Omni Genius

Chapter 1020: It’s too easy to be thundered!

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The contradiction between the two brothers and sisters has intensified to such an extent that even the Qin side feels quite squeaky, but it is not a matter of self, and he naturally hangs high.


With the command of Yan Youlin, his men were also very neatly putting down the guns in their hands, but everyone still maintained considerable vigilance, and intentionally or unintentionally, they would still be protected by their protection. .

Looking at the posture, it seems that as long as there is a little bit of motivation in the beauty side, these people will immediately use their own body to block in front of Yan Youlin, and at the same time launch the most fierce attack on the beautiful women and others.

These people are all private soldiers who have a forest. They are also close-knit and loyal. There is only one person who is loyal, that is, the wretched man who seems to be inconspicuous in the eyes has a forest.

For the command of Yan Youlin, these guards are unconditionally obeying...

In addition to Bian Youlin, even the emperor of the northern part of Anlang, Qi Wenzhong...the father of Yan Youlin, is not qualified to order them to do things.

Since the establishment of these private soldiers, they have been brainwashed, and they will only be loyal to one individual, and others will not be able to command.

In fact, in such a region where warlords are separatist, this kind of thing is very common. Almost every warlord who holds the force has such a guard team.

Usually, this team is mainly to protect their own safety, but once they are in an extremely dangerous situation, this team will become a death squad, even if it is all consumed. It will also ensure that the warlords of the pawns are alive and escaping...

There are big teams in the big warlords, and small teams in the small warlords. Women like these warlords usually have their own team of guards...

The brothers and sisters in front of the eyes are the daughters of the great warlord, Wen Wenzhong, who each have their own guards...

The squad in front of the team belongs to the forest, as for the beauty of the ......... It is unfortunate that it has been killed by the dragon’s horrible bombing of more than 90%, leaving only the last two Now!

If it is in peacetime. If the beautiful woman is not afraid of her own brother, the two sides are even a frontal conflict, and no one is weaker than anyone else.

However, I did not expect that her task was not completed this time. Instead, she almost lost her life there... Although her luck was good, she was lucky enough to return a life, but her guards were left. The last two people.

In the face of a team of more than 20 people owned by Yan Youlin, the face of the beautiful woman has become gloomy... The relationship between the two brothers and sisters is very bad. Although it is not as direct as a gun, some things will definitely happen.

such as……

Grab her hand!

"Oh... this is the secret weapon of the devil's hand?"

Sure enough, Yan Youlin was not the kind of person who really took care of his sister. After a simple fake, his eyes immediately focused on the silver-black box that Qin Fang was holding in his arms.

The air raid that was not long ago, although it was not directly attacking Anlang’s city or military base, the noise was very big.

Yan Wenzhong was able to control the northern part of Anlang. The news is naturally very incomprehensible. As soon as I saw the fire of the sky, and the bomber that came and went like a wind, he already knew what had happened.

In the face of such a terrible attack, even the devil's hand mercenary group can't stand it, I am afraid that it has been wiped out by the whole army...

In this action, Yan Wenzhong made a big price, and even deliberately revealed a great secret to the devil's hand, in exchange for the cooperation between the two sides.

But actually, from the beginning. Yan Wenzhong did not expect this task to be successful!

If it succeeds, it will naturally be a joy. He can get a huge achievement that is unimaginable... But if it fails, it will lose a lot of money and an important news.

Before the plan started more than three days ago, the initial plan was actually very smooth, and the task could be completed almost once... Unfortunately, the first action failed because of the accident.

And from the first failure. Yan Wenzhong has not expected the mission to succeed, although he knows that the devil's hand holds a secret weapon.

To this end, he also specially sent his daughter to see the secret weapon of the devil's hand.

I just didn't expect the opportunity of the Dragon Kingdom to be dispatched at this time, and did not wait for the devil's manual use of their secret weapon, and immediately annihilated the hand of the devil.

The mission failed. Yan Wenzhong is also very helpless, but fortunately he did not have much hope.

As for his most beloved daughter...

He just felt very sorry!

Don't count on the family of An Lang who cares. That is definitely a very ridiculous thing.

An Lang’s men, especially those who are more powerful and powerful, are almost all wives and wives, and there are more natural women. Yan Wenzhong is no exception.

To die a daughter, there is no loss for Yan Wenzhong. He still has several daughters.

Of course, if a woman can do things for him and do big things, he is naturally very happy and will be more pampered...

For example, the two fronts... Yan Youlin and Yan Yingxiu are two of his many women.

Perhaps because of this, the relationship between the brothers and sisters is also very uncomfortable.

The devil's hand has a secret weapon. It is not only known to Yan Wenzhong, but Ying Yingxiu is a participant. It is natural to know clearly.

Although Yan Youlin did not participate in it, he also heard the news.

Therefore, when the dragon country's warplanes destroyed the camp of the devil's hand, when Yan Wenzhong was about to mobilize the people to come over and investigate the situation, Yan Youlin took the initiative to ask for it.

Perhaps he had wanted to look for something of value from the ruins from the beginning... such as the secret weapon of the devil's hand.

However, they have not yet arrived at the scene of the explosion, and they happened to meet a group of people who were lucky enough to come out. It happened to see the box that Qin Fang held in his hand.

As long as it is not the kind of straw that is contained in the head, you know that the things in this box are not simple...

After all, his sister couldn't easily escape. Other things didn't come with it. Instead, he brought such a big box. Obviously, this box is not simple.

When I heard that there was a forest, the face of the beautiful woman suddenly changed, and the more I worried about it. The more it happened, the more she came out of her life, and she could almost say that she was dead for a lifetime.

But now, I can take it back when I see it. I was suddenly robbed by the way. How can I accept it?

"My good sister... You see such a big box, there are not a few people on your side, and they are already very tired. Or I am asking someone to help you move!"

There is a pretty smile on the face of Lin, and it seems that it is very harmonious with the beauty of the woman.

It is said that it is a discussion, in fact, there is no difference with Ming grab.

The two guards around the beggars have changed their faces and are trying to smash the guns with each other, but they are...


Some people are faster than they are, and they are a lot faster. They are just two shots. The bomb hit the eyebrows of these two unlucky children. The two were directly killed by a shot and died instantly!

"Sorry, the gun is gone..."

The gunshots fell, and there was a faint smoke that was blown out of the barrel while blowing the forest. The tone was very flat, as if it was just an accident.

The person who just fired is naturally him...

I dare to compete with the descendants of the beautiful women like this. If there is no point in the forest, I am afraid that I will be killed.

At this point, Qin Fang is very clear to see as an outsider. Although there is a forest, although the person grows more sullen, the voice is also a mother who makes the goose bumps, but the strength is extremely weak.

Not only was his shooting method very powerful, he was almost comparable to the sharpshooter in the army. He also practiced Muay Thai himself and reached the level of 4, which is much stronger than his sister Yan Yingxiu.

Other than that. This person is also a very powerful soldier, almost all kinds of special forces skills, he is very proficient...

Although this small size has not yet reached the level of the military king of Tangcheng, it is only slightly inferior, and this person's difficult to deal with can be imagined.

Plus. The small face of the thick Qin Fang can not help but swear, the degree of difficulty is even more soaring several levels.


I saw that the only two guards I had had were killed by Lin. The face of the beautiful woman is also extremely ugly, and the beautiful face is completely entangled, and the anger in the eyes seems to be ejected.

The problem is that now that the enemy is strong and weak, she has no way at all. She can only eat this loss in front of her eyes...

"Good sister, don't be angry! After I have to go back, I will give you a few more choices..."

The face of Yan Youlin is really not thick, killing the beautiful woman, but also laughing and choking to re-select the guards...

If you don’t say this thing, you won’t accept it. It’s the guy’s thoughts about the beauty, and he knows that he will never have any kindness.

Let him choose the guards for the beautiful women, it is better to put the beauty directly into the beautiful woman, it is more suitable...

However, this is nothing but a nonsense that has nothing to do with him. Even he himself does not really care.

He is just stimulating his sister.

Speaking, Yan Youlin directly staggered the steps, dressed in the past from the beautiful woman, and walked toward the Qin Fang who moved the box.

The beautiful woman is his sister. Although the contradictions are as big as the two, there is no problem in killing each other's hands, but it is impossible to kill each other.

Once the incident was discovered by their old man, Yu Wenzhong, no matter who is capable, there is only one dead road...

Killing a sister is not enough, so this box is something that he really cares about.

As long as you grab this box, it is one thing to attack your sister. You can also go to the father Qi Wenzhong to invite meritorious deeds. He will not let go of it!

"Small, put the box down... I can spare you not to die!"

Straight to the front of the Qin side, Yan Youlin dedicated to staring at this very tight box, said to Qin Fang very arrogant.

Perhaps in his opinion, just the action of killing two people has been very powerful. The seemingly stupid guy in front of him is just a normal follow-up of his sister, and he does not have any threat at all.

In particular, Qin Fang’s seemingly sluggish expressions and eyes seem to have been shocked by him. Naturally, speaking at this time is also very rude.


Yan Youlin may have never thought of it. Qin Fang is not his sister, Ying Yingxiu, or even an Anlang person. He will not be jealous of him at all, nor will he be jealous of his old Wenzhong.

and so……

It is doomed that he is going to be tragedy!

Qin Fang has long seen this forest has a bad mood, but now he is playing a dumb, this is not easy to say when it comes to the mouth, simply take the shot directly.

At this time, Yan Youlin relied on the front of Qin Fang. He was looking at the box in the hands of Qin Fang, but he did not expect Qin Fang to suddenly shoot.

The big hand that looked very thick, attacked with lightning speed, and when there was no time to react to it, he directly buckled on the neck of Yan Youlin.


Wu Youlin did not think that this bitter child who was neglected by him from the beginning was the most fierce existence.

When he found out that something was wrong, he had no chance to escape. Qin Fang directly buckled his neck, and with a little effort, he directly lifted his entire person.

The strength of Yan Youlin is also good, but it is not a level with Qin Fang. In addition, the height of the Anlang people is a little lower, and the Qin side is tall, so gently, the forest is equal to being Hanging in the air, the legs are weak and kicking, but it has no effect at all...

In this way, Yan Youlin was held by Qin Fang with one hand, and Qin Fang’s other hand still grasped the extremely heavy box.

This kind of great strength almost makes the beautiful woman dumbfounded.

Or, she herself was blinded by such sudden changes...

"Let the young master down!"

"Get down the young master..."


It’s just that someone’s reaction is faster than her. There are the guards who have Lin’s guards. They didn’t even think that things would be like this.

Their main lord, Lin, is a very powerful master. He has always been the only one who bullies people. No one dares to treat him.

Especially now, they almost occupy an absolute advantage, so they don't have too much defense. When the Qin side will have a handful of forests, they are completely dumbfounded... The guns are rushing to aim at Qin Fang. I want to use this to coerce the Qin party.

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