Omni Genius

Chapter 1098: Counterattack!

Chapter 1098 Counterattack Kill!

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Everyone immediately looked for a bunker, and the guns on his hands were tightly held. Everyone’s eyes were patrolling around, waiting for the enemy that might appear...

Xiongge is their leader, their commander, and the most widely recognized experience among them. He said that Qin may not die, then he may not really die.

Not to mention that Du Ping was almost shot under the eyes of their eyes... In addition to their target Qin party, who else can there be?

It can't be the beautiful and beautiful girl Tang Feifei...

Although they have some doubts in the heart how Qin Fang has scrapped their ships, but the male brother spoke, their actions are not slowest...


The horror of silence!

At this moment, everything here was completely quiet, and there was no other noise except the slight floating waves.

The more it is, the more everyone on the boat is more nervous, the palm of the hand holding the gun is moist, but they dare not wipe it, because the enemy may appear at any time.

"It seems not so stupid..."

When I heard the roar of the hero on the boat, Qin Fang was slightly surprised. At the same time, I felt that this situation seemed a bit tricky...

However, he did not worry, the motor burned, the propeller was scrapped by him, and the ship could not go away. He had time to deal with these guys slowly.

Qin Fang's body fits on the edge of the bottom of the hull, which will not reveal his own line, but also ensure that he can breathe enough fresh air.

The most important thing is to ensure the safety of Tang Feifei. After all, staying in the sea for a long time, even if it enters the state of the turtle, it is still no good for the body.

As for killing people, revenge and hate this **** thing, or hand it over to a man to complete it, Qin Fang is going to be hands-on... He doesn’t want Tang Feifei to see such a **** scene, so she just took her away from the sea and let She is free to breathe fresh air, but it does not relieve her tortoise, still in a state of sleep.

"I really thought I couldn't handle it?"

The other party is obviously already guarded at all, and I don’t know if there is even a little noise on it.

Under normal circumstances, the motor of the speedboat burned down, and the entire ship was solitary on the surface of the sea. The ship's people should be very anxious, and it is sure to urge the repair of the motor and propeller.

But there is no such voice, then it is very capable of explaining the problem...

At this time, it is obviously not a good opportunity to take the initiative to rush. It is not to take revenge, but to send to death... This stupid Qin party is still not doing it.

Although Qin Fang can't take the initiative to attack, it does not mean that he can only continue to be forbearing and pretending to be dead. He has other ways to deal with the enemy's tactics.

Qin Fang settled Tang Feifei, let her head out of the water, the body is still not in the water, so that it will not be discovered by the enemy.

As for whether there will be some beast-type fish, such as the great white shark, Qin Fang is not worried about it for a while, he will always use the small map function to pay attention to the movement of Tang Feifei.

Once he finds any abnormalities, he would rather give up his revenge action and keep Tang Feifei infallible...

Settled in Tang Feifei, Qin is ready to start his actions.

The body is attached to the bottom of the ship, and the Qin side carefully moves, observing the contour of the entire ship, looking for a more favorable shot position.

He has a small map to help, even if he does not take the lead, he can clearly notice the distribution of the people on the ship, which means that the enemy's every move is in his grasp.

Wandering to the bow position, that is, at the bottom of the front deck area, Qin Fang’s face showed a little smile, and then he gave a chance. When the arm lifted slightly, he saw a huge figure suddenly from his body. The inside smashed out, and then quickly climbed up the hull at a very high speed, and ran straight up the deck of the ship.

Everyone on the ship seemed to be extremely nervous. As time went on, this feeling of tension not only did not fade, but became more and more intense. The unknown fear grew in their hearts.

If Du Ping was suddenly shot, they couldn’t believe that the opponent was still alive...


But at this time, suddenly there was a black shadow on the bottom of the boat, and the speed was quite fast, almost so fast that people didn't even have time to react.

"Open fire..."

The male brother is an experienced master, and he is much more sensitive than these younger brothers. He almost snarled at the first time.

The sound is very large, almost instantly awakening those who are surprised and somewhat sluggish.


As soon as I saw a black shadow coming up and heard the command of the male brother, the group immediately rushed to the side of the madness, as if the bullet did not cost money.


However, this bullet was madly dumped on the shadow of the shadow, but it was not the sound of the bullet into the flesh, but it seemed to be shot on what metal.

The sea breeze blew gently, and the smoke gradually dissipated, and it was clear what the shadow that suddenly came from the bottom of the sea was.

"this is……"

Everyone was stunned, all looking at the sudden and stunned look at the thing that suddenly came up from the bottom of the boat, but no one recognized what it was.

It is a human being, at least it seems that there is not much difference in appearance. It is just that the strange armor worn in the whole body seems to have come from ancient times. Even the bullets on it did not cause a little damage.

But if it is not a human being, then what is it like to behave freely? What is it?

The Qin side must still be alive. This is already known from Du Ping’s shooting. However, except for Qin Fang and Tang Feifei, there seems to be no third person on the ship.

The "monster" in front of this, who doesn't know what it is, is neither Qin Fang himself nor even glamorous Tang Feifei. So... Where did he come from?

Everyone’s mind has such a question, that is, Xiongge himself is a bit awkward. After mixing for so long, he is also very knowledgeable. He has fortunately seen some strange secrets. But for this kind of nothing to do... he was the first to see it.

"Is that kid a superman wearing underwear? Or Spider-Man, Altman... It looks like this monster looks like a terracotta warrior..."

Looking at the monster that suddenly rushed up from the sea, some people couldn't help but come up with such weird thoughts.

However, the only person who really knows what this is is the Qin side.

This big guy is naturally his slut.

The propeller, which has just broken the high-speed rotation, is now a solitary single-deck. Even if it faces more than a dozen guns and hundreds of bullets, it still laps in a circle but has no shit...

Even the bombs couldn't blow him, let alone the bullets in this area, and they could wipe out some traces. That would be a good luck. Most of them were bullets that were directly spread out.

When these people are wondering where the monk came from, the monk apparently would not stand there and do nothing, immediately acted and went straight to an enemy who was closest to him. The past.

The hard and uncomfortable arms were opened, and the long, sharp, sharp-edged nails were completely illuminated. When they were close, they crossed the man...

"Be careful……"

The male brother saw this scene and almost shouted subconsciously.

The enemy who relied on the deaf person was also scared by this monster, who was not a ghost or a ghost. When he saw it suddenly rushed toward himself, the gun in his hand was almost subconsciously shaken...


The bullet immediately poured out quickly and went straight to the close-knit monk. He even forgot to escape, and thought he was facing the same human being as himself.

A few shots in humans may still maintain a certain amount of combat power, but at such a close distance, injuries are inevitable, and even if they are hit by the vital parts such as the heart and the head, then the best masters will only have one dead end.

Unfortunately, he is not a human being, not even a flesh and blood, even a little pain, even the defense can not break.

Dangdang ~~

After several consecutive bursts of crisp sound, the bullets that hit the scorpion immediately bounced off quickly, and even one of them bounced back and rubbed the boy's arm and flew.


The kid was rubbed by the bullet and couldn’t help but pull it down, but it’s not so important, because the sharp claws of the monks have been swiftly swept over...


This person wants to avoid being too late at this moment. Don't look at the person's body is very hard, and the weight is not light, but the action is quite smart, even more flexible than the average person.

At this time, it was close at hand, and this person could not escape. He could only watch the sharp claws of the monks obliquely stroked down...

what! ! !

A scream of screaming came.

The kid was drawn by the sharp claws of the monk, and he was so miserable.

Screaming is inevitable. Anyone who has been scratched by such sharp claws is like a knife. The pain is absolutely hard to bear.


Immediately, his body was like a levee rushed by the flood. The red blood immediately spurted out from his body, and the body slipped from the shoulder to the ankle.


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