Old-time musicians

Chapter 168 Depression

"Layout and display?..."

"Different from after you left?"

"Has anyone moved here?"

Shiran asked doubtfully, and she saw Fanning pacing lightly in the cabin.

The air in the cabin was stuffy and old, with no unpleasant odors. The floor and furniture were covered with dust, only a thin and partial layer, and the tip of his umbrella left rain marks everywhere.

The direction of the piano, the placement of the easy chair, the number and position of chandeliers and candlesticks, the specific color combination of the colored oak of the coat closet...Fanning tried his best to recall everything, and then shook his head slowly:

"No, I must have remembered it wrong."

If someone jumped over the big lock at the door and sneaked in here, then dropped the piano from one end to the other, changed the chair from against the wall to against the window, and changed the oak color of the coat closet, and then sneaked out quietly, it would be boring, right?

Besides, if you think about it carefully, some habits are indeed your own habits, just a little old, or from the previous life.

History will decay.

Sheeran wandered around the house, looking around curiously, and sometimes crouching down.

Speaking of this experience, it was quite novel. In the past, "Carroll's Composition Cabin" only existed in her imagination, whether it was when Fanning said "I'm going out for a while" and "my purpose is clear and single", or later when she was lying on the sofa listening to "Barcarolle" and "Dream of Love".

The sense of loss of an experience or witness is always in my heart. The degree is very mild and will not cause serious anxiety, but it is obviously felt. If it is left unresolved, it will still cause trouble.

After all, it is the "First Symphony" about morning light, flowers, thorns, fruits and youth.

"How did you spend April in the year 913?"

"Too general a question to answer."

"What about a typical day?"

Fanning's eyes have been dull lately, and he always likes to stay in one place for a long time, but his thoughts were finally pushed by Sheeran:

"At that time..."


"At that time, I had a new and inspiring experience of everything in nature, just like a baby pushed out by a stroller seeing the outdoor scenery for the first time."

"Creating the first symphony in life gives people a sense of mission and makes the heart beat powerfully with them. Sometimes I like to sit alone at the door filled with sunshine, watching the sunshine jumping in the lake, listening to the noise of wild ducks, and sometimes the wind comes, Ripples will sway the reeds slightly, and sometimes big fish will jump up and fall from the water...”

“But generally speaking, the environment of the place where I collect folk songs is mainly lonely and quiet. Sometimes when I am writing, birds fly past the window, and I will look up, and repeat this until the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the platform... I have met the residents, gentry and musicians in the town. It is a very good experience. I like to chat with this world... I have also been in a daze at sunset. At that time, the lakes and mountains are the most unreal. The outlines of the woods will draw longer and longer dark arcs. The deep blue sky gives people a sense of magnificence from a high place, and sometimes it is so mysterious that it makes people uncomfortable. "

It is a very messy and unorganized expression, but the mess is very real and makes people feel like they are there.

So Sheeran nodded seriously:

“So you plan to stay for another day or two?”

Fanning stopped talking, carefully and slowly wiped a small area of ​​the desk in front of the window, then put away the objects at hand, took the music book, took the pen, and sat down.

Shilan stood behind him, leaning her elbow on the back of his chair, so that her toes touched the ground and her right leg was hooked.

"Carlon, you are a young gentleman, handsome and elegant. You can be called a young man, a teenager or a boy. But two years ago when you were thinking about "Resurrection", I saw you writing a funeral march. Now I see you, you are still writing a funeral march..."

She hummed some melodies and couldn't help mumbling.

"So this is hard to like, right?"

"I didn't say that."

For the next hour, Fanning looked out the window more and wrote less.

When traveling on the ferry before, the first movement of the Symphony in C sharp minor was almost completed, but now it is still almost completed but not completed.

"Shilan, after trying, I still don't plan to stay." He closed the music book in embarrassment.


"Perhaps the past is only suitable for writing past works. Two non-parallel lines have only one intersection, and there are no exceptions."

"For example, in the composing hut on the shore of Lake Möttlauen, you can only write the "First Symphony?"

"That's about it." Fanning nodded, and "imitated" another sentence in his heart - for example, in the Steinnach Mountains in the fox lily field outside Tia City, you can only write the "Third Symphony".

After "imitating", he thought of the South, thought of historical projections, thought of more people and more things, and felt more depressed.

"Could it be the weather factor?" Shiran tried to find the reason.

After all, the raindrops these days are too fine.

"It's possible."

"Oh, anyway, it doesn't matter much. Even if it's a composition hut for a work, it's a good deal." Sheeran couldn't read his other words about the "Third Symphony", but she could read his expression. In order not to add extra psychological burden to him, she once again made it clear that going out with him did not mean that she had to completely recreate the field trip two years ago.

"Thank you for your understanding. Do you think 'memories' are always a sad thing?"

Fanning looked at the misty Lake Motlawn outside the window.

The characteristics of depression appeared again... Sheeran sighed secretly and continued to attribute it to the deep contact with the abnormal area in her heart. However, since Fanning insisted that this was always due to her temperament, she no longer discussed the reason with him in depth, otherwise the two of them would inevitably have another argument.

"Of course not all of them, memories must be happy and sad, depending on what they are." Even so, Sheeran still insisted on her own views on every topic that was more melancholic. "Yes, isn't it" was a perfunctory chat without responsibility, which was the same for both others and herself.

"No, it's always sad." Fanning began to put the items on the desk back into the backpack one by one.

"If the past was bad, much worse than now, naturally no one would want to recall the unbearable things; if the past was happy, much happier than now, then it also means that the current life is not as good as before. You see, it is always sad."

"......" Although Xilan wanted to continue to defend her point of view faithfully, she didn't know where to refute it.

Maybe someone else would be better at extending this kind of communication.

She quickened her movements and helped Fanning pack up the things.

She felt a little depressed, but the smile on her face bloomed again:

"Let's go, don't stay if you don't want to, come back when the weather is good, I'll take you to find a nearby chain cinema."

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