Omni Genius

Chapter 1009: True gas


At least ten kilometers away from the valley where Qin Fang is located, a team is stationed here, and the lineup is extremely neat, and it looks quite strong.

In addition, the temporary construction of the fortifications seems to be simple, but the weapons and equipment deployed at each key position are strong, and it is feared that Qin Fang will not help but groan.

Inside a simple small bar inside the camp, a group of people sat there drinking, chatting.

"Dragon people are really not simple, even we have eaten so much loss..."

A white man with a rough appearance was drinking alcohol, and couldn't help but reach out and touch the bandage on his shoulder. There was obviously a red blood leaking out.

"Hey, I reminded you, it’s that you are too big... that person is really good, it should be a master of the rank of a soldier!"

The man who was sitting next to him, who was obviously Asian, said with a look of innocence, just looking at his expression, it seemed quite admirable.

"What's the use of the master! It's not in my head-down... No one has been able to live for three days, and now it is estimated that one life has gone to more than half..."

It’s just that when he said this, he immediately met another man who looked like an Asian. He was very disdainful, and seemed to be proud.

This person seems to be quite a bit like the indigenous people of Southeast Asia. At first glance, there is a clear distinction between the East Asian race and the East Asian race.

"Hey, this time I really have to pay for it... otherwise our team may have to be downsized!"

When I heard this Asian indigenous man, the white brawny seemed to be deeply convinced...

In their words, they mentioned the head down. Also mentioned the King of the Kings, it is obvious that this squad once had a hand with Tang City, and the reason why Tangcheng will be in the head down, it is obvious that this Asian indigenous man has to count...

"Hey, you know that the dragon people are far more powerful than you think. There are so many masters. Your head down is powerful. But it may not be unsolvable!"

When I heard this Asian indigenous man, the former Asian man was frowned and very dissatisfied.

Although he is not a mainland Chinese, he is also Chinese, and his ancestors are also from that magical country. Now he is so dissatisfied, he is naturally very uncomfortable.

"Oh... the head down technique is my family's high secret technique. Is it so easy to break?" It was only when he said this, he was immediately scorned by another man who looked like an Asian. Seemingly proud,


But he just said this sentence, his eyes suddenly sluggish, his body is also strangely stiff, and then he slammed down on the ground.

This camp is stationed in the mountains, except the trees are the rocks. This suddenly planted. Although he is not seriously injured, some pain is inevitable.


A few of the companions next to me were all dumbfounded by the reaction of this guy. I didn’t know what happened. It took a long while to react, and immediately shouted.


It seems to be in response to the screams of his companions. This Asian indigenous man immediately opened his mouth with a black blood spurt, and immediately printed a layer of black blood on the surrounding ground, which looked extraordinarily strange.

"Doctor, doctor..."

Such a scene became more and more strange, but it was seen in the same team. When something like this happened, several people immediately screamed and called the accompanying doctor in the camp.

"Don't look at it, he was cracked by the head-down technique, and he turned his head back..."

The other few people are very nervous and very worried. But the Asian man seems to have discovered something, and his heart is awkward.

"Looking back?"

Hearing his voice. The other few people are a little glimpse, obviously not very clear what is going on here...

The main reason is that the head-down technique was originally a very strange witchcraft. Apart from this "deaf", other people don't understand what it is.

But many of their tasks were done with the help of a head down. They also take it for granted by default...

But today, this situation is really weird. It is also the first time that I know that the head down is not a panacea!

"The soldier king should have been saved..."

The Asian man has no nonsense. He just grew up in Southeast Asia and knows a little about the head down, but it is not particularly clear.

He had happened to see it once, so this "阮" appeared in this situation, and he immediately reacted.

Undoubtedly, the only possibility that can make a slap in the face is that the dynasty king who was in the head down was rescued... It seems that he also responded to the sentence he had said before!

"What about him?"

After knowing some of these key points, several talents were somewhat unwilling to ask. In the end, it is a companion of a small team. Although the relationship between people in the mercenary group is far less than that in the army, there will still be some friendships, otherwise it is difficult to have a very good cooperation...

"Can't die... If you are lucky, you will turn directly into a white idiot. If you are lucky, you will vomit blood. At most, the brain is a little damaged!"

This person is just saying something about it. This time is not particularly certain, but it has only given a rather vague answer.


Qin Fang naturally did not know the movements that came out there. He is now focusing on the Tang City to guide the gas, helping Tangcheng to begin to condense the infuriating spirit.

A large number of concise heaven and earth auras in Jinlongyu rushed into the body of Tangcheng, destroying everything related to the head-down technique, and also supporting the body of Tangcheng.

I saw that the meridians in the body of Tangcheng seemed to be the smoldering tires. All of them suddenly bulged, and the body surface formed a weak edema, which looked extraordinarily strange.

If you master the master of internal strength beforehand, you can run your mind at this time, slowly pushing the aura of heaven and earth in the meridians, which helps the body absorb and transform itself... and become your own thing. Used.

But Tangcheng’s strength has reached the level of 5, but there is no cultivation in it. It’s like an ordinary person suddenly has a deep hou...

This kind of situation is not like that in the martial arts novels, you can jump to the top master at once, and you are invincible...

On the contrary, when this happens, it is mostly a result...

Look at the bulging meridians of Tangcheng now can be foreseen.

So this time you need someone to help him guide these heaven and earth aura...

Although the aura of these heavens and earth is huge, but in fact it is almost at the end, it is almost impossible for Tangcheng to have it. The purpose of its existence is to leave a little bit of infuriating seeds for Tangcheng!

This infuriating seed is rooted in the body of Tangcheng, and then slowly sprouts, blooms, and results... This grows up to truly belong to Tangcheng’s own instinct.

Only this kind of instinct that is completely his own is the infuriating gas that can remain in the body... The so-called chanting of the 醍醐 醍醐 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实 其实

If it can be successful, then the ancestors of the martial arts family can pass on their decades of deep hou skills to future generations when their temperament is near, and they will be able to continue to do so. The continuation of the guaranteed family...

In fact, countless martial arts families have gradually disappeared into the long river of history. Not only has martial arts not been able to continue, but even the inheritance of even bloodlines has been cut off!

This way of using elixir is actually a very similar way to 醍醐 醍醐.

It’s just that the master’s own instinct is in line with oneself. If it is given to other people, it is easy to cause serious rejection... which leads to the failure of the empowerment. Not only does the topper suffer from serious loss, but the person who accepts the empowerment is also not careful. I lost my life.

It is as if everyone has the same five elements in the body. The infuriating has such restrictions. The closer the five lines are, the higher the success rate, but it is still limited.

The advantage of elixir is that there is no reason for this rejection. Naturally, without the limitations of this five elements, naturally there will not be such a big rejection...

Although the failure rate is still very high, but Qin Fang has been on the side of the way to guide the infuriating, but will have a relatively high success rate.

I saw that Qin Fang’s hands were like electricity. The silver needles in his hands kept rising and falling, and they were constantly **** in the body of Tangcheng...


I saw a pinhole in the eye, and a faint gas needle punctured out. The invisible instinct was as real as it was, and it looked extraordinarily amazing.

This superb medicine Jinlongyu is really overbearing. Even if it is leaked out, it can still form a gas needle. If Qinfang is wary beforehand, I am afraid that it will suffer.

The silver needles of Qin Fang are just ordinary custom silver needles. They are not specially made, but they encounter such a hegemonic aura of heaven and earth. Even though there is the true gas blessing of Qin Fang itself, it is still to be thrown away every few stitches. Needle-passed silver needle, replace it with a new needle and continue to shoot...

This seemingly light movement, in fact, consumption is also great, look at the Qin Fang that almost completely sweated clothes will know.

"Infuriating seeds..."

Fortunately, Qin Fang is not completely useless. When I finally feel the existence of nothing, Qin Fang’s face finally shows a little smile...

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