Old-time musicians

Chapter 152: Facts Misplaced

The text that Fan Ning saw was the communication letter from the Guidance School that Sheeran received before he returned.

The difference is that the following text seems to have been deliberately crossed out later, as if the written carrier is still unsafe, and only verbal communication in the secret realm of dreams is safe.

Tracing the evolution of surnames

Why do people first think of the "two legends about the ancestors of the Anton family" explained by Vincent?

Taiwan Novel Network→𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎

After Fan Ning looked back and forth twice, he glanced at the time stamped in the lower left corner.

"Last year's documents?" He frowned even more tightly, "So, you have cooperated with them? What was the reason? What was the result?"

"I have indeed been there, and I have been there twice and a half in total." Sheeran looked a little strange, "But every time, I encountered some unexpected situations, which caused the investigation to not proceed smoothly."

"When I first received this document, I felt very anxious. Senior Sister Roy happened to give a similar reminder before. She not only suggested that I pay more attention, but also reminded me to be particularly careful. And you have completely lost contact. I can't refuse the school. The investigation letter was issued in a negotiation tone, but I couldn’t decide what changes to make, so I had to make an appointment with the school’s investigation team.”

"The investigation team is led by two Mentors of the Insight, two high-ranking members and other members. There is no Sir Viadrin, and there are no members of the Uflansel branch. I don't know if this is the original arrangement or if it is intentional. avoid."

"The first time we agreed, on the eve of departure, the entrance altar of the headquarters' 'Spark Field' suddenly malfunctioned."

"Is it the moving secret realm that houses the remains of the 'Incinerator'?" Fan Ning's heart moved.

I originally thought that when I came back, I would ask the "Tower Builder" to fully charge my phone again, but now my phone was "smashed" in the abnormal area.

Xilan said "Hmm": "It happened that the operation and maintenance of the altar was the professional field of these mentors and members of the investigation team, so they had to stay to deal with the fault. It took ten and a half days in a row, so the investigation was postponed."

"The second agreement was made. Suddenly, the Special Inspection Office notified the convening of an emergency meeting, requiring most of the top officials of official organizations to attend the meeting. Because there had been several large-scale gatherings of people from the Society of Gods in those days, the investigation was postponed."

"Later, the third time we set off, our vehicle accidentally got sidetracked on the road."

"Can it still be like this?" Fan Ning felt even more strange.

Why do you feel that something is "haunting" and causing an invisible impact?

Is this why they later crossed out the keywords and stopped discussing them in the waking world?

"Maybe it was because of the sudden heavy rain that day and the dark sky. The Eagles side is very mountainous and the road conditions are really bad." Sheeran recalled, "Although the detour did not cause a lot of delays, the two The instructor somehow sensed something fishy and asked us to postpone our return."

"This is the 'twice and a half' you just said. What happens next?"

"And then? It's the beginning of this year. You know I'm not at the core of the school. Many notifications can't be obtained at first hand. I only heard that they are planning another one this year, but it is still in the motion stage, and another one came out. matter--"

"The disappearance of Miss Joan Nisimi, a member of the Bologna School and the daughter of Lord and Lady Nisimi, was believed by the Special Patrol Office to have another hidden secret. They dispatched a high-level investigation team and ordered the Bologna School to re-investigate the truth!"

"Oh? It's about Joan." Fan Ning nodded thoughtfully.

He knew all the previous aspects of this matter and connected them in series - Miss Purple Bean Cake used the "Chant of Shaping" to send self-apostles, and was grafted to the Vincent couple by the Divine Advent Society, with the intention of "covering" Fan Ning was born, but was reset and refreshed by Vincent's antique "Youth's Magic Horn" or "Oriental Flute" using paradox, and was exiled to the historical place again.

When she was born again a few years later, she became Miss Joan of Lord Nehemiah and his wife.

Later, on the eve of the premiere of "Resurrection", before Joan chose to return, she left a letter to her current parents.

It is easy to imagine that in this letter, in addition to giving a general explanation, Joan also told the Nehemiah couple to "keep it quiet and not alert the Special Patrol Office."

But it is also easy to imagine that, as a pair of law-abiding little nobles, Nehemiah and his wife must have made it known immediately when their daughter said goodbye in such an unclear way.

They must have reported to their core leadership - the Bologna School.

And inevitably - later in Fan Ning's dream together when they were wandering in the Southern Continent, Roy learned about this and gave additional instructions not to spread the Bologna School.

Therefore, it took a longer time for the matter to reach the Special Patrol Office.

The principal flutist of an orchestra and an ordinary member of the school disappeared for about a year. Under the deliberate control of the Bologna School, the news could not spread, but if it lasted longer, the Special Inspection Office might notice it.

However, at this point in time, it doesn’t matter

There was indeed some interaction between the two parties before: for example, when Fan Ning confronted the Special Inspectorate at the ruins of the "Grand Palace School" at the secret door, Irving once saw a "humanoid moving creature with purple fluorescent light"; for example, Nan Guo At the end of the meat sacrifice event, when everyone in the Special Inspection Hall was immersed in the "Red Pond" containment device, on the concert stage, the confrontation between "Miss Purple Bean Cake" and "Miss Scarlet Red" caused a large number of spiritual vibrations.

All kinds of clues.

So what?

Anyway, I'm going to the Special Patrol Hall to have a drink.

"So, is there any connection?" Fan Ning asked, "You said two things, one is about guiding the school to investigate your 'conor ancestral surname traceability', and the other is that the Special Inspectorate ordered Bologna The school investigates the disappearance of Miss Nehemiah”

"Yes." Xilan nodded immediately.

"First, on my own side, when the Guidance School took me to my former residence - the time I drove on the wrong road in a heavy rainstorm - several instructors analyzed it afterwards and found that the omen was very similar to a previous incident. Similar to the incident when we accidentally entered the "Vaznai Town". "

"The small town of Watznay?" Fan Ning's eyes froze, "Isn't this a town that does not exist in Joan's memory? What does it have to do with you? Your former residence is in Eagles in the south, and her former residence is in Uf The western suburbs of Landseer, adjacent to Fort Santalain, are two completely different places.”

"Second, the Special Patrol Office." Sheeran raised his finger, "After the Special Patrol Office dispatched an investigation team to the Bologna School, the preliminary conclusion they reached showed that the ancestors of Joan's Nehemiah family had the last name There are doubts about the traceability issue."

"???" Fan Ning looked confused.

Is something messed up?

He immediately thought of a series of dangerously twisted keywords.

Grafting, cutting, melting

"The doubts you two mentioned about the origin of the surname are not all called 'Scriiabin', right?" he asked in a cautious tone.

"How do you know?" Xilan asked in surprise, "The information that was crossed out in the subsequent contact letter contained exactly this name."

"This person is Mr. Wax from the Special Patrol Department."


"Or less accurately, this person 'now' is Mr. Wax as we know him." Fan Ning's tone emphasized the word "now". He took a deep breath and slowly recalled: "After entering the abnormal zone, Before, Qiong had just been rescued from the 'disintegration field' by me and was in a very weak state. During a brief exchange with me, she mentioned that among the ordinary members of the Guidance School hundreds of years ago, there was a strange 'Longevity Man'. people'"

Fanning briefly described what he knew at the time.

Moreover, he mentioned a more important point: the same name.

Mr. Wax is called Scriabin, and Mr. F. is also called Scriabin.

This should have the same name, just like the composer "Srciabin" and the helminthologist "Scriabin" in the previous life are two people. Although the Special Inspectorate advocates power and is ambitious, it and the Divine Advent Society can't wear the same pants. Go inside.

But there must be some unknown and secret entanglement in it.

The degree of weirdness of the Divine Advent Society and the scope of influence of the haze in the Abnormal Zone far exceeded my expectations.

"Since it is related, then it is really possible for this strange situation to occur." Sheeran leaned sideways on his seat and thought, "You just mentioned that Scriabin in the Special Patrol Office has an unusually long life, and the people around him Close relatives and even ancestors died one after another. He married different people and continued to produce children. In order to avoid some shocking repercussions, he might have changed several surnames in succession. It just so happened that Joan and I's ancestors were all his branches? What’s the difference between one hundred years and the previous one?”

"Damn it, how did my great-great-great ancestors end up joining the Special Patrol Office camp?"

"This is nothing. If it is like Qiong before, being targeted by the 'Truth Snake' will be a big trouble." Fan Ning thought seriously.

"Let me think about it. After tomorrow's school's first-quarter work meeting and the 'Return Concert' press conference are over, should I consider accompanying you to the Eagles' former residence to see what's hidden there? It’s secretive, even if there’s something fishy about that place, it won’t be any higher risk than the investigation in the abnormal area.”

"Okay!" Sheeran agreed happily as he was traveling with a different person than before. "This time we must pass through the Metraun area. It's best to show me your composition cabin and the house." The lake and the Dolomites in front.”

"Well, this does make me wonder. Why on the way to the former residence of Eagles, do we also encounter precursors that are suspected of straying into the 'Waznai Town'? Previously, due to lack of vigilance, you read out the words in the waking world "Scriabin", this may allow the God Adventist Society to take advantage of the opportunity to cause some trouble."

"Caron, I think there is another explanation."

"Another one?"

Xilan nodded and tentatively guessed:

"Could it be that no matter which surname the man named 'Scriabin' changed, or which branch of the family he became, the former residence of his descendants will gradually become a non-existent town where time and space are folded. '?"

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