Olivia Sparks

Chapter 208 - Soft and Delicate

Maxen scratched the skin above his eyebrows. His eyelid fanned as he blinked, making a mental note to keep Queen Isla's morning meetings with Olivia in moderation. 

Hearing his wife mimic his mother's expression didn't sit well with him. His thoughts were a mess over the endless possibilities of Queen Isla's mannerisms rubbing off on his darling wife. 

What if Olivia would pick up other habits from Queen Isla? Habits that he didn't like to be on the receiving end of? 

For example, how Queen Isla wouldn't budge until she got from Maxen what she wanted or her constant "reminders" of matters she already said for the hundredth time. What about the way she always had the last say in everything, including his choice of cologne?

Seeing King Alistair fawn and patronize the queen was nothing foreign in The Highlands, and Maxen knew in his heart how little power his father had over his mother. Growing up, he witnessed how the mighty king wagged his tail like a puppy craving for his mother's attention. In gist, the guy was whipped. 

He didn't want to end up like that—someone who's wrapped around his wife's finger. He still wanted to keep as much as an ounce of power he possessed all for himself.

Maxen shuddered in his spot as an image of him bending to Olivia's every whim flashed before his eyes. Shaking the image off, his cheeks wobbled and his shoulders rolled to relieve him from the tension of that afternoon's rollercoaster of events before facing his wife. 

Opening his eyes, it darted towards Lance Go who was slowly coming down from the shocking pain that paralyzed him in his seat. Maxen tutted, "Tsk. I bet your mama never spanked you. My mama did, and it made me tough."

"Just kill me, Maxen. You won't get anything from me."

"Oh trust me, we will. If not me, I bet Olivia has her ways."

"How could you do this to her? How could you show her this cruelty? Keep her away from this. She doesn't deserve it."

Maxen's jaws ticked. He rolled his tongue over his teeth as his eyes burned with a seething glare. He didn't like how Lance sounded like a knight in shining armor. "Well, if you didn't try to kidnap her, none of this would have happened."

"I don't intend to kidnap her. I was here to ask her if she wanted to come back with me."

"What made you think she would take the hand of a fugitive? Just because she gave you everything you asked of her before doesn't mean she would still accept you. She's smarter than you think she is or what she let you on." Maxen smirked at how Lance Go let out a heavy sigh full of regret.

Dipping his hand in his pocket, Maxen tipped his head to the side to meet Lance's eyes and thanked him, "I should thank you though. If you didn't break your engagement with her, I wouldn't have married an amazing girl."

Maxen pulled his hand and snapped his fingers upon remembering something. Calling forth a soldier, he uttered his command, "Make sure to quench his thirst before I get back. It'll be fun to see him pissing himself later." 

A corner of Maxen's lips tugged up, disdain painted his face as his eyes flitted to Lance Go. He didn't feel an ounce of pity towards the man whose face contorted in pain.

The soldier stood in attention. He sent a salute on Maxen's way as the latter walked out of the room to fetch his wife.

After what felt like an eternity of misery, Lance guessed it should be about ten minutes since Maxen left the room. The absence of a clock in the room made it hard for him to know what time it was. 

His toes scr.a.p.ed on the rubber mat and his fingers unceasingly tapped on the metal armrest. Even with the throbbing pain in his nether regions, what bothered him more was the crawling sensation he felt coursed along his limbs. He'd been in the same position for a long time and the longer he did, the more intensified the crawling prickles were.

Soon the door flung open, and Lance Go's breath hitched as his eyes landed on Olivia who strode in with her chin held high. Remorse gnawed his insides when his gaze met Olivia's and saw for himself how not a sliver of terror could be seen in her eyes.

Pulling out a chair for his wife like a true gentleman, Maxen gestured for Olivia to take a seat near the door, just in case things could get messy. 

To his surprise, Olivia clutched on his arm. His eyes darted on her fingers wrapped around his arm. It was soft and delicate, yet she held onto him as if her life depended on it. As if her life depended on him.

Three creases formed on his forehead as he spoke, "You can still back out if you want." His voice was gentle and reassuring as if coaxing a child.

"No, I'm ok. I just want to sit with you. What if he escapes? At least I'm beside you."

Maxen pursed his lips into a thin line. His eyes narrowed into a slit. He saw the gleam of mischief flash in Olivia's eyes, and he wouldn't be fooled by her honeyed words. He rolled his tongue over his teeth. He almost fell for her charms yet again. But since his wife was acting too cute beyond words, he let it slide. Holding out his arms, he uttered, "As you wish."

Olivia hooked her hand on Maxen's forearm, and the husband and wife strode to where Maxen sat earlier. He held the backrest of the chair for Olivia to sit on, but to his surprise, Olivia dragged him, and pushed him down to sit on it instead.

"Wha-what?" Maxen's mouth hung open, and no words came out of his mouth when Olivia's smile reached her eyes like a naughty little girl who had a long wish list for Santa as she sat on his l.a.p.

Coiling her arms on Maxen, Olivia nuzzled her head on his c.h.e.s.t. "Nothing's better and safer than to be in my husband's arms," she uttered.

A smug smile slowly tugged the corners of Maxen's lips. His c.h.e.s.t expanded with pride when Lance Go fought against his restraints. 

"He's frightening me, Max," Olivia shivered, burying her head deeper in his c.h.e.s.t.

Eh? Maxen raised a single brow. What's scary about a man tied up in a chair and looking almost as good as dead? But feeling her light form huddled up against his, Maxen's possessive nature reigned, especially when Olivia inched her knees up, afraid that someone would dare touch her. 

His hand tightened its hold on Olivia. "It's okay, I'm here," he whispered in her ears, kissing her temple.

Peering up at him, Olivia pouted, her two index fingers touching together. She wondered if Maxen would grant her request.

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