Old Vampire and a Holy Girl

Thirteen stories. Vampires used to have dreams too.

"Uncle, it's morning!


The curtain can be pulled open by making a loud noise.

The morning sun breaks into the room.

The man got his upper body out of bed.

I thought I'd sit by the bed, but I couldn't.

A dragon is gouging over my belly.

However, the man says in a posture of just getting his upper body up.

"Hey, good morning, Virgin."

"Yes, good morning! Oh, this is my rice. And trimming supplies and all that..."

The Virgin offers a basket.

A man receives it...

"Oh, is that okay?

"Yes, because I brought you here!

"Hmm? Does that mean you cut yourself?"

"Yes, but...... never mind! It is the Virgin's role to give charity! Oh, but whatever you apply, it won't be good for them, so you can do something right!


He was a solid kid.

Well, I won't be eating the so-called 'wow's rice' in this house, and I'm talking about trimming and what to do with my urchin counterparts...

"If that's the case, I'll take it thankfully. He'll be happy too."

"But it's surprising. Uncle, you like animals, don't you? Looks like we're getting along."

"Animal lovers... well I can't even say that... especially bats and wolves"

"That's an unusual choice."

"It could be by people's standards. Hey. So, what can I do for you today?

"Of course it's to reintegrate your uncle."

It was the usual.

Men are unwilling and unnecessary to reintegrate into society.

He's a vampire.

Besides, lately, because of my old age, I don't have much appetite, and my activity time isn't that long.

It's just - you can't believe it.

Well, a picture book and other characters suddenly got out and said, 'Hey, I'm in real life,' and it would be about innocent kids to believe it.

Uncle Inreal Vampire can't stop sighing whenever he thinks of that fact.

I just feel a little nostalgic knowing the times when outsiders once flourished.

"So by what means are you trying to get me out of the castle today?

"No, I'm not saying 'let's go outside' today"

"Well? So what do we do?

"It's entrepreneurship."


"We start doing business in this castle and we bring in our customers!

Today, apparently, I came here with a change ball.

Well, it's a brilliant compromise, accepting the other party's claim that they want to pull it off, while also passing their own claim that they want to reintegrate into society.

It's just...

"In the first place, your perception is that this castle was not 'mine' but 'of the country'? Will the state forgive you for starting a business on your own?

"That's not an important issue today."

"No... I think it's an important issue..."

"Today, for now, we just need to fumble dreams like 'It looks like we'll have fun if we do a store like this,' and the realistic thing is, we have a fumbling dream before we do it!


"If you start saying 'Let's start with something realistic' or something even though you don't want to do it, you'll definitely be unwilling!

It makes sense.

I mean, is it rational - it's emotional, is it?

It's certainly not something you can do, even if all of a sudden you're told to do something cumbersome.

"So today, let's be paranoid. Reality is fine! Poi, please!

"I don't care if they say so. I don't want to start doing business in the first place."

"What about a pet cafe or something?

"... a pet cafe?

"Yes! It's a restaurant with lots of animals rolling around!

"... are you okay, all right?"

"Well, it's like pets eat their customers' food, but it's a pet cafe, including that!

Is it true that food and drink is not the main thing?

It's a hard concept for men only - it must be because of old people.

"Uncle, you look like an animal lover, and what do you say?

"Right. Hopefully a hassle-free animal like them..."

"Those guys? Did you have a pet other than Won?

"... no"

It was inadvertent.

Girl in maid clothes - family member, tucked in a corner of the room.

Men know that the figure behind them is a bat, so they find it difficult to treat it as a 'person', but from the Virgin's point of view, the family is probably a 'person'.

Or - it's my grandson.

A male grandson, is treated as such.

When I publicly proclaimed that a 'pet', I felt like it was going to be a problem.

"... because I used to keep a lot of things"

"Heh! Did you! That's why you're used to taking care of me too!


"I knew it was for you, uncle! If you dress properly and get your hair done or something, your uncle himself is lovely! You'll have fans, I'm sure!


Fans will follow, that is.

Anyway - if you're a normal person, you're 'fascinated' just because a man stares at you.

It does not work for the Virgin because she is disabling magic from men.

I don't seem to be aware of myself, but I could say it was a rare talent - at least, in the past, the ability not to bowl in where men were normally out.

"Wearing a white shirt, strangling a black tie or something, Trey said, 'Welcome' with one hand"

"... there seems to be some paranoia going on."

"I think it's good!

The Virgin said with a rough nose.

The man smiled bitterly.

"But hey, Virgin, I'm not good with people in the first place and I'm drawn to them. I can't serve customers, and when I get older, it's too late to start something new."

"But you look great! Say 'Welcome'!


"In a lower voice!


"Whisper in your ear!

"Welcome, no..."

"I can't wait! I just want to take my voice home!

What kind of concept?

Men thought young kids were a little scared these days.

"... Anyway, you can't serve me. It's going to cause unwanted damage."

"Really... I had a feeling my family was going to cook, my uncle was going to serve customers, my wife was loved and I was going to have an ideal pet cafe..."

Men don't really know what makes a pet cafe...

I felt like the girl should do the customer service.

Or if the dragon itself cares about it, I can serve the customer, so I felt that would be fine.

Well, I'm not going to run a business.

"Hmm...... Uncle, don't you have a dream or something?

"Dream... dream ah... I feel like it used to be..."

You know, human domination.

You think you're going to be king of the world?

With those dreams, I feel there were times when I was vigorously active.

But I stopped being ridiculous along the way.

Overall, the dreams a man had had seemed uninterrupted after fulfilling his dreams.

I don't even want to do the dictatorship of mankind after I rule.

"... dreams are like leather bags filled with air. As I get older, I squeeze and end up with a flat hand size."

"I'm not sure what it is, but it sounds deep"

"Well, a palm-sized dream is a good thing too. I don't want to be past - I mean, I don't work anything."

Men laugh thinly.

I've thought about it a lot - vampires don't want to work after all.

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