Old-time musicians

Chapter 196 About

Chapter 630 About "Noon" (4K 2-in-1)

Answer a question, say something, and ask another question?

Fan Ning pondered for a moment and smiled: "If I don't answer the last question well, I'm afraid I may not be able to leave for a while, right?"

Mr. Wax raised a palm and put it down: "Since it is a question, it is a simple question. Whether you answer or not, and what you answer, at least today, you can leave first."

"Then I will answer this question for you first, a limited answer from the standpoint of the Secret History Research Department of the Special Patrol Office"

"I don't seem to have told you my question-answering needs." Fan Ning said in surprise.

"But I know what you want to ask." Mr. Wax said, "How did the worm scientist Scriabin.K.I come to this so-called 'new calendar' Hoffman dynasty? From a member of the Guidance School hundreds of years ago to the secret historian of the Special Patrol Office today, what secrets of the origin of the family surname are buried in it?"

Obviously, the executor caught the subtle changes in Fan Ning's expression at this time.

"During this period, some individuals have repeatedly tried to investigate and explore, including Master Fanning's investigation plan on Miss Hiran Conner's Eagles House, and the Bologna School's series of investigations on their missing member Miss Joan Nissimi. However, these people are investigating "things that should not be explored". Due to the protection of the authorities, these minor historical processes have been slightly interfered with, and you have all deviated from the original destination."

It turned out that he was secretly influencing?

Fanning not only felt that things were strange and bizarre, but also raised his expectations for the ability of this "chief secret historian".

Positive destructive ability is an important part, but it is not all of the mysterious world.

Sometimes it is not even the most important part.

"So all this." Fanning did not hide his confusion, frowning deeply, "Okay, you are indeed the worm scientist Scriabin.K.I? Are you also a time traveler? Is this name really related to the dangerous member of the God's Advent Society, Mr. F, or the composer Scriabin.A.N. in another world? Logically speaking, the two are only the same name, just like most people with the same name in the world. Is there any deep entanglement or progressive relationship between all this?"

When Fanning slowly expressed the above content, the background around him began to become blurred and flat, becoming a low-resolution flat paper curtain with a small amount of shadow relationship.

Mr. Wax seemed to think that even several other colleagues should not listen to this conversation.

"The stem of this series of questions is not complicated in itself, and my explanation will be very brief." Mr. Wax said, "But to ensure that your understanding is based on the correct context, definition or consensus between us, some premises need to be clarified."

"Master Fanning, do you usually think this about this world?" He stretched out his palm.

"——Time is a spear thrown in one direction. The past that has passed is the past, the present is the present, and the future that will be reached is the future;"

"——Space is a sphere or a cube. Your left is your left, your right is your right, your upper part is your upper part, and your back is your back;"

"——Music can probably be regarded as the art of time, and fine arts can probably be regarded as the art of space;"

"——The behavior of ordinary creatures in a specific time and space constitutes historical events. The existence of this world is unique, and the total collection of historical process events is also unique."

"Master Fanning, do you think so?" Mr. La asked again.

These affirmative sentences that are similar to "nonsense literature" made Fanning fall into a long period of thinking.

"To be honest, before I was promoted to 'New Moon', I would definitely say 'yes'. These are all obvious nonsense, without hesitation."

"But now, after experiencing many new mysterious experiences, I do doubt, I am hesitant, whether there are other answers, for example, the complicated secret history constitutes an exception. However, this seems useless, I can't grasp anything substantial. If I say 'I don't think so', then what do I think?"

"The knowledgeable only has the knowledge to divide the world into appearance and will, but whether it is the waking world or the migration, the time, space, and historical laws are the same. Even in the bizarre dream, I need to count my breaths to determine the passage of time. Time also needs to define the positional relationships such as front, back, upper, and lower. The attributes of time, space, and history must be like this. It is axiom. Instead of saying "think", it is better to say "view". This is how I view the world. I can only view it this way. How can I have any other choice? "

"Do you have any other "viewing methods"? "

"I don't." Mr. Wax shook his head, "Because I am also a mortal creature."

"What do you mean?"

"The Lords of Witnesses don't think so. They view the world in the way of "noon." "


"Yes, as you and I know, the basic laws that can summarize the essence of mysticism, the law of hidden knowledge transmission, the law of secret history entanglement, etc., are also subject to "noon" and derived from "noon." "


A kind of dizzying strong light hit Fanning's mind.

All kinds of fragmented images flashed through his mind.

The prophetic meaning of "at noon, the sun sets and the moon rises";

Sitting on the wooden floor of the balcony of the Turner Art Hall, thinking about the meaning behind the mysterious paintings;

In the dream of first visiting the Southland, the divergent thoughts caused by the glances from high-altitude celestial bodies

The way of looking at the world, that is, the "world view".


The meaning of "noon" has undergone long and rich changes in history.

So what is the earlier meaning, the meaning that is older than the source of the ancient language?

"What is the specific worldview of 'Wu'?" Fan Ning asked.

"My explanation is over. As I said, it will be brief," said Mr. Wax.

"That's right." Fan Ning was surprised at first, and then understood.

If the meaning of "noon" can be deciphered, then mortal creatures are no longer mortal creatures.

"Continue to be an agnostic, Master Fanning, and we will not be willing to put you on the next batch of 'worms' to be shot."

Mr. Wax in the wheelchair covered his mouth and coughed a few times, his hands tightened in his sleeves.

"History is rotting and infesting with worms, and poison will kill you. There are still seven member units of the discussion group three hundred years ago. Since Bologna understood the world view of 'Noon' after being promoted to 'Raven', the two original members of the Kingdom of Lydia Of the official organizations, one has completely fallen into the rotting worm heap."

"The same name from the 0th history, the non-existent town and former residence, the misplaced surname traces, more than 40 phases and more than 300 doors mentioned by the investigators of the Abnormal Zone. If others encounter unresolved ambiguous matters , usually can only be understood as a 'group memory error', at least you now know that it can be attributed to 'noon'."

"So are you an agnostic too?" Fanning asked calmly. "Is Pogorelic an agnostic too?"

"This is the second piece of content today, something I need to convey to you." Mr. Wax turned the handle of the wheelchair and placed himself at a more comfortable supine angle.

"Mr. Pogorelic is preparing to use the remains of the Origin God to pass through the 'Gate of the Dome'."

"A very clichéd answer, commonly known as 'becoming a god' among the ignorant." This time Fan Ning did not have too many emotional fluctuations, "He has risen to the sixth level of order execution, and he is still collecting the remains in a big way. If it were not for the promotion What else could it be for the self-interest or ambition of the Lord of Witness?”

"And you are paving the way for yourself to become a 'torch bearer' or even a 'father'?" Mr. Wax asked in return.

Fan Ning remained unconvinced and silent.

"Ambition. Maybe." Mr. Wax laughed a few times, "Climbing to the top on the mysterious side is cliché, but climbing on the art side is not cliché. It is selfish to be promoted to the Lord of Witness and become the 'torch bearer' ’ or ‘father’ is public-minded.”

"At least if I were the 'Torch Bearer', I would not interfere with who can become the 'Forged Lion' or the 'Crescent Moon'." Fan Ning chuckled.

Mr. Wax, however, did not pay attention to the thorny meaning of the other party's words and had no intention of further explanation.

"Master Fan Ning, you are very arrogant, arrogant and conceited. You have some prejudice against the system. Your style of acting often switches between choleric and melancholic personalities without warning. But you are a talented young man. This is normal. The authorities Respond to your behavior with a friendly smile and an understanding attitude. Mr. Pogorelic has been paying close attention to you recently."

"I hope you can understand the true meaning of 'mutual achievement'." He gestured behind him with his hand, and pointed at Fan Ning, "The leader is about to reach the top, and he also needs a person to reach the top from another mountain. This will It's up to him, and you're one of the top contenders."

"You can deceive other people with these words, but not me." Fan Ning said, "Unfortunately, I know that promotion to the Lord of Witness requires mastering a complete copy of Preruma and the seventh-highest 'grid'. So I don’t need to explain what ‘mutual achievement’ means.”

"Huh?" Mr. Wax was a little surprised, "Hahahaha."

"Why are you laughing?" Fan Ning frowned.

"Master Fan Ning, you don't think that when Mr. Pogorelic said that someone needs to be on top of the 'torch bearer' or 'father', he means coveting your 'qualification'? Hahahaha. Sure enough, every station People before history were as naive as children.”

"Otherwise? Rely on your leader's own artistic attainments?"

"Master Fan Ning, have you ever thought about this question - do all the Lords of Witness 'understand' art?"

Fan Ning's expression was startled.

"In the New Calendar, more than one mortal creature passed through the 'Gate of the Dome' and experienced the feeling of looking at the world in the 'noon' way. Haha. However, the situation is a bit unfortunate. The promotions organized by these Origin Gods themselves The rituals, or at least some flaws, cause them to seem to live in endless pain and madness."

"Of course, the situation at high places may be more complicated, with a more dangerous nature, and concepts that should not exist are driving all the witnesses - not just the God of Origin - to a state of madness. The spread of abnormal areas and the proliferation of 'worms' may just be the manifestation of all this in the lower world. Based on the above reasons, the leader decided to go up and see for himself and open up a path with his own 'power to break the situation', which requires a stable rule Order is a prerequisite, and an obedient artistic climber is needed to serve as a necessary assistant in the process."

"It sounds like it means 'saving the world.'" Fan Ning secretly digested the information and touched the statue of "Saint James the Light-Summer" that he had worn around his neck for a while. "Interestingly, some organizations in the Abnormal Zone , some dangerous elements seem to be acting with similar arguments."

"Once something is too noble, its authenticity will be compromised." Mr. Wax emphasized seriously, "Mr. Pogorelic's main motivation is that the spread of abnormal areas threatens the authority's ruling order, and His leadership."

"Master Fan Ning, coming back to you, you must have a lot of development ideas for Turner Art Hall and yourself. I will teach you how to grasp the sense of boundaries-"

"Fame and wealth are all yours. One day, you will rise higher, and your honor and wealth will be among the top. What the authorities care about is the 'right to evaluate' and 'right to distribute' art."

".In the era of mysterious and barbaric growth, there were many powerful gangs, and the knowledgeable people pursued taboos and exotic treasures, explored and killed, liquidated and were liquidated. Now it is different. Industrial civilization has taken over the mainstream, and order has been initially established. Personal whims are insignificant in front of the organization, and the authorities’ attention is everywhere, which is both a kind of supervision and a kind of protection.”

"That's all I have to tell you. The last question is a question to you on behalf of the organization. Please think carefully, because answering it is a serious matter and will attract the attention of many people. It will usher in a long-term discussion group. "review"

Mr. Wax waved his hand at this.

The blurred background was filled in, and everything in the glass room was restored to its normal appearance, with Lasus, Owen and Salman sitting on both sides of him.

"Master Fan Ning, do you agree with the phrase 'mysterious leadership art'?"



Four pairs of eyes were watching Fan Ning. He had a calm expression and said nothing, as if he was trying to figure out the meaning and organize his own language.

But Mr. Wax had already rocked his wheelchair and slowly drove towards the door of the glass room:

"Lasus, see us off."

"As I said before, after I asked the question, it was time for Master Fanning to leave."

Owen and Salman both had expressions of astonishment, like "Is this the end?", but Lassus had a calm expression and stood up after the order.

"No need to bother, I'll go out by myself." Fan Ning also stood up.

"Master, please come this way." Lasus still carried out his superior's instructions and led the way politely.

When he reached the elevator door, Fan Ning asked again: "I wonder what the authorities' time limit is for answering this question?"

Somewhere on the edge of the rooftop, Mr. Wax's wheelchair stopped here. He was blowing the cold wind and overlooking the thousands of lights of Santalan Fort:

"You don't have to answer this question, because every move you make from now on will gradually form an answer."

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