Omni Genius

Chapter 1059: The hidden secret of the slate!

"Don't say it, the auction started..."

Just when Qin Fang and Tang Feifei whispered, the auction of this ancient slate relief began directly.

"The starting price is one million, and the price increase must not be less than 100,000...

Boom! ! ”

With the hammer of the auctioneer knocking down, the auction of this slate relief began immediately.

"One hundred and one hundred thousand!"

Almost the effort of the front and the back, someone immediately called the price, although it only added 100,000 Hong Kong dollars to the starting price.

But this person is asking for a price, and Qin’s face is slightly changed.

Nothing else, just for this price, the person of the Yamamoto group who had been confused with him before.

"How could he look at this?"

Qin Fang did not rush to bid, but was thinking about why Yamamoto was suddenly interested in this slate.

“Does he also see the real secret of this slate?”

Qin Fang’s heart could not help but come up with such an idea, and he also bowed his head to Yamamoto’s side and noticed that he was at the price of a 50-year-old man next to him. Talking.

Before the Qin side, he did not notice how anyone was taken by Yamamoto. It seems that this old man should be Yamamoto to be the appraiser.

“Is this what the appraisers saw?”

Confirmed this point, the Qin dynasty's heart is still not completely relieved, have to think about all kinds of possibilities "Qin Fang, do you want to? Do you want me to help?"

Seeing that Qin Fang was frowning and hesitating, Kong Er was a little bit unable to sit still. Qin Fang had already said in advance that he had to take a hand, but now he paused. It seems that even the attention is not very concentrated. The second is also a little worried to ask.

For Kong 2 who just just bought a string of sea blue hearts to send people, the district is really not worth the money.

"I definitely want something, don't worry!"

However, the Qin side seems to be very calm, and there is no anxious shot, but it is quietly waiting to see the other bulls of the latter.

"1.2 million!"

Sure enough, almost when the Qin party said this, someone immediately asked for the price.

"1.3 million..."

It’s not just that one person’s asking price is very fast and a third person has joined. The price increase is not very large, but the three people seem to be very deadlocked, so it’s hard to say the final auction price.


This saw someone arguing with himself. Yamamoto’s face suddenly changed. He looked at the rich man who was raised by these two people. His impression was not very deep. It seems that there is not much in Hong Kong Island to understand the status.

"One hundred and six hundred thousand..."

The price of Yamamoto does not seem to scare people immediately. Some people follow it and raise the price. There are not many more, just like 100,000 more than Yamamoto.

"Gossip... a bunch of bastards!"

When I saw that I was bidding, there was competition. The original cultivation was good, and Yamamoto immediately snarled and snarled. It was a bit arrogant and arbitrary.

"One hundred and eighty thousand..."

Depressed to be depressed, reprimanded and reprimanded, but the auction should continue, he immediately increased the price.

"1.9 million!"

"Two hundred!"

Just to make Yamamoto even more depressed is that it seems that he is so arrogant as he just said, and sometimes some people are not happy to look at Yamamoto's eyes are not right.

The two buyers who had previously bids immediately bid for the price of the auction, staring at Yamamoto, that is, not giving him the chance to succeed, but also let him pay a little price for the words just now!

Yamamoto is not a general depression. Although he is not too concerned about this money, he has already been a big man for a while. If he is pushed up by the price, he will probably do another big job, then he The nickname "two hundred and five" is only for the sake of this life.

The richest people are sitting there watching the show, but no one wants to join in, and the two rich businessmen who are opposed to Qin are the local rich people on Hong Kong Island.

This is no wonder.

These small rich people are limited in their own worth. They usually ask for a thousand and eight million. Although they are not hurtful, they are also very painful.

Therefore, they do not have to participate in those very expensive auctions, because they know that they will not fight those big rich, naturally they are too lazy to be sent to the cannon fodder.

The expensive lot can't be moved, can't grab it, but it doesn't mean that this kind of small thing can't be photographed. For example, this slate embossed, although the starting price is not low, reaching one million Hong Kong dollars, but the demand is very few, the final auction is expected. The price is also in the three or four million.

Such a price, they can still get rid of their teeth, so they decided to participate in the competition.

They didn’t think that Yamamoto would suddenly jump out and compete with them. It’s too embarrassing for Yamamoto’s mouth. He almost sinned when he opened his mouth, and the two richest people provoked their anger. The joint attack of these two...

Of course, the rich and wealthy people will not care about such a small thing. Kong Er is going to give Tang Feifei a face-to-face ceremony and directly throw hundreds of millions, not to mention the richest people who are at the top ten of his class. It is.

These people are particularly calm and calm, and they are not proud of their high-hanging posture. Although they are proud of themselves, they can also reflect the great prestige of the ten giants of Hong Kong Island from another angle.

The auction is still going on. Yamamoto and the two rich people are entangled. It seems that no one wants to let anyone, and this face suddenly becomes tense.

"three million!"

At this time, Qin Fang, who had been waiting for a while and did not take the shot, finally shot and immediately hit a high price. It seems that the intention of sweeping the opponent has been greatly increased, directly adding one million directly on the original basis.



The price of three million is not much, but not too much, but the deterrence is quite amazing. The main reason for this is that Qin Fang is still the first price increase, and he has to let some people look at it.

The identity of Kong Er, the guests who were basically present did not know, and even Kong II took out such a large sum of money to buy this blue heart to Tang Feifei, and Tang Feifei was the female companion of Qin Fang. The relationship between the two people is very close, so the identity of the Qin side will be quite interesting.

However, no one doubts whether Qin Fang can afford this price, but there is a hole.

Qu Yuancheng is on the side of his body, but can there be something that Qin Fang can't afford?

It’s one thing to be able to afford it. Some people just don’t want to be acquainted with the position of Qin Fang. They don’t want to be enemies with them. So the two rich people who had been in front of Yamamoto’s tit-for-tat were almost the same time, and they all expressed their views.

"Forget it, I will give up..."

"I also give up..."

In this way, the competition of the original three people, because the Qin party's participation has become a four-person competition, but now it has become a competition for two people.

That is Qin Fang and Yamamoto...

This is almost equivalent to the previous version of the kiln wash.

It’s just that from the mountain to the Qin party, it has become a mess for the Qin party. At least in the view of Yamamoto, the Qin side is absolutely deliberate!

Therefore, the hatred of the Qin side in this heart has deepened again a lot. Looking at the eyes of Qin Fang is also a raging fire, and I can't wait to eat the Qin Fang to hate it.

Qin Fang was very humble, and immediately hugged the two to hold a fist, to show thank you, the two rich are also responded with a polite atmosphere.

At least this round, Qin Fang seems to let other people recognize some, Yamamoto is going to be too much, who in front of this kid is a "I am the best in the world" spirit?

Of course, for Yamamoto's reaction, Qin Fang is too lazy to take care of it. His real attention is placed on the slate relief.

Although this slate has nothing to do with the aerial huā garden of Babylon, there is indeed a certain relationship with the ancient Babylon.

It’s just that this relationship is very concealed and hidden very deeply. Almost no one can crack the secret...

Because this slab embossed is not so much a relief, it is better to say that it is a "martial cheats."

Of course, this slate is derived from the two river basins in the Middle East. Although it is not inherited from Babylon, it has a certain relationship with it, because this embossed contains a big secret.

To be exact, the embossed pattern on the slab embossed is a pattern, but rather a piece of text...

This kind of text has almost completely disappeared, and no one knows it at all, even those international language masters find it useless.

The reason why Qin Fang understands that he only writes and speaks is still the role played by his master-level investigation skills.

That is to rely on this skill, Qin Fang really understands that this slate embossed lock represents the meaning, especially the content recorded above, which makes Qin Fang almost surprised.


This is what really surprised and interested Qin.

The content recorded on this slab embossed is a mysterious alchemy.

In the ancient history of mankind, alchemy has always existed, whether it is the Dragon Kingdom, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and other places exist, and many of them have been studied and studied by famous people and great men.

It is only called alchemy in foreign countries. In the dragon country, this is mainly the alchemy of Taoist ......

Tune the bell to get mercury, reconcile Nedan, etc., all in order to prolong life, even for the longevity!

The ancient emperors wanted to be able to live forever, and to be in the world, so the Taoist priests of these alchemy were especially favored.

Although the expectation of alchemy's longevity has long been proved to be very unscientific, it is not completely useless. It can be said that the development of human chemistry history, that is, alchemy has played a great role in promoting this. (To be continued.!

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