Old-time musicians

Chapter 101 Self-correction


"A violin grows on the tree? Are these sounds not birdsong, but violin sounds?"

"What do you mean by 'not easy to say'?"

Faced with the questions raised by everyone, Durk's next words seemed a bit difficult.

The old priest probably used fragmented words such as "flesh color", "porous", "disproportionate", "wood or bone" to describe what he saw.

Someone suggested whether to go and have a look again, or pick a so-called "violin" and take it down to have a look.

Bishop Tukwell immediately stopped it with "no need".

Fanning thought about it, and got into the car and took out a violin case first.

Regardless of the situation of the violin growing on the tree, the convoy entered the abnormal area this time, and several light musical instruments were originally carried.

He put an ordinary mahogany violin on his neck, adjusted the tightness of the bow, and wiped it with rosin with spiritual flashes.

Dust fell in the morning sunlight, and his left hand opened a wide span of chords on the strings of the cardboard, poking his head, taking a breath, raising his wrist, and moving a heavy and condensed long bow.

The fifth movement of Bach's "Violin Suite No. 2", "Chaconne", is also in D minor.

Given Fanning's picky ears, he might still be a little reluctant to perform all the variations of this piece to his satisfaction, but at least the temperament of this opening has been revealed. The ancient and sentimental eight-bar bass theme echoed in this woodland outside the world, like a solemn and sad oath and prayer.

His interpretation was completely based on his own understanding - this sentence is not only not redundant, but also very important. From the moment he left the Western Continent, his in-depth role as a wandering poet or church priest should come to an end for the time being.

The Abnormal Zone is said to be a place that will cause cognitive confusion. If even the self-will is not completely restored, there may be no hope of returning smoothly afterwards.

This is also the reason why Fanning said "no more grape juice" at the last supper.

"I didn't expect that Master Lavoisier is not only a master of playing the organ, but also has great violin skills."

Of course, the team members who were listening nearby still had a high opinion of it.

"This seems to be the "Unaccompanied Violin Suite" by the missing young composer in the northern continent? It has been published and has a great influence, but no violinist has yet made up his mind to perform it in full. In Theolian, it seems that there have only been a few excerpts performed in non-concert hall occasions."

"This little work has the temperament of divinity and religious tragedy, so Master Lavoisier favors it."

In this unsettling unknown realm, the sudden lonely and long sigh of the violin did create a strange and unfamiliar beauty.

The music stopped abruptly after two minutes.

"The same phenomenon of 'purifying bird songs' did not occur as before, but my old illness relapsed."

"This abnormal area seems to be different from the previous Orthos rainforest."

Fanning grabbed the piano and bow with one hand, and covered his head with the other hand in great discomfort.

"The bishop's headache should have reappeared."

"The holy light and revelation in his head are too strong, so he often suffers from this."

In the Holy Sun Church, some priests have learned that Bishop Lavoisier has suffered from an unexplained headache "since childhood."

"Do you want to get in the car and rest?" Tukwell asked.

"It's okay."

After the tearing and burning sensation of the spirit body eased a little, Fanning thought again.

These layers of mixed and disordered "bird songs" or "piano sounds" vaguely sounded like the fragments of the works of masters or masters in this life.

So playing "Chaconne" just now was an incompatible and bad choice of music?

Fanning tried to play the second movement of a violin concerto by the early Romantic master Lorfin again.

The gentle and tranquil andante echoed in the forest. This time, under its guidance, the chaotic notes that lingered and gathered changed.

The voices were decreasing.

At first, it was not obvious for people with low inspiration, but later it was reduced to only this piece.

In terms of timbre, it was all monotonous string instruments, but the notes were already very complete.

The discomfort of "wanting to die in an instant" did not appear again.

"My eyes seem to be normal!"

"No more colorful soap film wrapped."

Everyone exclaimed in surprise, feeling that the package hanging in their hearts fell to the ground.

Fanning was still frowning and thinking about something.

Did such a simple piece of music solve this unknown visual abnormality? Or was it solved by a bunch of "violins" that came from nowhere?

A few minutes later, even this strange bird sound disappeared.

All the chaotic or neat layers of sound disappeared.

The woods returned to their normal state with occasional bird calls.

"This pollution may be purified through music." Tukwell smiled.

Although the "soap bubbles" in the peripheral vision did not cause any physical or mental discomfort, they were definitely not good things. Now that he had successfully eliminated them, he felt unusually relieved.

This strange thing about the long harp on the tree was not a problem worth worrying about.

"Have you two checked the map route? Do you want to get in the car and catch up now--"

There were still a few words left in this sentence when several people suddenly felt an unknown chill and couldn't help blinking or shaking their heads again.

The flowing color returned to their eyes again!

"Bishop Lavoisier, this..." Seeing that everyone had similar reactions, everyone's face became a little ugly.

Fanning, however, walked slowly and thoughtfully towards a slightly higher forest slope.

Everyone had to follow him temporarily.

"How long has it been since the sunrise?" Fanning, standing on the mountain, narrowed his eyes.

In the field of vision that was bordered by soap liquid, the sun had completely emerged from the horizon, of course, it had not risen very high.

"The moment of sunrise? Not long before jumping off the car?" Durk stared at the watch on his wrist, recalled and calculated a little, "It's 5:37 now, and it was 5:33 before walking up the hill."

"The time when the sun came out before was 5:20:17." He blurted out the last point with certainty.

When the priests believed in the "Eternal Fire" to a certain degree, their spirituality could accurately sense the rising of the sun, even if they did not observe it.

Fanning looked at the boundless primitive forests and the looming lakes and rivers:

"In other words, the mixed and disordered bird calls lasted about 13 minutes from appearance to disappearance?"

"Close to the process time of a sunrise?"

The astronomical unit structure of this world is still a sphere. The time taken for the sunrise process varies with the observation location and terrain. From the first ray of light emerging from the sky to the complete appearance of the entire sun, the faster the relative speed of its rise, the shorter the time, and the smaller the angle with the horizon, the longer the time.

The Pavanreya Islands at the southernmost tip of the original southern continent have the shortest sunrise duration, about 3 minutes.

The time in Tiya City is 10 minutes.

The current time has reached 13 minutes, which means that everyone is indeed generally walking in the direction of "60 degrees west by north".

"Close to sunrise, you mean that the time period when that special bird song appears is limited to the time period of 'bringing dawn' at each location?" Several people asked.

"But why did the 'soap bubbles' in my eyes just now disappear temporarily in the sound of your music, and then come back again?"

Fanning waved his hand to signal everyone to go down the hillside:

"You should know the relationship between 'style' and 'difference zone spread'."

"It's not clear how other art forms work, but I guess that this special bird song that only appears at the moment of 'bringing dawn' is one of the external manifestations of the 'style' of those music masters to curb the spread of abnormal areas"

"Or, this is a rare 'self-correction time', which successfully slowed down the spread of abnormal areas, otherwise the end of the world would have come long ago."

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