Old-time musicians

Chapter 129: Qiong

"Why are you here?" Fan Ning asked.

"This is at least the tenth time you've asked me." Qiong Yigulu stood up and looked around Fan Ning, "Every time you wake up recently, at least half of your reactions are like this. You have such a bad impression of me. Is it profound?”

Fan Ning folded his legs and propped himself up on the ground, frowning, trying hard to search for the groggy experiences and images in his mind.

The comb handed to me by the puddle, the sound of the flute from the co-pilot, the lightning that shot out to cover the sky, and the shuttle flight among the steep snowy mountains.

There seems to be some impression

It's really not like meeting and walking together for the first time.

"Then how did you get here?" Fan Ning asked again. After asking, he felt that it was a repetition of the previous question, so he changed the wording, "I mean, how did you find me later, and what was it specifically? Where is the time?"

The girl met his eyes, suppressed her smile, and took off the flute from her waist.

"Your condition is not good." She hooked her fingers around the lace of the flute and swayed gently. "The remaining fragments of my spirit body were previously stored in the miniature altar inside this flute. You were obviously brought along with me into the abnormal zone. Yes, I will always be by your side. Once the nourishment is restored to a certain level, we will naturally be able to restore contact.”

"As for the time of restoration of contact, you also know that everyone's understanding of time is inaccurate now. It is just an ordinary day during the investigation. Why do you always ask me how I found you, and why are you so confused about the specific day?"

Yes, Joan came in with me. How could I have forgotten that?

Fan Ning reacted quickly and showed a deep thinking expression.

It seems that even if the hint answer is given, this is still a logic question that needs to be pushed forward with difficulty.

During the process, he felt uncomfortable and pulled his hair several times, but in the end, his expression relaxed a little, and most of the wariness in his eyes disappeared.

Qiong slightly rolled up her green dress and squatted in front of him: "At first, you were always the one who maintained the best condition, but recently, especially after approaching the B-105 zone, you became in a trance. The frequency is getting higher and higher, surpassing ours. Everyone is now very worried about your condition. "

Bishop Tucville on one side also interjected: "Yes, Lavoisier, did you see anything different later?"

Fan Ning did not answer the two people's words, and his expression was never completely relaxed. He returned to tense several times and relaxed his eyebrows several times.

In the meantime, I took out my phone and checked various interfaces, but found no changes worth noting.

"Don't fall asleep in the abnormal zone, right?" he asked suddenly.

"Of course. What's wrong?" Joan said.

"The Abnormal Zone is a clear waking world. There are many 'worms' here. They are more shining in dreams. Before sleeping, you must take the elixir refined from the 'Sneaky Water' to make yourself unsuitable for them." body, and at the same time, dreams will become thinner.”

Fan Ning's eyes became sharp, and he stood up and stepped back: "So it must not be a dream now. Your body has been sublimated. Why can you appear here?"

"I have obtained the right of passage to the fourth level of the 'Gate of Disproportionation'. I have recovered to half the strength of the Enforcer. I can initially use divine projection. Next, I will officially pass through the 'Gate of Disproportionation' and contain 'Plero'. Hemp Fruit', all I have to do is find my 'paradoxical antique'."

"I told you." Qiong exhaled: "We seized this opportunity at the 'lysis field', and the exchange took place later in the desert. Are you picking on me and selectively forgetting it? ah?"

"Sorry." Fan Ning made no excuse.

"If you have any questions, please ask them together."

"I remember you always wore a purple skirt before?"

"So? Isn't it now?" the girl asked.

Now? Fan Ning tried his best to distinguish the color and texture of the fabric on the other person's body. He saw the petals blooming, like golden discs, spinning and flashing around the green knotted rope, and then turned into a long string of surging rainbow foam. , he thought that there should be the purple in it, and then he saw that it was indeed a purple dress. The process of discovering it was like a water snake diving in a moist maze.

"Yes," he said.

"What's wrong with the nonsense in your eyes?" Qiong came closer to Fan Ning's face, her expression a little more serious.

Bishop Tucville was also worried: "After the exchange just now, half of our field of vision has been occupied by 'soap bubbles'. I feel that Lavoisier may be in this state more than us?"

Fan Ning once again confirmed that there was nothing normal in his eyes.

Logically speaking, this may mean that some gorgeous and weird results will appear on me, but in addition to being in a trance and feeling uncomfortable, I also feel that I have "not completely lost my self-awareness" for the time being.

So, do we need to tell the truth?

Fan Ning hesitated for a while, took a deep breath, and nodded worriedly:

"Yeah, about 70%. But at least the destination area is ahead."

The purple electric arc in the girl's hand flashed away.

"If there is less than the last ten percent left, according to our previous decision, I need to tie your hands together with your spirit." The focus of her eyes moved from Fan Ning's pupil to the other pupil.

Fan Ning said "Yeah", took a deep breath, stood up in the rock cave, and walked slowly towards the half-open sky.

"What did we talk about before going to bed?" Joan followed him, "I remember you said that you knew a document that vaguely mentioned "shell species", which might help us deal with the current situation outside the cave, sleep well, and avoid another inexplicable loss of team members."

On the high rock wall nearby, Lieutenant Andrew was hanging in a "face-to-wall" posture, with a needle-like thing similar to calcium zeolite growing out of the back of his head, as if it was nailed into the stone from the outside to the inside.


Fanning's leather boots rolled over the yellow and brittle branches and leaves on the potholes.

When he was near the cave entrance, he felt the squeeze from all sides, like the moving crust, constantly pushing him towards the opening. The light that penetrated illuminated the "soap film" and stung his eyeballs, followed by an unprecedented pain, coldness and fatigue, and a thousand buzzing sounds like flapping wings sounded in his head.

Where are we going from?

Facing the rolling, colorful mountains, rivers and forests, the intuition that there seemed to be a giant rolling in the thick clouds, and the countless pairs of eyes and wings watching him among the branches of the trees, Fanning was trying to "connect" all of this with what he saw and heard before going to bed. This was the self-organization and sorting of human thoughts and logic as instinct.

But he felt that the experiences of the past few years or even more than ten years were all in fragmented strips and blocks. For a moment, he could not identify which line and which piece of progressive content "the current experience" belonged to. They had many homogeneous fragments and many common time nodes, but no two were exactly the same. The situation was always changing, changing in a more chaotic direction.


A faint, illusory sneer sounded, as if it came from the distant sky, from a pair of countless eyes and wings.

It was inexplicably familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere.

"Where did we talk about before going to bed?"

Joan behind him repeated the question again.

Fanning noticed that she was staring at his back, waiting for him to speak.

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