Omni Genius

Chapter 1140: Eliminate! Eliminate!

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Hejia Manor.

"What is the situation there?"

A white-haired old man sat quietly on an old-fashioned wicker chair and looked at the night sky outside the window, asking for a very calm tone.

This old age seems to be at least ** ten years old, the spirit is also a bit wilting, but the pair of slightly sullen eyes are from time to time to take off sharp light.

Although the old man is old, but the support is excellent, if you remove those old spots, I believe that it is definitely a handsome and handsome guy.

Of course, even if it is now so old, it still remains the same.

"Da Vinci and Lena have all been eliminated..."

Next to the one, the same old man stood side by side, replied very respectfully.

“Yes, how is the income?”

The old man seems to have guessed such a result long ago, and there is not much change in tone, and he simply asked.

"There are a total of 18.7 billion Hong Kong dollars bet on the periphery. Now because of the elimination of Da Vinci and Lena, we have already earned 3 billion. If we continue, even the worst result, we can earn more than 4 billion. ......"

The old man replied with respect and respect, and the tone was also very calm, as if the income was not four billion, but forty.


The old man did not react, just quietly looked at the starry sky outside the window, and made such a scorn in the breath.

This old man is naturally not someone else. It is a hero who is a hero in his life. He is the father of He Feifan. Now he has been coveted for a year and half a foot has entered the grave.

As for the old man around him, he is a brother who grew up almost together. It is also the person he trusts the most, even his trust is more than his ladies and children...

The old man has not been jealous of his life. From the age of ten, he is a buddy beside him, and decades of ups and downs, this kind of trust is inexplicable.

It is precisely because of this. Although the old man still has no children. He is also a buddy, but his status is quite high. Even the ladies who saw the gambling king saw him, and they were all polite and called Afu. As for the small characters of the gambling king, they are respectful and praised.

A name that sounds very cheesy, but this old man is not at all simple...


Looking at the gambling king whose body is getting worse, Fu Bo opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something.

"Afu, you have been with me for decades, what do you want to say, I understand in my heart..."

Just did not wait for Fu Bo to say it, why the gambling king swayed and interrupted, "extraordinary this child, smart is smart. Unfortunately, it is a little clever... a lot worse than his sister!"

"Now I have already walked into the grave with half a foot. The time in the world is also less and less every day... Once I suddenly let go, what will become what, you must be able to guess... so I am a day in the world. I want to maintain this family as much as possible..."

It may have been a long time since I lived. I have seen a lot of things very clearly. Don’t look at him. He doesn’t care much about things now, but his own children are doing something outside, and the gambling kings are watching. of.


Fu Bo thought thoughtfully, but it seemed to be somewhat confused.

"Some things are not as simple as they seem, and some people are the same..."

The gambling king just said such a sentence calmly, he continued to look at his window. There was a hint of deepness in the slightly sulky eyes.

It’s a pity that he really wants to understand the meaning of this gaze.


In the gambling hall.

The gambling has already begun. Someone has even been eliminated.

Of course, what is unexpected to everyone is. The first person who was eliminated first was not the unknown young man of Qin Fang. He was actually a master of two years of fame... Thai gambling king Da Vinci and Luzon gambling singer Lena!

This result has caused everyone to drop a large number of glasses.

Before the start of the gambling, no one expected that this would be the result. Even the odds of the two eliminated players are quite good. It is one of the most promising threats to Ichikawa Kawasaki.

It is because these two people are very strong, but the two people who were first eliminated...

The Thai gambling king Da Vinci was stared at by Ichiro Kawasaki, and it was an unexpected thing to clean him out with a lore.

Ichiro Kawasaki has the strongest strength, far more than Da Vinci, and Kawasaki Ichiro took the initiative to attack him. He did not feel any surprise.

However, Lena from Luzon was eliminated, so that everyone once again stunned, because it is not Kawasaki Ichiro who is knocking out him, nor is it a few other gambling masters, it is precisely the Qinfang who is least optimistic.

Lena was the master who was invited by Marko. This was also known to Qin before the gambling table. This guy has been confronted with the Qin side since he came up. It doesn’t matter whether Kawasaki Ichiro and others, it seems that he has to The first cleaning of the party cannot be done...

In the face of such opponents, other people are naturally very happy, whether it is other masters, or Kawasaki Ichiro himself, are very happy to see this result.

Unfortunately, they are all disappointed...

Qin Fang was all pressed by Lena, and there was almost no effort to fight back. However, Lena’s victory did not really come up yet. Qin’s counterattack began, and then... cleaned Lena out!

This result not only surprised the audience, but Marco was even more thunderous. He almost did not take the gun directly to kill Lena. Even Kawasaki Ichiro and others were very surprised.

Their accidents are not without reason. Qin Fang’s card can be said to have taken up the disadvantages, but the last one has turned the tide and defeated Lena in one fell swoop!

Qin Fang, they are playing Stud, the first few cards, Qin Fang's card is absolutely rotten to the extreme, but Lena's card is very good, so that the other few directly fold.

But Qin Fang is biting his teeth and studing at the last card. This is basically unsuccessful.

Lena did not hesitate any more, Stud’s battle, and finally Qin Fang turned the tide and cleaned Lena’s opponent who had been targeting him since the beginning...

Although the Qin side of this game won, it was beyond the expectations of everyone, but most people think that Qin is just a good luck.

However, his performance in this game was to make other opponents unable to bear the surprise. It was a great admiration for Qin’s precise judgment and it was also a deep taboo.

The Qin side seems to be quite natural, as if there is nothing like it...

The gambling continues.

This time, everyone was particularly nervous and no longer treated Qin as a rookie, but as a real opponent.

It’s just that Qin Fang, as always, has a bad card, either folds directly or simply folds with one game and then folds. In the end, it will never give anyone a chance to seize.

If the card is good, it is to follow the enemy and win the biggest victory with the least loss. Everything is developed as expected.

Thousands of skills, not everyone will!

These gambling kings do not mean that they will not, more or less will be some, but generally they will not be used at will. In such an occasion, once they find out, they will be sure, and this life is ruined. It is.

Even if it is defeated, it is because the top gambling king like Kawasaki Ichiro is present. Losing is not a shame, and at most it is just losing money.

The reason why gambling kings can become gambling kings is that gambling is naturally the most important, but psychological quality, competitive level, etc., are all very important factors in measuring a gambling master.

Especially in such an important gamble, the psychological quality is really very important, mainly in the face of the pressure and urgency of the top gambling king such as Kawasaki Ichiro, it is easy to cause the malfunction, especially in the situation of Kawasaki Ichiro. In case...

Ichiro Kawasaki is a sharp knife. It keeps killing one opponent after another. Basically everyone is deliberately avoiding him, even Qin is no exception.

He did not deliberately target Kawasaki Ichiro, and even relapsed again and again. Although his cards were obviously a little bigger than Kawasaki Ichiro, he gave up.

Ichiro Kawasaki is very cautious and careful. Even in the face of these opponents who are not as good as themselves, he is still so cautious...

Although he seems to be such a fierce attack and murderous, but the Qin side can be very clearly found, he is calm and careful under this fierce attack.

It is precisely because of this that he is not too anxious to shoot, but to expose some of his "disadvantages" little by little, all of which are small problems and small flaws.

Such a flaw has no effect in a short period of time, but if the real master grasps this and then slowly waits for the opportunity, it is likely to become a fatal flaw.

The gambling is still going on...

Kawasaki Ichiro quickly cleaned up one opponent after another, Qin Fang and others are constantly retreating, but still people have been eliminated.

Although Kawasaki Ichiro has eliminated one person after another, but He Feifan’s face is getting more and more ugly, because Qin’s chips have not been reduced, but more and more, almost the most chips except Ichiro Kawasaki. one of……

This is not a very difficult thing to understand. Qin Fang did not go to clean up Kawasaki Ichiro. Instead, he tried to beat the rest of the few players and beat the dog. It was not much less than Kawasaki Ichiro...

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