Omni Genius

Chapter 1048: Eyes!

The funeral was held in a public cemetery in Luocheng. As the ruler of Luocheng, Yan Wenzhong naturally had the greatest authority.

Therefore, the cemetery of the family is also the highest grade, the best position, and the most favorable treatment.

It’s a cemetery, but it’s like a small villa. I don’t know how to make such a thing. What is the meaning of a bird...

However, since Zhai Wenzhong has arranged this way, no one else dares to have any objections.

At this moment, Zhai Wenzhong had a boundless anger in his heart. Who would dare to go to the spot and estimate that he would blow himself up directly.

Yan Youlin was the only bone blood of his family, but he suddenly fell into accident. This made many people stunned, especially those friends who were playing the **** with Yan Lin on the same day. They were completely dumbfounded.

At that time, there was a good forest, and even when it was very normal, there was no abnormality at all. How could it suddenly die?

Perhaps the only thing that feels something wrong is the younger brother who was smashed at the door of the bathroom. He seems to feel vaguely what happened in the bathroom.

It’s just that he went in but didn’t find any anomalies, but the change of Lin’s forest was just that time...

But these things, even if he knows and dare not say it.

If you let Yan Wenzhong know that they are a few big men, do not go to play with women, but ran to play the shemale. Definitely will smash the slogan.

If you don't do well, you will push the death of Yan Youlin to the heads of several of them. Then, with a big hand, tens of thousands of troops swept the family behind them...

With the pain of Yu Wenzhong’s now bereavement, it is impossible to completely annihilate several of their families. It’s impossible for them to copy their doors. For their own life, and for the family behind them, they don’t know what to pretend. . I dare not mention the original thing.

Of course, even if it is proposed, it is useless. Apart from causing trouble to themselves, there is no influence on the Qin side.

He changed his face at the time, or even Lian Yingying did not know what Qin Fang looked like. Who can know who he is?

If this is not the case, Yan Wenzhong did not find the martial law of the whole city and the door-to-door investigation.

Made a decision. Qin Fang will naturally not be abandoned halfway.

With the Yingying show, Qin was able to rush to the place where the funeral was held. Basically, the local family with a face and face in Luocheng sent people over.

Yan Wenzhong's heart xiong is not very spacious. If he wants to pursue it, if he is not good, he will cause trouble to his family, so no one can dare to be a little bit scornful.

Because the people who came to the funeral were very, the Qin side lurked in the crowd. It is not so conspicuous. Naturally no one will notice his existence.

I don't know if Zhai Wenzhong was really deliberately arranged. The funeral was carried out in the same way as the Western style. It was also held under the lunar days.

Everyone gathered in front of the cemetery and looked at the casket that had been put on hold. Who would have thought that he would kill someone who was very arrogant and wanted to kill not long ago?

However, how to arrogate before use is useless, and ultimately it is impossible to escape.

Even with such a large, so luxurious cemetery, there is no point, at most, it is more comfortable on the surface.

But these decorative things are no different from those of paper money, paper people, and paper horses. Can you really use it when you burn it?

The Qin party is mixed in the crowd, and it is also similar. No one thinks that he has any unusual places, and no one is strange because he looks strange.

However, as the largest city in the north of Anlang, Luocheng has many people, some of which are larger. Naturally more familiar, but some families are much smaller, and being forgotten is not an accident.

Mixed in such a crowd, Qin Fang wants to violent lu is not so easy.

Qin Fang stood side by side in the crowd and quietly waited for the appearance of the target person. Fortunately, Qi Wenzhong did not let him wait for a long time, and he arrived at the funeral scene under the protection of a group of soldiers with live ammunition.

“Thank you for coming to the funeral of children today...”

As the host of this funeral today. Yan Wenzhong was almost read by the old tears.

What is specifically said, Qin Fang is the brake filter, he is more concerned about Yan Wenzhong himself.


"Sure enough, calculate..."

Looking at the Wen Wenzhong not far away, Qin Fang’s face showed some sorrowful gods.

"I actually want this method to trick me out..."

Because this Wen Wenzhong is not a singer, but a substitute, looks like a singer, and it is almost like a twin brother.

However, Qin Fang knows that although Wen Wenzhong also has brothers, he is not a twin, and no brother looks like him.

But this substitute is not ordinary, almost looks like a mold carved out, it is almost difficult to find the difference.

After the unification of the northern part of Anlang, Yan Wenzhong gradually became a deeper and simpler. He was usually in the house of the family, and was guarded by heavy soldiers.

The number of people appearing in front of the crowd is also getting less and less. Many of the people attending the funeral at the scene have not been so impressed with Yan Wenzhong, and they can't see the flaws.

However, such an arrangement is absolutely impeccable to others, or to most people on the scene.

But for Qin Fang, he only needs a simple investigative skill, and he directly puts the kid's foundation in a clean, and finds that he is a fake, knock-off goods...

Yan Wenzhong is going to use this funeral, and he wants to kill the people who have the forest, and of course the people who want to take his life.

Just now Qin Fang roughly glanced at it, and Yan Wenzhong’s row was still very full, and the snipers were all in place. And all are the only excellent sniper.

Once Qin Fang’s murderer Lu, I believe that at least five sniper rifles will aim at his position... With the power of sniper rifles, Qin Fang may not be able to dodge even if he uses the monks. After all, these five The positions are almost all around.

The monks can block the enemy in one direction for the Qin side, but the other three directions are not so good...

It is very common to use the avatar, especially if the knife is tiǎn blood or the enemy of the whole world, it is necessary to prepare a substitute.

As a substitute. This is not a film, and although it is not very outrageous, it requires a certain foundation...

For example, Yan Wenzhong's substitute is almost completely impeccable in appearance. Even the tone of speech, although slightly sturdy, can hardly be heard.

Qin Fang is here to kill Yu Wenzhong. This substitute is exactly the same as Yan Wenzhong. But in fact, it is not Qi Wenzhong himself. Qin Fang is naturally unwilling to work **** such a knock-off goods. It is too wasteful...

"With his personality, you should lurk in a corner where you can see it now..."

Judging that this Wen Zhongzhong was a fake, Qin was able to immediately ponder it and began to look for it.

Yan Wenzhong came here to avenge Yan Youlin and used himself as your bait. It’s just that he has some problems with your bait. Let him stay out of it.

Just killing the enemy, revenge and hate... This is naturally done by hand, or witnessed by the eyes, no one wants to be so refreshing, but can only use the computer screen to complete.

Therefore, Qin feels that Yan Wenzhong has definitely arrived, but he is more cautious and must be hiding in a more remote position.

This is also a very reasonable thing, Yan Wenzhong certainly does not want to die so inexplicably, then use this substitute to do it. That is also a very good idea.

In fact, this is not his original creation. Many wealthy, powerful and powerful people like to do such things...

Mainly still in the security considerations...

Qin Fang immediately opened the small map and carefully screened it up. Within a range of 50 meters, this is a very large area.

But whether Yan Wenzhong is within 50 meters, this is also difficult to guarantee. It may be that the Qin side will distinguish all of them but have nothing to gain. It is also possible that Qin Fang will find the hidden value of the honor value at a glance.

The Qin Fang quickly filtered one after another, and these people also changed from the previous red sè mark to the "harmless" green sè mark.

This green sè mainly indicates that these people have become "friendly", and there is no hostility to the Qin side, which naturally makes the Qin side a lot easier.

in fact. This is also easier to understand.

These people are not familiar with Qinfang, and they have not even touched the connection. Naturally, it is natural to talk about things like hatred, and it is normal to change from red to green.


However, with the elimination of one goal, Qin Fang really found something, and immediately noticed a little bit of abnormality in the corner.

This is a big red sè mark. For the Qin side, it means that this person has extremely serious hostility towards the Qin side...

"I used to hide here..."

Undoubtedly, there are only a handful of people who can hate the Qin party so much. It is nothing more than just a few people.

Li Yaonan... This is already dead, can be ignored!

You have a forest... This is already dead, and you can ignore it...

Then the rest seems to be a coconut oil, that is, the ruler of Luocheng, Wen Wenzhong, and the Wen Wenzhong who is currently hosting the funeral is a fake, then this is hiding in the corner is the real Yiwenzhong.

"Since it is here, don't expect to go..."

Confirmed the whereabouts of Yan Wenzhong, Qin is convenient to rethink how to act.

Basically, the commanding heights around the cemetery have been occupied by the people of Qi Wenzhong, and this area is completely covered by fire.

Once Qin Fang’s face, the person of Yan Wenzhong must have been directly involved in the first time, and will definitely not be a bit polite to Qin.

As for the accidental injury to others, Yan Wenzhong does not care at all.

However, Yan Wenzhong thought that this would make Qin Fang dare not do anything, then he was really too wrong.

Careful attention to the location of several sniper points, while the body is also offset a bit, Qin is convenient to do it immediately.

I didn't see how his hand moved. Suddenly I saw a black shadow flying from his hand, which was extraordinarily awkward.

"There is a bomb..."

Almost at the same time, a sharp voice immediately screamed, and the dark thing flew past the cemetery of Lin Youlin.

When such a scene came out, even if Wen Wenzhong had already done enough preparations, the crowd that suddenly became extremely confused immediately moved.

"There are bombs, running fast..."

Some of the courage is relatively small, and it is directly looking at the outside and rushing away, for fear that he will run to the last one to be bombed.

When the crowd is in chaos, there is no way to maintain the formation. It is like a piece of sand. It is really a headache that people can’t help but watch.

With the sāo movement of the crowd, the Qin side mixed in the crowd is also going away with the rapid flow of people to the periphery...

The funeral of Yan Youlin should have been a very serious matter, but compared with his own life, this is not so important.

This is also more elaborate with the flow of bo, the number of people who come to the funeral is at least two or three hundred, the size is quite large.

When the crowd is so chaotic, the crowd is divided into piles of gatherings, each fleeing in the same direction.

Such a small team is quite a lot. There are dozens and twenty people in the big ones, only two or three people in the small ones, and even only one person. Qin Fang is now in a small team of about seven or eight people, and quickly goes to the cemetery. Going out of the wild...

But if you pay close attention to the direction of this group of people, you can very clearly find that they are in the direction of Yu Wenzhong.

Even when the Qin Fang was running in the crowd, it was very clear that the face was wrinkled into a bitter melon-like 阮文忠... Apparently he did not expect such a thing to happen!

Just now he also asked about the snipers. Although they saw someone throwing the so-called "bomb", but several people said that they did not see which one is, even some people directly said where to throw I don’t know if I go out...

When Qi Wenzhong had a headache, Qin Fang seemed to be quite relaxed. His eyes were very unscrupulous, swearing at Wen Wenzhong, and then his arm trembled slightly. His hand immediately had a very small palm. Almost without hesitation, I aimed at the singer who was screaming at the anger, and gently pulled the trigger...! .

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