Old-time musicians

Chapter 85: Do Whatever You Want

In the dream state of the astral plane or the migration plane, all knowledgeable people can visualize a specific or general object by recalling their daily impressions and feelings.

Even the objects visualized by those with higher inspiration can have quite realistic details and spiritual characteristics.

Some theories believe that this is a spiritual illusion, while others believe that this is the astral world or the basic mysterious material that flows out, which manifests itself through directional movement, arrangement and change under the influence of the astral body thoughts of the knowledgeable. .

In short, this is what Fan Ning was like just now. He was operating with a "concrete" purpose.

But the baton that appeared in his hand now was not an illusion at all!

This is the real remnant of the "old days"!

It was originally "concrete", but turned out to be "appropriate"?

"I obviously took it into the Qiming Church a long time ago. Before the incident in the Northern Continent, I never brought it to the waking world. After arriving in the Southern Continent, I tried to avoid using it in the Qiming Church. After arriving in the Western Continent, I even stopped going to Qiming Church.”

"It would be understandable if I reached out casually in the area near the 'back room' of the 'Cracking Field' and grabbed a long-lost famous piano, but I reached for the 'old days' and took it away. Come out, this is too outrageous, not to mention relatively close, this is too far away, it really has no relationship at all, right? "

These doubts just flashed through Fan Ning's mind quickly, and his actions did not slow down at all. At least, this may be of great use in dealing with the current critical situation.

After holding the baton in hand, his thread of inspiration stretched forward again, trying his best to pass it to a place further in front of the ball of light.

The law from the "color of the double gate" pulls the aspects of the "key" and "pool", and now, the part of the divine power that originally restrained Joan has been controlled by the aspect of the "key" of the extremely high-ranking "old days" Cushioned!

A completely different effect from before appeared, and the speed of one person and one ball began to fall suddenly!

Just like a car speeding on the highway, the driver stepped on the brake pads after encountering a nearby emergency——

The "back room" area below, which was only a few breaths away, was getting closer and closer to Fan Ning. He saw that the originally dark pool water turned back to blood red, became lighter and more transparent, and then, through the pool water, he saw I saw the wellhead with strange lines, the windows with old and dim yellow light, and the twisted and rickety doors.

They are opened on a huge and intricate structure, nested or crowded with each other, and filled with some familiar and strange, kind and scary daily objects. It is difficult to imagine what kind of heterogeneity is behind these doors, windows and wells. It’s a world that’s hard to imagine surviving or escaping from after entering it.

However, when the visual distance was only one meter away, Fan Ning dragged the light ball to a stop!

The two sides reached a stalemate.

The huge drag force made him feel that his spiritual arm was about to be torn apart alive!

Moreover, the babble in my ears suddenly reached a terrifying intensity. It could no longer be called babble, but a chaotic and ferocious roar, even covering up the scolding voice of "Miss Crimson'er"!

Directly holding the remains of "the old days" almost instantly exposed Fanning to maximum exposure to contamination.

It also pushed the state that he was struggling to find resolution and stability to in an instant to a precarious level.

There seemed to be hundreds of long nails hammering into his skull and spine. He persisted with chattering teeth, and managed to hear a trace of Qiong's feeble voice from the roar:

"Don't bother. Even if you turn it around, there's still such a long section above."

"Cut off and run. You are usually so smart, why aren't you smart today?"

No, we can't go on like this. Fan Ning felt that the "skin" all over his body began to itch numbly, and he wanted to scratch his whole body in annoyance. He knew that this was a sign of "distortion", and the trend was quite serious.

He looked at the twisting doors, windows and wellheads on the other side of the pool, and made up his mind immediately. He narrowed his eyes and raised his right arm to gather strength——

The whole baton was thrown out like a javelin!

"Damn it, I don't want it anymore!"

"You crazy guy, just take it and use it yourself!!!"

In a state where his spirit was on the verge of collapse due to pollution and his inspiration was almost exhausted, Fan Ning even cursed in perfect Chinese!

He did not simply throw it away, but when the wreckage of the "old days" quickly cut through the water and penetrated the doors and windows, he once called on the command power of the "Key" to push it farther and deeper out of thin air. , push forward, push forward again!

Following the trajectory of "Old Days"'s flight, the twisted lines of the pond, doors, windows, wellheads, and lights in front of us were directly penetrated into a huge gap, and chaotic spatial turbulence was raging inside.

In this way, always approaching the unknown depths that Fan Ning's thread of inspiration could barely detect, he felt that the remains of the "old days" were suddenly nailed into something.


The roars, quarrels, and bubbling sounds of the pool suddenly disappeared, leaving only the constant tinnitus.

Fan Ning failed to pull out the red-purple light ball in the end, and it fell directly towards the "back room".

But the few purple arcs were drawn into the flute by Fan Ning, and the light and shadow that replaced it were a lot of exploding light purple clefs and notes.

The stalemate on the opposite side suddenly disappeared completely.

It is possible that even the consciousness of the "Tong Mu" was briefly dazed. Originally, a pair of "qualified people" who studied the "key" and "pool" phases were captured, but suddenly half of them were replaced by a baton and poked into the "back room". What kind of strange combination is this! ? This thing seems to make sense, but can it be used?

Leaving the "old days" high pollution that was directly exposed, Fan Ning, who was holding the flute tightly in his hand, became much more conscious in an instant.

He seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and rushed up at the fastest speed!


Fan Ning emerged from the blood-red liquid surface.

In front of him was the familiar cylindrical pool water room and the tile stairs that spiraled upwards infinitely on the wall.

He wanted to fall out of the dream at the fastest speed. Of course, he didn't dare to "fall" in the direction of the "back room" below, but continued to soar into the air.

"Boom! ——"

Suddenly, several huge cracks appeared on the wall of the pool water room.

The dark red liquid boiled into a blood mist, and the tiled platform broke step by step.

Just when Fanning thought that this combination of "Old Days" + "Miss Scarlet" was completely useless and the "cracking field" was about to collapse, Mr. Wax's cold voice with anger sounded in his ears.

"You secret believer still want to run? Do you think this is a place where you can come and go freely and do whatever you want?"

The walls, valves, steps, and liquid surfaces in the entire large space quickly turned into dust, and Fanning's world was only filled with white paper birds flying all over the sky.

In this illusory world, the grip of the flute in his hand disappeared, the friction of wet clothes disappeared, the strange wind sound beside his ears disappeared, and the discomfort after being polluted by a large amount of "Old Days" also disappeared.

Even all the spiritual perceptions were sealed by the "derivative" phase of divinity, and nothing could be sensed.

But Fanning was completely unmoved. He laughed and said something that even he couldn't hear.

Then he flew at high speed along a place he didn't know where it was, but it was not the direction of the "back room" under his feet, just like closing his eyes and stepping on the accelerator in the vast grassland.

In Mr. Wax's stunned expression, Fan Ning's figure directly crashed into the tiles that were not a return passage at all, and then disappeared completely after a few breaths, and lost the sense!

"Sorry, our God's Descent Society really does whatever it wants"

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