Omni Genius

Chapter 1070: Exploded a good thing!

It is not that Miyamoto is very fragile, and can't afford the Qin side's blow. The ability of the ninja body trained by his metamorphosis is absolutely strong.

Although I dare not say that it can be compared with those of the muscle-type champions in Europe and America, it may not be much worse. After all, some of the contents of these ninja training programs are that Qin Fang feels that there is a cold on the back. That is absolutely unusual and inhuman...

The ninja trained in this way is not a simple master, it is absolutely metamorphosis...

This is also why Nikko's ninja is far less skilled in the cultivation of the inner world than the dragon country's military, but the strength is not too bad.

With the flexible, metamorphic ninjutsu, it is very difficult to exist!

This is why many masters prefer to deal with the seemingly fierce European and American boxing champions, and are not willing to deal with the Japanese ninja.

Flexible, resistant, different, smashing...

This is a very important feature of the Ninja Ninja.

As a leader in the middle of tolerance, Miyamoto is infinitely close to the master of the endurance. The strength is absolutely quite powerful. Unfortunately, he has encountered the Qin side, and eventually he has not been able to fight with a little bit of water. His employer, Yamamoto, went to see the king of the king.

After successfully killing Yamamoto and Miyamoto, Qin Fang did not continue to stay here, picking up the things that Miyamoto exploded, and then rushed out quickly.

Using the monitoring function of the small map, Qin Fang easily evaded the younger brothers of Yamamoto and then directly crossed the wall of the villa. Quickly disappeared into the night.

When these younger brothers rushed to the room, they found two bodies that had completely disappeared. As for the murderer... there is no trace to follow.

The only thing they can do is to bring up the surveillance video and find the appearance of the murderer... Unfortunately, it is fake!

To be exact, Qin Fang not only did not deliberately avoid the camera, but even revealed his face very naturally...

There are not many deliberate ingredients. It is too fake, it is the best of nature, and it is hard to find that it is another purpose for him to do so.

It’s just that the Qin side is not particularly concerned. Even if someone suspects it is useless, he will not be able to find the head of Qin Fang... Most of them can be found that Qin Fang and Yamamoto have a festival. (

But the character of Yamamoto, and more people who have had a holiday with him, can not be suspected by every enemy... So Qin quickly put this thing behind, and did not go again. Think more.

People are already dead. Then Yamamoto's backhands will not play, and naturally will not go to find him Qinfang's troubles, he can be temporarily liberated.

Qin Fang came out from the villa, and went a long way. This changed a pair and changed a face, and then slowly returned to the Qu family.

The road was naturally very calm and returned to my room. Qin is convenient to take a shower. I washed away some of the suffocating suffocation, washed away the faint **** smell, and the whole person was refreshed. I couldn’t see that he killed two people not long ago.

When he calmed down, he thought of the items that Miyamoto had popped up before he left.

Basically, every master who has reached this level of strength, after being killed by Qin Fang, will explode some items more or less. So far, only Tang Nan is an exception.

Why did Tang Nan not have a hair, Qin Fang estimated that his luck happened to be very bad. Either there is nothing too valuable in him. The only thing that has value is the torrential pear flower, but it still falls in the hands of Qin Fang. It is not much different from the direct explosion...

Except for Tang Nan, basically everyone else has exploded, even though only Shangguan Tianling was alone... Now I have added a palace.

As for the poor Yamamoto, it directly belongs to the goods that do not flow. Even if there is nothing valuable in the explosion, it is not as good as the Qin dynasty to kill the Darren priest. At least from the hand of Darren, Qin also got a best ring... Thousands of treasures Ring.

Of course, Qin Fang still snatched the box from Yamamoto.

However, this box was targeted by Qin Fang earlier, if it was not for Yamamoto to compete. Qin Fang is also planning to spend huge sums of money directly.

It’s just that Yamamoto has to insert a tank, so the Qin side will simply do it. I robbed the box of the organ and said that by the way, the enemy who was not dead will be solved.

The extra things, with the death of Yamamoto, have become less important. Qin Fang took out all the items that Miyamoto broke out from the props box.

There are not many things, only two.

"The Tolerance Token..." - The first piece is a token. Seeing the "中" character above, Qin Fang’s face is also showing some helplessness. This thing he once blasted once, this It is already the second time.

That was the first time Qin Fang had killed Ninja Ninja, and the unlucky child was also a bear, but his strength was worse than that of Miyamoto. It was not at all a level.

The kid has just entered the forbearance at most, and Miyamoto is about to step into it.

The original token, Qin Fang handed over to his little daughter, slavery Songdao Cai Caizi, which is now Qin Zi, let her successfully enter the level of Zhong Ren... It is also a small master.

"In the tolerate tokens, special props, the use of sub-tokens can directly enhance the strength to the level of tolerance ..."

The content of this introduction seems to be almost the same as the previous one.

"Oh... no, it doesn't seem to be the same!"

However, Qin Fang’s careful observation shows that this token seems to be somewhat different from the previous one. To be exact, there is a small commentary behind this sentence.

"Remarks: In order to reach the level of tolerance, you can enhance a certain strength, and the highest can reach the peak of Zhongren..."

"Hey ~ ~ actually can be superimposed!"

Seeing this article, Qin Fang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This one seems to be somewhat similar to the concept of Qin’s skill book. If he gets the skill book already owned by the body, then after learning, it will only increase the skill proficiency, and will not add a new skill, or can not be used. ......

This is also the case with the tolerant token. If there is no strength, it can be promoted to the middle and endurance.

"Yes, it's a good thing!"

Seeing this article, Qin Fang’s face also showed a smile.

This thing does not know whether it was specially arranged because of the ultimate task of Qin Fang. Qin Zi’s strength is much stronger than that of her once, but she wants to break through the encirclement and win the final victory. Obviously it is still far away. not enough.

But if there is such a thing to help, Qin’s success rate in accomplishing this task is much higher...

Seeing this token, Qin Fang seems to have seen a shortcut to quickly improve Qin Zi's strength, that is, mad brush token...

Since Zhong Ren can burst out the token of tolerance, then it is reasonable to bear the token of forbearance. This kind of tolerance token can only be used to reach the peak of the endurance, but if it is used If you have a card, you can directly endure it for a long time... It is equal to creating a master master from the air.

And the ninja profession, the strength and threat of forbearance is much stronger than the tolerance...

Do not look at Miyamoto does not seem to force, it is because he has not advanced, but once he is advanced, Qin Fang wants to kill him is not so easy.

Of course, he doesn't have much chance to attack the Qin side. After all, the small map of Qin Fang can violently reveal any enemy trying to approach him...

"This thing is still left, wait and see..."

Determining that this token is a good thing, Qin Fang is naturally very happy, but how to use this thing, he has no need for good intentions for the time being.

For Qin Zi to use, this is naturally a way to improve her strength, but if Qin Fang brushed out the token, then this token is used in white, and it is impossible to come back. That's a bit wasteful...

Instead of wasting this, it is better to give this token to his own woman, such as Tang Feifei, to enhance her strength, so that it can also have the power of self-protection.

Qin is not a god, he is just an ordinary person, so he also has weaknesses...

And his biggest weakness is his relatives... his mother Qin Qing, and the women around him.

As the Qin side continues to go out, the number of enemies is increasing, the world of contact is becoming more and more complex, and his weaknesses are constantly being amplified.

In this way, the self-protection ability of these women is a very important reserve force for the Qin side. He does not expect these women to fight against the enemy, but at least they can protect themselves, and will not become a drag on the Qin side. It is also possible to let go of the hands and feet and do a lot of work for the heads...

Qin Zi’s mission is time-limited, so Qin Fang will not be too anxious for the time being. Her strength will not improve. For the time being, it means little meaning. Therefore, Qin Fang pondered it and felt that she would not use it for the time being. It is.

Now that I know that killing these ninjas, I can brush out such tokens. Although Qin is not sure whether every ninja will explode, even if a few people burst into a place where the Qin party officially set foot on the sundial, it is estimated that The token is going to burst out of a lot...

There is no need to doubt this possibility. From the beginning of Qin’s acceptance of this ultimate mission, he has already predicted how dangerous and difficult it is.

In particular, the enemy he has to face is not just a person, nor a family, it is likely to be the entire Japanese scorpion... and the ninja seems to be a special product of Nippon Sakamoto!

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