Old-time musicians

Chapter 641 Audit arrival notice!

These core members attending the meeting naturally have a clear concept of the amount of money, and they are also very clear about their own cinemas or industry data.

What does 2.4 million pounds mean?

A major symphony concert in a county cinema is the kind of concert that only has 1-2 shows in a quarter. With the current average pricing and policy discounts, the turnover of sold-out concerts is about 20,000 pounds.

The shell of a county cinema, excluding decoration and housing, is about 80,000 pounds.

A record-breaking impressionist painting by Marley was sold at an auction for 115,000 pounds.

A record with a medium price and cumulative sales exceeding the four-star rating will bring the headquarters a business share of 150,000 to 200,000 pounds!

"I should be able to control the cost of suddenly paralyzing the subway system of Santaramburg and restarting it and restoring order a day later to 800,000 pounds now," Lu added secretly in his heart.

Moreover, the real benefits of this benefit cannot be seen only in "turnover" or "cooperation amount"!

Because unlike holding concerts or releasing records, whether it is art sponsorship or radio projects, they are all the lowest-cost ones in the Turner Art Hall business system!

There is no need to share the profits with outsiders.

It is not an exaggeration to call it a "profiteering" business.

Wow, based on the gains from Mr. Fanning's chat recently, the entire theater chain can be closed for a quarter.

"Tomorrow morning, the list of projects that require cooperation from all regions will be sent to the telegraph machines in your hands by county. If you want to increase your performance, please make your own contacts. If you need help or instructions, please contact the headquarters in time."

Walter fulfilled his administrative duties very promptly and reminded everyone.

His words made the group of people in the audience choke.

Now, the operating pressure of county-level theater managers is the greatest!

Customer maintenance, performance introduction, peer competition, and the highest performance evaluation standards are all fine. A certain proportion of the amount paid by the headquarters must be added to allocate funds to art galleries and art galleries under the jurisdiction!

Now, tomorrow morning, I can see how much revenue my county can generate next!

Other bosses are busy with their work and make things difficult for their subordinates, but he just gives money in disguise

This Master Fanning is really capable and kind

Many participants who were on guard or had other intentions in advance now feel happy and relaxed.

Fanning finished his explanation quickly, without any elaboration, and ended the topic: "Okay, next is the second thing."

"A lot of rumors about this matter have been spread in the early stage. As insiders, everyone should have been prepared. Well, the official journal of Turner Art Cinema, "New Moon", will meet you soon. We will probably get the edition number in the middle of this month. Welcome everyone to contribute actively, and also actively mobilize friends who deal with you on weekdays to contribute."

"How will "New Moon" guide the public opinion trend next, its plan and rhythm, I personally have some ideas. Generally speaking, summer is about the first stage, and autumn is the second stage. The former paves the way for the latter, which is similar to the two stages of the Harvest Art Festival."

"This rhythm and change will be felt by everyone later. I won't talk about it in depth today. I will only emphasize two points!——"

Everyone pricked up their ears.

"First of all, the price, "New Moon" will be published at a frequency of biweekly, and the headquarters will have a unified purchase price of 1 penny per copy of each episode!"

Hmm. Unexpected, but reasonable. Lu on the rostrum changed the order of stacking his arms.

It seems to be the same routine as "World Music Radio", but with Master Fanning's ability to make money, he is indeed quite confident. Many participants in the audience also thought so.

"The purchase price is 1 penny. As for the selling price, I personally suggest that your county-level theaters can earn some profits according to market conditions, but for the quotas of lower and lower levels, it is recommended to supply at cost price! We value the spiritual needs of the residents in these small towns who want to improve their taste and increase their knowledge."

"In addition, each issue of "New Moon" will leave enough "Music Fans Say" section for all people with language organization ability to express their opinions, or full-length discussions, or scattered opinions and feelings."

"In this regard, we have a very good tradition, such as the "message wall" displayed in the concert hall before, the "guide" or "little knowledge" behind the concert repertoire, etc. You should fully carry forward this tradition and guide music fans to play their dominant position in music appreciation and discussion!"

Well, the first thing is a surprise, and the second thing is also worth looking forward to.

Obviously, Mr. Fanning, who is rich and powerful, has nothing to do with "profit" in the positioning of this journal.

Once a propaganda tool is not constrained in terms of cost, then the communication effect will be very powerful!

Of course, all these emphasized contents need to be implemented.

In the dreamland filled with golden mist, everyone's "quill pens" were diligent in writing the key points that Fanning had explained on a piece of "End Skin" that was distributed.

"The third thing."

Fanning glanced at everyone at this time.

"About dusk before the arrival of a new day, the special audit team jointly established by Montgomery Accounting Consulting Company and Monroe Law Firm, commissioned by Turner Art Theater Headquarters, will be divided into five groups and stationed in batches at your office site!"

"They will use three months to complete the audit coverage of all county-level cinemas! The audit team of each county-level cinema will go down to the art galleries in the urban area or small city, and if necessary, they will go down to the art galleries in the block or small town!!"

Boom! ——

The Qiming Church was silent, and the echo of Fanning's last words gradually weakened, but everyone's heart was exploded!

More than a dozen participants who were immersed in the fantasy of tomorrow's "business volume" turned their heads left and right at this moment, exchanging glances with the people next to them to confirm that their ears were not wrong.

Roy also looked up at Fanning in surprise.

She found that even the expression of the music director Walter was surprised.

The only ones who remained relatively calm were Xilan, who is now Fanning's secretary, and Lu, the deputy director in charge of "channels, standardization and government relations".

For such a big and sensitive matter, even the audit team has been established and will be stationed before the end of tomorrow. Only Lu and Xilan know about this trend!

This shows that Fanning strictly controlled the scope of knowledge during the negotiation and preparation process!

After a few seconds of silence, there were already some rustling and whispering attempts from the audience, but they were interrupted by Fanning's continued words--

"The focus of the audit is the non-privacy performance track that every administrative and operational personnel of the cinema chain, that is, the senior executives, should disclose, the compliance of the cinema chain's balance sheet and every financial income and expenditure behind it, and the quantitative rating results of the operating health and subsequent potential of cinema chains at all levels!!"

Fanning's eyes no longer had the previous "good news" smile, he once again calmly scanned the audience, and then turned to look at Lu.

"Deputy Director Adair, please convey the audit discipline requirements to everyone."

"Okay." Lu on the podium cleared his throat and spoke at a medium to fast speed, "Tomorrow morning, everyone's telegraph will receive the schedule and the special standard guidelines for cooperating with this work."

"During the audit, each theater will set up a public notice board and an anonymous reporting mailbox; everyone unconditionally obeys the arrangements of the audit team, and if there are objections, they will report to the headquarters for approval step by step; both parties supervise each other, and if there are individual theater staff with poor cooperation attitudes, or if there are auditors who do not carry out their work according to the regulations, the other party will report directly to me, and I will report directly to Mr. Fanning!"

Adair had just put down the paper in his hand and indicated that the communication was over, when a fat gentleman stood up from the stage.

"Master Fanning, I am Morkin, a formal member of the Guidance School, the head of the Eagles County Art Hall, and I have a question."


The two candles next to the armrest of this person's chair lit up out of thin air.

Some strange invisible sound receiving and amplifying field were superimposed on the small space where he was.

"Speak." Fan Ningyao looked at him.

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