Omni Genius

Chapter 1102: Pick up a big killer!

Chapter 1102 is a big killer!

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"Don't worry, this is true!"

Seeing the appearance of Tang Feifei, Qin Fang couldn't help but pinch his nose, and then he said very helplessly, and at the same time, Tang Feifei was pulled down.


Tang Feifei has already passed away on her own. The real pain is very clear, but there is no change in everything around. It is not a dream at all.

After Qin Fang said this, she believed in herself. This is not a dream, but a real thing.

"Of course it is true! Xiaolong, come over and say hello... gentle!"

Qin Fang nodded and greeted Xiaolong on the other side. Of course, he would not forget to remind him not to be too "squeaky", otherwise it would really scare Tang Feifei.

Xiaolong got ordered, and immediately flattered his neck and leaned over to Tang Feifei. The **** mouth and the dragon's teeth were collected, and the faucet slowly came over and reached the front of Tang Feifei.

"Can I touch it?"

Xiaolong seems to be not so embarrassed this time, but when the huge faucet is coming over, Tang Feifei is still a little scared. At least Qin, who is holding her body, can clearly feel the tremor and trembling of Tang Feifei’s body. .

However, Tang Feifei still resisted the fear in his heart, and looked at Qin Fang very quietly.

"of course can!"

Qin Fang immediately patted her back and said, "Don't say it is a touch, you just have to ride on its head, no problem..."

When Xiaolong heard this sentence, his eyes were also a momentary glimpse. It seemed a little unpleasant.

"You are not allowed to have opinions!"

Feeling the little fluctuations of Xiaolong's emotions, Qin Fang immediately glanced at it and expressed his rudeness in his heart.


Xiaolong is extremely sad, and when he comes across such a master, it has no way. It can only express silent protests, but it has not completely rejected it.

Only Xiaolong did not resist, and Tang Feifei did not have the guts. He just twitched his hand and gently stroked the head that Xiaolong had extended.

" really a dragon scale! There are long dragons... these two are dragon horns?"

When the little hand touched the dragon's head, he stroked the smooth dragon scale, glaring at the long dragon's beard, looking at the two dragon horns on the top of the small faucet, and feeling the gentleness of the dragon. The fear in Tang Feifei’s heart quickly disappeared completely. The whole person seems to have become a very excited child. He is happily showing off his “record” to Qin Fang...

"Oh, I said, it is my pet, it is not malicious to you..."

Seeing the happy appearance of Tang Feifei, Qin Fang immediately said with a smile.

"Touch and touch, let Xiaolong show you the power of it... This ocean is its real home! Come, hug me, have to set off..."

Qin Fang held Tang Feifei tightly, and Tang Feifei also hugged Qin Fang. The two men stepped in a glimpse and easily jumped onto the dragon's faucet and stood between the two dragons.

"set off……"

When both of them stood firm, Qin Fang immediately ordered.


With the Qin Fang's order, Xiaolong immediately raised his neck and gave a shocking dragon. Then the huge body immediately jumped up and flew more than ten meters into the air. The whole body was completely separated. The sea, then quickly head down, rushing toward the vast ocean.


Such a scene, suddenly let Tang Feifei can not help but scream like this, as she felt when she was a roller coaster, and the eyes could not help but close.

The faucet is down, so that Qin Fang and Tang Feifei standing on the faucet will inevitably be hit by the sea. It is no wonder that Tang Feifei will have such a reaction.


When the faucet quickly penetrated into the water, Tang Feifei was surprised to find that... She and Qin Fang were not touched by the sea at all, nor were they affected by any sea water.

This feeling is very strange, Tang Feifei can not help but slightly open his eyes, it seems to see what is going on.

"This... what is going on?"

However, when he looked at it, he immediately discovered that she and Qin Fang were no longer on the sea, but entered the sea, and even sneaked into the depths.

But around their bodies...exactly around the body of the dragon, a balloon-like film is formed, completely covering them, not touching the sea, even the clothes don't need to be wet... ...

This layer of film covers 50 centimeters of the body surface of the dragon, and moves with the movement of the dragon's body...

There is enough air left in it, enough for Qin Fang and Tang Feifei to breathe for a long time...

"Dragon, itself is the **** of the water, this water control is just its natural instinct!"

The Qin side is quite natural. He has already seen it before, but he did not expect that Xiaolong’s ability was originally more powerful. He actually took them into the seabed and did not let them be affected by any little influence.

"This film is invisible. The seawater is isolated. You can reach out, but the seawater can't get in..." Xiaolong immediately sent some information, and Qin Fang's face showed some surprise. At the same time, it was also a brief introduction to Tang Feifei.


Tang Feifei’s glimpse is obviously unbelievable.

She thought it was like a balloon. Once this layer was worn, the balloon would naturally burst and could no longer be blocked by them.

"You will know if you try..."

This is the news from Xiaolong, which is naturally wrong, Qin Fang said with a smile.

At this time, a small octopus drifted from the side, and Qin Fang took it with him. The palm of his hand easily passed through the film, just grabbing the octopus.

Even the octopus was brought in, but the film did not change a little bit. With the recovery of Qin’s arm, it returned to its original state...

"Ah... it's amazing!"

Seeing such a scene, Tang Feifei immediately exclaimed that it was difficult to believe it at this time, and she also came to her own interest, "I will try it myself..."

It seems that in order to cooperate with Tang Feifei's actions, Xiaolong deliberately slowed down the speed of swimming, and actively approached some of the sea fish that were shocked by Longwei.

"Wow, I caught it, I really caught it..."

Tang Feifei saw a colorful, very beautiful fish, and immediately reached out and grabbed it, and easily caught the fish.

When I saw that I was successful, Tang Feifei called a happy, even uncontrollable initiative to take a look at Qin Fang’s face and sent a warm kiss.

"It seems that after picking up the girl, I can wait for it. Who can stop it..."

Feel the enthusiasm of the beauty, Qin Fang can not help but shake his head and fantasies, this move is simply invincible!

At this moment, Qin Fang is in the depths of the ocean. It feels like it is in the aquarium. The film is transparent tempered glass.

Everything around is so beautiful and beautiful, beautiful and dazzling, but also deeply felt the excitement and excitement.

However, the aquarium is an artificially created environment. Those glasses really prevent people from being flooded, and they also cut off the closeness of humans and those living in the sea...

The direct contact with the Qin side in front of them is simply weak.

If it is not going deeper into the deep sea, the lower the visibility and the darker the light, the Qin Fang they all want to go to the bottom of the sea.

Perhaps to see and see, deep in the sea, at the bottom of the ocean, is there really a crystal palace of the legendary Dragon King...

This is the case, and it is still very happy for both Qin Fang and Tang Feifei. The two people have seen a lot of strange fish in the ocean all the way. If these fish did not live in the sea for a long time, they all planned Directly grabbed it back...

"Right, those people?"

The two people were having fun on the bottom of the sea. Until Tang Feifei was tired, he relied on Qin Fang’s side and sat on the faucet to rest. Tang Feifei recalled the things before going to sleep. Can't help but ask.

Their ship was smashed by people, and those people obviously did not like the good, but the surrounding calm, but did not see any ships, Tang Feifei could not help but have this question.

"You ask it..."

Qin Fang thought about it and did not say that he had killed everyone, but pushed all the crimes to the completely innocent dragon.

Xiaolong's wisdom is not low. Although he can't talk, he can understand the meaning of the Qin dialect. In addition to using his incomparable eyes to look at his unscrupulous master, it is also a hundred words.


Tang Feifei gave a glimpse, but then she was relieved.

Xiaolong, a huge body that is more than ten meters long, can automatically operate in the sea, and can also control water. In the sea, it is absolutely super-dominant.

Not to mention a speedboat in the district, I am afraid that the general warship will suffer when it encounters it.

And Tang Feifei also found out that this little dragon is really amazing, and actually can clearly understand what they said...

Although I don’t know where Qin Fang got such a magical pet, but from the fact that he can personally experience all of this, Tang Feifei feels that this life is not alive...

"Qin Fang, can we still come back to the sea to play in the future?"

But at the same time, Tang Feifei also understands that Xiaolong is so magical that it can't appear in front of people at all, or it must be caught and sliced.


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