Old-time musicians

Chapter 70 Another Document

"Caron, can you understand Guchanizi?" Xilan looked a little surprised.

"My father has some knowledge of this language." Fan Ning's answer was not a complete lie, "He has studied ancient murals for a period of time."

Xilan opened his eyes wide: "As far as I know, no one in the academic community today can interpret the Guchanizi language. Even the interpretation of it by ancient scholars in the Third History is suspected to be random speculation without any authority. ”

"Well, please keep it a secret for me. This language is in the realm of the knowledgeable. How should I say it, it is a bit sensitive. In exchange, I can teach you some in the future, because I also need to learn a lot of ancient languages ​​from you."

"Okay." Sheeran didn't say much, but Fan Ning was completely relieved.

"The Mystery of Soul-Taking"

This is the "Guchanizi" index key word that Fan Ning read in a small corner of the appendix somewhere in the document with the word order reversed and the glyph changed.

Index's evaluation: It can be used as an optimization idea to improve the quality of sensory fuel.

He also pointed out that the construction process was recorded in detail in the classic "Original Secrets" of the "Blood Origin Cult", so this paragraph "will not be repeated", but it was clearly pointed out that the secret ritual sacrifices were the first time that a knowledgeable person was illuminated. The "light of first knowledge" when it shines.

It also emphasized the need for a special ritual vessel, the "stained bottle", and the requirement for "inspiration overflow" for the sacrifices.

"I wonder what the relationship is between the 'Happy Listening Meeting' and the 'Bloodborne Cult' mentioned in the Guchaniz language in the index?"

Fan Ning's eyes flashed coldly.

At this point, it is almost 100% certain that the "Pleasure Listening Club" used this "Spirit-Photography Secret Instrument" on Teacher Anton.

And the drastic method of increasing excessive inspiration in a short period of time, could it be...

The mysterious chords in the fragmentary notes?

Also, the two classmates who committed suicide earlier than Mr. Anton, and myself before time travel...

Have you also experienced this secret ceremony?

Stained Vial

Fan Ning suddenly recalled what he saw when he traveled through the scene to perform the second retrospective ritual.

I was sitting in the front row of the auditorium, listening to a girl playing the piano. The boy was standing on the side of the stage with his hands behind his back, and his hands behind his back were wrapped with a band, seemingly tied to a small red drinking cup?

Finally, it was plunged into sudden darkness.

Light is absorbed? Because this secret ceremony absorbs the "light of first knowledge"? It seems to make sense literally and logically.

The person present had his inspiration forcibly enhanced by some means.

As for the two people at the back, it was unclear why they were transformed into humanoid silhouettes by the flash of white light.

"Caron, what did you talk about after they took you away? Did the school investigate dad's affairs?" Sheeran asked.

Fan Ning recounted the situation between the two parties, including the relevant information Roy brought when he visited him.

"There is one detail that I still can't quite figure out." Fan Ning kept flipping the leather booklet in his hand, "Why did Dean Fabian Browne of the School of Literature and History not avoid everyone at all, but directly asked me if I had taken the Take this document away.”

"Professor Lorraine has an affair with the evil secret organization that planned the serial deaths in the school. As his brother, Professor Fabian, whether he chooses to cover up or report and expose, his motives are easy to understand. Either he is hiding his selfish motives or Stand up for what’s right, right?”

"But why is it mentioned so lightly, and why doesn't anyone have any special reaction?"

"Did the Bologna School really know that and acquiesce in Professor Lorraine, who could go crazy or harm his students at any time, to serve as the first vice-president of the Conservatory of Music all year round?"

"Or am I overly suspicious?"

Sheeran said at this time: "Caron, you see, "Original Secrets" can be regarded as a "reference document" for this unknown document in your hand, right?"

"What do you mean?" Fan Ning's eyes lit up.

Xilan looked into his eyes and smiled knowingly: "Maybe the documents you are talking about are not the same thing at all."

An unknown document records the opera singer "Banchuis" who eventually went crazy after trying to create a "phantom man".

The classic "Original Secret" of the "Bloodborne God Cult" records the "Secret Ritual of Soul Capture".

The relationship between reference and being quoted, the relationship between containing and being included, the relationship between the whole and the part.

It's different after all.

Fan Ning nodded deeply: "So when I was talking to the investigation team, no one realized that there might be ambiguities between the two sides about what the 'documents' specifically refer to. Both sides were trying to test and deceive. Little did they know that the factual basis was misplaced from the beginning. of."

This would explain Fabian's question and the other two's unwavering reactions.

Through the few words of Team Leader Cecil at the funeral and the secret observation of underground gatherings, I came to the inference that "there is more than one hidden force", but in the eyes of the Bologna School, the initiator was just the "Pleasure Listening Group".

"No, there is another possibility." Sheeran said.


"The ambiguity may not be caused accidentally, but intentionally." The little girl's eyes showed a look of serious thinking.

This sentence reminded Fan Ning again.

"It was intentional...if Fabian did it intentionally..."

Did he use a narrative trick?

"Where did you put that document?" he asked Fan Ning.

From Fan Ning's perspective, the Bologna School already knew everything, and had a relatively comprehensive understanding of the unknown documents, underground gatherings, multiple hidden forces, the involvement of Professor Lorraine, and the person behind the scenes, Sylvia.

Professor Fabian represented the official tone and stated that they were tracking down the whereabouts of the anonymous document that recorded the "Illusionary Secret Art" that leaked out from the underground gathering.

From the perspective of the other two members of the investigation team, Fabian also represented the official tone, but what he ordered Fanning to hand over was the "Original Secret" in the hands of the "Pleasant Listening Society" that the Bologna School had been investigating.

In the eyes of both parties, Fabian was doing his job and putting pressure on himself in an open and aboveboard manner in order to achieve his goals.

In fact, he was using the official power to achieve other goals!

Fanning's voice was a little low: "If this is a possibility, then the person who secretly communicated with the underground gathering or Sylvia is not just Professor Lorraine Browne."


The next day, Sunday, December 1.

Outer Lenia District, Ufransell City Concert Hall.

It rained again last night. The sun barely shone through the heavy clouds, shining feebly on the wide bluestone square in front of the concert hall. The ice on the ground had been broken and shoveled away by the hired workers, and piled up into gray and black hills around the ornamental plants.

The City Concert Hall opens at noon every day. The popularity in the afternoon is usually tepid. Only in the evening can you directly feel the enthusiasm of the citizens for cultural life.

However, starting from the first day of this December, the atmosphere of the winter music season has gradually become stronger. A number of heavy performances including the New Year's Concert are on sale today, and the posters and guidebooks at various promotional booths are updated.

Many details have also changed, such as several large fountains in the square - their operation relies on the ingenious design of the underground pipeline group, and requires nearly twenty steam engines of various sizes to provide power. In the past, the concert hall would only be opened after nightfall, but today they were opened at noon at the same time as the opening.

In front of the bronze sculptures of the masters of classical music Gilles, Meyer and Tarakan in the center of the square, water splashes on the rockery under the lights. On the other side is a floating music platform with sculptures of several wind musicians. Thin streams of water spray out from the mouths of flutes, clarinets, oboes, French horns, trombones and other instruments, drawing a beautiful arc and pouring into the pool, adding a bit of musical interest.

The elegantly decorated, spacious and bright new works exhibition hall has been divided into the best area. The 12 glass windows on the wall are waiting for vacant positions. Each corner of the window is also equipped with a photo and a small card introducing the composer.

At this time, many citizens who have finished lunch are wandering around here. They include music fans, publishers, cultural media people, manuscript investors, nobles looking for commissions, or scholars who keep an eye on the forefront of serious music creation.

Ram Cecil, wearing a neat black suit, came early to submit his retest work "First Piano Trio in B flat major" as soon as possible, and then hurried out of the exhibition hall without paying attention to the crowd.

He walked through the lobby of the concert hall and looked at the hot queue after the ticket opening of the winter music season, but there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

His teacher, Professor Lorin, was gone. Although the chamber music creation had been completed, the final symphony had only completed one movement, and the rest remained in the piano score or four-part harmony stage.

The school's initial notice allowed the reputation of the first vice president to continue, and Fanning and his party, as the parties involved, were not held accountable. The incident was characterized as a distortion caused by an accidental attack by evil objects. Although it was still of a bad nature, the spearhead was directed outward. In this sense, the tone was mild.

But Cecil naturally knew the true identity and secrets of Professor Lorin.

He had some guesses about Fanning's strength and background, and understood what consensus the school and he might have reached.

Outside the lobby was a long, flat marble staircase. Cecil walked down slowly, frowning.

Until a hand patted his shoulder.

"Dean Fabian?" Cecil turned back in surprise and saluted.

He had met this brother of Teacher Lorraine before, but they didn't have much contact on weekdays.

"Child, let's talk." Dean Fabian's voice was as gloomy as Cecil's mood.

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