Omni Genius

Chapter 1096: Murder in the sea!

Chapter 1096, killing the sea!

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"Yin brother... I... I..."

Zhou Fengliu has always been the first to look at Fan Xianma. He regards Fan Xian as his idol. He has always been very happy to be Fan Xian’s number one younger and beater.

But this time, he is really scared, or afraid of the kind that can't be done...

However, looking at Fan Xian’s anger, he is also more afraid and fearful. In the dilemma, he does not know how to choose.

Follow Fan Xianqian, then you must continue to provoke the Qin side. If the Qin side is cleaned up, then naturally they are all happy, and he himself has reported revenge.

But if you can't get the Qin side, then you will inevitably invite Qin to retaliate. The result must be very fierce. You can refer to their encounter last night...

It is even possible that the Qin party will be even more embarrassed when it starts... One of them is not good, their brother’s life is really finished!

After the incident yesterday, they also found someone to investigate the identity of Qin Fang. It is the cousin of Qu Yuancheng. It is a half-quart family, but it has a great background in the mainland.

They are mixed on Hong Kong Island. Although they don't know much about the mainland, they also know that there are many strong dragons who can't afford to be guilty...

Even if they have two huge family reliance behind them, they are just more money. Compared with those of the political giants, they are still somewhat weak...

"Hey, look at you like that..."

Seeing that Zhou Fengliu seems to be scared, Fan Xian’s face is also indefinite, but in the end it is just a roar.

The experience of last night, although he was more serious, but in terms of personal suffering, Zhou Fengliu is obviously worse than him.

A giant who has always been happy to play with women, suddenly seems to be turned into a chrysanthemum by a dozen men, this can not bear anyone who can't stand it...

"You can rest assured! When did your wise brother have done the kind of unreasonable things, I have already arranged this thing, you are waiting for the good news..."

If the coercion is not good, Fan Xian will adopt the Huairou policy. He intends to set this up first and pull Zhou Fengliu into the water. As for the future things, I will talk about it later.

"Yang Ge..."

Zhou Fengliu listened to Fan Xian’s words. There was still some concern in his heart. He wanted to say something when he opened his mouth. Unfortunately, Fan Xian did not give him this opportunity and immediately waved his hand.

"I have found someone to do this thing. It will definitely not involve the two of us... We are patients now, just need to lie here to raise a disease... As for what happened outside, have a bird relationship with us? ”

Fan Xian is a kid who is a bad boy, and a few words of ease, immediately dispelled some of Zhou Feng’s heart.

Just two people's body bones are still relatively empty, simply lying in the room to raise a disease, too lazy to go to the activities of the outsiders.


It was still calm outside, although the farce happened last night, but it was just a talk of money.

"Qin Fang, today we are going to go fishing in the sea. What activities do you have?"

The weather was beautiful and the weather was quite good. In the early morning, Kong Er ran over to find the Qin side. He and Qu Yuancheng led the women to go fishing in the sea. It is said that they planned to catch a shark back.

"You play with you, we go out to sea ourselves..."

Qin Fang and Tang Feifei planned it last night. They also planned to go fishing in the sea or go swimming again, but they did not intend to join them with Kong Er.

Although many people are more lively, it is only occasionally inconvenient, especially if this young couple occasionally has a little intimacy, it is inconvenient.

What's more, Tang Feifei specially prepared a very **** swimsuit, which was specially worn for the Qin side. The other things in the Qin side can be generous. This is very small, so...the two of them intend to go out to the sea alone.

Anyway, there are small speedboats available at the resort. They can go out to sea even if they don't take the luxury yacht in Kongji.

"That's fine, we won't bother you in the world of the two guys..."

Kong 2, they are all coming over, naturally understand the truth, no one intends to be the light bulb, and there is a Qin Fang, there is absolutely no problem with safety, they do not need to care, they are very cool. .

Qin Fang and Tang Feifei did not stop at the resort. Except for Kong Er and others, they were not familiar with other people. Naturally, there was no intersection. It didn’t make much sense to stay here, so they both drove the resort. The speedboat headed for the depths of the ocean.

Qin Fang and they did not go in a direction with Kong Er. Kong 2 they said that they were going to hang the sharks. Qin Fang was not taken seriously. They just talked about it. It is not necessarily the one.

"Qin Fang, I heard that there are sharks in the direction, don't we go?"

It was only Tang Feifei who took a map of the sea taken from the resort and wondered about it.

Judging from the introduction on this map, if Qin Fang is going in this direction, if it is too deep, it is possible to encounter sharks.

At least from some records, the sea area has been sharks...

"Fifi, nothing... I don't want to say that there is almost no shark in such a near sea! Even if there is a shark, there is me, I am sure to catch it for you to eat shark fin..."

Qin Fang said that he did not care at all.

Although Nanshan Island is in a relatively remote sea area, Hong Kong Island was originally very close to the mainland. Even if the sea area continues to go deeper, it is still in the offshore area.

As far as the fishing of the dragon country fishermen is concerned, the fish in the offshore area is not a lot. The sharks in the sea are naturally unwilling to get close to it, and they are caught by people accidentally...

It is precisely because of this consideration that Qin Fang is not particularly concerned.

Of course, even if it really touched the shark, Qin Fang is still not afraid, because the shark is simply running to death...

"Well, I will listen to you!"

Tang Feifei thought about it and felt that it was very reasonable. She would not say anything more. She is now a small master. Although it is not water-based, it is basically no problem in self-protection on board.


It’s just that Qin’s speedboats are close to the deep sea. On the sea a few kilometers away from them, there is also a ship that is going back in their direction.

“The goal is off the offshore area...”

A burly, slightly sloppy man stood on the side of the ship, holding a military telescope in his hand and squatting far into the sea, then said to another man next to him.

"This kid is really worrying about us. I am taking the initiative to run to the dead... It seems that our single business is the easiest and easiest to take!"

The man next to him wiped the dagger on his hand, and a little smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The tone was indifferent, as if they had not yet shot, they were doomed to their victory.

"Don't be too proud of it. This kid is not easy. It is a very powerful master... It is easy to lead us to failure!"

It’s just that the man with the telescope seems to have some disagreement. Immediately, the key reminder is that at least the information they have received on their hands shows that the target they are dealing with this time is very tricky!

"Isn't it going to be a bit of work? I don't believe he can hide the bullets?"

The man who wiped the dagger in his hand was still dismissive. It seems that the martial arts master is still a scum in his eyes.

"Moreover, here is at sea, as long as they get rid of their boat, basically they have not been saved... oh, unfortunately the beautiful woman, young people will accompany this kid to bury their belly!"

However, seeing the man with the telescope flashed a trace of color, his expression could not help but converge, and the tone was one turn, and immediately expressed some sigh.

"Du Ping, there will be so much nonsense in the future, Lao Tzu will abolish you first... save your kid to defeat the enemy and lead our team to fail!"

The man has become very aggressive in tone, and seems to have a lot of signs to worry about.

"Yes, yes, yes! Xiongge, you are the boss, I listen to you..."

The man named Du Ping immediately rushed to laugh and said, he couldn't help but lower his head when he spoke, but he still felt quite uncomfortable from the slightly flashing eyes.

"Hey, you kid..."

The male brother could only shake his head helplessly, and then directed the boat to quickly chase the past in the direction they intended.


Qin Fang and Tang Feifei naturally did not know that they had been targeted since they left Nanshan Island. They even listened to these people. It seems that they did not intend to let Qin Fang return to Nanshan Island alive.

It’s just that Qin Fang is immersed in the world of two people. The speedboat is still driving in the direction of the deep sea. Qin Fang does not seem to care about whether gasoline will be enough. Two people are kneeling on the blue sea to see the beauty of the sea and the sky. Feel the brackish sea breeze that is slightly sloppy, the feeling is really unspeakable romantic and cozy...

If they change their speedboat to the Titanic, it is estimated that Tang Feifei wants to take the Qin Fang to pose such a very classic movement...

This is so, Tang Feifei is also dependent on the Qin Fang’s arms, feeling this warmth, tenderness and coziness... This excellent environment, two people’s private world, young and inflamed men and women, naturally will have so A little impulsive.

A bad old hand is covered in the delicate place, the young men and women's lips are tightly glued together, and the body fluid in their mouths is forgotten.


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