and drink the new day with you.”

He was imagining a courtyard that carries the limited life of mortal creatures - the many secret histories above the mist are woven like braids. There are too many things floating in the long river, almost infinite, so the sneaky shadows cast are always partially intertwined and overlapping. Maybe I am paying tribute to one of them.

In fact, he was not sure at first. When he was giving thanks, breaking bread, and formulating sentences, he did so with a hint of absurdity. He felt that even if he was "cheating people", he would not lose anything anyway, but then With the completion of these actions, his spirituality seemed to be inspired, and certain guesses were connected with the previous clues.

After Fan Ning finished speaking, he stopped talking and ate the cake himself.

Roy's lips touched the rim of the glass of wine and he looked at the light and shadow on the long table. He also felt that he was being dragged into some kind of epic vortex full of religious tragedy.

It’s the same feeling as listening to works like “Mass in B minor”.

"Bishop Lavoisier, the people of Janus want to establish a gospel for you, because you preached all the way and got testimonies. This is in the eyes of the Holy Lord." The Pope was emotional and sad, so he raised his glass. Got this.

"Master Lavoisier, if you have calculated something, please say more." Richelieu also said, "Because you have not been walking in Janus for a long time, if the 'sunset and moonrise' prophecy is true, There will be troubles here in the future. You can leave a few more words of the gospel on the 'wall of icons' and in the secret book of scriptures. Then it will be fulfilled, and people in the future will know to read it."

It turns out that the abnormality in the sky that I noticed when I was doing confession yesterday was really witnessed by the "fire that does not fall"? Fan Ning was thinking in his heart, his eyes swept over everyone's faces, and finally raised his glass to congratulate:

"Since it is a gospel, then it is correct."

Didn't it mean that someone would betray his whereabouts? How come things are still right? The priests were puzzled.

"If you read the Bible conscientiously, you will know that none of the sermon stories recorded in it are taboo about recording evil people. How can you see light without darkness? How can you see righteousness without unrighteousness? How can you see without deceit? Where is integrity?”

The three core executives seeing him off were thinking, but Fan Ning asked: "How are the vehicles, food, water, and materials that must be used in the southern continent prepared now?"

His previous instructions were based on the Southern Continent. Since the competition for enclosure is now in full swing and each country has sent a considerable amount of men and resources, there is no need to seek far away places for the required equipment and supplies. To transport it from the Western Continent, you can prepare it from the local garrison and use it directly after arriving there.

Everyone was a little confused.

Although this step of the discussion cannot be regarded as the specific "whereabouts" after entering, if the Special Patrol Office or the Divine Advent Society really want to inquire, they can always find out some rumors about the preparations.

But since there is now a risk of being spied upon by unknown beings, it is always inappropriate to discuss it in such detail.

"We are preparing exactly as you requested." Bishop Tukweil said. "After our investigation team arrives, they can rest in the area where Janus sent the garrison until you confirm a more specific route and time." Finally, he It is better to carefully remind, "In the meantime, we must be careful of the Special Patrol Office that guards most key areas, as well as those secret organizations with idiosyncratic purposes that instigate acquaintances to enter the abnormal area."

"So woe to the blind guides, for they have gone astray, and for profit they have gone straight into burning error, and perish in the forsaking of the Lord who bought them. There is no rain for such people The clouds, carried by the wind, are fruitless trees in autumn, dead and dead, uprooted.”

Cardinal Richelieu knew that this was Lavoisier taking advantage of his final questions and arrangements to spread the gospel, and he remembered it very carefully.

After Fan Ning finished judging the first sentence, he glanced at the crowd and asked: "So, what is the current situation of the various forces in the south? What is the main purpose of the Special Inspection Office there?"

"Most of the seven islands are now occupied by the surviving Southerners and their families and entourage. Of course, they are very sparse." Melaldine recounted the latest information brought back from the garrison. "These Southerners originally came from Different principalities have different interests and demands, but soon, under the leadership of the remaining clergy of the Fanghui Temple, the King of Love Songs 'Schele' and his 'Summer Noon Dream' became the spiritual symbols that united them. Now They are also closely united, and the common program of the struggle is to first let the 'Special Patrol Office hand over Scheler and the score', and then follow Scheler to lead everyone back to the South."

"As for the three major city-states with more concentrated resources, our Sun Army currently occupies the original Mising area, Lydia's army occupies the original Akobi area, and the forces of Theoline and the Special Inspectorate are in the original core royal city. , Tia area"

"It is reported that the Special Inspection Department has arranged several chief inspectors to guard a spot on the foundation of the red church of the Fanghui Temple. They also set up a large-scale altar. I don't know what they are tinkering with. The Southerners They were extremely dissatisfied with this behavior and issued statements from time to time, demanding that the Special Patrol Office withdraw from their holy place. Some people also 'revealed the news' and claimed that they detained Scheele there."

"Disintegration field." Fan Ning said as he used his fingernails to draw a vague witness symbol with the shape of a "key" on the table, but it was inexplicably glowing with a purple-red color. "You travel little in the South, but I live there myself. Yes, there is a large famous piano 'Feasting Beast' in the red church, which is the spatial hub of a moving secret realm called the 'Cracking Field'."

"In the past, Pogorelich continuously put the activated true knowledge 'pool core' precipitated from the 'Red Pond' into this place to quench it. There is no way of knowing whether Scheele was imprisoned here, but the Special Patrol Office tried to do injustice. The thing must be to salvage the 'remnants of the Meat Sacrifice'. The entrance there was cut off by Pogorelic himself with a 'blade'. I think it will be difficult for others to break through the guard. "

Fanning recalled the information about Sylvia he learned during the spiritual search on Admiral Lannut, and emphasized the "disintegration field", "residues of the meat sacrifice", "cut off with a knife personally", " Keyword phrases such as "difficult to break through the guard".

As he explained, he glanced at everyone calmly.

"Bishop Lavoisier is well-informed." Bishop Tucville admired, "However, the Special Inspectorate turned a deaf ear to the questions and denunciations of these southerners, and other official organizations were also shut out. The southerners Scheele and They don’t seem to want to clarify whether the score of “Summer Noon Dream” is in their hands.”

"Therefore, woe to the arrogant and slanderous ones. In the last days there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly pride. They will lead people into factions and are of the flesh. When they are shepherds, they only feed themselves and have nothing to fear. , the things that nature knows are the same as those of unspiritual animals, which corrupt themselves and the Holy Spirit will turn away.”

After Fan Ning finished judging the second sentence, he broke bread for everyone.

Melaldine also wanted to remind you about the issue of the Divine Advent Society. At this time, Fan Ning said again:

“Woe to those who are false teachers. They are murmurers, murmurers, who walk according to their own lusts, speaking boastful things, and others worship them as idols. They are the waves of the sea, pouring out of themselves The shameful mozi come, they are wandering death stars, and the inky darkness remains for them forever.”

After Fan Ning, who spoke the gospel, finished judging these three sentences, he finally gave these priests instructions about "candles":

“However, in the future, if some people are doubtful, you must have mercy on them.”

"We who are strong should bear with the weakness of those who are not strong, and not just seek to please ourselves. We have no mercy, but these people are immersed in shadow, so they should find mercy."

“There are some whom you shall snatch out of the fire and rescue; others you shall have compassion on with fear. The weathervane shall not abandon them in the wilderness, but shall guide them in their journey; and the pillar of cloud shall not depart from them, but shall guide them in the day. On the way. Even in the dark night, the night watchman does not leave them behind, but still lights the lamp to light his way."

Cardinal Richelieu was writing and recording, and even Roy couldn't help but remember Fan Ning's words. They felt tears filling their eyes and were deeply moved.

At this time, Fan Ning signaled that everyone who had finished eating and drinking could leave the evening banquet.

When everyone reached the steps of the main entrance of the church, many people gathered in front of them. When a woman saw Bishop Lavoisier coming down, she took out an alabaster bottle of precious frankincense, nard and nard paste, broke it, and poured the ointment on it. on his head.

Immediately, a few people seemed unhappy. One person said, "Why waste the ointment like this?" Another person commented, "In difficult war times, this bottle of frankincense and nard can be exchanged for at least one hundred pounds." If you really believe in the preaching of the Bishop, you should use it to give to the poor."

When Fan Ning saw this, he said: "Let her alone, why make it difficult for her? What she has done for me is a good thing. Because the poor are always with you. If you want to be justified, do good to them at any time. It’s just that you don’t always have me.”

"She did the best she could; she poured the ointment on me, the one who would lead the way, before the funeral procession was leaving. Truly I say to you, since you are going to establish this gospel, you must speak this What a woman does is in remembrance.”

"In this way, you will also remember these people who went to find the 'God's theme' in the future. Their resurrection from the dead is in line with the gospel I preached. They suffered for this gospel, even being bound like criminals. However, the Lord the way, but not bound.”

"We, and Janus, salute you."

The people who listened to the teachings, along with the church leaders who saw them off, lowered their arms, raised their hands, looked up, and looked at the sun.

So everyone boarded the steam airship.

However, the Pope, the Chief Judge, the Cardinal and Roy were on one of the ships, returning to San Perto, while Fanning, Bishop Tukwell, Priest Jacob, Priest Durke, Brigadier General Boles, Colonel Alpha, Lieutenant Andrew, and the cook Ivan were on another ship, heading to the southeastern port city of Aichisapolis County, to transfer to an ocean-going ship.

Due to their huge and bulky bodies, their acceleration and flexibility are very low, but their maximum flight speed can currently reach 65-70 kilometers per hour, and they have considerable efficiency in concentrated straight-line flights.

Before saying goodbye, Fanning called the Pope's messenger and gave him a few additional instructions.

The three strongest people in the Holy Sun Church escorted Roy back to Saint Perto at the same time, and then entered the territory guarded by the saint himself, which was enough to reassure people for a long time. Fanning asked himself that his personal escort was far from being as safe as this.

"Father, I have been with you for a short time, but I have benefited a lot from understanding the truth. I am waiting for your good news." Roy bowed to Fanning again with sincere words.

"May you walk in the light in this life." The scene of getting along during this period flashed in his mind. Fanning looked at her deeply and responded, but did not look at her for more, and turned back to climb the ladder.

The two airships slowly took off and flew towards their respective destinations in almost perpendicular directions.

"After parting tonight, perhaps we will hardly see Bishop Lavoisier in this life." The Pope, who was lifting the curtain of the window, looked at the sparks gushing in the distance of the night sky, and suddenly sighed with melancholy.

"Why is your Majesty so pessimistic?" Melaltin was a little puzzled.

"The preaching of Saint Apollo of the New Calendar, or those who were bathed in light in more ancient times, spanned hundreds of years, but the actual absolute length of time was not long, and there were often gaps in between. I am already over eighty years old, and you are all over fifty. Even if you are a well-informed person, how long can you live?"

"Get ready to preach the Gospel." The Pope drew the curtain, "This kind of mystical testimony is a great honor for you and me, but what is engraved on the 'wall of holy images' is the main trunk and the essence, and we still have to fill it in. "The priesthood of bones and blood"

"When you go back, you must visit, trace back, and recreate as much as possible, and sort out the deeds of Bishop Lavoisier's preaching to everyone in various places in the past five months, both before and after the official report to the Lebic Church, and make sure to find out the past experiences, psychological states, words and deeds of each person involved."

He remembered what Lavoisier had told him before he left, and said, "Miss Roy, I have another unwelcome request."

"Your Holiness, please speak." Roy lifted the veil covering her seat.

"Bishop Lavoisier accompanied you on this inspection. You have heard many of his scriptures and his brothers and sisters' words and deeds for the first time. We hope you can join us and discuss with us. Of course, if we disturb the guests' rest, we will stop for the time being."

"Oh, no problem!" Roy agreed happily, greeted Ms. Hermosa, stood up, and sat opposite the three core members of the church.

Of course, she didn't really understand the "professional" religious knowledge. She was either in a state of answering or watching the people in front of her arguing from "whether to write "Lavoisier's First Letter" and "Lavoisier's Second Letter" in the form of letters with the church of Lepiche as the boundary, to "or to write "Lavoisier's Gospel" directly in the form of sermons", and from "should it be divided according to the region involved" to "should it be divided according to the object of sermons or the secret transmission involved"

In this way, until late at night, the three people finally stopped the discussion and lay down on the chair with their eyes closed to rest.

Roy was also ready to take a nap, but she remembered the instructions of Bishop Lavoisier during the sacrament of confession before, and took out the letter left for her from her arms, and quietly used spiritual traction to pull out the letter inside without sealing it.

When she found that the letter was papyrus, Roy already felt a little strange.

After opening the folded sides, she frowned even more and folded it in half quickly.

It was exactly the same symbol that Bishop Lavoisier had drawn on the table during the last supper!

A small key-shaped "key" vaguely referred to the witness symbol, but it was inexplicably purple-red.

The priest actually put a signpost of the migration of the "cracking field" in the letter he left for himself! ?

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