Olivia Sparks

Chapter 270 - Every Island Counts

Nobody at the Lin table was smiling. Sure, most of them were clapping, yet their pursed lips told a thousand words than the heart-wrenching speech Henry Lin had given.

"What the heck," Eli uttered whilst clapping. He then half smiled and half winced when Auntie Martha stomped on his foot under the table.

Plastering a forced smile on her face, Auntie Martha turned her head to warn Eli. "Watch your mouth, Eli."

"Whaaat? I didn't know we have twins in the family. Mother, tonight's also your chance to reveal my hidden twin." Eli shrugged.

His comment earned a smile from Grandma and Auntie Martha. Across from them, Ava covered her lips with a napkin to hide the smile on her face.

Just as Henry was walking closer to their table, the Lin Family's attention turned to Alexa whose head was slightly bowed. 

"If you'll excuse me," Alexa uttered, her eyes were glassy as she asked for Grandma Lin's permission. 

She ejected from her seat and a tear escaped her eyes as she bolted towards the powder room.

As expected, Tristan stood from his seat and excused himself. He followed Alexa's trail, but paused along the way to congratulate his father-in-law.

Returning to their table, Henry Lin grunted when Auntie Martha rolled her eyes and let out a snort in derision to show her disgust towards Henry.

She just had to show it. It didn't matter if people would see her. It was a knee-jerk reaction on her part. 

She couldn't believe how low her brother would get just to put a good face on when everyone knew how rotten he was in the core.

C.o.c.king his head to the right, Henry Lin smirked at Auntie Martha. "What? That's what I've been telling everyone."

"Sure you do. Only someone as neurotic as you are can come up with such a distasteful story."

Shrugging his sister's derision, Henry Lin clinked his flute with Auntie Martha's and downed the bubbly liquid down his throat to celebrate his victory for the night.

Up on the stage, Fiona spoke and called upon King Alistair, Hope Foundation's president, to present that year's Hope Gala award. 

Claps died down as soon as King Alistair got up on the stage and exchanged pleasantries with Fiona who then passed the mic to the king.

"This year, out of the hundreds of charities working for the betterment of our country, one stood out, stealing not just my attention, but Queen Isla's heart. For decades, most of us focused on what's closer to home, and it was not a bad thing either.

"However, that microscopic vision hindered us from seeing the bigger picture, from seeing the outliers who needed our help too. Together with Queen Isla, we filtered all the groups who lent out a piece of them to those in need, and this particular organization tugged our heartstrings.

"Nisia is not just a country in the east. Nisia represents the hundreds of islands that made up the country as a whole. Nisia represents the people inhabiting each island and islets in our country's territory.

"From providing solar lights to mountainous regions to providing access to clean and sanitized water using a sustainable water system to our fellow countrymen, this group reminded us to adjust our focal point, and look not just around us, but to the parts where our eyes couldn't reach.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is with a humble heart, that I present this year's Hope Gala's awardee."

King Alistair stepped aside to give the hundred guests a full view of the backdrop which served as a canvass for a video. 

Notes from clanking bamboos and the melodies of Kulintang danced in the air as the tribal music softly played in the background whilst photos after photos which captured the beaming and blinding smiles of indigenous groups fluidly transitioned one after the other.

Near the end of the video, a little girl in ragged clothes hugging a brand new doll flashed her toothless smile. "Evwi aywand, counts!" she said.

The video soon faded out, and the logo of Go Share flashed on the screen. Below it was the organization's motto written in bold letters—Every Island Counts.

As the thunderous reception waned, Fiona's voice then echoed in the hall, calling upon the organization to come up to the stage to receive the coveted Hope Gala trophy. 

Receiving one wouldn't just give recognition to the award's recipient, but would, in the future, pull in more patrons which would help expand the organization's operations.

Walking up the stage, Inca Moqueda was all smiles, thanking everyone who congratulated her. She and King Alistair briefly exchanged pleasantries before the king gave the floor to Inca for her speech.

"Haaaaaaa," she let out a shaky breath. "This felt surreal… and heavy. Literally." She raised the trophy, and the rest broke out in a fit of laughter.

"First of all, I wanted to thank the big guy above for all the provisions he has granted us through our patrons and donors. To the team behind Go Share—the doctors, military, and private individuals—this recognition would still be a far-fetched dream if you didn't believe in our vision. 

"Inclusion. Inclusion was our driving force to reach out to tribes in the outlying islands of Nisia. Those tribes were the ones who we often forget because we don't see them and most of the time, they were the ones who get left behind.

"A thank you is not enough to express how grateful Go Share is for the honor of being recognized as Hope Gala's awardee. Thank you so much! And thank you to Go Share's founder, she's shy to join me but she's here. Ms. Olivia. Hiiii!"

Another round of applause reverberated in the hall, and Inca Moqueda paused to gather air, filling her lungs after speaking nonstop.

She wasn't expecting that Inca to mention her name when all she did was channel funds to the organization ever since its creation a month after her arrival in Nisia.

There was a reason why her name wasn't included in the organization's registration—Olivia didn't like getting merits for something that she felt was her obligation. That obligation was to give back to her community.

Olivia's heart rammed in her c.h.e.s.t when her eyes snapped towards the event coordinator who was walking closer to her seat.

"Ms. Lin, would you mind joining us for a photo?"

"Sure," Olivia responded, placing her flute on the table before standing.

On their way to the stage, the coordinator explained, "Sorry if you have to be displaced tonight, Ms. Olivia. I just checked our list, and found out your name wasn't included because we named the seats 'Go Share' at the main table. Actually, one seat is for you and one seat is for Ms. Inca."

"I see. For a second I was worried I was gate-crashing tonight," Olivia cracked up a joke with a straight face. 

Looking to her side, she saw the lady tensed up, and she knew she had to make adjustments with her joke delivery next time. 

"I was joking," she added on, planting her palm at the coordinator's back to reassure the latter. 

Queen Isla welcomed Olivia with a wingspan, stealing her daughter-in-law from the prying hands of her son.

One look at Maxen and Queen Isla knew her son would pounce on his wife. How could she not imagine that when Maxen looked like an eager puppy, wagging its tail as it waited for its owner by the door?

As soon as the flashing lights of the camera ended, the group made their way back to their seats with Inca Moqueda walking ahead of the group, followed by Olivia who was walking in linked arms with Queen Isla.

Behind the ladies, Maxen and King Alistair trailed. And everytime Maxen tried to step closer to Olivia, Queen Isla would swat his hands off.

Ignoring the mocking sound that rumbled in King Alistair's c.h.e.s.t, Maxen tried one last time to reach out for Olivia's hand but Queen Isla halted in her tracks.

She pivoted on her heel and glared at her grown-up child. "Maxen," she trailed off. "Behaaaave."

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